Arsenio's ESL Podcast

TOEFL iTP | 1 on 1 Coaching | Listening Part A | Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions (3)

Arsenio Buck Season 5

spk_0:   0:00
So here we go. Let's just 6 to 10. Only. Okay. And then we're gonna stop it. We're gonna see how you did. You make sure you choose the answer. Don't go home. Okay? I go all the way through.

spk_1:   0:13
What does the woman say about Pamela?

spk_0:   0:16
All right, number six, listen closely.

spk_1:   0:19
Number sense. Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the courthouse, and I think I'm going Wrong Way. Should have turned left on Monroe Street. No, no, you're all right. Just keep going straight on Fourth Avenue until you get to the post office and turn left there. What is the woman's detonation? Number seven Mention Lynn must have a lot in common since they're both economics majors. Oh, I didn't realize that Mitch was an economics major too. What is the man in time? I'm gonna call tone. Why? What? Yeah. The woman asked the man.

spk_0:   1:12
How come? What does how come me what was coming?

spk_1:   1:21
Number nine s. So you have a busy afternoon, Amory? Well, I watered the tomatoes and corn and I'd get some weed. What did Emery do this afternoon?

spk_0:   1:38
Eight seconds.

spk_1:   1:43
Who should we ask to introduce the guest speaker? What about Mr Welch. What does the woman imply about Professor? Well,

spk_0:   1:55
introduce the guest speaker. All right. You look long. Those questions. You actually look a bit lucky.

spk_1:   2:07
Number seven. I should have turned left on Monroe Street. I'm trying to get to the courthouse.

spk_0:   2:16
Okay. All right. So her destination is the courthouse. Okay? You got it. You got it right. You got it right. But I'm scared because the other ones, you're just, like home. Like a deer in the headlights of yours. Who? Okay, so

spk_1:   2:32
you're going Wrong way. Should have two left. One Monroe Street. No, no, just just keep going straight on Fourth Avenue until you get to the post office and turn left there. What? The woman detonation.

spk_0:   2:48
Now, let's listen closely to number seven.

spk_1:   2:50
Number seven. Mitchell in. Must have a lot in common. They're both economics majors. Oh, I didn't realize that Mitch was an economics major too.

spk_0:   3:01
I didn't realize that Mitch was an economics major, too. So what is implied by the men again? He knows Lin, but he didn't know that Mitch was an economics major. So be it. Says he doesn't think we'll think it with a K not a G. You doesn't think they have anything in common? No. Right. See, he knows much better than he knows Lin. No, because he's like, Oh, I didn't know Mitch was an economics major, too. Yeah, and then d He's letting you know a t o. Okay. What happened? What happened? I got confused. Hey, look, maybe because the audio's really bad, unless we had earphones. Yeah. No. Okay, thanks.

spk_1:   4:07
What did the man in prime

spk_0:   4:09
number eight says How he's going to contact Tony. Why? He needs to speak to tell me where you will meet. Tell me where when? He's going to call. Tony, listen to that question. Where? She asked.

spk_1:   4:24
Not great. I've gotta call total right away. Yeah. Huh? Now, what is the woman after, Lan?

spk_0:   4:31
You need to understand What? How? Come meets. What does How come me Now we have a How be Why? See where he went? When does she asked When? No. Did she ask where? Okay. And then A and B So how he's going to contact it? What does that mean? That's right. So what is it? Bees? Your answer. Why meet? How come? Oh, really sad. How come That's the same meaning as why? See? No. Right. All right. What? What? What did you put? He's got a You got number nine? Incorrect. Here we go. No.

spk_1:   5:27
Number nine s. So you haven't had the afternoon, Amory.

spk_0:   5:31
Okay. Did you have a busy afternoon?

spk_1:   5:34
Well, I wondered, but tomatoes and corn, and I guess a week

spk_0:   5:38
He watered the tomatoes and corn. Where do you do that? That's right. You can't do that at a grocery store, right? You can't do that at a wedding unless it's very I don't know. Amish wedding, uh, then hit. Prepared a meal. Now he said he did some waiting. We know. I think it's when you rape the saloon. Maybe a weedy that means you drop the deceit into this little Yeah. Hey, there you go. So this fool was difficult for you. So again, how come equals Why? All right. He wasn't preparing a mill. He wasn't going to let him. He was watering the tomatoes. You could only do that in the garden. Number 10.

spk_1:   6:24
What did Emery do this afternoon? Number 10. Who should we ask to introduce the guest speaker? What about Professor Welsh?

spk_0:   6:38
Okay, so who should we ask? Introduced guest speaker. This she said may be perfect s. Yeah, I have. Ah, Professor West or something like that. So the question is, what

spk_1:   6:55
did the woman and cry about better? Well, we

spk_0:   6:58
need someone to introduce the speaker. Hey, introducing now. It's not about expecting guests. It's not about him being very well known. And he's definitely not the main speaker. They need someone to introduce. So be it would be the answer. He can give the introduction. But the guest speaker. Oh, OK. Do you understand that?