Positively Midlife Podcast

Angels - A True Story of an Angelic Experience - Ep 42

Tish & Ellen Season 2 Episode 42

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Both Tish and Ellen believe in angels and spirits.  They are like the 8 out of 10 Americans who also believe that angels exist!  On this week's episode, Ellen and Tish speak to Author and Yoga Guru Carla Adams.  Carla shares her amazing personal story of an Angelic experience she had during a near-fatal car accident.
It wasn't until many years later that Carla realized the woman helping her immediately after the crash was an angel and when her daughter awoke after surgery she shared that she had also had a similar angelic experience.  Carla knew without a doubt it was time to complete her story and share it with the world.  She wrote,  researched, and self-published her memoir "Not My Time".    Join Ellen and Tish and get inspired by Carla's story and learn how everyone at midlife can self-publish the book they've always wanted to!

Things we talked about in this episode: Angels, spirits, self-publishing, storytelling, yoga, belief in spirits, near-death experiences, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing - KPD, Not My Time book, beach yoga, faith,  Pam Consoli artist

Carla's Book Not My Time is available here.

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Tish: Gold Bond crepe corrector  Tish uses this great cream to get rid of crepe skin! 
Ellen: Cards Against Humanity. Ellen loves game nights. 

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Tish Woods:

Ellen, do you believe in angels and spirits?

Ellen Gustafson:

You know, Tish? I do, I believe in both, and I've not personally had an experience, but I'm open to one. And I saw that over half, almost half of Americans believe in this type of connection. And, you know, there was another poll, because, you know, we love our facts and figures here that eight out of 10 Americans believe specifically in angels. How about you?

Tish Woods:

Well, I actually did have an experience. It was probably about 16 years ago now. And at the end of the episode, but I really just want to get right into meeting our guests, Carla. And she recently published her own book called Not My Ttime, which is her true story of an angelic experience. Now, some people may refer to her as experiences as divine intervention. Some people may call it angelic presence. But whether you believe in angels or not, I know you're going to find Carlos story very compelling.

Ellen Gustafson:

Well, I am so excited about this because as I said, I'm a believer in connection with people who have passed on. And Carla is inspirational. She's a Yogini. She's an author, I think we're really going to enjoy hearing her story, and it is truly inspirational. But before we get to Carla, let's talk about our weekly obsessions. Tish, you know, I love this part of our show. What have you got for you this week?

Tish Woods:

I know I got kind of a crazy one. But as we get older, I've been experiencing what they referred to as crepe skin. wrinkly, I feel like I have a piece of of tissue that I'm drying out or something. And so you know, Feli is always up on the latest little, you know, serum or whatever's going on. And she told me about a very inexpensive solution. Gold Bond, no less of all companies. Gold Bond has a crepe corrector. So for like $10 or something for a tube of it. We're going to put a link for it on there. But I started doing that because I'm going to be planning to go down and see Carla and do some beach yoga with her and I can't great big. I can't be looking creepy at the beach. I know a lot of people have that issue at our age. So hey, I'm gonna give it a try. What about you, Ellen? What are what is your obsession for this week?

Ellen Gustafson:

Well, I will wait and see how the Gold Bond does for you. Let me just say that not to doubt Felicia and beauty products. But you know, my, my obsession this week is Cards Against Humanity. They have an in New Edition out and you know, I love games. I love my game nights, forced my kids still to play Scrabble and rummy cube with me. But I think that Cards Against Humanity is super fun. And there are all sorts of new questions in there. So I'm going to put that out to everybody. backyard, some drinks Cards Against Humanity.

Tish Woods:

We've been doing a lot of these get togethers with friends to make dinner together. And we've been playing a lot of games. So I think I have to pick up this new edition because the old ones are awful funny.

Ellen Gustafson:

They are and we've probably all been through them two or three or 400 times, right.

Tish Woods:

Yeah. But you know, if you're with a new group of friends, it's a really great way to kind of just lighten the mood and just kind of be silly. So I like that idea.

Ellen Gustafson:

I do too. So let's jump right in. Today we are joined, as we said by Carla Adams, who is a self published author and yoga guru.

Tish Woods:

I'm so excited to introduce Carla because she is a friend of mine and and I met Carla over 10 years ago through some mutual friends. And lo and behold, we figured out that our sons were friends in middle school and hadn't realized like, I had her son at my house. My son was at her house but Carla and I had never intersected until we came together later. And she's just one of these people that you're just gonna love her. She has the most amazing positive energy that just draws you in. So she just makes you feel instantly you know, like you've known her for years.

Ellen Gustafson:

I can't wait and I know in addition to her full time job, like so many other women, she's got other businesses and gigs going on. She is the owner of beach Yogi's where she leads classes right on the beach and Palm Coast Florida. And she's a self published author. So welcome, Carla, we are so excited to have you here today.

Carla Adams:

Well, thank you so much, Ellen. And Tish, it's great to be here. I just love this platform and what you're doing and getting the word out about things that are going on in this day and age. And having me here, I'm just humbled to be here and talk about the book, not my time. That was just published in November. And also beach Yoga is a passion of mine. It's not a job for me at all. It's something I love to do, and I love sharing it with others.

Tish Woods:

You know, Carla, I think that the idea of writing a book is such a dream for so many people. And have you always wanted to write a book and, and what kind of prompted you to do this book at this time.

Carla Adams:

Actually, this happened to me, this angel divine intervention happened 31 years ago. So it's been a work in progress. I actually had started writing the book, a couple of years ago only had about five chapters completed. And then a recent, terrible accident that my daughter was in motor accident that just brought all these memories flooding back, like water, just pouring water out of me. So it was all in God's timing that this book was published when it was.

Ellen Gustafson:

That is fascinating. And we all hope your daughter is doing well. I know we'll probably find out a little bit more about that. But let's jump right into the story. I'm curious to know what kind of led you to writing, Not My Time, take us back. I know that it's back when you were kind of newly married when you were a little bit younger, and you yourself were in a serious and potentially fatal car accident. What do you remember about that day? And can you share a little bit about that with us?

Carla Adams:

Well, first of all, yes, I was just newly married. It was right before Christmas time, was working in Florida. I was living in Florida at the time, driving home from work early, and we'll go into all the details. Those are in the book. But I was in complete shock. Never like anybody when you get in an accident. It's an accident, you don't expect it's going to happen. I honestly at the time of the accident, I don't know how I would have functioned or got out of the car or even got to the hospital without some help. Mm hmm.

Tish Woods:

You know, so many people have like serious accidents. And I think what makes your story unique was what happened right after that crash. And the significance of that experience that took years really for you to unfold the meaning of it. And and I don't want to give away the whole story because I do want people to buy your book because it's just lovely. I just loved it. But would you mind maybe reading an excerpt from it too that explains that day that you actually realized years later that you'd actually met an angel that day.

Carla Adams:

I'm going to read a part that just explains exactly how devastating this accident was that I was in because when it happened to me I didn't realize how bad it was. We were start startled awake by the phone ringing and let the answering machine pick it up. You have reached the Adams residence Please leave your message after the tone beep. Are Hi there. This is Lou at Town towing here returning your call about the Toyota Tercel. We are open today to come by See ya time to get up it is Monday the day after Christmas and the car was ready to be picked up. I was not sure if I would it would be drivable or tow truck would have to take it to the auto shop start repairs. I had never been through anything like this. So it was very ignorant as to how the process worked. I was not planning to go into work anyway that day after Christmas even though I was a new employee at Universal Studios, having just started at the end of September. Frank My husband was supposed to go back to work that day but worked second shift which meant he did not have to be there until three o'clock. I had no intention of leaving the house that day to see the car in person. My husband came into the kitchen was that about your car? I thought I heard he said yes. They said they are open today. Are you going to go before work? I asked. He had planned to go and clean out the glove box to gather up anything I left in the car. And he wanted to see the damages especially since he didn't get to see it that night of the accident because it had already been towed by the time he arrived. To meet the police officer. So after coffee and a quick bowl of oatmeal, I retreated to the couch to prop up my leg again, while Frank grabbed up his truck keys to leave. He said he would be right back and asked me if I needed anything else while he was out. No, I said, Please take some pictures of the car too, so I can see it. An hour went by in a flash and Frank was back, I could hear the key turning in the front door. And as the door was opening, I could see his face. There was no smile on his face. But he looked pale and had a sad, shocked. Look. Frank is not a man who shares his emotions openly, very often, I felt like something had happened or was wrong. He came to my side. And as I sat up on the couch, and he wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug. Still, he said nothing. He pulled away looking straight into my eyes. And he said, I can't believe how you made it out of the accident with the little injuries you did. I said, What do you mean? And he went on to explain that the engine of the car was in the driver's seat, and how there was hardly any room for a person to sit in the seat. Hence, my gash knee. The car would be a total loss, and not fixable. I was speechless, coming to the realization that it was a miracle that I was alive.

Ellen Gustafson:

Wow Carla, thank you so much for sharing that with us. Powerful, powerful words. And I've been in a car accident. And I know anyone who has been in one year in shock immediately following it. But I mean, this seems so significant. While you were at the crash site, did you have any idea how serious the accident was, or you know how you got out?

Carla Adams:

I was in shock when it happened. It was a coldest rainiest night we'd had in Florida ever in my history of living in Florida. And I believe honestly, when the actual impact happened, I think I close my eyes. I don't recall the accident to this day. I don't remember the actual impact. I was literally in shock. You know, I was 21 years old, had never had a new car. I had never been in a car accident. And without this woman coming and helping me without giving the story away, because I really want you to be inspired by this book. It's meant to be out there. It's God driven. And the timing of it. But yeah, I was definitely in shock after the actual accident happened.

Tish Woods:

Yeah, I know looking back on you know, his reaction to this that you he was so surprised that you were able to walk away. But you actually got out of the car that night, walked around and, and had no idea that it was as horrific as it was

Carla Adams:

no i didn't i i honestly had this this woman with me. And she stayed with me by my side until my my mom and her husband lived nearby pick me up, got me to the hospital got me checked out I was good to go home for Christmas. Didn't didn't have any idea how you know the engine was in see where I was sitting. It really is a miracle. It's just hard to even fathom that somebody could live through something like that.

Tish Woods:

So I remember you were sharing with me too, that there was a lot of inconsistencies about what was happening that day and stuff. But it was really took you years before you put it all together put all the story of who was with you that day. And the person with you that was your angelic experience. But take us back to that time when you were actually really involved with your church. And you got your eyes open to this idea that angels do exist and that they are sent to sent to us to help us through these difficult situations. Tell us a little bit about that.

Carla Adams:

Tell us a little bit about that. So my the church I was going to is Christ the King Lutheran Church in Charlotte area. And I was this is basically a book about the accident, but it's also a faith journey. So it's all about my journey of, of getting close to God and having a relationship with Him not just going to church and and being religious, you know, religiously going to church that wasn't all it was about was about believing that God loves all of us enough to send help. And he does And he sends angels to every single person. He loves all of us. And it was a night at a women's dinner that I went with my church, lady friends and a woman got up on stage and started speaking about her horrific accident how somebody had held her hand the whole time. And didn't let go. And immediately this was 10 years later, after mine had happened. A flood of tears just came out of my eyes at the table, it just hit me like a ton of bricks, realizing that that was what happened to me, that was an angel. That's why this woman I couldn't find her, you know, to thank her. And the pastor's wife, Marilyn was at the table with me. And she looked at me and she said, Are you okay? And I said, I just realized that this is what happened to me 10 years ago, and she said, You know, God loves you enough. loves all of us enough to send us an angel.

Ellen Gustafson:

Oh, Carla, this had to have been just really a turning point in your life. Right? When you realized this. And you described it kind of as a faith journey, can you share a little bit more with us.

Carla Adams:

So when my daughter was in this horrible accident in October, the very first thing she said to me, because all of my children and a lot of my very close friends know this story about my angel. The first thing she said coming out of surgery was mom, the lady that called you on the phone was your angel, she had the same sandy brown hair and glasses. That was my angel too. And it's just the realization was, my daughter was alive. You know, this is what created the the title of my book, Not My Time, because I kept saying to her, it's not your time, God has plans for you. And so I realized, it was not my time either. He had plans for me. So it was the realization that this is the time now to finish the story. It was my healing process, helping my daughter going through this trauma. It just came out to me like water, because it was meant to be told now.

Tish Woods:

And I remember you telling me that once once that experience had happened once it really sunk in that Meg to had saw your same Angel. You finish that book, like incredibly fast.

Carla Adams:

It took me a weekend. And then, and then came the you know, the publishing, it was just, if I can do it, anybody can do it. It is It is that simple. It really is. I think it was just I was driven. I was meant to get the message out there and tell everyone about this. And it was kind of stayed dormant in me that long until I realized Meg being alive from her accident is a miracle.

Tish Woods:

And, and there's when I saw the book come when I saw it online, I was like the cover is absolutely enchanting. There's something about it that just draws you in. And so can you tell us a little bit about that book cover and who created it for you?

Carla Adams:

Her name is Pam Consoli. And I actually met her she's the yogi. She came to me for private yoga lessons and met her through another friend and that had referred me and she's retired. And so she started doing artwork, you know, as her second per second chapter and her first chapter I didn't know what she did before she was retired and doing yoga and painting. She's a Christian, she's a strong believer, and I do the yoga that I teach is faith based yoga. So that drew her to me and more. And so we had this connection from day one. That week, I was finishing the book, she knew about meg. I told her I was finishing this book, the story. She knew the story. And I said I love your paintings, would you possibly interested in doing the cover for me? And she had no idea what I wanted. I just sent her a like little drawing that I saw the tree which once you read the book, you'll understand the tree. And I sent it to her. And I said let's just have a meeting, have fun meeting to discuss it. So she started painting that weekend while I was working on the book, and she sends me a picture of it. It's not even dry yet. That's the picture that's on the book. The very first one

Tish Woods:

And it remains to be connected. It was

Carla Adams:

God driven as well. Yeah, God driven as well. She didn't even know exactly what I wanted. It was better than what I had wanted better than what I had imagined it would be.

Ellen Gustafson:

It's it is, I think, like a lot of women at midlife, we have stories to share either memoirs or other types of stories. And, you know, I'd love to write a book, I hear this from so many women. And it's so impressive that you did this, and you did this in such a short amount of time was such a strong conviction on getting your message out. And I'd really love to learn a little bit more about the process of self publishing, and share it with our listeners, like how did you begin? And what did you do, Carla?

Carla Adams:

So I do have a couple of other friends that I met here in Florida that have published books on Amazon. And so I have one of her, I have one of the friends books. And so I literally, when I got done with it, I was it was I couldn't wait to get it out there. So I just Googled, Googled, like we all do. Amazon Self Publish. And what came up was KDP reports.amazon.com. And it's Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is what it's called. It's a self publishing site that is free. And you can go on and you can upload your manuscript, upload your book, cover and create this book.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's amazing. And you know, Tisha, and I were just talking about how you can google or Go on YouTube to find out almost everything these days, and that US midlife gals, we are not afraid of that, we will find out how to do something, if we really want to. That's really impressive. So my next question was really going to be about how long did it take to get published, but it sounds like you got right into the process there with this Amazon direct.

Tish Woods:

Well, you have you have a little warning for people that are going to publish till Yes,

Carla Adams:

yes, that's exactly where I was going. Because this already knows, I know, if because I was in such a hurry to get the word out there. And I was done and the cover and I was I was so excited, because I uploaded it. And, you know, check the spelling on it. It was over the weekend before Thanksgiving. It was actually kind of an accident that I published it the first copy. And 21 people bought it before it was like it was raw, you know, it was like really edited. So what happens is, it will send you through each page and there'll be like red, red, red means you got to fix it, you got to fix this, you got to fix the formatting or this, you know, chapters size, you know, capitalized whatever you want. So then there's a button that said go to publish. So I thought, Okay, where is it taking me now? There's no more red. I click it. And congratulations, you are published your book.

Tish Woods:

Is that simple? It's that simple.

Ellen Gustafson:

Got your stomach drop? Did your stomach just drop?

Carla Adams:

It did because I was like, Oh my gosh, it's out there. And then when people started buying it, and I was like, take it back, take it back, take it back. You know, you can't go. You can't go take it back. It's already in the process. So it was already out there. And I had a friend that got one of the first 21. And she said, You know what, Carla, it. It was like you were talking to me and telling me this story. She said, I'm glad that I got the original raw version. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Tish Woods:

I love that. That's a great friend. That's a great friend too. But that just it really just goes to show. I remember that story stuck with me when you told me. And I thought it's that easy to publish. And that's where we really wanted you to share not only your incredible story, but also this journey of you publishing because I want I want other women to know that it's they can do it. They can do it too. Yeah,

Ellen Gustafson:

that's right. It's not as scary. I think we see publishing a book as something that is just so scary. And I know that you must have just had your heart dropped but people started buying it. Did you revise the book during that process, Carla? Yes.

Carla Adams:

So learning more about Pam who did the illustration I come to find I doubt that she actually is a Doctor of Education and English. Because she bought one of the 21 books, too, and said, did you have anybody look over this or edit it? She said, It's so nice. She said, I could hear you talking and telling the story. She said, But and the meat is there, she said, but there's just grammar, you know, I said or who said or what said, right? So she said she would edit it for me. So it took about five times for her to look at it for myself to look at it. But you can, it's very forgiving this self publishing app. So once you edit and make any changes that you want, so my recommendation is, first of all, look over it, read it a few times yourself, even though it says it's ready. That just means the spelling's ready, right. Have someone else read it, and look over it for you, and then read it again. But if you accidentally do what I did, just because you're excited, you can resubmit your manuscript as the edited version. And then they will start making copies of that. And that's what will sell on Amazon. That

Tish Woods:

was it. Was there a minimum size that it had be like a minimum amount of pages?

Carla Adams:

Yes, there were Yes, I think it was 79, or, you know, is over the 70. Mark is the amount of pages. So with the edits that actually my pay book went up to 80 pages. So it's not very long, but I was trying to keep it just to the story, the storyline.

Tish Woods:

And then you also do have to have the artwork for the cover, right? That's you don't

Carla Adams:

you pick something, just anybody that works. In software, you know how you can just like go in Word and create a document and pick or PowerPoint, you can pick, they'll give you some things, you can use some templates. So there are templates in the self publishing, if you want to do that. But I really this is a very personal story. And this was a personal journey. And I really needed a picture just for the book. I needed that.

Tish Woods:

So since then, you have been

Ellen Gustafson:

you've been promoting

Tish Woods:

stupid on another podcast as well promoting it, right? Hi, tell us experience.

Carla Adams:

Well, I had my first book signing, it was so humbling. And I met ladies I've never met before. And even before that people were buying the book that I've never met, I had somebody in the UK buy the book. on Amazon, I had a couple ladies reach out to me, I had a gentleman reached out to me, to tell me how it impacted their life. And that is just so humbling. And that's what this whole this is just brought me so much peace and happiness. And this during especially, especially during this time, you know, with this traumatic time with my daughter, and you know, our family, having the sentiment and people writing reviews about how it changed their life. And they started to remember their own guardian angels or their own intervention that they didn't know what it quite was. And now they know what it was I had one lady that messaged me privately and said, you know, my husband passed away. And I hadn't been to church since because every time I go, I start crying or feel embarrassed. And I just I want you to know, I'm going to church tomorrow. Just finished your book.

Tish Woods:

Oh, wow. I do think that this story is going to do what that day in church did for you. It's going to unveil somebody's experience, they're going to think back about an experience and say, Wait a minute. Maybe it was more than what I kind of brushed it off to be.

Ellen Gustafson:

I really think there's going to be a lot of reflection Tish. You know, I think that's what you're saying is that people will take a moment to reflect and really understand an experience that they may have had just like you, Carla years ago. Carla, what do you what do you want people take to take away? You know, your readers, once they've read not my time, what is it that you hope they take away with them?

Carla Adams:

I hope that they see that God is really the reason that the book is out right now. And that they feel that spiritual presence when they're reading the book. I want them to, you know, jog their memory to back to something that may have happened to them just like we were saying, we all have clues or things that just don't seem quite right or we can't explain it I'm and just to add something that isn't in the book that I'm going to epilogue in the book, another version of the manuscript, the lady that called me on the phone that day our daughter got in the accident. No one can find her. She's on the police report. But she doesn't answer her phone. She has no message on her phone. They've gone to her house to get her statement as a witness. There's no car there. She's never there. She's disappeared. But she stayed with my daughter the whole time and was willing to get in the ambulance with her. Well, I don't, you know, unexplainable, right?

Tish Woods:

And that the similarities between because you had talked about your daughter's and with your children about what your angel look like. And the idea that that's the first thing she needed to tell you is, yeah, she was with me.

Carla Adams:

They're coming right out of the second surgery. And she was very nervous, scared in the hospital. Never nothing's ever happened like this to her before. And she'd never had surgery before and coming out and not having any family there. When she went well. My mom went up there, but we weren't there. Her parents weren't there. And so when she came out that that lady that called you was your angel mom, she had sandy brown hair and glasses. Wow.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's amazing. And I notice you mentioned at the beginning of the episode, you've had an angel experience, I have to say I'm a little jealous. But can you tell us more about it.

Tish Woods:

So um, I actually after mom to be close to my dad, and within the month that we moved back, he passed away. So we weren't there. But a couple of weeks before, you know, we had lost him. And my youngest was just a year old at the time. And he's the only grandchild that my mom didn't get to meet. But my dad had a little bit of time with Liam. And then as Liam started to get a little bit older, who's about two at the time, he started coming down, after, you know, in the morning from his room, talking about Papa. And Papa said this, and Papa told him this. And Papa said we should be doing this and, and everything that he would say would have been exactly the way my dad would have said it, what my dad would have said, but he never I mean, he was a year old when he knew my dad. So he wouldn't have known these things. And the other kids would be like, Oh my gosh, they would be doing this for quite a long time, I would say it was maybe half a year to a year before they finally started stopping because I think he was seeing other people's reaction. Being like, something's wrong with it. And it always made me sad that he didn't have those anymore, because I know, my dad was just so into all his grandchildren. And I'm sure he's with them every day. But that just really reminded me of that he really is there. And when I read not my time and heard about your experience, it like immediately took me back to when he would come down and say those same things. So it does it there's something about your story, Carla, that connects with things that happen in our lives on an angelic plane. And I so I think people need to hear this story.

Carla Adams:

Well, I'm so grateful that you ladies brought it to your this platform and get spreading the word and you know, Not My Time. I'm having our second wine in sign on March 16, here in Palm Coast, Florida. And also my new beach Yogi's website is just rolling out this week. And you can actually purchase the book Not My Time, there'll be a link on the website and the website is Carla's beach Yogi's

Tish Woods:

dot com, and we're gonna put that in in our show notes too. So we can just look at the show notes to go to it. Now do you still have your beach Yogi store? Do you still have I have some

Carla Adams:

tank tops that are that will be on the website. Each Yogi's Yep. And I do have some snap on bracelets. I mean you can basically a lady makes them and then put the beach Yogi's logo there but yeah, the whole mind, body and the spirit connection, right? So that's what yoga is, it's been one being one with yourself. You know, feeling that spirit with God. And then, as I was saying to you ladies earlier, trying to come up with a timeline, how much time I visit in the Carolinas versus Florida 22 years this month, or this may, I've been in Florida, my, throughout my life and 22 years in the Carolinas,

Tish Woods:

and explain to the listeners the significance of 22.

Carla Adams:

Right, this was just a revelation I had before this interview. 22 any double digit is an angel number. So I looked it up. 22 means good luck and positive things to come. It's a message from your angel. But I just thought it was so ironic that I've because I was trying to figure out how many years have I've been in the Carolinas versus here 22 For each. That is just unbelievable to me.

Ellen Gustafson:

I think that is unbelievable. And Carla, your story really can serve as an awakening to a lot of us, especially at midlife to kind of go back and reflect on things that have happened earlier, right, and really take that look to see if any of these experiences can tie together. And I just want to thank you for sharing also, with so many of our listeners, the publishing process that you went through, I love it, the mistakes, the bumps, it all ended up, you know, in in the end, but, you know, it's it was something that you went into fearlessly. And that's what I love about this part of your story. So I think that'll really encourage a lot of our listeners who have a memoir, or a story that they want to share as well.

Carla Adams:

Well, it's definitely not my time, I'm meant to be here to spread the word. And if I can do it, anyone can do it. And I think the older we get, I'll be 55 and may and I'm gonna look up that number two, that's it. But honestly, we are fearless. We're wiser, from the experiences we've had in our life. That's bringing us to exactly who we are meant to be to be our authentic self, who we are and

Tish Woods:

around who are supposed to be. Like with your Illustrator. Yes, most definitely. Yes. Carla, thank you so much for joining us today and being with us here and I can't encourage everyone enough to reach out. Grab a copy of Carlos book on Amazon. We're going to have that link for you. And you know, let it be some of your awakening. Let it open your eyes to what the possibilities are out there.

Ellen Gustafson:

That's right. It's the mind body and soul mid lifers and we'll see you next week.

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