Arsenio's ESL Podcast

Arsenio's ESL Podcast: International Guest Speaker - Self-Sabotage Series with Veronika

September 07, 2019 Arsenio Buck Season 4
Speaker 1:

Guys. Well, welcome back to another ours Sitios ESL podcast and today is

Speaker 2:

self sabotage there. Read Finale. Oh my goodness. I got my Russian stallion verbal on. Oh my gosh, she's a wonderful soul. You know what? I brought her on here to talk about the crazy thing she saw in Colombo, the things she saw Dr Kagan in Thailand and New Zealand to be added this and that. So many things she has overcome in general. You know what, we're going to top this off with a bang today. So for Radhika, thank you so much for coming back. Thanks so much. I love you energy. It's always, um, and through that it fires me out. Pusher guys, nice to meet you as I think you said. My name is Veronica. I've been in two pockets podcast. So He's the[inaudible] and uh, a little bit of story about me. I grew up in Russia. I'm two 15 years old. I've loved to come through trying to pursue something else. I had a huge ambition that I wanted to fulfill and I'll, I left to explore the Asia, China, Thailand,[inaudible] it would be the of Indonesia. Well one, they'll end it too. New Zealand. And then in New Zealand. Um, I've lived for one year and a half until I landed to Canada, but I am right now, candidly, amends abroad says all, um, my immigrational journey, um, uh, get into my a integration of process and as well as in the broad sense, oh, um, working on my coaching practice, um, that conveys people helping, um, empowering them to be the best version they can be. Um, I have[inaudible] big vision that I would do love to hopefully in a few years to come. And uh, one of the things that actually brought me to, um, coaching is self sabotage because a, lots of stories that happened in my life, that deed evolve out of itself. Sabotage cities.[inaudible] so

Speaker 1:

self sabotage. You know, you talked about medical school, we talked about a lot of things that you went through and

Speaker 2:

how much of that played a role

Speaker 1:

in your life. You know, you live in Russia at the age of 15, and you discovering yourself at such a young age. When did you become aware of it?

Speaker 2:

You mean when did they become aware of salts of others? Right,

Speaker 1:

right. So where did it play? A very, very, uh, you know, did it have a really big role in life?

Speaker 2:

Um, but the funny thing, I did not understand that while I was teenager. Um, if you go all the way back when the young was, the most influenced we have is comments from the social environment official, our parents, especially friends, school teammates, um, how I started noticing self-sabotage having need if like indict now and what that was before, um, was expressed in the few things closed. I was quite fat, I was close to Honda with key gs. Um, and now I'm 60 for comparison, so it's almost minus 40 kgs. And I believe it's more than, um, I use, uh, I think comes with cages is like more than 200 something pounds. So more than that. Um, so yeah. Um, and the way how I came to be like that is I over ate because my grandmother's made me feel guilty for not eating the foods they cook for me with love. Because, you know, when you come to grandma, she wants you to eat everything she wants you to be buys. She wants to deep needs, she wants you to thrice and you're like, oh my God, I'm so stuffed in you making me eat that I had and I was lucky to have st grandma's at the time. And that was lucky to have that. So you can't imagine how much food I was stuffing in and the more food that was stuck in, in, um, because of the making me eat that, the more I disliked myself for doing that. I was feeling guilty for doing that, but they didn't say anything or express myself because I thought by doing that I will be getting their love. You know what I mean? It's a triangle. So I've sabotaged my hell to get the love through food, which became a pattern later on in life. It became a pattern, right? So once I moved from younger age to teenage, the way how I will get love for myself, because I used to spend a lot of time alone between eight years old and 15 I was quite independent. My parents worked a lot. Um, I used to be quite mature and independent of age. I was using food as a way to have fun. So I would, uh, see the, the bed was orange juice, which is super awful combination and which cartoons, because there was no pattern for me to be next to me at the moment. So I was sharing my joy with food and eating food. And then again, teenage age. When you become fat, you started being bullied, you start being bullied and you feel sad, you feel depression. Where would you find joy? You learn the pattern that you will get love from food as a child. So what you do, because you only know that pattern in that moment, you're still small. He's on this time that you go back to the food and you start stocking into your mom again. That was like probably as this is the most, uh, is the first and the most fundamental one for me that I, um, I discovered. But I discovered this sort of journey of losing weight as soon as the journey of, um, uh, actually learning to enjoy the results of that. Um, funny how it happened. The one day I stopped, um, I was not able to eat at all on the, um, I wasn't a summer camp and I just, I eat food and just comes out with me. And a second event that triggered my, um, desire to lose weight for instance, is, um, me protecting a younger girl. There was a group of bullies in the summer camp that wanted to attack a young girl. The four of them, I didn't like group. So I stood up for her and I got a duo in the forest at two o'clock in the afternoon as a whole Camp Julie Duel. Um, you know, I loved Pushkin Pushkin died in a duo and I listen to all of that. Okay, fine. I'll go to do a duel in the course. I went because I w I felt I'm a big girl, I can handle that. I was 10. Um, I wonder, cause fasting and then spending that and nine pretty can gills against one knee and then like, oh, math is not good. So can see there. Me Not being able to eat for a few days, um, me going there, I, even though I hit five of them, I wasn't able to hit the rest for. So the heat maybe really bad. I felt really, and those two things made me question the way I look because it just, it, it's just is the way I look, stopped leaking into the picture of me being strong because those girls broke my pattern. Thank you. Wow. And that action triggered me into coming home and starting[inaudible] proper knowledge, staffing 18 different foods. Seeing how I feel, trying to understand, oh actually like how it looks like, oh I lost 10 kg is I like how it looks, what will happen? A, I lose extra 10. So I started in allowing myself to have alternative views, asking myself alternative questions and if you might know as the quality of questions and you find the quality of your own going life, you know, ongoing decisions. And that's what I studied doing from the age of 11 and yeah, I, I know that sounds ridiculous. So that was the first moment of me subitizing myself big time. Wow.

Speaker 1:

At the age of 11, 11. I just, I think it's amazing, you know, you say, you know what, I'm going to have a dual, you know, and you go out there and holding your ground against five others and the, they ended up ended up beating you real bad. But then everything tied in together, you don't have to get in a bad beating. It made you just reconsider your entire thinking process of who you are yourself image.

Speaker 3:

And so,

Speaker 1:

wow. Um, okay. So after that, that, you know, when we talk about like self image and going forward at the age of 11, what did you do?

Speaker 2:

Okay, I been analyzed it again, when you being in chat, you can look, move fast, which means you cannot react fast to any in any incoming, uh, heating points. So, which means these applies to everything as a situation, logically speaking, right in your life, for instance. Um, how will they Brooks from that, later on I started doing basketball and it has been basketball for quite some time and the, I lost weight, right? I grabbed this energy, I grabbed the space in my body to move around, but I wasn't so yesterday, so I still was kind of like bulky. My first year in mosquito was a second moment of sabotaging that happened is pushing myself to the extreme of getting myself physical it because my body wasn't just that that I did for it. So in basketball, any moments a pattern. Oh mean the beginning, you know, need to get love externally.

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Sort of the foot, that's pattern. I thought I broke if I imagined that I'm thinking about this from my standpoint right now, but there's good transferred into a different foam in basketball. I became so good in terms of performance, peak performers speed. I'm jumping in but a thing. But because my one body was still knowing all the physical stuff, it wasn't that adjusting like one year wasn't enough for it to grow quite stolen. In terms of the corps, I ended up hurting myself quite a lot. Like fooling a lot. Like he gets me, keep them to my head a lot. Um, like getting like scratches and Bilodeau or no of that. And the way how I got attention is external. So the teammates supported me, coach supported me, so that became a form of love. So for food I moved to form of love in terms of team support and coaching, the term I did, the sense of love feeling, community feeling family. So that's the path that the second son, the self sabotage paths and that's h and from that it through it can evolve into multiple that actions. It's happened for different people. For me with the waltz to into getting titles and achievements I wanted to get, I have golden, I wanted it for our team to get golden medals because I knew that the whole CT would be proud to ask to have golden medals in the prongs. I was looking for the cognition, but being a teenager, I didn't know where that recognition was coming with. Was that sense audit completion was coming from because I did not know that was[inaudible] pattern. Oh behavior sabotaging, doing everything yourself to get to that point.

Speaker 1:

Wow, man. I just

Speaker 2:

so you,

Speaker 1:

I love it how you went from being in that specific state at the age of 11 in the fours and then go into team support. So that's one actionable item that someone could take away from this is to have a supportive group of people around you. Now when you consider yourself to have a backbone or did you develop that backbone when you ended up, you know, having a team

Speaker 2:

around you? Backbone? That's a good question. Um, I think if we're talking about takeaways from these two little stories, right? I think the key takeaways are,

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Awareness first is awareness being because in every action, no matter how simple it is, even the brushing the teeth with your right hand, um, is there is always a sense of repetitiveness because our board is just in the kinks, right? Muscles is all mechanical. So what are you doing over and over again? Once you experience a certain particular emotion, if that pattern is that repetitive, see, imagine yourself from the, um, from the perspective on the, um, over in the audience, you in the cinema. Imagine you're looking at yourself and your day and you're looking at what you're doing and then see whether you like this pattern or you don't like this. If you don't like this Bethany in plastic, because this means it doesn't pizzas you is what you want to do or where you want to go. Right? It means you can change. Once the level of awareness changes your brain expense, your brain expense, it means it expense for more possibilities from alternative someone knowledge and then what you do. Um, once you recognize it, understand where you want to go. So understand the n and then feel it, the music knowledge to expand to here and then you go easily. That's how it is. So that's one key takeaway. The second key takeaway backbone, as you said, if a person doesn't have a strong backbone, um, I call it, um, I don't call it the backbone. I call it the core because irrational language and English, our intervention was on the defense. Um, so core and the sense of, uh, certainty, it has to be internal. If that doesn't exist, unfortunately naturally a person that is gonna look for approval from everybody and trying to get approval from everybody here and let me get that put a little by himself. So it's important to understand what odds at the Sun City top core values, even if he doesn't feel confident enough. Once he knows those three core values, it's becomes much easier to build that sense of certainty. And as you said, backbone, you know how by analyzing each of them to buy the environment, like uncle's gun laws become a friend's, got downs and see which one or two people out of those have the values. That's feet your values. They can be up to reno view or they can be not approved interview. But the whole point, it has to be that your core values coincide is that w have them as one backbone. I'm going to give you example, um, example. I'm going to give you from a, you know,[inaudible] can I pick up? Um,

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Speaker 2:

will do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Which book did you pick up?

Speaker 2:

Uh, um, I wish I could pick up a book. I'm trying to pick up an example from my life, so this May, it makes more sense. Um, okay. Let's do ideal life example. Um, so,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

In my life I have a few mentors and it happens so that when I experience certain set,

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Speaker 2:

emotions or I'm liking support for instance, from people who are important to me, I go to people who share my knowledge or who would make me feel that I am enough in the form that I am a, so one of the mentors of mine, for instance, the most empathetic person I've ever met in my life.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he is able to showcase me the

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sense of love is all, ain't like we have a mentor, mentee relationship, but he's able to show me the sense of love, how he feels and understands me through the his presence by giving the attention to me that I feel that backbone that they can rely on human case or something if even the coldest one to me, I'm not gonna look towards my side in making the decision because he's values coincide this morning and I know that and it adds to my sense of certainty.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I see. Adding to the, okay. Alright, so the core values, I like that. I like it. You know, and you were talking about what book and when you mentioned a book, I was like, okay, what core values do I stand by? Well, you know what, speaking with impeccability, that's right out of Jack Canfield's book. And some people have asked me, where do you learn to speak and this and that. And you know, there are teachers from Monterey, Mexico to people in Singapore say, where do you learn to speak? I said, I started to podcast in 2016. You know, some people say, do you speak like that all the time? I'm like, well, I speak the way I say, you know, I didn't know, I don't know how I used to speak before, but I think I would speak without a sense of purpose and people get you that very quickly. Kind of like what me and you were saying in terms of my friends saying, Oh, you know, just a, just that home, just chilling. You know what I mean? And I'm like, Dang, okay, that sounds like a guy that is a instead of a creator, you know, so a value. You, you know, find it out. The values. Now, unfortunately, I never had anyone in my family where, you know, they had strong values of whatnot. Not that I can actually pick out, uh, you know, although my mother did have that sense of, uh, just always fighting and getting through everything,

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Speaker 1:

you know, but on the other hand, you know, I created my own values from the things I've actually learned, and that's what I abide by. So I created my own cores, you know, uh, my belief system and whatnot and this is what I believe and you know, so wow, that's powerful. That's really powerful stuff, Veronica. So, um,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

W when it comes to the value system and the people who you are around do whatnot, did you become more, you, you, you know, you didn't become as, you weren't as vulnerable as you were before in terms of self sabotage, when you had value systems and whatnot, or when you develop them.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Or did it still kind of just sneak up on you from time to time, you know, as it always does to the majority of us.

Speaker 2:

Oh, of course it does too. It does to everybody. Nobody's perfect. It won't happen. So Tony Robbins, right? If it things in most timeless example. Um, okay, so you see, I feel sort of two questions in your questions. If I will ask myself. Um, back in with teenage,

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I did not have the knowledge of values, but the thing is, while they're brought up the have of the, uh, we have the value system in built into us on some level they don't know about, again, environment, parents, uh, something that's important to us and the value we do have it, we just get one to grow up. I got Ya. And it's a method and there's more knowledge expansion. Of course, we then figured out, oh, that's what I value. And I played Lego is a string. I will lose, create teams. Right. Like that. Yeah. So if I'm looking at right now, of course right now there's a little bit change, but this similar to what I would have picked up if I have taken metaphors from my child don't want to have right now, I was quite well notable to external approval when I was in my teenage age because I said I was going up my myself mostly, um, growing up in Russia as you know, you have to be an ape lost. You know, you have to, uh, I don't know. You have to be, um, that exists English retail and um, uh, Dota, she cleans the whole house and then she young into a bottle.[inaudible] carriage turns into a pumpkin and she needs to,

Speaker 1:

right, right. Yeah. Send it. Oh, there we go. Cinderella. Okay. Okay. That's good. Okay.

Speaker 2:

You'll have to be like literally a-plus do them Goodson did at home growing up your smaller siblings and you know, be the best of the best weed, the country and the age of[inaudible]

Speaker 1:

right. At the age. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it's just the culture. Um, so it's okay. It changes from age. Oh, sure. Uh, valleys I have right now z evolved into this. Thanks too. Everything that happened to me in my life. So if I like the first value for means self actualization, so self realization. Yes. It's just a key driver. It's internal. It was a second values that changed for me actually recently became connections and the relationships. Okay. It's lunch just to the core of my brain and it has to be authentic. Okay. It's like, it's a huge thing for me. Yeah. Um, and the certain one would be, um, balance. Yeah. Because I'm does out mental and emotional balance. Um, Yoga, not Fiona, I the lack and one eight of your life and do good than in the NAZA all you're going to continuous self sub without in yourself. Mm. If you don't have balance and energy, how and all of those. Right. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So it's a balance of all these things then. Okay. So, um, to reduce the amount of self sabotage, self sabotage, and that's going on. I'm like God, I'm following all over my words. All in, all over my words.[inaudible] normally up dog, just excited cause I'm getting ready to go crazy. So crazy. But anyway, but um, what is it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

so self actualization, realization, yourself, image, all of these things tie into, you develop in a sense of, you know, not savage, the sabotaging yourself in terms of academics, like you said, of course. Well academics or anything in general. But when it comes to academics, like you said, you know, Russia, you have to be an a plus student. If you're not, that is on quote, the sabotage to what society believes is. And that's what, of course, you know it's pressed upon you the next know you end up being a failure. You create this image of failure, you know, a failing and that becomes your reality. I mean it's that quick, right? So for people out there in these academically driven countries, whereas they are operating off a very dying paradigm and they still believe that getting good graces, we know that that's all, that's the whole guide yet you don't[inaudible] okay. It's not the world anymore. Nobody gives a damn about grades anymore. It's what you, what you give bring to the table and what skill set you have, you know? Huh. Now for these people who are in these academically driven countries, what are some things that you would share with them in terms of what their parents and society's telling them to do? Like a bowl and what they're trying to do in terms of a push. Like how, how do they stay true to themselves, their values and not sabotage or listen to what people believe is a sabotage. How can they ignore that noise?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

[inaudible] and I am breathing in because answers. So them simple and just well different. As funny as it sounds for different people, it takes time to realize that it takes so than the England's to trigger that realization. And that's why I'm exhaling labor. Honestly. The simple super simple handsome is do what you feel is right. No matter how weird and stupid and out on the line or what society consider strive to be. It's a funny thing. You can change society. Find the society which will accept what you're doing. Listen, my friend, his parents pushed him into being an engineer. He'd intentionally play on all the exams to show the less he wants to do music. And then he ran away to another country to study music production and he's now doing music production for games like Overwatch and so on. Uh, doing that thing do not crazy, crazy stuff. Like even me, I ran away from my country, not so I don't know if I can say from my country because I was a teenager. I cannot judge that, but I ran live from my am because I felt I did not. There was something on something off that like I felt uptight, traveled a bit. I felt that I needed to move on. I used to find that something like people fascinating culture is fascinating for me. I knew that and then just I went to that and it's good if your parents are supporting that, but just find a way to be expressive and passionate enough to, I don't want to dissuade your parents too, if you want to give this support, but if you don't, if your parents are gonna listen to you or your relatives, remember I told you you need to find one or two people who have the values, the whole one of the your backbone to call on 200% on average. Statistically every person on Facebook has about 400 connections. Wow. So I'm sure if out of those 400 we're at 20 are really good people with no communicates with no cost basis, one or two you can ask to be your accountability partner. Yes. Or can the ability friends. Yeah. Or Can the ability backbone speaking your language.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, right. And how important is it to have an accountability partner

Speaker 2:

days? It is. It is fricking important. I thought that's not important. I will be honest with you because I mean I pushed myself, doesn't want much but well, when you push yourself to the limits and you two things happen, one is you either break physically or emotionally and to your acting only your acting only from your own perspective, which means you don't have somebody to show you an alternative perspective. Somebody who's going around. But now open your mindset and maybe open your eyes to something you don't see, which means you're always deacons the same terrain and you don't want to do that because there are easier ways to get to things you're looking to get. Right?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that accountability partner. People. Um, you know, and that's just even having, it could be a friend, it could be someone in your household or someone that points out the sabotage and that's probably happening. Or the things of the bad habits that you continually doing or you continue doing over and over, which in fact is a self sabotage, right? Because again, it's like if you eat healthy for the morning, afternoon, the evening, you go crazy. You know, again, it's all about balance. I don't really, you know, here, you know, eating unhealthy unless you eat an exorbitant amount of food. Uh, and of course in America, you know, America, they got these factories that create this stuff called food and these people consume it at ridiculous rates. And that's why America is the most obese country on the planet. And so again, I understand that, or if you look at things like how can you stop sabotaging yourself? Let's say you're a drinker and you have alcohol in your cabinets and it's in your refrigerator, you know what? You're probably going to open it up in the morning, you're going to see it, and guess what? It's going to be right there in front of you all the time. So of course, taking all those glasses bottles out and pouring them off because guess what? Then you would have to go all the way to the store to buy something and this and that. If there's different hours that you buy, you know, things that aren't very good or do things that continue to sabotage you from achieving your goals. You know, that's uh, you know, um, try villain and activity during that time. So then when the activities finish and it's like 9:00 PM, you're like, the shit, I'm going home, forget it. You know what I be these little things, you know, it's kind of like the compound effect. So, um, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Is alcohol is different in case though alcohol is quiet? Um, um, if there's a self sabotage button, use alcohol to cover pain, some sort of pain because people avoid pain or they want to experience a science close to death. Um, so what does it like what I call mine? So alcohol is quiet. Um, if there's a sound sabotage in a form, but is, um, because[inaudible] right, right. It's not as you're thinking, but it's, um, I think it, it's a harsh upon like it has to be either treatments or people or a person really wanted to change to get the rest from alcoholism, alcoholism, usually a non desire to accept the reality. Some desire to live life joyfully and um, and maybe there is no accountability partner already with this found. I can just say it right into your face. Hey, do the hummed in women's life and you're just not yourself out. So alcohol is a big question,

Speaker 1:

right? Right. It's a huge question mark. It is because people do not want to face what is it working, you know what I mean? Hey, your life sucks. That's up. Graduated from the University of heart docs. Here it is. Okay, your relationship sucks. What are you going to do this your money, your finances sucks. Okay? Don't say I don't have money. Say how can I make more money? As Robert Kiyosaki has said, you know, so, oh man, awesome. Damn Veronica. And to sum all of this up, you've already given them great key steps from, of course, doing going after for what is yours in the universe. But give then just one more big key takeaway. Let's just say if they, they, they're not good at keeping agreements or they're not good at this, so they're not good at that. Anything that we are engaged in throughout our daily lives, what's one simple step that they could just ease and take that first step? Write down today,

Speaker 2:

buy a pen and diary and instead of using your Google calendar, write down what September is the next month. September 1st. So September 30th and write down, give me a situation.

Speaker 1:

So let, let's say you are, um, you made an appointment for 8:00 PM to meet up with the friend. Next Edo 7:00 PM comes around, your energy is low. You're like, oh my God, I'm very draggy right now. You know what? But if I ended up canceling my friend, I may never see them again because I've canceled them three times already.

Speaker 2:

Okay? Yeah. So, um, okay. Okay. Not the perfect situation, but sure. Let's do that is a[inaudible] days that works real well is manifestation. So the one thing that person can do is, um, manifesting well, writing by hand. September 1st. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I am a great friend.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I am a great fan. As lame as that can sound. Yeah. I am a great fan or I am at responsible friend. I am responsible brand. And then ask yourself another question. What if, what if I don't see this brand and he's important to me? That's true. What if I'm sick and I don't have friends support me? Okay. What if I'm alone tomorrow?[inaudible] is question that what comes to mind? Well, they still questions and of course another thing, if your meeting is a week ahead every day, just for consistency, ask your friends if you can send him a message. Okay, today is six days away from a meeting. The next day, today is five days away from all meeting today is

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Four days away from Rac I think is the last day. Yeah. When you, when it's, and I want to do like an hour away from the meeting and then certain minutes and then be 15 minutes[inaudible] yeah, it sounds ridiculous. It is. How easy. Ridiculous. Plus. I think that all down one week you had, well the how has time to do that, but if you really want to improve, even a few days is enough. Even seven days is over too much. But again, small, simple steps and just[inaudible] desire and accountability because the person whom you're going to meet is going to be accountable. Oh cool. What's you're doing

Speaker 1:

and feelings that you feel, especially asking the what if that's what should trigger you and should scare the hell out of you. Because again, saying I'm a, I'm a, I'm a great friend, I'm a responsible friend. I'm a friend that is very caring and willing to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That after that, what if you know and you're going to start feeling those negative feelings and that should be able to, you know, deviate you from making that self sabotage a decision to always cancel it. You can do this with any category in your life, right? So again, what if I go out tonight? Oh, well let's just say I have an appointment tomorrow at 6:00 AM. What if I go out tonight? What if I go out for a drink? What if I engage in all these conversations that aren't going to provide me with anything in my life? What if I come home late? What's going to happen tomorrow? What's going to, you know, the truth. You see what I be eating? You're going to be able to write all those things down and say, oh, that doesn't look very good at all. You know, so that brings that awareness, you know, and then hell, hopefully you'll be able to, you know, I guess have, you know, make a better decision. So, Veronica, beautiful. Thank you so much for coming on here. Oh My ESL class, like dad, it's been a long time. Thank you so much. Thanks so much for saying it's always a pleasure. Absolutely bad guys. Would that being said, this is a five part series. Veronica has topped this off. I'm so happy that I've went through and I didn't sabotage myself and stop making a series a, but she has come through and she has topped off this wonderful five part series, you know, from five different countries. And that's what my goal was. So kick a Veronica. Oh my God. Thank you so much. Hopefully you'll be out here. Thailand, Vietnam and my side of the world sometimes. So cause I'm not going to Canada. Wonderful. But, uh, yeah, but, uh, other than that, man, again, for everyone who was tuned in, if you guys liked it, share it. If you shoot it like it and guys, be sure to follow Veronica. I've already put her links and description in the last one. I'll put it in this one. Also, Veronica, don't worry. You don't have to like say, yeah, B e. R. O. De. I gotcha, Gotcha. We got everything in the description people. So if you want to get to know Veronica, you make sure you get on over there and you get to know her. So Veronica, again, thank you so much. Thanks so much. I've seen your things guys. You're welcome. And guys, would that be your time? Have a wonderful moment that afternoon and I have done, I'm your host stars Cineo as usual over and out.