Arsenio's ESL Podcast

Arsenio's ESL Podcast: Presentation Skills - My Presentation at BIDC!

Arsenio Buck Season 4

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Here's a super special for all of you! Here's the presentation of me at BIDC! I finally extracted the audio from the video form and now you're able to hear me speak, critique it, and see what not only you've learned, but what you can apply to your presentations.  This is very unorthodox compared to other presentations you've heard before -- and that's because I'm unique. I don't believe in formal presentations here's mine with a little bit of funk!


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Speaker 1:

Um, but throughout this time I turned to personal development because personal development, it allowed me to start developing in specific areas, specific skill sets that would propel me forward and that I would become a valuable asset. Not just a teacher, but a trainer, a coach, a mentor, a speaker, and this is what's so fascinating because I had no idea I had a skillset in terms of speaking until I created a podcast. It's like you wonderful individuals who just received that, your awards, The v R now when you were 10 years old, mom, Mommy and daddy did not say you're going to be excellent in VR or anyone in the academic curriculum. Yeah, go for virtual reality. Augmented reality. No, whoa. There we go. Okay. A and so if it's, let's just say you,

Speaker 2:

hence the managers. I fell on six disconnected

Speaker 1:

and with this skillset and could breed you and amends meaning a great amount of opportunity. That's what happened to me. Yeah. In 2016 I started a personal development podcast because I wanted to learn more about myself, my subconscious mind, my conscious mind. How is everything being created, my environment, that habit of saving a leader, Shit, self-control, uh, I guess the art of failure, right? Initiative, um, that habit of doing more than what you are paying for. All of these things enabled me to get listeners, listeners do name. And I said, you know what? This is very interesting. I have no idea what a hot cast was. It was a gentleman who was of course, a colleague of mine who turned around one day and said, excuse me, our CTO. And I said, yes. He said, you are not utilizing all your skills, so what do you mean by that? He say, you have a voice. And I said, I do. I said, yes, I do have a voice. But he said, you need to make a podcast. So what is a podcast? He told me and I said, what am I going to speak about? He said, don't worry, you'll figure it out. And so I went home that I don't like, what am I supposed to talk about? What is my message to the world, right? Who do I want to influence and what type of impact do I want to have? So then I created a podcast and people started listening to me first in California, in Virginia. So the first five plays, I was like, oh my God, dude, listen to me. What's happening? I was excited because now my voice is being heard. After that, I started bringing people on from different sectors. It could be the gaming sectors, it could be a, let's say, sociologist, entrepreneurs from different walks of life startups. I started interviewing them on my podcast. They last year. I said, well, my youtube is very good. People are learning through my youth too. I said, maybe I should start an English language podcast. So I did. Ooh, just like that. Brazil, Taiwan, China, parts of Africa, South Homie, and he paid all of these countries I didn't even know existed. They started listening to me and I got even more excited. I said, maybe I've developed initial market and this, this market. I started learning more. Now, first and foremost, does anyone know who Gary B is? Gary B. Raise your hand, Gary. Meeting Gary B. No one. Oh my God. Okay. So whew. Now Gary thing, don't worry. Don't worry. It's okay guys. But Gary v I bought his book and his book taught me how to use hashtags. Okay, so hashtags on Instagram. So let's put it this way. I'm talking about uh, let's say pronunciation. I get 29 hashtags related to pronunciation in English learning. I put it on my post on Instagram and then I started attracting to me first a Japanese population. So people would message me from Gildo when, uh, you don't see mine, right? And I'm like, oh my God, this is exciting. And so I continue using hashtags, whether it was for coaching, whether it was for English, and everything began multiplying. I started building brand loyalty. So I started to create, let's just say different banners, different logos. I wanted to become the talk. I wanted to have that top podcast. After that, they take you Denny. And that a lot of people asked me to just, I don't know about my pronunciation. I want to speak better. I said, okay, I'm going to help you right now. And so I created a pronunciation course and I'm still creating courses on Udemy, ebooks, which is part of e-learning, Patrion all of these things which I'm going to get into today. I started to create because I developed a niche market. What's the niche market? Well, let's just say learning, not English, not learning just English, but learning about life through a language. And this is why people became very, very, uh, interested because they said, you're not an ordinary teacher. And I mean, what do you mean by that? He said, you're crazy. And I'm like, yeah, okay, I'm Puerto Rican, I'm American. Yeah, I'm a little crazy, but I love it because of passion comes out of me with what I do. So when it comes to the e learning, and when it comes to AI, these are specific areas that I'm going to talk about today. Okay? So when it comes down to first we need to understand the facts and the four phases that I will be speaking about today. A is going be

Speaker 3:

very good. As a matter of fact, I did Q and a last night with you app developers. One was the tennis coach, you've developed

Speaker 1:

nap and another one is a specific individual who wants to talk about time. Tie History in the app was very, very impressive also. So Q and A's are very, very good. Do not be shy about asking me specific questions. Okay? Cause we're going to Taco talk a lot about just about everything. All right? So we're going to talk about facts, ways, piggy learn, okay. And then we're going to talk about super days and

Speaker 3:

for this early night, this is going to be good for everyone. Whether you are a developer or whether you are someone who's[inaudible]. All right? Talk a little bit about this and planning and then we'll go from there. So first and foremost, we need to first talk about what is happening. You've heard probably, uh, eight hours ago by a hundred universities in America have closed down. The debt is actually really, really, people are understanding that

Speaker 1:

a bachelor's degree. What will that give me? What will a bachelor's degree get me now in America? Not much.

Speaker 3:

So now people need to get on there. So what will a math degree get you America after that? A doctorate degree. Well, we'll let dr degree if he in America,

Speaker 1:

a lawyer, the specific, the area specific, um, what is it majors that we need at the hospitals? Airline. I understand that, but it's also about acquiring specific skill sets. So if I go see university and I get a degree in business administration, okay, so what jobs, what job can I get with business administration? No, I'm going to be probably 100,000 US dollars in debt. And you know how long that's going to take me to pay off with my 20,000 US dollars up. What is it like a year salary? It's going to take too long. This is what the American, I wouldn't say American society, but society is built off in general. It's built off. Hey, let's try and get as many people and say, hey, don't worry. You can pay us back later. Interest gets wrapped up. You have no way of paying that, pay him back, and then the debt. You're going to have it for the rest of your life. Well, everyone understands what's happening now and with e-learning back in 2015$100 billion industry in one year, e-learning, what does that mean? Now for people who think literally, I'm going to help you, this doesn't mean, oh, that's a lot of money. No. What does it mean opportunity for everyone? If you're an app developer, what are some ways that you can begin to expand your niche? Expand your brand online with your learning platforms right now in 2019 it's probably at a$400 billion machine right now, so linkedin learning that came out. I'm going to show you a couple of other logos and whatnot, but the opportunity is vast right now for everyone. Now for some of you learners right now in university, this is the best time for you because this is the time where you're basically stepping into, let's just say the fourth, what is it that a massive digital revolution, right? Whereas we have the power as individuals to create our own company. So at first started with prince EA. If you guys don't know who Chris ea is, he's the guy that made the video. It went viral, right? What? Like 30 million views? 100 million, I don't know. But he talked about why is it that we went from Henry Ford? Okay, that first car that he made compared to a Lamborghini today, what's the difference? The Boeing seven 47 which has a very bad crash safety rating, whatever compared to the Airbus 83 80 what's the difference? Technology has changed. However, in the classroom, if you look at pictures of Harvard from 150 years ago to pictures, and I saw the column of today, it's the same. And what about the curriculum? The same English, the English possibly has changed a little bit, but it's still the same idea. And so we began questioning and I began questioning what is my purpose as a trainer, as a person of influence, as a person that wants to give as much as he possibly can to every one. So leave a lasting impact. It's to learn more because the more you learn, the more you earn. And a lot of people don't understand that a lot of employees, they are employees because that's all they know. They're told to wake up in the morning, but their shoes on. Go to a bar for eight hours, come home, go to sleep, repeat until the age of 60 65 70 Americans, sometimes 80 until you leave the body and domain and go onto the next, wherever there is that it should, I'm sorry. That's just not a way to live for me now, if that is what your purpose is, fine by all means, but all I'm asking you guys to do right now, both ladies and gentlemen, is to understand and to start asking questions about a lot of different things. I know the younger students, especially in my view, a lot of them are on there. Of course, their phones, their iPads, and the older generations, they're quick to say they're always on technology. Technology, so bad. And this, no, they're adapting to a rapidly changing world. This is not the 1980s anymore. I know you used to love and go out there running the dirt and playing the heart. But now, yeah,

Speaker 3:

and you do not have that eight[inaudible] university[inaudible] closing this. These are all why? Because they're not putting everything online. And when they come to the learning[inaudible] for me and a trainer or hoses, someone who that bottom line, I need to understand what the market is already paid on, what the market is. So what I find that you know, you hear about average, maybe a paper figure out that you're leading right now, right? If you say, okay, if I'm a teacher, if I'm an app developer happening right now, that game. Now let me give you an example.[inaudible][inaudible] what happened? Does anyone know a fortnight or not? Great. Yeah, I know I don't really? Yeah. Yeah. Fortnight. What happened? They took that old world, Huh? With 49 year old boy and[inaudible]. You know what? Mommy and daddy don't play video games. I'll be like,[inaudible],[inaudible], [inaudible][inaudible] what did that mean for your doing? How are you Betty did this and that. And you know what he did ended up being in the bull crap

Speaker 1:

that e-sports e learning is opportunity. And so now the older generations, they're getting even angrier cause they're like, well, we didn't play video games 30 years ago. What that was 30 years ago on, sorry, I'm 31 okay. It's the, it's the past and you have to be able to adapt. If you don't adapt, you're going to end up like blockbuster. Does anyone know blockbuster? Okay. What happened to blockbuster? Blockbuster. They were all about going to the video store to rent videos and gangs and buy popcorn and talk to Betty from down the street, Netflix, d. And then she went in there and gave a proposal to blockbuster and she said, hey, you know what man? I was thinking we could, you know, do some easy gays or do this online. And blockbuster just laughed. They said, get out. And now blockbuster is finished. Why they believe that that specific time when your time was going to last forever? Well, it's not a lot of teachers in America, they're in danger right now. Teachers here in Thailand, four teachers, does it matter? Teachers in general, if you do not have a specific skill set and you are not bettering yourself in that specific skillset, you can be at risk. If you're an employee and you drive trucks, autonomy is coming. AI will be here and pick it up. The trash for everyone will be able, the bank, the banking system, tellers, the teller jobs at about 15 years could be finished in some countries. Why? Hey, AI's here. If you're in a job that's at risk, you need to, hey, wake up right now and understand, well, what is it? What is my passion? What am I very good at? You're going to have to start trying new things to identify what you're very good at. So, oh, I got to talk how, okay, so again, me being a podcast yourself, there's anyone recognize these other little girls. Can you see it? Does anyone know these? Anyone from China? Taiwan in here? No. Okay. And I'm like, oh no, no one, no one, no, this one little bitch. My type people, you know, go edge. You know I do my, so let's get into this. So guys, 2013 five one talk emerged that ABC emerged. What are they our online learning platforms. What did China do? Well, the Chinese said, Hey, well they're repeat. There are 1.5 billion Chinese people in this country. But there aren't that many foreign teachers. There aren't going to be foreign teachers going to the outskirts and into villages to help some of these students who are trying to of course get better at language. Right? And so some entrepreneur said, hmm, you know what? I like this. How about we start a online teaching base? Yeah, let's hire all the American teachers and they can teach online from around the world who opportunity take. Now it's$1 billion industry just like that. Globish does anyone know the glove is, I like this story. I'm gonna tell you a story cause I love stories. Now there are language centers here in Thailand. Does anyone know? A, what's the name was the name of and UAA. Raise your hand. Okay, AUA. Uh, and the rest. Now these language centers are now at risk because globish said, hey, how about you can stay home, you can stay home. You go log on your computer at 8:00 PM. You don't have to sit in the traffic roping, right? You don't have to sit the traffic, the pollution, you don't have to buy the food. You don't have to travel, waste time, anything you have to learn at home. And so what happens, they are also hiring whatever teachers from around the world. And so now the language centers are like, Oh man, I don't know how much longer this could last because everyone's going to switch to online. So what is it that happens when a customer, customers, when you want to learn whatever specific again, skillset, you go into a place and you tell them, hey, I need to learn this. How can you help me? If all they do is provide a book, you're going to lose. There has to be much more than them. There has to be a specific something that will ignite that thing within the individual that wants to learn something outside the box. Like international schools, they don't have textbooks. Schools in Finland, notebooks, Singapore academically sound, they still have books. But again, crime rates in so many other things are down because now they're focusing on the court genius of the individual. I'm going to get into that shortly. And so with these emerging landscapes, you have to understand what is happening. So now let's look at, let's look at what kind of ways there are to learn through e-learning online. Okay? So you have number one learner centered content. The needs, the roles, the responsibilities, and Australia, they have trade schools, okay? And these specific trade schools teach us specific a skill, right? But the problem is when you want to go to dental school in America, they said, okay, you want to go to dental school, you have to learn music appreciation one oh one why do I need to learn about music for dentistry? And so people are now saying, you know what? This is a little bit weird. Maybe I don't have to do a bachelor's degree. Maybe there will be another formality that will come and knock out these bachelor degrees such as what Australia does. And Australia at the age of 18 students go right into the world of dentistry. So what would we need to understand is providing a specific skill set. So let me ask you, me being a coach, a trainer, someone comes to me, they say, hey our setting out, we have problems with, um, let's just say we have problems with email. And I said, okay, easy. 10 hours, that's all you need. So I get the group together, 10 hours of work, and then I provide an ecourse as a refreshment on a month to month basis over the course of three to six months, the success rate, 73% as opposed to another groom that I could possibly just, uh, let's just say I teach them what they don't really need to know. And it's too broad. It's not SPUs is not based on what they need. And guess what? The success rate is a whopping 37%. And so again, what we need to do with e-courses. Think about this. You're an app developer, whatever app you're trying to teach specific students, right? And needs to be centered around what they need. They don't, they understand. If you give them a lot of content that they don't need, they're going to be like, ah, you know what? I can't take action on any of this. So you would get some of the applications. Does anyone, does anyone learn through applications? Uh, language do, do what we do a lingo. Do a legal, a Japanese pod one oh one no English pop one on one. There's a lot of pots. One Pot one oh once. Okay. But the thing is, does it focus on what they need? Something that you can use immediately if you travel somewhere else? No. So this is how I identify opportunities because I say, you know what? My mom, she's Puerto Rican, born and raised in New York. She speaks Spanish. She does not or did not want to teach me Spanish. I said, mom, teach me Spanish. She said, go learn in school. They would show us a video called flats for 20 minutes in the afternoon after recess when we're tired. Did I learn any Spanish from that video? Absolutely not. So why am I telling you this is because if you think about different ways you have learned a language or if you have learned online, it's all about repetition. If you learned for one hour a week or if you, let's say you work on something for one hour a week over the course of 150 hours, I mean, what's the success rate? How do you think it's going to improve? It's all about repetition. And that comes back to habit. So the next one is engaging content. All right. I like this one now. When I first started my personal development podcast. Okay, was it engaging? No, not really. Why? Because there were plenty of them out there. However, with the English podcast, it was much different because I looked at the market and I asked myself, okay, who is that number one English a podcast or who has the number one English podcast out there in the world? And they said there weren't that many good ones. It was English one oh one. I said, wait better than this. I said, okay, what are they doing wrong and what can I do to basically double up on what they're doing? So I started teaching a variety of different things. Not only that, my intention with my English podcast was to rain every country in the world. One person on my podcast to speak about their country or to talk about things in their country into use their language. Because a lot of us, the miscommunication happens when we don't understand each other and when we don't want to seek to understand the other individual. So I brought on people from Guinea, from Egypt, Tanzania, uh, France, Bulgaria and so interesting because hearing their accents, not only that, but creating a world without borders. This is what my listeners love. So step number one, dated content. What do your, let's just say you need to be able to accept feedback. Some feedback can be constructed, some feedback you won't like, but it you actually toggle and make it better. It will probably engage even more people. But the problem is when blockbuster came in and they had the opportunity to expand with Netflix and they said no, it backfired. They lost everything. So when it comes to engaging content, social media is everything. Okay? So with me, you can find me everywhere with our Cineo buck. My first name, our city of is very unique. A right is a Spanish name. And if you Google Arsenio, you will see two people, me and the comedian I was named after. So that's how I built my brain. When I build my brand, I started to make engaging content with my English language podcast. When I had the idea to bring on 200 countries, the place continue to rise and to always leave people guessing and in suspense of what could be next. Right? So I don't know about you guys, but for my app developers, any app developers, any or raise your hand app application. Okay. So do you have an Instagram of Facebook, a Twitter, a website, a blog? Do you have any of those? Right? You need to be able to utilize all forms of social media, not just one platform. Some people, they romanticize about one platform when the other one, one is very big example, Facebook, Instagram ads, right? Or Instagram story ads. This is very, very engaging. However, the algorithms have changed. They have gone down and now it's very difficult to get. It's accommodating. I understand that, but you need to understand that engaging content is very critical. I'm going to get into the stats so we go all put this together for you too. So that to number two, number three, interactive scenario based. So interactive content, it can be a little snippets. Now, I don't know as an app developer, maybe you can create something as a let's say something and micro, a micro piece of content. Let's say you created a game and you said you know what, you're going to get level one for free, whatever game it may be, right? So they play in level one and then after that they could go into the premium side of it, right? And so again, the interactive side of it and of course scenario base that is was very, very engaging, which refers back to number two. Again, very important stuff. But then of course, number four, personalization, self pace, instructors, tutors, this is what's happening right now. AUA, okay, you education world and lane. Why instructor base? Some people need that who do not have disciplinary uh, skills. People who aren't discipline, they go learn as they go. That's what self paced courses are. So when you started learning and some of these students, VR, ar, all of these different things you had to learn possibly in university but it was outside university. What really counted, being able to be on your craft and continuously get better in this specific areas and find ways to basically to get your app and to make, cause I saw some of the VR up here and it was amazing. You didn't jump into some of this, you know, to all the content that you had here right off the bat. You had to get better. So you had to find a common ground and get better and better and better. What can you add that can make your content better? If you are a learner, what can you do to, to make yourself remember or to make yourself more enthusiastic about learning? Now learning in these schools, you can see it right now everyone's learning academics, academics to go into university university to get a job that pays you this much. That's what it is. And the thing is, a lot of these students, they don't want to do that. They want to do possibly e-sports or develop something that will allow them the freedom or pursue a passion and do something that they absolutely love to do. So, so pace. I love that you get to learn on the go. Instructors, tutors and facilitators. You need that. Me Being a facilitator, right? So if a bank or if a big company calls me or someone outside, hey, I have a problem with leadership, could you help us? Okay, what I'm going to do now, we're going to do an initial, let's just say me, get together so I can figure out what is it you need? Again, figuring out the personalization because it's the customer that matters. The B to C. Okay? Business to customer. You listen to the customer. Do not romanticize about your ego and what you want. Listen to what they want because they are the buyers, right? So these are four ways that of course, you can learn, again, engaging content if you are a young individual, think about it right now. If you're in university, what makes you engaged? What is it that you are most awake? If you're in university and you're always falling asleep or you have your neck down is because it's not engaging. And so then that's when audio and visual comes into it. The representational systems. Are you someone who likes to learn by reading books and writing? Are you someone who learns by audio podcasts, which I will talk about? Or are you someone who learns a visually Thailand? Very visual as I can see. Right? And so when it comes to visual, everyone loves to watch TV. They love to watch youtube. Their heads are always down in the train watching whatever it is. Why is your goal and audio right? Again, the society is changing. There's a technological disruption happening right now and we're going to have to adapt in order to stay of low. So going into the next one, synchronous versus asynchronous. Other than learning. So again, this kind of relates to the last one, but self study now, what is it that stay at home? Someone who learns at home, I forgot the term, but I met someone back in[inaudible] university. She learned from ages two all the way up to 18 at home. And guess what? She ended up going to university, northern Arizona. So can at work? Yes. Instead of going to a public school, you could just learn at home. So self studying, that's what I did. Personal Development. I asked myself, I said, what is it that I'm doing and if environment that's reoccurring that I do not like over and over and over though I've found Napoleon hill, Napoleon Hill after that, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins and continue to multiply and I said, you know what? I'm going to learn about all of this. I'm going to speak about it. And now my blog everyday gets a ridiculous amount of views and terms of Stephen Covey's emotional bank account. So then you go repurpose that content to push it out even or again, this is all engaging content. I see what's happening out there. Repurpose it. Whatever they like. I continue. If they don't, I don't like it. I looked at the metrics, oh, that didn't work. Okay, get that out. Just listen. And the statistics, and that's why as a developer, as anyone who has content out there, you're looking at ways to learn, always try and be open and willing to try new things. If you're not willing, if you're not open minded and if you're close, everything's going to pass you right by very quickly. So then you have new tube, that legs and podcast. Here we go. Show hands. Who is this still podcast? Raise your hand. Podcast. Woo. Two people. Anyone over here podcast? No. Oh Wow. Okay. Your podcast. Anyone? No. No. Two people. That's it. Oh my goodness. Okay, so I guess podcasts. I've not come to Thailand yet. Some people listen to it. I know a but podcast. That's a way of learning. When you're on a train, there are too many people. It's hot. You're not at to put the phone here because you will put your hand on someone's head. So you would listen and you know what? This is how you develop habits and discipline. Do you find a podcast and your specific area and you listen to it. Now for app developers, if you're in St James or if you're a little kid, if you're a child and you love video games, how about you create a podcast, create a podcast and talk about your favorite game on a weekly basis and bring your friends along. So let's say you have 10 friends, okay? And you have 10 friends that love playing video games. You get them together is they, hey, let's create a podcast. Let's talk about a specific game on Monday or whichever day of the week you would like to. And guess when you start sharing it with your schools is that they share. And then you use social media to create the engaging content. And then you start putting video as in youtube. And guess what? You found your niche market. This is how it works. It all started with clash of clans when a super cell super cell, when they created that application, it took off 5 billion, 10 billion, 15 million, 20 million downloads. It was the very first of its kind. And so they continue developing by upgrading and update it, putting you characters into a put in you house, this putting you this and that, and then the market caught on and what happened with the market. Everyone started creating video games and now there are hundreds of gains better than clash of clans. The very first, all you need is someone to say, wow, look at this game. That is amazing. I want to create something like it. And some of you, you university students are gifted enough to the game. So going into usage, you can put the podcast and the youtube together. So let's say with my VR boats, VR, you want something, I'll give you something. Okay, I don't know what universities you guys are from, but you guys become together. If you guys all do be are in ar, create a podcast about B r n a r. Create a face on let's say Facebook group, a Twitter, name it, whatever to talk about a R and B r. After that, you can create videos to show everyone how to do it and what you've been doing. You could say every Friday at 8:00 PM Easter time or 8:00 PM GMT type, and I don't know, APN, we're going to have a live video. Now, if you have friends, perhaps you could get four friends together and you completed the game at the same time fortnight, right? And you put that on Youtube and you share that away. Use the right hashtags and it's not about going viral. It's about creating and getting the attention. East ports is massive right now. E-Learning is massive right now. How many virtual reality and augmented reality youtube channels are on Youtube right now? Not many. VR and Ar, what it's officially year language and everything is God. You're going to be able to put a headset on and you'll be able to go to Japan. You don't have to go there and physically you could go there right here in the mind. So again, think about it. Think about it now. Netflix, who watches Netflix? Raise your hand. Oh, see, there we go. The hands are raising. Okay. Netflix. Oh Man. Three years ago, but you know what stranger things, they're starting to advertise a heavy in Thailand. Why? Because they know type people are visual so they know type people on the bts. The big banners outside, I can see a banner right over there. I don't know what it says, but they are visually, they're visual people, right? So when it comes to Netflix and when they started emergent with the series type people like they're great to learn English. That's right. Y you get the video, you can read and you get the audio. You get three representational systems in one and that flux has that right now. So this is an idea. If you can develop something like Netflix in terms of learning online, you'll have$1 billion company. If you can get something where you could read and listen and watch at the same time. There it is. Because right now I can tell you right now I've seen the English capabilities of tides. Has it decreased significantly over the last two years? Why Netflix and guess what is engaging and guess what? They're going to share it on social media. Now that what's has the attention. Netflix also releases a series all the time. Now they have series in Thai, Japanese, French that flicks. Now has marvel, Marvel's$1 million company that the rival Disney said, I'm going to create Disney plus and we're going to take all these marvel characters. Disney wants to create an airline. Guys, this is all opportunity. This the nos. They can be every airline in America. Why? Because will airlines in America with kind of bed. So with this name, if they created the airline and all the flight attendants are wearing these Mickey mouse outfits and stuff, they know they could be jet blue, southwest airlines, American Airlines, and they can be the mount opportunity. That's all there is. So with podcasts, if you don't listen to podcasts, I don't know, create one. Some of you right now, oh, I'm not a speaker, I'm not a speaker. Was I a speaker? Go back and listen to my first podcast. I was like, Ooh.[inaudible] de, you know, before I got on stage, I was like a knock one on one means of meeting. I'm scared, right? And so I wasn't the best, but I started somewhere. You're not a speaker now, but you could be, you develop a skill set that is needed in a specific area. You feel the need. That's what Jack Ma said. Find a need and fill it. There was an entrepreneur that actually help breed electricity to a rural village in northern Philippines. She found a need and she filled it. That's what I'm saying, podcast right now in Thailand, it's getting a little bit bigger. But for these youngsters, if you guys like talking about black, pink, Pete Black, what is it? The black people thing? Yeah. You guys like to talk about Pete Black and uh,[inaudible] 68. Oh yeah. You make a podcast on that and start talking about what's happened or maybe the things that you like. This is audio. You start promoting that, promoted it only on a, what does the Instagram and get into the[inaudible].