Positively Midlife Podcast

Spring Clean Your Life - Ep 40

March 08, 2023 Ellen and Tish Season 2 Episode 40

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It is that time of year to refresh your world as we head into the longer days and more sunlight of Spring! Ellen and Tish both love the Spring and it's starting to feel like spring in California and South Carolina.  This week’s episode is about 'Spring Cleaning' five areas of your life to get ready for Spring.   Ellen and Tish talk about refreshing your closet, your personal style, activities, and house -yard-patio and Ellen and Tish both share their favorite spring recipe and drink.

Things we talked about in this episode:   peaches, daylight savings time, the vernal equinox, herb gardens, closet cleanout, Camillas, margaritas, Palomas, Grilled Pizza, girl scout cookies, wine parties, Proper Peaches, Proper Whiskey. 

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Tish: click here for the O-Cedar Microfiber Spin MopTish loves for spring cleaning
Ellen: click here for the Drawer Dividers Ellen can't live without

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Tish Woods:

Ellen, did you realize that this weekend is already daylight savings time? Get out.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love daylight savings time.

Tish Woods:

So I'm thinking this is the time that we need to do our spring cleaning our life episode. Because, you know, there's just something about that springtime that makes you want to renew and refresh everything right? So that just kind of got us talking about these different areas of our lives that I'm thinking that we need to discuss about what needs to be refreshed. So we've come up with five different areas that could really have an exciting impact going into the springtime.

Ellen Gustafson:

Yes, I love this we're going to chat about refreshing our closets, as well as taking a new approach to our personal style and wardrobe. And I think we both feel it would be an ideal time to refresh activities that we're involved

Tish Woods:

And then I think we really need to turn our in to. attention outside to our yards and our patios and maybe planning that perfect garden party. And then we've got to finish up with some great food and drink ideas for this spring.

Ellen Gustafson:

I know that the yard and patio has you written all over it Tish let me just say that but oh, I got plans. I got it. I know you do. You do and I love Spring living here in California. I know some of our listeners may be a little jealous. It's it's almost here Spring is almost here. I've this Camille tree, it's blooming. And Spring is the time of rebirth and revival, really after everybody hunkering down for the winter. So I love it.

Tish Woods:

Well, in South Carolina, it's been 70 degrees last week when I was having those margaritas on national Margarita day we sat out at the patio at the restaurant with my daughter and her boyfriend. So spring has been hitting South Carolina here. Most definitely.

Ellen Gustafson:

I know I recall but you even had a tequila t shirt on. I did. I net? Well, we've had some crazy weather here in California, some snow in the Bay Area. Just this last weekend, I woke up to hail that had covered my back patio. Then it looked like snow. But it's all gone. And we're now back into our regular our regular weather pattern. And I and I know we are both feeling really springy. Well, you know what else the spring brings? Our birthday? That's right, spring worthy. Or spring? Davies Yes, yeah. And really one of my best memories and my favorite parts of spring is when daffodils will come out and the California poppies to. And when you're here Tish, because you're coming here to California, a couple of weeks, we'll do one of these amazing wildflower walks that the MALT, the Marine agricultural land trust MALT sent out a few weeks ago and that'll be spectacular.

Tish Woods:

I just absolutely love flowers. So I can't wait for us to do those wild flower hikes. So that's going to be that's going to be a big a big ticket item for me there. But my favorite part down here in South Carolina is we have all these amazing local peach trees and they are in bloom and they are just gorgeous. So you know especially for me too as the day start getting longer because you know I use that, that my light lamp and stuff. So as the day start getting longer, it's a real spiritual revival, but really like an energy revival for me as well.

Ellen Gustafson:

Yep, it's one more time what time is it? It's Girl Scout Cookie time.

Tish Woods:

Ah, okay, so springtime, we got that spring feeling. You know, it's hitting us at different times, depending on where we live. But we want to challenge our listeners to start making some plans for this whole life spring cleaning this year. Okay. And we've come up with five areas that we want to focus on. So are you ready for some spring cleaning and refreshing of our lives?

Ellen Gustafson:

I think I am and I love the idea of making room in our lives for new things. Not necessarily physical things but new activities, new spaces, fresh cooking, right getting that backyard ready and the patio

Tish Woods:

I'm happy, you know how I feel about it. I want to see the new fashions and the new colors, maybe even kind of trying a new look.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. But before we get to spring cleaning, in quotes, air quotes of our lives. Let's get to our weekly obsessions. And I know I say this every week, but I really do love hearing about what you're obsessed with this week. What do you got for me? Tish?

Tish Woods:

Okay, so in the vein of the spring cleaning, my obsession this week is with the O-cedar mop? Have you seen these things? No, there's a bucket of the water. And then there's a special top spinner feature that you pump your foot on the bucket, and it spins all the water out, right. So now you can use the mop just not on your floors. You can use it on your baseboards, on your walls. And you know, so I've been following a couple of these TikTok people about different things that they can do with different cleaning techniques and stuff. And they all love these O-Cedar mops because you can put them in your showers, you can put them everywhere. But this idea, and I think this is a great time of the year to do this is you know, maybe take a scent that you really love, right? I like Mr. Clean, they have this new fresh scent. And if you do all your walls, it's going to really freshen up the whole room. So I'm gonna say my obsession this week is with the O-cedar Mop

Ellen Gustafson:

is that a gram a thing to be obsessed about? I don't know. You know, I have to say that. I'm going to confess that cleaning is not my forte. So, um, but this Oh, cedar mop is intriguing. It is intriguing. I will definitely check it out.

Tish Woods:

Yeah, what about you, Ellen, what are you obsessed with this week?

Ellen Gustafson:

You know, since in the same line of spring cleaning, I am more about organizing, I do not have a lot of clutter, as you know. And so my current brand of cleaning is decluttering. And we're going to talk about it in a little bit. But I have to share that I got these drawer dividers earlier in the year. And I put some in my kitchen drawers. But I put a bunch in my dressers and you can really get things so much more organized. If they're not just all thrown in like a dresser drawer, or I have big deep drawers on my island. And I put some dividers in and the big plates are in one and the smaller goals are in the other and you can pull them out and you can make them longer shorter, or they have a lot of give to them. And they customize and customizing them. Yeah, I love that idea. Yeah, so life changing, I put that their life change.

Tish Woods:

We you know, there's one other thing that I wanted to mention about my obsession, and you know, because we were always telling people, we have links, we have links, yeah, but I checked it out. So our link you're gonna be able to get if you really want to try this O-ceda rmop the whole little kit thing going on with these special, you know, heads on them, you can actually get them through our link $15 cheaper than if you hit the Walmart yourself, and they're gonna deliver it to your house. So, you know, a lot of times using our affiliate links, you're gonna get a little savings as well. So and this is one of those times that take advantage of that savings. That's huge.

Ellen Gustafson:

And you know what, that's enough to make me get in O-cedar mob. There you go. It is alright. So you know, spring starts with the vernal equinox. And that's the day that balances both light and dark, which I think is fascinating. And we all know like you were just talking about with more sunlight, we have uplifted moods, we're just feeling more energy. And we're bringing this energy into a few parts of our midlife and we think this is a great time to quote unquote, spring clean. So Tish, why don't you take our first topic.

Tish Woods:

Okay, so we're going to talk about cleaning out the closets. So I love the idea of purging and cleaning things out and starting this whole new season with something really fresh, right? So I think that's where we should start if you start with your closet cleanouts right now.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love the closet purge. Can you call it the closet purge? Getting those bulky coats the big, you know, fabulous sweaters that we were so excited to bring out in the fall getting them ready to put away and making some room for some spring fashion. I think it's refreshing. I'm ready. You know, and when I look back east Tish I remember changing my closet really two times a year, spring and fall and I really like that idea of just complete, complete refreshing, here in California, my closets a little more seasonal. But I still do this bringing things in and out. How about you?

Tish Woods:

Well, no, I have like real specific things that get put away and stuff for the winter. But you know, I really want to challenge everybody, instead of just taking everything and throwing it in, you know, putting it into storage. I want you to really take some inventory here and really look at what shape is your stuff in, you know, really go through it, have you worn it this season? If you haven't worn it this season yet? Yeah, not wearing it next season either. So unless it's something like amazing, I think this is the time, let it go. Just release it, let it go. But I also want you to start to really start taking an inventory of what you have, and starting to create a list. So if you're getting rid of the nasty, like maybe you have a pair of big boots and stuff that black boots, and they're just looking kind of sad and tired, you're gonna get rid of them, then put it on the list that that's something you're going to need to replace.

Ellen Gustafson:

I think that's a really great idea. And I know we've both talked about buying less, but better quality, and really long lasting classic things. So I think don't put away worn items, get rid of those tired pieces. And start that list. I think it's a great idea. And there's really a little bit of time for this whole Marie Kondo movement, does something bring you joy? Do you feel great when you're wearing it? Right. And personally, as you know, I am almost clutter free. I cannot think of a piece of clothing that I regret giving away or donating. I don't regret any of it.

Tish Woods:

There you go. So again, I want to bring it back to like kind of like grocery shopping, right? So as you're pulling things out, really start taking that inventory. Do you have all your staples, what are you going to do, and start making that list. Because you know, this is a great time to buy winter things right? On a really great sale. So maybe you couldn't afford those really spectacular boots. But now that they're 60 70% off, maybe that's a ticket item that you could replace and get in your closet. Yeah, you're not going to have the immediate, you know, rush of wearing it right away. But it's this idea of, you know, creating more of a classic wardrobe of staples.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love this and think of how happy you'll be next October when you take that spectacular pair of boots out of the box and wear them for the first time. So I think this is so important. You know, this idea that we only really need a few key pieces each season. I just added a fabulous crop jean jacket and it was something I was missing. And I a very intentional purchase. So as you said a great time to get a deal on something special. One other thing I confess, I purchased a Gucci belt that I had been lusting after, honestly for three or four years. And it's a classic, it went on sale. It's a great buy and the belt buckles actually a heart. It's so darn cute. So it can be a good time to buy those classic high end items at a bargain. And this is how you do build that classic wardrobe.

Tish Woods:

Yeah, you know, we really should be trying to purchase the best quality that we can afford, especially on these classic items. Trendy stuff. That's the stuff you buy the inexpensive because you're only going to be wearing it for a season or two. But those classics those basics. So if you're buying it at the end of the season, you're going to even get a better deal on it. So I want to challenge everyone to think about adding one good basic item to their closet for the next for next fall next winter.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love it. I love it. And I also follow this woman named Leanne who has a blog called classy and trendy it's for women in midlife, but she has phenomenal lists of clap of capsule wardrobes, whether it's for teachers, working athleisure and she has a lot of lists and it's a great, great way for you to get some expert advice on what kind of capsule wardrobe you want to put together and the kinds of pieces so we'll put a link to her in the show notes.

Tish Woods:

I love that I just heard a designer talk recently.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's a great idea. So Tish, do you have a trip coming up? I think we're you're going to need some swimwear.

Tish Woods:

Yeah, so that's the other thing. I think we should you know, as we look at changing out clothes in a closet for a season, think about what you have coming down, like, you know, a couple months from now, don't wait until the last minute all the time to be shopping, because then you're going to spend a fortune, I ended up going to a quick trip to the beach, and didn't I leave my bathing suit at home. So what happens, I gotta buy last minute bathing suit. And I spent more when I wanted. So that was a really good lesson to me to kind of, you know, plan a little bit better. I was okay with buying that bikini that was maybe a little more than I should have been spending. But you know, it was a little reward for all the hard work too, though. But really kind of look at that. And, you know, I have a little trip to California coming. And so I want to get, you know, maybe a couple special things to take there too.

Ellen Gustafson:

It's true. You know, last year I used that resale site thread up to get a few bathing suits in sight tall sizes. I don't know if the listeners now I'm 510 used to be 511 and atleta has bathing suits that I love. And I just watched the site and I got them new with tags so never used for just a small fraction of what I would have paid and I was able to do that because I planned a few months ahead and really watched so

Tish Woods:

you know a while ago we were we were looking at that 333 project. Yeah, that that looks at like revamping your wardrobe and you should you know, kind of pare things down and only have so many things in there. But one of the things that I always really took away from that whole experience of paring down to 33 items, it for three months was to only pick one or two signature colors. Yep. I love that idea. So that way when you when you have to get you know shoes and accessories and purses and stuff, you don't have to have like every color. So you can go with if you're only you know maybe picking orange and pink fish spring, right those are those are your signatures for this season. It really helps streamline all the extra items like your shoes and your purses and your scarves and your jewelry.

Ellen Gustafson:

So I love that you know I've done it often on the 333 and for the spring I love picking like a cornflower blue and a lavender right as those accent colors with the base. So, you know, be bold, ladies. Add some bold color as those accent pieces. But this is going to lead us to our next area of spring cleaning. Maybe it's time to refresh your look. Not just your wardrobe but you know your look your hair, your nails, what do you think Tish you know,

Tish Woods:

I like that idea. You know, it's coming up with something fresh and new. And once you get your wardrobe in order, you want your personal style to follow along with it. So this is the news. This is the great time to maybe you know, think of a different hair cut a different color maybe, you know really shake things up a little bit.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love getting a spring hair cut. I think you guys know I now have short hair again after years of long hair. And I love getting that fun little bob for the spring it really makes it feel fresh and new. And you know, I was just up in Seattle and had a little time to kill because it was raining the whole damn time I was up there

Tish Woods:

Well, first of all, let's pay a little homage to the mother of all Nordstroms six stories of Nordstrom and it was like my Mecca going there, I usually had to go a couple times a season and spent a whole day on each of the different floors of their,

Ellen Gustafson:

I'd love to call it the flagship, it's the flagship. It is the flagship of all flagships. So if you've never been in Seattle, Nordstrom, you have missed out that's worth a trip just to Seattle just for that.

Tish Woods:

But I, you know, I haven't done where I've gone in and had somebody do my makeup at a counter and a long time. And I'm thinking maybe this is the season to kind of do it. Like, you know, I wear the same colors in the same ways all the time. I would like to go and see what, what's new, what, you know, what, how would they do my makeup differently than I've already been doing?

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right, fun things there. Now, when I knew

Tish Woods:

I wanted to find out, have you ever done a glamour photoshoot?

Ellen Gustafson:

You know, no, that one passed me by in the 90s. I know you and our friend Felicia did them. How did they go? Are you wanting to bring it back?

Tish Woods:

You know, I think I'm ready to bring it back. And again, this is bringing this whole, you know, getting myself in shape kind of full circle. And I remember years ago, when I somebody from work had told me you know, oh, come to this photo shoot and, and they had makeup artists there. And they had photographers and they actually rented out a model home. Wow, do that. And I mean, it was like, it was like a serious thing. And the photographer, you know, she was professional and stuff like that. And for me at the time, I was really heavy. And I was really going through a lot of surgeries at the time and was really sick, you know. And so for me, the whole experience was a little bit uncomfortable, like, because I wasn't really comfortable in my own skin. But what I loved about this was these ladies were like, embrace where you are, it really was about the photo was for nobody but me. And I never actually ended up getting the photo itself. I don't know why I didn't really follow through to get it. But for me, it was about the journey of

Ellen Gustafson:

I think it would be a great milestone for you to do that. And I think Spring is the time to do that as well. Right?

Tish Woods:

Do you remember that episode of Sex in the City where Samantha goes to do a nude photo shoot, now, I'm not looking to do a nude photo shoot, but she just owned it. She just owned her body, her look her wanting to do that. And she was real clear. The character obviously was very clear that it was for nobody, but her.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love it. I can't believe I don't remember that episode. I'm going to watch it later because I'm a huge Sex in the City fan. But I know what you mean it's really that it's for no one other than yourself. And for your kind of marking a passage right in time, which I think would be great. I'm gonna pivot us right now away and just talk about white tennis shoes for the spring. Because, you know, there's not a spring I think my whole life that I didn't get a fresh pair of white tenis they're really my spring piece. What about you? Tish

Tish Woods:

you know, you got to have that new new white kid type tennis shoe. And that white t shirt. You know, don't don't be don't be recycling old white shirts. Get the new crisp, fresh stuff. Oh, for the shoes and that they're just something about white in the spring with a pair of jeans. Just something simple. That just screen spring. Yeah.

Ellen Gustafson:

And I'm gonna say put a nice jean jacket over it since it's something That makes a great spring outfit.

Tish Woods:

You know, I was actually at Walmart recently and they have the cutest little spring dresses right now. Yeah, best with a parent with a new pair of white sneakers. It would just be what a great like hopping around town on a Saturday afternoon outfit would that be?

Ellen Gustafson:

I can see you in it. I can see you. Okay, we're gonna go to spring cleaning number three. And these are activities. I love to get outside. And I know you do too. So we've got our closets figured out. We've got our look figured out some nice things with our hair. Could we consider refreshing our activities, something new outside? What do you think?

Tish Woods:

I love that. So I think with this idea of a refreshment of what we're doing. And by picking new activities, picking new fresh activities, we are going to expose ourselves to all kinds of new fresh people as well. That's right. I like that. And what would you consider a great new activity for this spring? Well, I think I'm gonna say golf.

Ellen Gustafson:

I was gonna say it's so funny. We both chose golf for the spring. And in a way, I think we're both trying to get ready for our golf outing later this year with our college friend, Linda Duran.

Tish Woods:

We need to spend the whole year getting ready to I don't even know if the years and ran. He or she is that good? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you got that? Well, you know, I'm not giving up my pickleball. But I do want to do this golf. And I heard about this local, like a single social golf group. And I thought, yeah, that's the ticket for me. So I have signed up. It starts when I'm right, as I'm going to be going to see you, Ellen. But that next week, I'm going to jump in on this single social golf scene. I thought, what, what a great way to start the spring.

Ellen Gustafson:

That is I am doing golf with an old work colleague, my friend Todd, and we're doing it once a week and then going to get out there. So I think it is a mixed group of kind of beginning golfers but I think also a good way to meet some other people golfing at my level, and get out at my local clubs. So I'm excited about that. What else do you have?

Tish Woods:

Oh, I've got something else. You're gonna You're gonna love this one too. So, and I actually start this tomorrow night. There is I went out this past weekend with some new friends. And we went to coyote Joe's country, Western place, and huge dance floor. And they had all these live bands and everyone's doing the line dances and, and I can't jump in because I just can't learn on the fly like that. But coyote Joe's in Charlotte, North Carolina on Wednesday nights, has line dancing classes for free. Wow. So there's a couple of us are going to start going and learning how to line dance. And I mean, Ellen, that was real cowboys, they had boots, there cowboy hats. They had the buckles. I mean, it was legit.

Ellen Gustafson:

Well, and you know, I am watching the TV series Yellowstone right now. So all of that sounds very appealing. Maybe we'll have to go when you're out here because I would love to do some, some line dancing and you know, I love my country music as well. So and if you know you're not going to go line dancing, let's go here some live music. I love going to the amphitheaters, you know, the outdoor venues that have a lawn and bringing a picnic too.

Tish Woods:

So, absolutely. But here's something else I want to people kind of maybe consider as well. Maybe this is a great time to recommit to more volunteer work, you know, find a woman shelter, find a mentoring program or a trail or river cleanup group. You know, I think a lot of charities get a lot of volunteers around Thanksgiving and Christmas. And then by the spring, everyone just kind of doing their own thing. But maybe this is a time that you might consider recommitting to a couple of volunteer hours. I love that.

Ellen Gustafson:

You know, we talk about giving back and I do think everyone could take a few minutes here to reflect on what they're doing. And with the days being longer with us having more sunshine, sent more sunlight, there's more time to do it. So I

Tish Woods:

Ellen I used to work for our company AmerisourceBergen. And they were fantastic about each during work hours getting paid. And you could go and volunteer at different things. And you know, it had to be, you know, whether it was the schools or things like that. So there was a couple times where I brought like, teammates, and we went to do you know, different things with local charities. But if you're a CEO of a company that is able to allow your associates to go and do volunteer stuff together, do it. What a great team building thing thing, but what a good give back to the community thing. So kudos to a huge corporation like AmerisourceBergen that encourages such behavior.

Ellen Gustafson:

It's great or just take your team out there. Okay, spring cleaning number four. This one's for you. Tish home and yard and porch and deck and, and and.

Tish Woods:

Okay, so I always typically like to find my motivation to complete a home project by planning a party. So that way I have a deadline. Like I have to get this done for the party, right? Yep. And so I've decided that this spring that I'm going to be throwing a Girl Scout cookie and wine pairing party.

Ellen Gustafson:

Get out you always in my garden. I mean, who doesn't love a Girl Scout cookie? I'm just going to share that my favorite ones are the peanut butter ones. And I believe they are called dosi dos. How about you?

Tish Woods:

Oh, I'm a thin mint girl all day and all night. That is my that's my cookie a choice. I love them in the freezer where they're nice and cold when I eat them. But um, you know, so what a better way to support the Girl Scouts and enjoy your own girl tribe. Then grabbing a couple of your favorite Girl Scout cookies, pairing it with some great wine and having yourself garden party to say hey, welcome spring.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love it. I think we have an infographic we can share to you that we found that has the great cookie and wine pairings too. But for me, spring means refreshing my herb garden planting some veggies. I love to ring in springtime in my backyard puttering and I think this year I'm going to separate into a perennial herb garden and some annual ones in pots. So get a little more serious in diggin Tish.

Tish Woods:

I love the idea of creating I think they refer to it as a pot of water. Yeah, or a kitchen garden. Right. So in the past, I've always kept mine separate. You know, I put my perennial herbs right into the flower beds. And then I keep my annual herbs in pots.

Ellen Gustafson:

I love that what I like about this is that you don't need a ton of space to so I like the idea of adding that perennial bed each year and keeping a map keeping things organized. Right. I am very big on sticking those little things to know which kind of basil it is or, or all of that. But, you know, Tish maybe you can tell us a couple of your favorite annual herbs.

Tish Woods:

You know, the some of the annuals are, you know, cilantro and dill and basil. Some are savory parsley, those are all considered you know your annual herbs. So get some beautiful pots, fill them with your herbs, and then you can be using them in your cooking. What would you what are some of the perennial herbs that you could suggest that people start building their perennial beds with? Well, you know,

Ellen Gustafson:

I just went out back and checked what I had before we got on here and I have to say I have some chives. They're alive and kicking. Of course, rosemary, and I have some lemon grass and mint like crazy, that weed. It just grows everywhere. And last year, I planted two different kinds of Terragen because I love it so much. I have a couple of recipes I'll make when you're out here, and that's doing well. So those are some that I would suggest. Okay, I love that.

Tish Woods:

but definitely worth having your garden. I love nothing better than cooking on the grill with some rosemary. And the fragrance is just amazing.

Ellen Gustafson:

Right? I mean, I love putting fresh mint in all sorts of salads too and drinks and I think that's a great way for us to segue into spring cleaning number five, your food and drink ladies. So I know I change how I eat in the spring I use you know, I love my instapot my slow cooker and soups and all of that in the winter. But now it is really time to start using fresh herbs from the garden, making great spring veggies and spring drinks really being more veggie forward.

Tish Woods:

I know what you mean Ellen, I mean I love to make some great veggie based dishes in the spring. Sometimes i i Not even putting you know protein in it. It's just really all veggies sensor plentiful and fresh right now.

Ellen Gustafson:

No, it's true. I have two in particular these are two of my favorite spring Veggie Dishes. One is honey roasted carrots with a coconut yogurt Labneh base and that's where you kind of spread that out on the plate and then you place the honey roasted carrots on top and I'll even crush some pistachios on that and our friend Kathy B sent me that recipe and I believe she got it a couple years ago on Instagram. It's so great and they have honey and it's just a really beautiful combination. And I also love to do balsamic glazed asparagus that you roast and you can make enough that you have it all week you can mix it with pasta one day, sometimes I like to have it just in an omelet the other so those are two of my faves. What about you Tish What do you like to do for the spring as far as cooking?

Tish Woods:

Well, this is a new thing actually. So you know how we do mystery basket I have this group of friends we do mystery basket and I bring all kinds of ingredients and we make this big display of lifting the basket and seeing I mean we've planned it out it's not that they don't but and then we all cook together right? So this past weekend we had done mystery basket as pizza on the grill. So we one of the local food markets has really good dough that you can buy like frozen or or even fresh and so I picked some of those up and then we made two different ones one was like all like veggies and things like that with some prosciutto in it. But the one that really stalled my heart and this is such a great one to do for the spring was peaches with barbecued chicken and then I you know put some spinach on it as well. But you know down here in South Carolina, you know we're peaches, peaches, peaches so that was a really great one. But it was so easy just to have the dough you kind of flip it onto the grill really fast. You cook it for about three to four minutes only right? Then you want to turn your grill down a little bit when you flip it. So now you have the raw side down on the grill and your cook side is facing you. And you quickly top it with fresh mozzarella and like I said in this thing you know we had the peaches in the in the barbecued chicken that was already cut up and then whatever you want to put on there and you throw it on there, close the lid of the grill. And about another four minutes. You have this amazing grilled pizza. So easy. So fast, so fun.

Ellen Gustafson:

I am definitely going to try that and again when you're here visiting will take some time to do that. But you know that peach and barbecued chicken pizza sounds delicious. And it made me think of my spring drink because I know we talk about Aperol spritzes all the time, but I have a new spring Trank it's called the Paloma and it reminds me a little bit of our old vodka grapefruits from the 80s and 90s that we were drinking, but it's a tequila based drink. You have lime juice, and you can either put some fresh grapefruit juice in or I use the Lacroix grapefruit flavored sparkling water over ice. You can throw some mint in it or anything from your your herb garden, a sprig of rosemary and mix it all up. I love these and I will make you that will be the first drink I make

Tish Woods:

Thank you. Okay, I'm going to be waiting, I'm gonna go into that when that sounds amazing. Well, I think I'm going to, I'm going back to the peaches Again, I'm in the home of peaches here. And there's this amazing drink called proper peaches. And you take one peach and you muddle it, I love modeling when you kind of, you know, bash it all up and get all the juices and stuff going in the, in the fruit itself. And then it's a half a part of simple syrup, and then three or four mint leaves, and you put it all into a shaker. And then you add two parts of an Irish whiskey and it being March, it's Irish whiskey time. And then you fill the shaker with ice, and you can strain it. You can surf it over rocks, but or you can strain it out and serve it like in a martini glass. And you can even throw a splash of soda water in there for a little bubbly. Or maybe again, going back to the Lacroix, you know, maybe get a peach Lacroix or something like that. And then just garnish it with a little fresh mint and a slice of peach. And there you go. Some amazing spring drinks, you know, and what I like is that you can make both of these drinks in a non alcoholic version too. And they would be just as delicious. So that's something I like about both of these.

Ellen Gustafson:

You know, I am ready for spring. And this episode has made me even more ready. I love our five areas of spring cleaning. And I think I'm going to tackle each and every one of them. What about you Tish

Tish Woods:

I am going to start making my list of what cookies and wine pairings I'm going to hand out and start inviting some girlfriends. And I'm going to have that garden party out back and once I tidy it up out there and plant a few. I don't know maybe some pansies maybe some fresh herbs. Do do whatever kind of brings you joy.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. It's a season to really have rebirth. Enjoy. Hey, thank you for joining us this week and we will catch you all next week. Take care everybody till next week.

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