School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams

How to change your beliefs to support manifestation (+ my list of beliefs to cultivate to manifest your dreams!)

Season 1 Episode 5

✨Day 4 of the 100 days of manifestation! ✨

Today we are talking about creating new beliefs. Your thoughts create your experienced reality and influence what you are manifesting, so it's important to be predominantly thinking supportive beliefs to create this reality. Let's talk about how!

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Welcome to the school of manifestation podcast. I'm your host, Keri Williams, and this is the podcast for you. If you're a coach or healer, and you are ready to master the law of attraction to manifest the life and the business of your dreams. On this podcast, we talk all about practical manifestation, how you can take practical steps in your life to get the Law of Attraction working for you. And we're going to talk about how you rewire your brain around money so that you can experience more money, more magic, more abundance, in your business and your life. So I'm so grateful that you're here today. I hope you enjoy this episode. And I can't wait to hear what you create in your life and your business today. Hello, happy Saturday, welcome to day four of 100 days of manifestation. I want to talk to you today all about creating new beliefs. Now, if you're joining us live or if you're catching up on the replay in the Facebook community, let us know in the comments how has this first week been going for you, I would love to hear if you are manifesting anything interesting. And this is a great way to reflect actually on what has been coming into your life. And it gives you a moment to actually, you know, appreciate and give gratitude. And when you actually notice what is coming into your life, whether you believe it's universe, whether you believe it's higher power, it's God, it's you know, whatever you choose to believe in, is a really powerful process. Because it can be a bit of a bit of a block, if we're not actually noticing what has already come in. So this is a great practice for you to start, you know, easing that manifestation just that little bit more, it really, really does make a difference. I'm going to do a whole podcast on gratitude and the power of gratitude. But today we are talking about beliefs, because that is one of the big ones. Okay, so we were talking in the last session about creating a profound vision, really getting a clear understanding of if you created this vision in your life, How would things change? What would that actually, you know, bring for you What would your life actually look like? And because so many of us are working on a money goal here. And even if you're not working specifically on a money goal, because maybe you're trying to manifest like a new house or move to somewhere else. Quite often there's money tied to these things. So it's really good to go back to the money thing anyway, and give your money jobs as we were talking about, because that gives you so much clarity about exactly what it is that you're bringing into your life. Okay, so I mentioned yesterday as well, that it's a really powerful process, to write down these goals every day. And now that you've got such a clear vision, it doesn't have to be so much have a relatively to D kind of process, you know, we if you were to write out your goals that might be, you know, I'm so grateful for, you know, these 2k months that I've been getting in business, because you know, we always, you know, recommend that doing it in past tense, getting into the energy as if it was already here. And when you actually do that, you now that you've got your profound vision, you can really break that down. And I'm so grateful for the money that that provides for me to do this. And I'm so grateful that I get to put some into savings for this. And I'm so grateful that I get to pay this much off my credit card or whatever it is that you're going to do with money, you get to be really, really clear, I recommend doing that a minimum of one time a day, just to re familiarize your brain with what it is that you are creating and where you're going. It's a really powerful process. Now, the next step really is the beliefs that underpin all of this. Because although you would love to create this in your life, I wonder if your brain is on board, with actually creating that in your life, you're going to know whether or not your brain is completely on board with it. And chances are, it's probably not because it's a little bit of a scary goal. If it takes you a little bit outside of your comfort zone, you are probably going to be feeling possibly a little bit of resistance or a little bit of fear, really, really normal when we go for these bigger goals. And we're trying to stretch ourselves a little bit, create something new, perhaps, that we've never had before. I know that Kathy mentioned when she came into this community what she's doing, you know, it felt like quite a scary goal for her to be wanting to bring in a certain amount of money in her business. And it really does that is super, super normal. So the thing is when we feel a little bit scared sometimes, you know, our inner critic can come up in our mind with these habitual thoughts that we have been thinking possibly for a long time in our lives. Perhaps you don't feel it's really truly possible. Perhaps you don't feel it's possible for you, even though you see other people doing it. Maybe you don't feel it's possible for you, I had this a lot, I still get this every now and then. And I have to work on reprogramming that belief a little bit. So that is for sure one that I can really relate to, all of these little beliefs can actually start to block our success. Because even if you're kind of wishing, wishing and wishing to, you know, create this level of business to be serving this many people to be bringing in some beautiful clients who are perfectly aligned to you, if you're thinking, I'm kind of scared of doing that, it puts me to a whole new level, I'm going to have to go out onto social media, I don't want to do that, you know, all of these things can become a real block to your success, because it doesn't feel good, it puts you into a vibration of feeling scared. And also, as well, if you don't really think it's possible, it puts you back into a scarce vibration, you're not really staying in the energy of it being possible, you're not staying in the energy of it is already here. So it does become a bit of a block. So I believe one of the most powerful processes you can do is to start changing these habitual thoughts. So let's have a think about what goes on in your brain when you're thinking this, because these are just thoughts. And a belief is really just a thought pattern that has been there multiple times. So the neurons have fired together and wired together. So many times it's created a neural pathway. And so our brain can easily go back to that pattern of thinking, because it's so easy to do, it feels probably really, really true. You know, so I'm not disputing how true some of these statements might feel. But we also know from all of the studies that are coming out with neuroscience, just how plastic our brain is, it is totally possible to completely rewire our brain. You know, I was actually talking to my coach recently, and she was talking about how she used to absolutely despise coffee. And she thought it gives her headaches, you know, all sorts of stuff, it was something that she really, really didn't like. And actually, over time, her brain has changed to the point where now she really, really likes coffee. And it's the same one, she used to be a vegetarian. And she used to see people buying meat in the supermarket, and they used to make her feel sick. And then she got to the point in her life where she decided to eat meat again. And now she has different thoughts about meat, and so she doesn't feel sick. That's how powerful our brain is when we start to think in a different way. And we can intentionally create this, we can curate our thoughts. And if we curate our thoughts enough, and we think them enough times, and we repeat them, the neurons are going to fire together and wire together in the way that we intentionally set them to in a way that is very supportive of us bringing these dreams into our lives. So when we are more predominantly or at least, even if you can't think these thoughts all the time, like to stay in the positive realm, at least if you're able to catch the negative thought, when it pops up, like oh, I don't really think this is possible for me, it's never going to happen. And you're feeling a little bit glum about it. Or if you can even identify that and pivot to a more positive statement in that moment, that is super powerful, really, really powerful. And in fact, I think that is the majority of the work, I don't think we can really ever think that these negative thoughts are going to completely go away, what you get better at over time, is actually pivoting to a new thought process. And that new thought process starts to become the new norm. That's the beautiful thing about what we're doing. We're actually completely rewiring our brains. And so when we think these different thoughts, they create feelings in our body, and when we're thinking, more positive thoughts, we're vibrating at a level, that is a match for the universe, bringing these things to us. So if we can stay in that energy, it's going to activate the law of attraction, and allow us to manifest these things into our physical reality. And it's also going to influence all of the things that we do in our life. Because everything that we do is influenced by a feeling it's influenced by an emotion, every single action you take in life is is motivated by an emotion. So if you're thinking in a different way, you're feeling in a different way, you're activating the law of attraction, you're also activating yourself, to be taking the actions that are more in alignment with you being an operating as that person who already has everything that you're wanting to have in your life. So this is the beautiful thing about this work. Our brains have the ability to be completely rewired. It's actually really fantastic news. It's really, really exciting. So how do you change this? I love to do a rampage of positive beliefs. And I invite you to do this every day. I'm going to share my list with you in a moment for inspiration and you might want to take notes. If there's anything that pops out you might want to pause this video every now and then. Hold the podcast, if you're listening on the podcast, write down any of the beliefs that resonate for you. I've collected these in a little note on my phone over time, I've got all sorts of thoughts and affirmations and positive beliefs that I go back to every now and then that really, really helps me. But if I'm a little bit short on time, in the morning, after I've written down my goals, after I've gone back into my profound vision, and I've, I've like, written them down as if I've already got them. So I'm giving, giving gratitude. It's all in like, past tense, because it's already present. And I've done that section. The next thing I do every day, is start to list out some of those positive beliefs that I want to cultivate that support me bringing that into my life. And the beautiful thing about doing this, and I think I've already mentioned it somewhere on these these videos, and I can't remember who it was, I'm pretty sure it was Mel Robbins talks about how if you spend just 17 seconds, in a new reality, a new thought process and new affirmation, the neurons will start to fire together and wire together just 17 seconds. So let's just say if you write down 10 beliefs for yourself, and you spend a minute or two minutes that whole time your brain is starting to rewire. It's super, super exciting. Okay, so I am going to share with you my list for inspiration. And if you don't want to stop the podcast and take notes for yourself, maybe you just want to sit back for a moment, and just let these beliefs sink in and try them on for size. See how it feels for yourself. Because this really does start to change your mindset and start to change your reality. Okay, so here are some of my beliefs that I absolutely love. It's my time and I'm ready for the next step. It gets easier and easier every day. Money flows easily. My dreams are unfolding perfectly. It gets to happen quickly, it is happening now. My success is inevitable. The best is yet to come. People love to pay me for my work, people value my work just as much as I love to do it. I trust the process, my next client is coming. There is always more than enough for all of my needs and desires. And every penny I spend or every dollar I spend, it comes back to me tenfold. I am available for more money flows easily into my life. Money is energy and I trust in divine timing. I am open to receiving all that I desire. I'm empowered to receive money, I step into my self worth, I live into abundance, money comes quickly and easily and I receive with ease. I am ready to receive now I receive with joy and ease and wheeling. It is safe to receive receiving feels like ease and flow. And the more I give, the more I receive, the more I spend the more flows to me. People love to pay me people feel great paying me, it feels too good to be true. And I deserve it. My work is of high service and I'm compensated well. The second I believe it, it is done. Money is always trying to find its way to me, I allow money to come in easily. And I am not limited in what I receive. I expect it to work out for my good and in my favor. I get what I believe I can have and I choose to be an energetic match for it. Okay, so there you go. There's a bunch of beliefs there. If you liked any of them, maybe you want to pause this and come back to it. I might just pop this list actually into the comments on this Facebook Live as well just in case, you want to cut, copy and paste any and put them into your new beliefs rampage. But just to summarize, this is essentially what you're doing. You're repeating new beliefs. If you if you're familiar with affirmations, it's kind of a similar thing. You know, you're doing affirmations again and again, to start changing the way your brain thinks that is literally what we're doing. We're rewiring the brain. If there's anything here that doesn't feel like it's possible that doesn't feel like it's true, you can always add little statements to these things. For instance, if it doesn't feel true that money is coming quickly and easily to you. And but you'd like the idea of that, then maybe you can add something to that statement to help you get on board with it if it feels a little bit more possible. Like I'm getting used to money coming quickly and easily to me. I'm open to believing it's possible that money can come quickly and easily to me. I'm learning how money can come quickly and easily to me. You know, all of those types of statements can help you to open your brain up to it if you're feeling a little bit shut down and closed down around anything. So you can always tweak these statements. Tweak any statements that you find on the internet that you find on social media that you like the look of and add them all into your your beliefs list so that you can keep practicing them every single day and start changing and rewiring your brain to support the manifest station of your dreams into reality okay that's what I've got for you today on creating new beliefs I hope that's been helpful I would love to hear what your thoughts are on this let me know in the comments and I will see you tomorrow for day number five Have a great day