School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams

[100Days-001] Master manifesting the small things to call the big things in

Keri Williams Season 1 Episode 2

Day 1 of 100 Days of Manifestation: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!

We want to manifest the big things: more clients, 10K months, the trip to Thailand but it all starts with the small everyday things. Tune in to hear how you can manifest the small stuff every day and build your manifesting muscle over time.

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Welcome to the school of manifestation podcast. I'm your host, Keri Williams, and this is the podcast for you. If you're a coach or healer, and you are ready to master the law of attraction to manifest the life and the business of your dreams. On this podcast, we talk all about practical manifestation, how you can take practical steps in your life to get the Law of Attraction working for you. And we're going to talk about how you rewire your brain around money so that you can experience more money, more magic, more abundance, in your business and your life. So I'm so grateful that you're here today. I hope you enjoy this episode. And I can't wait to hear what you create in your life and your business today. Hello, welcome, everyone, I am so excited to get this kicked off. So this is day number one of 100 days of manifesting, You are so welcome. Whether you're listening on Facebook, I'm live streaming this into our Facebook community at the moment, or whether you're joining us from the podcast and you're tuning in. It's great to have you here. And if you are joining on the Facebook group, and whether you're live or you're watching the replay, I would love to hear from you in the comments. What is it that you are manifesting at the moment? And where are you tuning in from dude, let us know. Okay, day number one, I wanted to start off really, really simple for you. And I wanted to talk about the power of the small stuff. So I've called this Don't sweat the small stuff. Okay, so the thing is with manifesting quite often what we do is we're really focused on the big stuff, and especially when it comes to business, right? Some of us who are in this community have told me, I'm looking to scale to 10k months, I'm looking to scale from 10 to 60, I'm looking to start getting my first one came months in my new business, I'm looking to grow my business and go to Thailand for a trip, all of these things are so wonderful, so exciting. And they're also possibly the bigger things that we're focusing on at the moment. So sometimes when we do this, when we focus only on those big things, we actually often see the gap between where we are now and where we want to get to. And there can be some lack that comes up in that. So without noticing all the little things that are going on in your life, that are going on in your business, you know, usually sometimes get stuck in this kind of mindset where it's like, you know, I don't have the thing. Now, I really want that thing now. And it's almost like there's an energy of absence in what you're thinking about in that moment. So maybe that shows up for you as being really, really focused on your business, maybe it's hustling, maybe it's fixing your marketing, you know, focusing on the fact I need to get more clients, I need to get more clients, I want to manifest more clients feeling the gap between where you're at now and where you want to get to. And this isn't the best place for you to manifest from because you are focused on the problem of the lack. But it's not only that, you're just not noticing the small stuff. And when you notice the small stuff that you're manifesting, and when you actually intentionally focus as well on manifesting the small stuff, things can start to shift for you in a really powerful way. I believe that this is something that's really looked over when it comes to manifestation and the practical stuff. Because this is super easy. This is the fun, quick stuff that you can really easily do. And it boosts your confidence in your ability to manifest. It boosts your trust in yourself, it boosts your trust in the universe. So it's a really powerful little technique to get a handle on. You know, do you ever intentionally do this, I know that something that's really popular that people talk about, it's like the parking angels, you driving around and you're like, I just want to manifest that easy parking spot, you know, parking angels, please help me out. Have you ever done that? I've done that. I think I learned that from my mother. I can't remember where that one came from. But I use it all the time. But when I got more into the practical manifestation side of things, and when I started using a lot of these tools, that is one of the ones that I called into action quite a lot. Sometimes it's like discounts at the tail. You know, when you you go into a shop and you buy something, you get to the tail and they're like, oh 20% off and it's like, what I didn't know that that's cool. You know, so you've just manifested yourself, that little bit of money that you thought was coming out of your bank account. Maybe there's refunds that turn up for you. Those little things a free drink after a meal at a restaurant, anything like that. These are the small things that often come up relatively easily for many of us. So when you are focusing on it Making your life filled with ease and grace on a day to day basis, intentionally focusing on those small things, you really are building up your manifestation muscle, because you're constantly in communication with the universe. As you go through your day, you get to manifest say, for instance, ease when you're driving around, maybe that you you're wanting to manifest ease when you're commuting, you're wanting someone to offer you a seat or to get on a train. And notice that the has that one seat that's available, even though there's people standing around, manifesting the free lunches, manifesting those discounts that I was talking about before, these are all the little ways that can you imagine if you are going about your day, wanting and intentionally requesting ease, and grace and support, these are the types of ways that the universe can show up for you and support you. It's super, super powerful. And it seems really little, but I believe it's not, you're totally building up your manifesting muscle. So you're not in a state of stress as well, when you're in this state of flow and ease. You know, the, it's hard to manifest when you're having a bad day, you might be feeling stress, something bad happens. And then you're kind of expecting the next bad thing to happen. And it feels like you're just having a bad day. And the next thing happens and it compounds and compounds and compounds. And so maybe you write it off as a terrible day. But if you can turn that around, and if you can start asking for the support, ask for the ease, ask for the grace, with intention, you're over time you're teaching yourself and showing yourself demonstrating that you really are supported, you are being guided, these small things can come up in such miraculous ways, it can be a really, really cool thing to do. I mean, I can tell you about a couple of them for me, I would always go through. When I was about to meet my fiancee, I was doing lots of dating apps, I was using some of the manifestation techniques that I'm going to talk about here. It's the same stuff that I use in business, the same kind of principles. And I was being guided with feathers, it was just amazing, I would see these feathers all over the place. And with my spiritual friends, I would talk to them about it's crazy, I keep seeing feathers everywhere. And we were on these like WhatsApp groups. So I'd be taking photos of feathers, and putting it into the chat going, oh my god, there's another feather. You know, as I was expecting all these small signs, and I remember getting things like receipts at at a restaurant that we went to, and it was all Angel numbers, it was like 5555 or something like that 5555. And I looked that up and what that meant, and that there was a discount on that, you know, there was like, our meal had been discounted between us, I was like, Oh, it cost 5555. And just little things like that. It was like really, really cool. So I was always practicing that gratitude, thank you, thank you for making this easier, getting on the train and noticing that, that one seat that you know, no one, no one happened to sit on. And there was nothing wrong, whether there wasn't dirty or anything like that, you know, thank you, thank you for supporting me like this, I could really do with a seat right now, all those types of things, it's just small little ways that the universe is demonstrating to you that you are being taken care of. I even remember wanting to manifest more money. And we will talk about this more. But you do have to be quite specific sometimes with this. And I remember just finding like a 20 pound note literally in my front garden and being like, what, and it was a Scottish note. So if you live in the UK, you'll know that we have like, you know, slightly different currency over the border in Scotland. And it should be accepted easily in England. And for whatever reason it's not. So I decided to keep that as you know, a little bit of a kind of reminder for me that the universe is supporting me and, you know, everything that I manifest is coming true. So I put that little 2020 pound Scottish note up, you know, to remind me that it is working, you know, it's all possible. So this is the thing you want to be, you know, open to those feelings of ease of grace of miracles, expect those little miracles to come into your life. And just notice what happens. Notice how you're offered the free lunch, notice how you're offered the free coffee, how you get these little discounts, how you get these little refunds, how you get these parking spaces, it really, really is very, very cool. And you might have some other ways that you do all this small stuff. Let me know in the comments. If you're here on Facebook, I would love to hear how you manifest the small stuff that mean no, I've only mentioned some of the common ones that I use, but I've probably forgotten a bunch of them. You know that people commonly manifest as well. So you're opening up you're allowing more ease more grace through all of this. And over time, you're teaching yourself as well because these are relatively quick wins. It can happen very, very easily. You know, if you're in the right vibrational state, it can happen very easily. And so you're teaching yourself as well. To trust in one of the universal laws law of assumption, which I now have rock solid belief, and I don't have any questions about the law of assumption, whether or not it's true or not, Laura assumptions states that everything that we are wanting to manifest, it's already happened, it's already there, our only job is to align to it so that we can bring it into our physical reality. That's it. You know, Abraham talks about this, Esther Hicks talks about this, you know, things being in the vortex and all you have to do is align to it, it's the same thing that the law of assumption is all about. And so when we expect that there's free coffees, and parking spaces, and seats on trains, and all those other little bits and pieces that happen in life that make things really easy and lovely and mean that we have a really great day, when we know that they are in the vortex for us that it has already happened and things are getting easier for you. Just notice how things start to change for you, you will start to get confidence in your manifesting ability, confidence in your business confidence that you can use the universe or however you want to describe it. By the way I talk about the universal art, you know, this is it's early on in the podcast right now. So I should probably say this, I talk about the universe quite a lot. Just substitute the word if you believe in different things, maybe you use angels, maybe, maybe it's universal energies, maybe it's your higher self, maybe it's God, whatever you want to call it. We're talking about higher powers here, that you're getting more trust, more trust in whatever higher power it is that you like to call upon. And you're trusting yourself. And it gives you so much more confidence. And I tell you what, when you want to go for those 10k months, when you want to go for that trip to Thailand, it is going to feel so much more possible. And that is one of the key things to manifestation is to get the feeling right. If you're feeling in doubt, if you're feeling confused, scattered. It's not like it can't happen. But it's not going to happen as easily. So this is a really powerful practice to build you up. So that manifesting all of those bigger things in your business and your life. Come around so much easier. So my invitation for you today is to manifest the small things. What is the one thing that you can focus on ask the universe ask the higher power that you like to work with? What is it that you're manifesting today? Is it a parking space? Is it an easy commute? Is it a journey, a long journey that's usually got traffic? Is it something that is going to be stress free and easy? Even though there's traffic around? What can you manifest? I would love to hear how you go with this come back? Let us know or tag me on social media. My social media handles are at Keri Williams coach comm and find me on social media. Let me know what you manifest. Let me know what you manifest with the small things take a little photo of your coffee. And every time you do that, you're reaffirming to the universe like that gratitude and that that the fact that you're noticing that these things come into your life, super important. Okay, so there we have it that is all about manifesting. The small stuff, not sweating, the small stuff. So I'm going to be back tomorrow with more on manifestation. I'm really looking forward to seeing you then. Bye