School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams

Supercharge your manifestation with a powerful gratitude practice

February 05, 2023 Keri Williams Season 1 Episode 6

✨Day 5 of the 100 days of manifestation! ✨

Gratitude. Let’s talk about why it’s vital for successful manifestation and how you can cultivate a more appreciative state of mind in order to stay in the frequency and energy of gratitude.


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Welcome to the school of manifestation podcast. I'm your host, Keri Williams, and this is the podcast for you. If you're a coach or healer, and you are ready to master the law of attraction to manifest the life and the business of your dreams. On this podcast, we talk all about practical manifestation, how you can take practical steps in your life to get the Law of Attraction working for you. And we're going to talk about how you rewire your brain around money so that you can experience more money, more magic, more abundance, in your business and your life. So I'm so grateful that you're here today. I hope you enjoy this episode. And I can't wait to hear what you create in your life and your business today. Hello, welcome. We are to on day five of 100 days of manifestation. Now, I feel like it's going really quick. I don't know about you, but I am having so much fun doing these sessions. And today I want to talk to you about gratitude. So given our topic of choice, let me know in the comments, if you are joining us live, if you're catching up on the replay in the Facebook community, let me know in the comments. What is one thing that you are grateful for today, and I really challenge you to find something, even if you're having a day where you're having a bit of a low mood or if you're in a bit of a funk, can you find just one thing that you're grateful for. And if you're struggling with that, perhaps by the end of this session, you will have some ideas about some of the things in your life that you are really, really grateful for. So when you think about the energy and the frequency of gratitude and appreciation, it's at the very top end of the scale, where if you have a look at the scale of positive and negative emotions, it tends to be around the top end of the highest vibration, best experience emotions when it comes to the positive emotions that we have for things that happen in our lives. So gratitude and appreciation is one of the emotional states that can really supercharge your manifestation. Because as we know, if you're using the law of attraction, if you can feel that way, if you can vibe in the way that you will be feeling when you actually have the thing that you want the thing that you desire to bring into your reality, that is going to be an energetic match for the universe for the law of attraction to bring that into your life. So gratitude and appreciation is one of the best ways for you to supercharge your manifestation. The reason why we need to do this is because our brain is basically on the hunt all the time, for all the negative things that are going on in your life, whether it's things that happen in the past, and you're remembering those things that happened in the past, and they weren't a pleasant, pleasant experience. Whether it's happening to you right now, you know, if there's something negative going on right in front of you now quite often it will be that your brain focuses in on that. Or we tend to project all of this into the future as well like, oh my god, this might happen. And this might happen. And I'm so worried about this, our brain really is hardwired to default to that negative state. It's something that they call negativity bias in psychology. So if you're a bit of a nerd around the brain, like me, then you might be interested in this little bit. And if not, just bear with me, we'll get back to gratitude and the law of attraction in a moment. But I really enjoyed reading about the negativity bias, it explained a lot for me. It's our tendency as human beings to register the negative things that happen around us. And most of us have a tendency to naturally dwell on these events. So we might remember something that happened to us in the past, that wasn't a pleasant experience. Maybe we remember that someone said something to us that hurt us. And we remember that much more than we do praise. This one for me actually comes up quite a lot. Oh, hello, cat, I've got a cat that's just join me. That one for me tends to actually come up quite a lot. Because actually, as part of the experience of doing this 100 days to of manifestation. I've had such lovely messages coming back through and thank you so much. If you ever feel like actually sending me a message letting me know what your experiences, let me know what you would love to talk about. I am always open for that. So feel free to ping me a message. So I've had some wonderful messages come back that have been saying, you know that you've really uplifted my day. This has been really positive. You know, I went and did the thing that you suggested and it's been working really, really well. Sorry, my cat is determined to sit on my lap right now. And you know, some people have also said as well. Oh, your voice it's just it's been so nice to listen to you. You know, you're very soothing. And you know what that is the direct opposite of what I think of my voice, you know, because my brain will often tell me that I've got a strange accent. It's all mixed up. Is it Australian? Is it British? I don't know. And, you know, I, my brain thinks about that quite a lot. Because I love podcasting. And this is, this is actually my third podcast that I've started. I love podcasting. And I love doing this kind of work. So when someone says that to me, you know, the praise that doesn't stick in my mind so much, I really need to focus actually on letting that one sink in and letting that one be present and be the truth that someone told me. It's their truth. And it's okay for me to hold on to that. So can you see how the negativity bias can play out sometimes negativity bias also tends to mean that we react really negatively to things that happen in our lives, we might react much more strongly to something negative, that's been that's happened, rather than a positive thing. And these things really stick into our mind. Can you recall a negative event that you had in your past? It probably comes up into your brain just like that. And what about the positive ones, though? Did they come up? As much? Do you have as many of them? Is it just the ecstatically positive ones that you remember, like meeting your significant other for the first time or, you know, something like that really, really amazing. But the everyday positive stuff doesn't hang around in your mind, as much as the negative stuff, the grumbles that you might have with someone who cut in front of you when you were driving or, you know, cut in front of you at the queue? When you were queuing? I mean, I've still actually that's another example for you. I've still remembering someone last week when I was queuing at the supermarket who completely cut in. And even when I said, Excuse me, I'm actually in the queue. I was next. He still just went ahead. And I remember that, do you see the negative of negativity? bias it plays out just like that. So we do tend to dwell on these negative moments? Do you think that I remember that much that was positive that happened in the supermarket that day, I don't really remember that much at all. But I do remember that that guy who cut in front of me. So it's really funny how our brains work, isn't them, they people in the realm of psychology and neuroscience, I believe that our brain is actually hardwired that that way and that even after the age of one, you can start to see babies responding to negative stimuli in much more, much more frequently than they did in that first infancy. Yeah, because when babies are first born, when they're like zero years old, only a few months old, they tend to react to the positive stimuli. So it happens from a very early age from one year old, apparently, we start to really focus in on the negative stimuli. And, you know, people who are in those realms, they tend to, you know, theorized that it's because this has served us really well as human beings, as a race that has been evolving, and been here for a very long time, we have survived, perhaps we've been so good at surviving, because we have noticed the negative things, the things that might hurt us, the things that might cause death. And then we've gone to make decisions about our future based on that experience that we've seen of others, or that we've experienced ourselves. So negativity bias is really hardwired in and it's very much a primal response. And it does tend to color the way we make decisions the way we act in the present moment. And so because our brain, if we don't pay attention to it does have that tendency to be much more in the negative, we really need to be cultivating a much more positive, emotional atmosphere, if you like in our brains as much as we possibly can. I think gratitude for everything that you've got in your life right now is one of the best ways to do that. It is such a high vibrational state, if you're just walking around a lot of the time. And if I'm focused on this, I will try and do this. Some days. I know just walking around going, Ah, I'm so grateful for being in this house for having this roof over my head. I'm so grateful for every day that I'm with my daughter. I am so grateful for my cats. I've got two cats. They've been with me now for just over 10 years. I'm so grateful for their unconditional love. You can see one of them is right on my lap right now. She's always with me. I'm grateful for her every day. I'm grateful for my partner the small ways he takes care of me. He made me lunch today while I was doing other things, you know, little things like that. We can just find gratitude in each and every one of those moments. It can be really, really powerful. So I really want to encourage you to find something that you are grateful for right now and share it in the comments. Let us know declare it to the universe put that energy out there. You are grateful you are appreciative. Get into a higher vibrations date, if you're thinking to yourself, there's not a lot I can be grateful for right now. And I know that I've been in low energy points like that over time as well, it can be hard sometimes to find that gratitude. And that's okay. Maybe you can find something as simple as being able to have a hot shower, having hot water in the house, having running water, the ability to put food on your plate for having that food, that fresh food that you've been eating. You know, maybe as you're eating an apple, whatever it is you're eating, you can be thinking to yourself, I am so grateful for this. I'm grateful for all of the people in the process of you know, picking the apple and getting it getting it to me, I'm grateful for mother nature growing the apple, I'm grateful for the sun that comes up that provides all of that that puts food on my plate, you can think about it in those terms. Even if you feel like life is against you right now, I challenge you to find something that you are grateful for. And put that down on paper, put it in the comments here on this Facebook Live, wherever you can find that gratitude. And gratitude is a really powerful practice, I would say it's a practice that I would encourage you to do every single day. So three things that I do every single day. And we have done a little series now on these Facebook lives on this podcast. So you will remember a couple of sessions ago, we spoke about goals, we spoke about having that crystal clear vision, I love to write that out every single day. And I also tweak it to make it make sure that it's in the past tense. And I am giving gratitude for it. So I'm already activating gratitude. In that moment, when I'm writing out my goals. And I write out not just the I sometimes called Money goals, A to D goal, because it doesn't really tell us all the jobs, that money is going to do for us all the beautiful things it's going to bring into our lives, the time it's going to free up the freedom it's going to give us in decision making and the ability to look after others, for example. So I write all of that out from my vision, I am so grateful for this much money that came into my bank account this this this week, I am so grateful for these beautiful clients that have come into my life. And they are so great to work with. And I'm just excited to be serving them. So, so grateful, thank you so much for bringing them into my life, I am so grateful for being able to pay my tax this week, that can be that can be an interesting one to find gratitude for right, I am so grateful for being able to pay tax, so that I can have great roads around me and hospitals that I can go to right? I am so grateful to you know, I have the money to go shopping this week, and to be able to buy all of our groceries and pay my bills this week. You know, anything that you've got on your vision board, I'm so grateful for having you know this much money in my savings account, and stay in that vibration. So that's my first step of my daily practice that I use to cultivate the right mindset to get in alignment to manifest the things I want. The second thing I do is a belief work that we spoke about in the session yesterday, the last session. So if you haven't done that yet, go back one on the podcast, go back one in the live streams and have a look at cultivating the beliefs that are going to support you in creating those goals. So getting into that state where I actually literally write down these beliefs. And I have a list of beliefs that I keep in my phone on a little note. And sometimes I'll just go back a page in my journal, and look at what have I been writing recently, if I can't quite remember, and I might just if I'm short on time, I'll write down five if I've got a bit more time I'll write down 1015. You know, so I'm writing down all of those lovely things, you know, Money comes to me easily. It's it's changing quickly. It's happening right now, clients are coming, beautiful clients are coming. Everything I spend comes back to me tenfold I am open to receiving, you know, successes is inevitable for me, you know everyday it gets easier and easier. Those types of things, write them down, get that energy of those beliefs activated within you. And then the final piece is to give the gratitude for the things that are in your life right now. And I would recommend that you find at least three things if not more, spend some more time if you've got some more time, but find at least three things and write them down in your journal every single day. So those three kind of steps form some of the core processes for me for manifesting and getting myself into the right mindset and the right energy to set myself up for the day. So there you have it. I've shared that over the last three sessions. That's basically my daily process for activating the right energy and my mindset. And so I hope that's been helpful for you. I'd love to hear in the comments what you're grateful for. Let me know what you're grateful for. And let me know if you've got any questions or if you've got any comments on everything that we're doing here in the 100 days of manifestation. I would love to hear your questions, actually, because I've got some ideas for probably about the next 30 of these that I'm doing so We're at what number five? Number six. I'm having a moment of forgetting what number are we up to now? That's gonna take me up to about number 35. But I've got loads more to go after that. So let me know I would love some inspiration from you. What would you love to hear about on this 100 days of manifestation? Okay, that's all I've got for you today. Have a wonderful day. And I'll be back tomorrow with the next day in 100 days of manifestation. Bye for now.