Positively Midlife Podcast

A 25th Episode Midlife Celebration...Ep. 25

Season 1 Episode 25

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It's a celebration....of the 25th episode of the podcast!   

Today’s episode is a celebration of hitting the 25th episode milestone and we’re sharing our journey to starting the podcast, the most popular weekly obsessions with our listeners, and what Tish and Ellen just can stop obsessing about!  They discuss the two most popular episodes with listeners and Tish and Ellen each select the episode that means the most to them.  We learn what's next for the podcast and the things that have surprised Ellen & Tish the most about hosting a podcast.

Most popular obsessions:
Tish's  White Cowboy Boots
Ellen:  a Panda planner - a different way to start your day
An Aperol Spritz
NeoraGlow  Illuminating Body Oil

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Ellen Gustafson:

Welcome to the 25th episode of our podcast. I'm Ellen with my co host Tish, and today's episode is a celebration of this milestone, we're going to share our journey, the most popular weekly obsessions, our listeners favorite episodes, and our favorite episodes. And we're delighted to be here to bring a positive voice to midlife.

Tish Woods:

Ellen, I am so excited. I can't even believe we are now 25 episodes into our podcast. I mean, this is really amazing when it went from just an idea to reality. And, you know, in the beginning, all the experts were telling us just do it. Just do it doesn't matter if it's perfect. Just keep doing it, you'll get better over time. And I couldn't ask for a better co host than you on this journey. It has been amazing. And I'm more excited now than I think when we did our first episode.

Ellen Gustafson:

You know what I agree with you I think we surprised ourselves here in a way. Right. But yeah, we did. And I think it's important for us to take this look back, you know, and talk about how we've grown, and what we want to do moving forward. And really to thank our amazing listeners for all their support. Right, right. Tish,

Tish Woods:

you know, you know, sometimes I think it might have been a little hard at the beginning for some of our friends to be supporters, because they heard her growing pains. But you know, what, that's part of the journey. That's okay. And when when I heard, you know, heard certain friends say, You know what, I can hear the difference, you guys are getting so much better every time. It's, it's exciting to me. And again, it's never about being perfect about it. It's really about the whole experience, this finding our voice, creating this, such a positive environment in such a negative time. Like all I can't even listen to the news anymore. All it's so negative and everything. And I think one of the best comments that I heard from anyone is your podcast is like a breath of fresh air. Nice.

Ellen Gustafson:

Well, I just want to say that one of our reviewers, I don't know who this person is. But they really said they were enjoying the evolution of the podcast and loved our topics, because sometimes they're playful and fun. Sometimes they're educational. And sometimes they're very serious conversations with guests. So I think we're hitting all of those points with the podcast right now. And yeah, yeah, right. I also want to just say that by giving us reviews and giving us direction, it really helps us understand what's resonating with our listeners, and to to really be able to plan what we're going to be talking about moving ahead. So thanks to everyone who's done a review, or shared feedback with us on Facebook on our Facebook page. Just want to say thank you for that.

Tish Woods:

Absolutely. We want to hear we want to hear the feedback for sure. But before we dive in any further, you know, this is the part of our episode where we talk about our obsessions. I love it. I love talking about new obsessions. I want us to talk about the things that we brought up as an obsessions that we're still really obsessed about.

Ellen Gustafson:

Yeah, and that we received a lot of feedback from listeners about what resonated with them what they're obsessed about. So let me just take one for the team here and say that you are still obsessed with your white cowboy boots. Can I say that?

Tish Woods:

Yes, you can. Because I am. I really am. I recently went to my 35th college reunion. And multiple people said to me, oh my god, we thought for sure you're going to be wearing those white boots. And I was I had a really cute little orange dress on and my white boots. You know, they may not be quite the same in the South as they are in metropolitan DC. But I didn't care you know, they bring me such joy when I wear them. They're definitely attention getting but people were waiting to see if I was gonna wear the boots and I did

Ellen Gustafson:

not You know, they I'm gonna say they're your signature wardrobe piece. But I sense that you have a little swagger when you wear them,

Tish Woods:

I do I do, you know, because because you know what, you know, when people are looking at your outfit or whatever, and whether they think I'm crazy or not, I doesn't matter. They definitely make me happy. It's definitely a state. They're definitely a statement piece. For sure. But you know, the other one that people have talked a lot about Ellen, is your obsession, the panda planner? Yes, yes. You know, you're still using it every day, aren't you?

Ellen Gustafson:

I do almost every day, but very consistently. And you know what it prevents me from just getting up and scrolling. It's so easy for us to just wake up and check one thing and 20-30 minutes have gone by. So to really kind of set my day off and in the right direction, really just spending some time it's almost like a journaling. And I know we've talked about that before, but you're thinking about what's working, what you want to accomplish that in that day, you know, really being grateful, putting some gratitude out there. And so, I think that's why people were interested in I know our friend, Kathy Got one. And so I'd have to say, I've had a lot of people comment on the panda planner.

Tish Woods:

I love that. I think anything that people can have that positive focus. You know, that's, that's been a real key, I think with a lot of our episodes is to get other women focused on positive things in their lives, positive goals, overcoming hardships, whatever it is. You know, I think there's so much negative stuff out there that I want ours to be an environment of encouragement, that is for sure. You know, so two of the other products that I'm still obsessed with. And both were actually out of businesses that friends of mine have, were the Magnolia soap. I still use it in my laundry every time I do my laundry and I will sprinkle it around the house in my carpets. I will put it in my bath water. I mean it is it's still fabulous. Still love it.

Ellen Gustafson:

Next time you feel like you're going to tell me you're baking with it and

Tish Woods:

I don't think it's edible. But but you know, I like everything with scents things with scents really, you know, resonate a lot with me. Yeah, the other thing I've used all all summer long and I'm still using it into the fall is this product called Neora glow, which makes it look like you were just out in the sun for a little bit. Has a little bit of sheen to it. If I'm wearing something that is like strapless or my shoulders are showing, I am putting it all over my shoulders. I'm always putting a little bit on my cheekbones, just to give me that oh she's just been outside in the sun look. So those two you know again, you know friends you know me supporting friends businesses. But I really do love those products are wonderful.

Ellen Gustafson:

Well I can say I bought the Magnolia soap after it being your obsession and I absolutely love it. But I I kind of keep it to my laundry up until now. And specifically my bedding you know the pillowcases the sheets, the duvet cover, as well as towels and you know people comment about how fabulous in my Airbnb the linen smell and I use it down there for when I'm when I'm doing the Airbnb so I'd have to say them Magnolia soap was something I tried and really enjoyed.

Tish Woods:

If you're if somebody is looking for a nice little hostess gift, or if you're going to stay with somebody, I had actually brought a container of it. When I went up and stay with my friend Judy up in Buffalo. She fell in love with it. I brought a container of it down to Karen, when I went to stay with her down in Annandale, Virginia. And she was using it she was using it just the other day when I was there. So it's a great little hostess gift to kind of introduce somebody special.

Ellen Gustafson:

Yeah it's packaged nicely. But I want to chat about I think the perennial obsession, which is the Aperol Spritz.

Tish Woods:

Oh, yes. Yes, the Aperol Spritz. I have three friends that are in I was just talking to one of them. They were on their last day. In Italy, they were in Milan, sitting out at a cafe drinking an Aperol Spritz. And I said, when you all get back, we need to get together have some Aperol Spritz. And I want to hear all their stories about their, their 10 days in Italy. So

Ellen Gustafson:

well, I have to say having one in your backyard makes you feel like you're in Italy. So if you go to Italy, or France or some other fabulous place, you can recreate it with the Aperol Spritz. So yes, totally.

Tish Woods:

If somebody is looking for something different or special at the holidays, it's such a pretty orange color. You can put a nice slice of of orange into the drink itself. You know, you can dress it up a little bit. Maybe you can throw cranberry or two in there. Make it very seasonal looking.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. would be definitely, definitely try it out.

Tish Woods:

Definitely try it out. You've never tried one before.

Ellen Gustafson:

So pretty with cranberries. Great idea. Well, I know we want to move on and talk about the two most popular episodes of the podcast to date. So drumroll please.

Tish Woods:

what is what is our number one most listened to episode.

Ellen Gustafson:

It's becoming an artist with our guest, Ellen Howard. And this was a fabulous.

Tish Woods:

This was no surprise. It was such an inspiring episode. Yes,

Ellen Gustafson:

yes. I think that there's many of us that dream about being artists, or writers or, you know, doing something in those fields. But I think particularly art and Ellen's journey was, you know, so interesting, from just taking a class with a friend to making it her career here at midlife and really pivoting and she worked hard at it, I have to say, and it's really inspiring to see the teaching that she does, her paintings that she does her work with the Art Association here on the West Coast, and I think national, she's a national as well, so And you and I having the chance to see her paint out on the cliffs of Pescadero, California, and really getting to understand her process, too.

Tish Woods:

Oh, yeah. I mean, you know, I think a lot of people think, Oh, I would like to do something and maybe jump into it. But she became a student of what she was looking to do. And I think that's what people what really resonates with a lot of people at least that's what I was hearing is her whole process. I mean, she became a student of the whole process. She educated herself on on, you know, the techniques of that airplane are thin air, yes, plain plein air, excuse me, I said it backwards, plein air. And, but she continues to do it all the time. She's continuing to push herself and learn, become better with her mixing of colors. You can see the progression of her work as she's gone over in time. But to me, it's just such a special way of painting when you're out in nature, in the middle of it. I mean, to me, it was amazing watching her do paintings while the tide is moving, right. And the light matters. Yeah, the lights changing the scenery, it's moving. But it didn't matter because she's getting the essence of the moment. So yes, I can absolutely see why that was a huge fan favorite for sure. And I think a lot of us think oh, I would love to switch my corporate job for whatever I'm passionate, passionate about. And I'm going to say if that is, you know, do it. You know, even if it's not, can't be a full time endeavor for you. Maybe it's a part time endeavor. But, you know, let your passions let your passions free.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. And if you're listening and you haven't had a chance to listen to that episode, please take a minute to do so. It's it's so great. And I just want to say a big thank you to Ellen Howard for coming on the podcast and sharing her journey with us. Okay, no rush roll.

Tish Woods:

So she wants to come and do another podcast with us. So I'm excited to do that with her at a different time to she wants to come and co host with us one day and I really look forward to that.

Ellen Gustafson:

You You know, I do too? I do too. I think it would be so fun to have her back.

Tish Woods:

Now. All right, number two, drum roll for number two. Drum roll. I'm about drum roll.

Ellen Gustafson:

It is create the midlife you want the butterfly moment.

Tish Woods:

You know, the butterfly moment really is the gist of what we're all about, isn't it? Yeah,

Ellen Gustafson:

it is. It's really, you know, I didn't, I didn't really know what the butterfly moment was until you and I started talking about it. And I do think it is exactly what this podcast is about. It's really creating that moment that you can fly in midlife and taking midlife on with positivity and enthusiasm. And, and with a plan.

Tish Woods:

I think women spend the majority of their lives taking care of everyone else. And we finally get to this point where we've gotten the kids on their feet. You know, maybe our parents have passed and that we were caregivers there. Some of us have lost spouses or, or gone through separations or some of us are still with our spouses. But all of a sudden, there we are, again, asking that question that maybe we had asked when we were young ladies, what's next, like, you know, where do I go from here? And that's really what the butterfly moments about. But what this podcast is about, about, you know, going back to our roots of what brings us joy, what were we passionate about? How do we recapture that? How do we go after our dreams, after all these years of taking care of everyone else around us? And if you haven't heard butterfly moment, and you need some inspiration about what do I do in my life now, butterfly moment is going to is going to really start touching your soul to think all of all your endless possibilities.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right, and even just our podcast last week, where we chose something from our bucket lists to take on as a challenge. We really thought back to what we enjoyed when we were younger, whether it was when I was five or six dancing, or you being sporty, your whole life Tish with tennis and other things to pick up now surfing. You know, we're really challenging women to think about who they were before all of this and really to take some of that and move it forward.

Tish Woods:

Absolutely, absolutely. So those are two episodes. If you haven't heard, definitely go back and listen to those because they are number one. And number two, definitely for a great reason. That's for sure.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. Well,

Tish Woods:

I want to know what is your favorite episode was?

Ellen Gustafson:

Well, what I was gonna say here is I think it's funny, separate from each other. We chose our favorite episode, and don don don da. We chose the same episode. I think it's so funny. We chose Episode 12, which was honoring our mothers. Yes. And for me, one of the reasons a few reasons why it was my favorite episode. We did it with Felicia, our other our college friend and we knew each other's moms all of us had lost our moms. And you know, when you're young, you may not ask your mom a lot of questions. You may not really dig deep for those things. But it was just a great experience to think about what our moms taught us. And then how do we want our kids to take away something from what we teach them? And I really enjoyed that.

Tish Woods:

Oh, yeah, I just it really, it made me feel so close to our mothers doing that particular episode, remembering parts of your mom and Felicia, his mom and my aunt, and just how much they influenced us. I don't think we think about that all the time. Like even if our moms were really different from us. They influenced us in so many ways. And I look back and I think about the positive ways that my mom influenced my life and how uplifting it is and I want to do that to other women, I want to uplift other women in positive ways by inspiring them as well. So that one was definitely my favorite. But if you had to pick a second one for yourself, Ellen? Well,

Ellen Gustafson:

yes, but before we get to that, I just want to add one more thing about episode 12. It's that so many of my friends commented on Facebook after the episode with memories of my mom and a few photos of my mom. And it kind of kept it going. So that that felt really special to me, too. Because she has been gone almost 20 years, so quite a while. And it felt good to know that she touched a lot of other people too, because my mom was great and funny. And I miss her bright without a doubt.

Tish Woods:

Absolutely. And you know what, I would encourage all of us to reach out to friends whose parents have passed and share a memory that you remember, because that was such a special moment. After that. People were coming back to me as well. And in saying what they remembered about my mom, to me, and it was just so special. So if you want to really brighten up somebody's week, reach out to them share a great memory you have about their mom or dad, and I'm telling you, it's just gonna make their whole week.

Ellen Gustafson:

So true. But my next episode, if I had to pick one would be our episode about running an Airbnb business with Kristen Baker. She was a fabulous guest. She brought so much knowledge about how she built can I say, an Airbnb empire? Maybe. But, you know, she really turned her her whole focus to her financial well being and created the most beautiful AirBNB that was full of her style and personality. And it's been fabulous. And I think it's so important for women to have ways to make money and to support themselves. And if it's a few side hustles if it's a full time job and a side hustle like an Airbnb, and we got a lot of feedback from people that the episode really made it seem possible that they could have a short term rental.

Tish Woods:

Absolutely. I know one of our other guests talked about how she wants to create one in her property to help her with that, you know, her long term financial goals. But yeah, Kristen was just an absolute inspiration. Because even though at the time she first did her Airbnb, she had some serious like roadblocks in her way. She didn't. She did what whatever it took to make her dream happen. And that's what was so inspiring to me. Kristin didn't see the roadblocks. She just leaped over them did what she had to do, sucked it up, made it happen. And she is a super host, as well as you are a superhero. She inspired you to do one. You're both super hosts, which is not an easy accomplishment to get. So if you haven't heard that episode, and you've ever thought, that's something I'd like to do. That's an episode you need to listen to for sure.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. Tish if you had to pick another episode, which one would it be?

Tish Woods:

Oh, wow. You know, I think the mentoring one meant a lot to me because mentoring has always been, you know, a driving force, I think for me, but it also kind of spoke to two different episodes. It talked about the Colette episode. And Colette was a college friend who actually came to us and said, I want to share my story. And I think I was so humbled and honored that she wanted to talk about her experiences with being a victim of domestic abuse, and how she overcame. And it was so touching again back at our 35th college reunion. Several women mentioned how that episode brought them to tears. They had no idea and I said you know I didn't either until I heard it later. And that one was it was just amazing. But and then my one of my besties Liz, she came on to talk about, you know, she spent years mentoring hundreds of women through breast cancer. And she had an amazing mentor. And last week, we were just at a dinner to honor this woman's life she passed from breast cancer. And you know, it was talking about that mentoring. So just this idea of women mentoring other women, right, is just a huge driving force. So yeah,

Ellen Gustafson:

I agree and women, mentoring and supporting women, it's something that we need more and more of, there are endless opportunities for us to do that. Well, I'd like to say just that, Thanks for the memories. And I'm really looking forward to continuing to grow and develop our podcast. And I know we've got an exciting lineup for the next 25 episodes. So stay tuned, great guests, interesting topics, some challenges, we're going to be reporting back in on some things like our salsa dancing, and surfing, and where that's taking us. So just stay tuned.

Tish Woods:

And again, I can't say it enough, come along with this journey that we're on, because this isn't just about me. Or you, Ellen. This is about creating this tribe of amazing women that are entering, you know, midlife and you want to go at it in a positive way. And you want people to encourage you and build you up. This is your environment. This is your tribe, this is where you need to be. So please come along, invite your friends to come along. Let us know what you want to hear about. And thank you so much to everybody who's been there for the first 25 episodes. And for those who continue to be on our, our journey with us.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. And if you like the podcast again, give us a review. Tell us what you like so we can give you even more in that direction as we move forward. So I'd like to just say till next time Midsters

Tish Woods:

Till next time

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