Arsenio's ESL Podcast

TOEFL iBT | Part 1 Question | Speaking | 1 on 1 Coaching | Improved in 40 Minutes

February 02, 2020 Arsenio Buck Season 5

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Welcome back, all! In this clip (the second half) a student from Afghanistan had come on so that he can improve his core arguments in the speaking question 1.  And in just 40 minutes, he went from being nervous, tentative and indecisive -- to confidence.


  • Slow down your speech if needed. 
  • Write down notes such as the roman numerals with sub-headings such as a, b, c, etc
  • Use examples and linkers to create the flow. 

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spk_0:   0:01
uh, let me write something on a problem. Go ahead. Okay. I believe that a social media, especially Facebook instagram that are being used a lot in our country. It destroys the relationship between friends and families for two reasons. One that ah, especially when they meet each other. When they go to a festival, something like party. They're always busy. People are always busy with their cell phones and searching for the Facebook searching and Facebook instagram and what? Whatever. They're just busy with, ah, their social media. And they do not interact with their friends in that particular place. Eso it somehow destroys the relationship. And the second when you spend a lot of your time in social media, so you actually you don't have enough time to speak with your friends to, uh, we'll talk with your parents. Oh, it, of course, destroyed the relationship between friends and family.

spk_1:   1:15
Perfect. Great supporting details. Great examples. There you go. So you understand that, right? You understand that float now. So I just need that flow in that energy which, like every last one of them now, So that was good. Now I realized that again. You preparing and everything, which was fantastic. Ah, your your your speech had sped up a little bit in the beginning, and

spk_0:   1:47
I must come.

spk_1:   1:48
Okay. Okay. This might be that. Yeah, which is OK, which is okay. Um, but again, when you speed up, that could potentially spell problems with your pronunciation. Although you didn't have many. You did all right. You did good. Ah, but for anyone else out there who is listening to this specific one. Ah, you know, this could be a little bit of a problem, because I've seen that with some of my students here in Thailand. You know, I tell her. You know, I used to tell them. Slow it down, go through your discourse markers. Give your examples. Go to the support in 80 conjunctions. You don't have this very monotone ish and very quickly, because then you're it's gonna be very difficult to pick everything up, so But you did fantastic. Good job.

spk_0:   2:40
So I'm doing okay. I mean, try speed up or the speed is okay with

spk_1:   2:46
that. I think the speed is okay. The speeders. Okay. I think that specific topic you were very, very aware of, huh? Yeah. So that's why I'm gonna try to get a topic that you're not aware of it. Then again, because you're not aware of it. You're gonna be like, Okay, let me slow it down a little bit and go like this, but nonetheless, you're doing very, very well. Your pronunciation. Is there your structures there? Your complex sentences of there? Um and yeah, this is good. Now, of course, there are a couple of words where Okay, you might need a different subject. So this doesn't need to be a burden that those air Just minor grammatical errors. Ah, that's not because you speak up your speech either. That's just I think it's just common. That's it. Okay. Oh, God, I am just ranting. Here we go. Let me give you. Ah, here we go. Here's a difficult one. Some people think the internet provides people with a lot of information, while others think access to so much information can cause problems. Which of you do you agree with?

spk_0:   3:59
Much access to information can cause of problems. Yeah,

spk_1:   4:05
right. So too much information or access to too much information can cause problems. And some people, the believe the internet provides people with a lot of information that

spk_0:   4:18
way. Hey, it's a little bit difficult, but

spk_1:   4:27
let's leave yet. This is what I want is the dip. The more than difficult, the better, right? Yeah. Um, are you doing? I

spk_0:   4:37
believe that much access to information. Yeah, I agree with this statement. Stays much access to information Can. Uh uh Go on. What?

spk_1:   4:49
I'm sorry. Access to a lot of information. So you're going to agree with the fact that it creates problems, right? Yeah,

spk_0:   4:57
it's problem. I agree. The statement to say is access to a lot of information can create problems for two reasons. One that when you have a lot off information available So you don't actually know what specific information to use for for your purpose? Uh, it's It's difficult between selecting too many choices. And the second I believe that most off information that people have access on the Internet, Special Internet Ah, it's difficult for them to know if that specific information is reliable or not. So, ah, doing that and finding reliable information. I's difficult if you have this information. And you know, if that those informations are reliable, so it doesn't actually create problem, but having a lot of information and access to a lot of information. Of course, it it creates problems.

spk_1:   6:03
Okay. All right. All right. Just minor. Minor repetition. Nonetheless, but again, solid, solid. Um, again. Yeah, the re it. And I loved it because you actually included the reliable source. And I think in the age where everything is out there, it's very very. I think that had to be one of the best. Um, what is it? One of the best argument. So that was really, really good. Um, again, I guess. Excuse me. Making sure you don't repeat yourself. That's a very, very important aspect of it. But you did very well on a difficult question.

spk_0:   6:46
Thank you for that.

spk_1:   6:47
All right. Yeah. So, again, it you're getting it now. And I love it because the first question I asked you within 12 seconds, you were gone. You were like, Oh, I I don't Damn. It started stuttering. You fell apart right in the 2nd 1 You said okay. And the second reason is I don't have a second reason. So I was like, Oh, you know, we were doing so well. And that was about 30 seconds. And now you just hit off. Back to back. Full 60 seconds. Ah, 62nd little short conversation. So you see that improvement very quickly, right?

spk_0:   7:31
Yeah, of course. I just think for that. And, uh, thanks for that.

spk_1:   7:37
No problem. Again. It's all about slowing it down, so I'm gonna give you some more. Okay? Okay. Uh, I don't like that one. I like, you know, Know that I'm not gonna do that one. Uh huh. Yeah, yeah. Let's do this. Okay, here we go. If you are to choose between two apartments to live in Exodus one apartment is near the campus, but slightly expensive. The other is a little far from the campus of, but cheaper. Which one would you prefer? And why?

spk_0:   8:21
Okay, near the compass, but expensive. And for the composed, but cheaper. No

spk_1:   8:29
far away from the campus. Been cheaper. That's correct. Yep. You got it. I am.

spk_0:   8:34
Um I would choose the cheaper one father campus for two reasons. Okay, Uh, one that Ah, it's cheap. And you don't have to spend a lot of money on the apartment, so you may save your money. Uh, the second when it's far from the campus, you have to walk. It's something like exercising it if you don't have, especially when you study, you don't have time for exercising. So you walk in. That's very great. And so it's somehow exercising. Ah, this my second resent thirties and I have also thirties and no, it is. Yeah, Treason.

spk_1:   9:23
Okay. All right. So that's it. Yep. Okay. All right. All right. All right. So, again, the exercises with the exercise and that was a very, very good point. I think you could have builds up your argument. I remember this is a very similar question, Thio. What? I had asked somebody before. Ah, that people with disabilities, that could be problematic. The last I could be a different. You know, that could be a different side of the argument, too. So, um Okay, So just to sum that little small one up, you know, keeper, but further away. You prefer that because walk in that provides good exercise. Yeah, And I'm sorry, the other. The other reason you had what was the other reason?

spk_0:   10:20
Ah, you can save money.

spk_1:   10:22
Ah, that's right. Okay. So save them money and exercise. So again, you've got your two big reasons saving money and exercise. You built that up? Just a little small repetition at the end. All we have to do is provide a little bit more flow. If you do want to add some leakers in there, you could again. I think your complex structures are solid right now, because again you use subordinated conjunctions, coordinating conjunction sometimes use, like adverb, beall clauses and stuff like that. So that's really really, really good. So that's what I'm actually looking for if you have a good understanding of the English language that solid. Okay. All right. So ah, uh, how, man, I want to get you some other ones. You should be good down here. Oh, yeah? Yeah. If you have money, would you prefer to buy a house or a business?

spk_0:   11:25
My house and business for a business? Okay. Actually, buying a house is also business in our country somehow.

spk_1:   11:36
Oh, is that right? Okay, tell me. Tell me. Ah, tell me how. Tell me why. Tell me who.

spk_0:   11:42
Okay, uh, let me talk about buying a house and business. I would prefer buying a house if I had money for two reasons. One that if I My house in my country, especially in Kabul. People can rent your house and a very good price. So you don't have to work. You just get, uh, money from, uh, rent. And the second you have when you when you do that, you buy house and you don't have to work. So you have free time. You're in your free time. You condone a lot off other things that you enjoy. For example, if I had money and I bought house Oh, I love painting, and I would paint in my free time.

spk_1:   12:33
Okay. What? I thought you got cut off there. I was like, Okay, painting on my free time. And then you just cut out. So Okay. All right. Good example. I love it. You said, for example, and you gave the reason. So wait, So I'm sorry. Ah, house is a business. Why is that again?

spk_0:   12:52
Ah, business. Ah. People here just built house, and they they give it to people for rent. Uh, s so they get money from their house.

spk_1:   13:05
Very smart. I love that. That's amazing. Because not many people that, you know, I've been What is it? I've been reading and talking about rich Dad poor dad. He talks about assets and how living in your house is more of a liability versus reading it out, which would be an asset, which is very, very fascinating. Ah, And so people out there in Kabul, they already know what assets are or they know Maur what assets are than Americans do. So that is awesome.

spk_0:   13:37
Yeah, People do this a lot in our, uh, city. There are lots of people who just don't work. They just, ah, build a house and give them to people for rent hearts.

spk_1:   13:57
We still haven't. You could build a house. Ah,

spk_0:   14:02
well, it's, um it needs a lot of money, but still people who have some money. So So you know, it's the most secure business in our city because, you know, for security problems, people just don't do other business is, uh, this is the secure business. Because if they built house and people go there for huh? Living there? Ah, any time they congee, just kick them out. The people there and they have their house again. They have their house so they don't lose anything in this situation.

spk_1:   14:44
I see. I see. Okay. Wow. And that's okay. but they can't buy the land. They just buy the house where they just build the house on land that is owned by someone else. Right?

spk_0:   14:55
Uh, they have to buy the land. Oh,

spk_1:   14:59
I see. They got a bite.

spk_0:   15:02
Yeah, by the land. But it's You can get the land. Ah, in a low price. But building a house is a little with challenge. You know, it's difficult because it needs a lot of money

spk_1:   15:12
nicely. Okay. Wow. Nice explanation. They confer. Tell me that. That's very enlightening, man. All right. Okay, so here we go. This is gonna be a good one, too. We're gonna get into some really ugly ones here. All right, so here we go. Some people believe all people should not take risks and participate in adventurous events, as the young people do. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

spk_0:   15:44
Uh, can you distribute the question that I'm

spk_1:   15:47
sure no problem. Uh, old people should not take risks and adventurous like young people. Some people believe Do you agree or disagree with that statement?

spk_0:   16:00
Uh, well, I believe Ah, believe that old people should have a spit in an adventurous things. Ah, but um, sometimes it's related to the person itself, because they may be, Ah, not that strong enough to participate in those things. But in my case, my father is, uh I think he is 60 but, um, he that's things that other people's cannot do that. For example, he, uh he, uh he exercises. He's a karate man. He had a hold. Ah, I thought Ah. Ah. Belt. Ah. Third down, built, and, ah, sometimes he played volleyball. Very, very good in the younger one. So for this two reasons I believe of this reason, I believe that people should actually pour spit in, uh, adventurous things.

spk_1:   17:08
Okay. All right. That that was a very good example. Because you used your father and him being You said he will. He has a belt.

spk_0:   17:17
Ah, uh, actually, he ah, turd. What's that? It's the degree off that karate. He like all the black

spk_1:   17:26
eau de. So here's a black belt, Black belt, kick ass. And then he plays volleyball, too.

spk_0:   17:35
Yeah, he plays one able to very, very, actually better than other people.

spk_1:   17:43
Right? And you said well, compared to younger people. There you go. Okay. Damn. Okay, that's awesome. That was a really, really good example especially, you know, given the fact that some people believe that old people should be adventurous and do things that young people do. And you, you know, in America, every time you see someone doing karate, the black belt yell about red belt. Whatever belts they are, they're always there. Always Children. You never see someone of age doing something like that. So to hear that, that was probably the perfect example. All right, You have any questions about? Do you have any questions about that overall?

spk_0:   18:28
Uh, not actually. Well, I I believe that if I practice Ah, I might get better in and especially in this spot. Uh uh. Well, actually, I want to thank you for helping me. And especially the section. Um, yeah.