Arsenio's ESL Podcast

TOEFL iBT | Part 1 Question | Speaking | 1 on 1 Coaching | Developing Ideas

February 15, 2020 Arsenio Buck Season 5

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Had a wonderful student on recently who had problems recently while doing the Part 1 Speaking question.  This is primarily because she's not able to pick out points and details when asked a question.  She would be asked asked a question; and either she wouldn't be able to come up with two main ideas, or she would go blank mid-conversation.  So, in this podcast, I walk her through the process and try to keep her on her toes when the question comes.

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spk_0:   0:00
All right. So we actually could think about it right now. Think about when you got a 29 versus you get in the 25. Um, can you remember any of the questions? Do you think it was more easier with the 29th in the 25? Or was it? By the time you got to the speaking portion, you were just like, Oh, my God. I don't want to do this like didn't Do you remember anything? Can you recall anything?

spk_1:   0:24
Um, like? No, I can't really recall the questions honestly, because, like, it's a stressful time for May. But, um, I think I know my my weakness. It's like when I'm not familiar with the topic or if I have ah, like a very light limited time to give a specific answer. I just for your work. I say my my brain freeze. Right, right, right. Yeah. So I can think of anything to say I keep, like, scene. Um, yes, I lose. I lose fluency. Maybe a loose focus. I wish time. So, depending on the topic, how familiar is it? Do I have? I'm spit up. I'm so ah, speaking arm like specifically on the first desk. That's number one The independent question. Okay,

spk_0:   1:29
so dependent questions the most difficult for you.

spk_1:   1:33
It's not a kind of difficult, but the 15 seconds for me is not enough at all to think about anything I just I start thinking about just after 15 seconds. So that's the one point like I'm you need I need to know how not to think about the answer, how to just create and to, like, speak, speak up with anything that was right, right? I think. Yeah, so?

spk_0:   2:04
So we look at familiar questions that you are familiar with in your of course, the part one. Those questions When you actually do, Then let's say for that, For example, when you got that 29 I'm guessing that you had a familiar topic in the Question one, and you were able to create that blow. And it was much easier, as opposed to get in the 25 where you possibly may have gotten a difficult question and you were just like, um ah, get using those introductions that his stalls time and then it disrupts the flow. So, um, some of the questions that you probably see as difficult. What are there like, specific areas, is it? You know, of course, I could just throw out some right now, and I could just test you. Hmm. Do you know? But yeah.

spk_1:   2:59
Uh, I can't think about the topic, but like him, Thank you. According to my personality, I'm not the person who just speaks up and keep speaking in every I know a lot of people who are who can do this. Just speak. So I'm not a talkative person. Um, like by nature, I need to think I You need to know what I'm talking about. I need to know what to say. So I need more time to think and arrange my ideas. So usually the question is asking like, if you, for example, it's not a question, but, like, even do you like bananas or apples? And why so, Yeah, you know, I like bananas, for example. But I didn't know why I need to think about.

spk_0:   3:47
Okay. So I think it's what kind of new jazz how you do bananas, have you? When you think of

spk_1:   3:57
a e. C, I have nothing to say. Yeah, that's I don't know, like, yeah, I know the answer. But I don't know why. The wine part is that this is the like that the thing? Yeah. So, like, why? I don't know why I let me think, but give me some more time, Not 15 seconds. T O

spk_0:   4:26
k. Right, Right. So Okay, so let's think about it. I'm gonna throw something at you, and I want you to tell me the three first things that come to mind. So here we go. Let me give you something. For example, do you prefer traveling alone or traveling with a companion? Now? Pick a side right now. Go ahead. Travel alone. Travel with someone. What side do you juice with someone? Okay. All right. With someone. Now, give me three main reasons why you would like to travel with someone. Just one word. Just one word each. Okay, More fun. Okay. Fun. Um, e Oh, no more fun. Um ah. The ability to speak with someone else and perhaps have someone else make decisions too. Right? So maybe fun decision making. And let's just say, ah, speaking capability. So just in the event you stumble over some words or someone doesn't understand you, it would be good to have someone you know right next to you who could actually convey what you're trying to say. But you can't get it out. You see that? I mean, these air again. It's up topics, but I need you to think very quickly. See, this is what I'm trying to do right now being able to be on your toes. So when you say okay, travel with someone, why fun? And then you went you went blank, right? And that happens in evidence. But yeah, yeah, I want you to put yourself in a position, whereas you can hurry up and escape with your imagination and look at that other person standing right next to you. Think of why it would be fun to travel with that person. Now, fun getting around and decision making are the three first things that I come up with. And from there I'm able to create a 45. Yeah, I'm able to create a conversation from that.

spk_1:   6:37
But for example, when they said fun,

spk_0:   6:41
why would it be fun? So,

spk_1:   6:43
yeah, that's that's the next step would like I can like right now I can think of anything about it really amounts to a modest speaking like it's kind of I don't know what happens. Like when when I'm asked the such questions, I really my brain freeze is

spk_0:   7:04
right. But check with me because I had you. Okay? Obviously you've traveled before. You went from Egypt all the way to America. But think of another side. Holidays you've taken. Get me. Okay, Let's just give me your most exciting. Where did you go? Just give me a country. Your most length holiday. Go, you Morocco! No!

spk_1:   7:30
Paris. No! We went to Disneyland. Paris.

spk_0:   7:33
Boom! There we go. Bam! Okay, so, Disneyland Paris. Now, I want you to envision yourself, obviously being in that super fun environment with that companion. Tell me, why was Disneyland Paris Fund? Not so much for the fact that about Paris and Disneyland Peon fun, But the person being with you?

spk_1:   7:53
Yeah, we had if we had another family if friends of, um Ah, some friends and their kids. Um, so, yeah, kids were playing together. It's more fun to have some friends than to just be on your like, on your own or alone, Um,

spk_0:   8:16
re sharing conversations about the things that are happening around you be enabled to share those moments and create moments that would be long lasting. Right. That's one thing that that this reminds me of being in Hawaii with my friend. I'll give you an example. When I went to go buy the first time, that's a solo traveler. I hated it. But then when I went there a year later with my friend, I had the most memorable journey of my life. Why? The moments that were share the conversations that were created, the friendships that were long lasting a world? Well, at least for like, 3 to 4 years. You see what I mean? Uh huh. I hope that makes sense.

spk_1:   8:59
It does. But now it's about nobody. If it came to my mind.

spk_0:   9:06
Okay, let's do another one. Let's do another. Do you or do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities? Give me one. Um, which one? Which one? You're gonna pick? Indoor outdoor outdoor. Okay, outdoor now. Outdoor activities. Give me three main reasons why three words that will help guide you. Ah, ice. I'm sorry. Go ahead.

spk_1:   9:44
Yeah, I like I I usually ah enjoy being in, um, an open am in open areas and the, um surrounded by natural uh, my nature and ah, good.

spk_0:   10:09
Like I see, I see. So you've got all these cobwebs getting stuck. It's kind of like being in a spider web and you're screaming. You're like, Oh, my God, get off me! And you're over here swinging for your life. That's what's happening within your mind because it's very hard for you to get back to the outside. It's hard for you to actually express yourself. Uh,

spk_1:   10:34
yeah, yeah, it's kind of it's not hard, but I don't know, right? I never thought about such things. And I can't come up with any reasons for for liking or disliking stuff right on. And that's usually the question like, Yeah, the outdoor or indoors. So, yeah, I like outdoors. Why? Because I enjoy being out outside

spk_0:   11:05
press? Yeah. And freedom. Nature pressure. Well, yeah, I guess you could say freedom. You could you could But again, nature, you could actually go, what, 20 seconds with nature talking about the things and the surroundings that you are enjoying Also, the fresh air. So you could say because I'm from a country where the air is so amazing. Sweet. They don't know that you're for me, You know what I mean? Sandstone. But anyways, it's a you know, because I'm from a country or a city that has just so much clean air. I love being under the sun to get some of that sunlight, which also helps my skin and the fresh air. You have no idea how much it helps me throughout my day taking be l's in those.

spk_1:   11:57
Yeah, yeah, I know that this is what they want, the way it doesn't really like. I feel stupid, right when they say such That's not mean that

spk_0:   12:12
right? But has anyone ever asked you that in your native tongue as it has anyone ever asked you? Hey, man, you want to go? You want to go play some some basketball or anything? Anything. How do you guys express yourself?

spk_1:   12:30
Yeah, of course. Of course. It happens in our dating life. Like I want to like to hang out. Would you like to stay indoors? Would like to go outside

spk_0:   12:37
today. How do you answer?

spk_1:   12:39
All right. Ah, like it depends on the way. Though the weather is good, today's is It's nice to car to go out or we've been Ah, staying in north for Mary. You like, Ah, days or whatever. So let's go outside and make some change. Um,

spk_0:   13:06
yeah. Okay. Okay. Again. Do you have ah format for replying to some of these questions in your native tongue? So if someone comes to me, you, like, know someone comes to me and says our city Oh, so what do you do on your free time? I'm like, Well, you know what? I lived my passion. I lived my free time. So everything that I love to do, like obviously putting myself through a lot of pain in the gym. Or it could be, you know, doing traveling or express to myself to voice on my podcast or do this or do that I live it. So I don't necessarily have hobbies because I lived my hobbies. My hobbies have become my life. So I'm able to do that. Because again, I guess maybe because I'm a speaker in what? But you for those 40 seconds for that under minute, I need really to somehow developed Oh, my God. It's so okay. But let me give you what about the difficult questions. What type of are there difficult questions that you normally stumble over or it's just basic questions. Such as the ones I've been asking you.

spk_1:   14:18
No, All the questions.

spk_0:   14:20
All of them. Hey. Oh, all right.

spk_1:   14:25
I think that the that time I and when I got the 29 they were asking about I still teach first a certain point in my life, I we used to be a teacher, so they were asking Ah ah, question about some teaching. The strategies are or about the students. Do you prefer likes something we got about this hour around this area. I can't remember the question Exactly. So I had something to say because I lived this experience and I know exactly what to say. I What was it? That question

spk_0:   15:10
I see. I see. Okay, So, yeah, you

spk_1:   15:12
were comparing where, Like to teaching strategist or something. I'm not sure. Like, would you like

spk_0:   15:21
Okay. And have you tried free writing? Have you tried free writing before? Like, you know, putting your thoughts onto paper and then, you know, trying to express your welly express yourself in a certain way again. Like what? One of the biggest problems I've seen out here in Thailand is the Ayotte's writing task to and this is a big problem because the majority of those questions that are asked on the test these students have never been asked that in their language, both in their native tongue or in English. So they're like, I don't have a thought teacher. I don't have a thought. And so I try to get them to do free riding, and that actually builds them up, you know, get into that 150 mark that 200 marks of that 250 word limit. Um, have you tried free riding? Have you tried speaking?

spk_1:   16:09
I am trying to practice writing because I I I also have to get a high grade in writing. And the last time when I had this, Like in my last trial, I got, uh I really it's great. And raining. Um, I think it's Look, you waas ready when I will tell you why did I get this great, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Here. So yeah. 28

spk_0:   16:46
28 writing. Yeah. Okay. For why, in

spk_1:   16:51
my last trial? Why? Because they throw out this question it remember it, Um that was like two prefer living in the city or ah ah ah, like village. Right? And I know exactly how both of them it looks like. And I had and the ah two experiences s Oh, yeah, I had a lot of thanks to write and see. That's great.

spk_0:   17:24
That's great. I see. So because you had the experience Yeah, easier for you. Now, now, remember, I'm gonna get a little bit deep here now because you've had the experience and you've experienced it. That's why it's in your subconscious mind. But see, the subconscious mind doesn't know what is and what is it. So this is when imagination comes into the, you know, into play. And this is why a lot of students, when they're ask different questions. I'm like, man, you better have an imagination and lie your ass off like, oh, describe a party that you went to that you enjoyed. And some of them are like, but I never went to a party. I said, you better create a party right now. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, again, it's not so much with that, obviously on total, because again, when they ask you a preferential question, you need to give, You know, some really good, you know? Reasons why? And examples of what? That Why you chose that specific one. And how about this? Do you? When? When traveling. Do you prefer to travel by car or by train? Oh, wow. You

spk_1:   18:40
die. Hi. Hi. Choice. Okay, I try. I was trying not to think. Okay. Okay. Wait. I

spk_0:   18:47
think I'd like to do Don't think way this'll go. Okay, Three reasons why car go.

spk_1:   18:59
You can stop many as many times as you want.

spk_0:   19:01
Okay. Uh, combining is all right. We'll go with convenience. What else? Ah, cheaper. Cheaper. OK. And one more

spk_1:   19:15
might be fester.

spk_0:   19:16
Okay, There you go. Now give me an example for cheaper. Just just give me a 1 to 212 to sentence. You could compound it if you use a noun closet at verbal Klaus, whatever you want to use. Just give me an example, Toe. Why? It is cheaper.

spk_1:   19:35
So when you're riding a car, depending on how many seats do you have? Li like you might have five or ah, maybe up to eight people inside the car. So that would be much cheaper if compared to eight tickets. Ah, train tickets.

spk_0:   19:57
Excellent. That's a great example. So this is what I hear from a lot of families out here in Thailand. They said it's actually cheaper having a car than paying five different train tickets. You know, to go one way and one way back, that could total out to about 250 to 300 U. S. Dollars a month for train, which is ridiculous compared to a whopping maybe, I don't know, through, you know, 100 U. S. Dollars in gas. So that is a good example. Now tell me about the convenience. Give me an example for the convenience. You talk. So give me that

spk_1:   20:30
s sorry. What do you mean by convenience?

spk_0:   20:32
Convenience meeting. You could stop. Go. You could do whatever you want. You don't have that. Someone's not telling you. Hey, the next stop is flax that we're not gonna sew way. And you know what? If you have to go to the toilet, who cares? No, It like convenience. That means if you're hungry. Ghost stop at the gas station. You get something to eat. They go. That's an example.

spk_1:   20:56
This is what I meant. Uh, like we can stop as many times. Especially if you have kids you can like. If they need to go to the restroom or they If they're hungry, they'll have enough food so you can stop by. Ah, um, and many market or any chopping the way to buy whatever you want. You can have some rest. You can. Ah,

spk_0:   21:29
there. That's good. That's it. That's the samples. That's good enough right there. Okay. And how about faster? You'd be a reason why it's faster.

spk_1:   21:38
It's faster because you are kind of, Ah, controlling your speed. Um, you can go faster, Slow? You don't have ah, like a limited time or specific time. And you don't have this many stops. Aziz. The friend does. So it might be faster. Not sure

spk_0:   22:04
you did good because of the train. If the train stops 10 times and you're driving that entire time, you're good. Unless it's a bullet train. Now, you're not gonna go faster than then. The sheen constant out there in Japan. But you get the point that I've actually saying You know what? I beat so good. There you go. So you've got a three things a supporting that topic right here. Limit that to about 12 seconds. 12 seconds. 12 seconds. Boom. Let's try another one s.

spk_1:   22:33
So I usually, like, usually was trying to think about too. Ah, Reasons on Lee. Ah, So do you suggest, like, thinking about three reasons and just to speak less about each that would which

spk_0:   22:49
everyone is comfortable for you. Now, if you've actually been doing two reasons because I heard you've given your examples behind each one and that those examples could be anywhere between 15 and 20 seconds. So and I'm you. I would stick with two. Because if you give three, then you're going to begin rushing. You're going to become anxious and that you will just fall all over the place. You see what I mean?

spk_1:   23:12
I won't be able to come up with the three. Actually, I hardly get to

spk_0:   23:16
Oh, okay. Good. Exactly. Right? Right. So that's one of the big issues. Is you just developing those two's meeting, You know, So okay, so you just create too. And then with those two, I already know that you're able you're going to be able to give examples behind those that will, you know that will stretch the duration of time that you need. Thio, you know that you need to go put your speaking into you know what I mean?

spk_1:   23:45
Uh huh. So I am. I have a question. Um, like regarding, um speed speaking speed. Ah. Do you prefer, like, speaking slowly to just fill all the time with less words? Right

spk_0:   24:09
now, remember, if you're speaking slowly kind of like this, they're going to realize that you're speaking slowly, not on Lee, just to develop your spoken fluency, but also because you're trying to get the full time. So again you see that I mean s o I thought that it would like it

spk_1:   24:34
is clear

spk_0:   24:37
that is extremely true. True, True. You see what I mean? So again, me, you've got to speak at a one point. Oh, speak a standard speed the moment you start to speed up quicker because you're going to hit that time limit. That's when you start bobble in all your words. Your grammar becomes all displaced and you become anxious. Your blood pressure begins. A lot of things contribute to your overall score. So again, speaking just normally kind of like this. So my first reason is because that that that that the dead and my second reason would be that if you want to use those clinkers in those markers Uh, yeah, but speaking at a standard rate, if you speak slower, they're going to dock you for that. If you speak faster, they're gonna be about 6 to 12 contributory factors that are going to derail that score

spk_1:   25:31
over. So I just go for a regular speed

spk_0:   25:37
is cool. Yeah, just every day that every day because you live out there in Chicago. I don't know how fast they speak out there. I know some Americans that speaks very quick like, Hey, you know that everything's going,

spk_1:   25:47
Yeah, yeah, And those people, I I hardly understand what it's like. I can know what they're speaking about, but I can, if any details from what they're seeing

spk_0:   26:01
is it, don't be like this. But you understand what not to be like and again just being out there that normal speed, that everyday communication. That's exactly how I want you to speak. You're not going like if I speak slower or if I speak slowly to someone who's a native speaker, they're going to find that offensive. They're going to say what you think I'm stupid. You see what I mean? But if I speak very quickly to a native speaker, they won't understand me. So it's all about finding that common ground, which I know you have.