School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams

Program your subconscious mind to stay high vibe and aligned to your manifestation goals

Keri Williams Season 1 Episode 7

✨Day 6 of the 100 days of manifestation! ✨

Your subconscious mind runs about 95% of your behaviours, actions, habits and patterns. If you find yourself sabotaging your success, programming your subconscious can help. Lets speak about how!


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Welcome to the school of manifestation podcast. I'm your host, Keri Williams, and this is the podcast for you. If you're a coach or healer, and you are ready to master the law of attraction to manifest the life and the business of your dreams. On this podcast, we talk all about practical manifestation, how you can take practical steps in your life to get the Law of Attraction working for you. And we're going to talk about how you rewire your brain around money so that you can experience more money, more magic, more abundance in your business and your life. So I'm so grateful that you're here today. I hope you enjoy this episode. And I can't wait to hear what you create in your life and your business today. Hello, welcome to day six of 100 days of manifestation. So today I wanted to talk to you all about your subconscious mind. It is one of my favorite topics. So Does this sound familiar to you at all? Do you just get up and go on autopilot throughout the day? Do you find that you often do very similar things day to day today? Do you ever find that these things that you do are perhaps not the most aligned action you could take towards your goal that you're manifesting, and maybe even sabotage yourself at times. If any of this sounds familiar, then you might want to listen up because this is all about your subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is like a little bit like an iceberg. You know, with an iceberg, you see the tip on top of the waterline. But underneath, there's a humongous ice structure that you can't see. I like to think of our subconscious mind like that. So we have our prefrontal cortex, we have our logical mind, that can think about the future it can think about our goals, ie the things that we want to manifest that really is all of our prefrontal cortex really thinking about these things, setting them intention, making an intention to make things different. That's all your prefrontal cortex. Now, if you go about your day, and you find that things are happening, maybe you're just getting up, you're on autopilot, you're having coffee, you're going about your day doing the same thing again and again. Maybe you're overspending, maybe that's one of your sabotages, and you keep thinking to yourself, I've got to get on top of my spending, maybe you keep going back into debt. I was talking to someone this week about that. And she was talking about, you know how she's manifesting. Amazingly, in terms of her cash flow, she's finding that the cash flow isn't a problem, but every time she pays off her debt, it just grows to new levels because her income has gone up. Do you have that pattern coming up for you? Because I know that's a really common one. I had that for a long time as well. It's like a recurring debt problem, or pattern I should say? Do you find yourself overeating? Do you find yourself over scrolling on social media, these are all the types of habits and and patterns that can come up sometimes that are perhaps sabotaging is a bit a bit, procrastination, maybe you're avoiding doing things in your business that you know would really, really help you. Many of these things are coming from our subconscious mind, because it makes up I can't remember the exact number that I've written. In fact, I think I've read different numbers around this, but it's in the 90% region, maybe it's 95%. You also conscious mind is controlling your habits, your behaviors, your actions, your patterns that keep on happening. It's all coming from this part of your brain. So our prefrontal cortex, which we're all very familiar with, our higher brain, our logical thinking brain, you know, that's the one that we're using when we're, we're sitting there, writing out our goals, thinking about things, learning, all of that is coming through there. And it might feel like actually, that's a really big part of our world. But if we think about you know, that theory that 95% of everything we do comes from the subconscious world. You know, we're only actually in touch with that part of our mind that we're really familiar with. It's only responsible for 5% of everything. Can you imagine that's huge, isn't it? So if you're finding that you keep sabotaging you keep crap procrastinating and these these patterns and these loops just keep coming up for you. Then programming your subconscious mind is going to help you massively with manifestation. It's going to help you to achieve massive manifestation success. So how do you do that? Okay, so I love to access my subconscious mind in the morning, and in the evening, because I think that's the best gateway, that's the best opportunity that we have. When you wake up, if it's possible, to immediately go into doing something that is going to feed your subconscious mind, I like to think of this as mind food. So first thing in the morning when you're waking up. Now your mind food at that time of day might be as simple as going and sitting in the garden and listening to the birds singing as you wake up in the morning, that could be your mind food, because it's still and it's calm, and it's beautiful. So instead of turning on your phone, having a look at the news, listening to the radio, whatever it is that's going on your mind food, for your subconscious mind, maybe as simple as actually just some peace and listening to the world. But you've also got other options as well. Now, we have spoken about in the previous sessions, and we've kind of been building up around, you know, the three things that I love to do every day, and why that was so powerful, you know, you're writing down your goals, and you're doing it in past tense, you're giving gratitude for all of those things that are coming into your life and you're writing as if it's already here. You're also writing down all of those beliefs that are propping that up, you're spending time in that world of actually owning those beliefs and letting them really integrate into your energy body and really feel it on a deep level. And then we've got the gratitude that comes in as well. So being grateful for everything that's around you right now. So that is a really powerful practice. First thing in the morning, if you like the idea of that, write down your goals, write down the beliefs that are supporting you your belief plan, and then write down the things that you are grateful for in this moment. That is a powerful way to program your subconscious mind. You can also do all sorts of other things, you can do some meditation, if you want to find an amazing meditation on YouTube. And if you're working on abundance at the moment, which a lot of us in this community are, maybe you find an abundance meditation, that's really going to feed your mind at that time of day, maybe you do some tapping. I love tapping, I'm going to talk quite a lot about tapping in this community at some point soon. Let me know actually, if you're a fan of tapping, I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on tapping. But if you like tapping, that's another way as well wake up in the morning, go and do some tapping. So these are all ways that you can start to reprogram your mind. Now if you're a little bit like me, and I've got a toddler. So, you know, I used to have a really powerful morning routine. And it felt a lot easier than because obviously, I didn't have someone waking me up very, very early in the morning. So I must admit that I am not 100% with my morning routine anymore. I'm much better with my evening routine, because I have to tend to have my evenings to myself. So if I'm up in time, I will do all of that the goals, the gratitude, you know, the beliefs and everything at that time of day, because it is such a powerful time of day, if I don't get to do it, then then I just accept, okay, I'm just going to do it, whenever I get a chance. Maybe it's at lunchtime, something like that. But you know, if you are like me, and you struggle, because you've maybe got other people that wake you up very, very early in the morning, young children or if you're caring for someone, then maybe all you do is you pop your earbuds in, put on an inspiring podcasts and keep listening to that content, or put on an audiobook and just keep listening, that is mind food as well. You are feeding your subconscious mind all of these new beliefs. And as you keep on hearing these new beliefs, these goals that you're working towards, as you're, you know, spending that time in gratitude, what happens is these neurons start to fire together, and they wire together. And then you start to get these new neural pathways. So this becomes a new ingrained belief pattern that starting to take root in your mind as a neural pathway. It's really, really exciting because our brain is so plastic. So we are literally reprogramming our mind with all of this work. And if you can spend enough time in this world of belief, you will start to think differently. I can give you a recent example of this. I was in a bit of a funk in December, and I was finding it quite hard. You know, because I was on the verge of doing this manifestation work. And I'd been, you know, hearing a nudge to do this work for a long, long, long time. And I got some coaching and I actually sketched out a program around this. In June. I got some coaching last summer, and I sat on it and I was still getting massage, still getting the nudge. And I was a bit blocked around at all. And I was feeling like I was at a bit of a funk like well, I should do this old thing. Maybe I should do more weight loss coaching because you know, those of you who don't know me already, you know, I've done quite a lot of weight loss coaching and I was sitting there in a bit of a funk and it was really hard to manifest actually my coach said to me at that time, do you know what you're going to teach people in the future how to get through a funk and how to manifest and I was like, Yeah, you're probably right. But I found it really really difficult at that point in time. And you know, what really did not help. I was I unwittingly had been exposed to a lot more of the things that were happening in the world, Current Affairs, you know, just kind of got sucked in. And that can be a very addictive thing, in a way in your brain it like, you know that that fear mongering that goes on in the world, sometimes with some of the stories that come out. And I found that I was when I'd open YouTube in the Morning, sometimes I was having all of these things come up about current affairs, and I was like, Oh, what's that that's happened? What's that that's happened. And I inadvertently was giving myself mind food that was actually quite negative, and it was causing a lot of fear. And when I clicked that, actually, this was a real problem. And I, I know this stuff, but I've got a human brain, and, you know, my human brain that wants to help me survive, you know, sees these fearful things that are going on and just get sucked into it. And then I started thinking about this stuff all the time. And I really had to be conscious about it. I was like, right, I'm unsubscribing from that channel, and unsubscribing. From that channel, I started really curating my feed a lot more, because I go on YouTube quite a lot. I like to listen, having a young child, it's really helpful for me to just listen to things because I don't get the the opportunity to sit and read that much anymore. So you know, I really started curating my feed in there. And I was like, right, I'm gonna make sure that these things pop up a lot more. And then I was also very conscious of putting on a podcast or an audio book, first thing in the morning, if I wasn't doing my journaling practice, and I tell you what it helped massively. It really, really did help me massively started getting me into action, it started helping me to realize, right, you know, I don't just have to sit there worrying about things, you know, so that, you know, if you have experienced that, I just want to share that, you know, that might be helpful for you as well. If you notice these patterns of getting sucked into, you know, some of the news headlines, you know, then maybe you want to think about what else can I do especially at that time of mourning, when your subconscious mind is just so ripe and available for new information, we really want to make sure that we're curating what we're feeding our subconscious mind at that point of time. So that's the morning routine. Now the evening routine is also super powerful as well, because as you start to get tired as you're winding down, your brain starts to change in terms of the waves, the brainwaves are starting to change at this point in time. And your subconscious mind gets a lot more open to programming again. Now, if you might have already know about this, but if you don't, this is a really lovely little ritual that I have. Have a look on YouTube for Wayne Dyer's five minutes before you go to sleep, I think it is or five minutes before bed, something like that. Anyway, if you put that in, there's loads of five minute before beds, meditations, I think maybe it's come from Wayne Dyer's work, but you know, I really, really like that one. And the idea is that you cultivate a habit of laying in bed. And just before you go to sleep, you're sitting there visualizing all of the things that you're manifesting into your life. So think back to that profound vision that we spoke about in a previous session. And think about visualizing that five minutes before you go to sleep, as you drift off, and you're in this world of visualization, thinking about, you know how your life is going to be, and being in the energy of that, then you drift off. And that is what your mind is processing all night. It's really, really powerful. And it's much much more constructive than going to bed full of anxiety and worries, and maybe full of, you know, a head full of your to do list. I mean, that usually just results in you go to bed anxious and you'll wake up in the middle of the night. So this is a much better way to calm your brain down. Allow your subconscious mind to be programmed overnight. So there you have it. That's what I've got for you today. Program your mind in the morning, your subconscious mind program, your subconscious mind in the evening, right before bed. These two practices at either end of the day, in whatever way you can, even if you haven't got a lot of time available. Just stick on a podcast stick on a YouTube video, something inspirational to uplift you. It will really change things for you. Okay, I hope you have a wonderful evening and I'm gonna see you again tomorrow for day number seven and 100 days of manifestation. Have a great day. Bye