School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams

#4 Are you asking the universe to manifest your desires clearly enough?

August 07, 2023 Keri Williams
#4 Are you asking the universe to manifest your desires clearly enough?
School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams
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School of Manifestation for Business with Keri Williams
#4 Are you asking the universe to manifest your desires clearly enough?
Aug 07, 2023
Keri Williams

Imagine manifesting your deepest desires with crystal clear precision. That's right, we're unravelling the mystery of manifestation and how to avoid common pitfalls. We're delving into the importance of specificity when making your requests to the universe. You might desire more money or clients, but without clarity, the universe might just deliver random coins on the street or unsolicited client requests. So, let's get crystal clear on our desires and understand how to ask for exactly what we want.

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Imagine manifesting your deepest desires with crystal clear precision. That's right, we're unravelling the mystery of manifestation and how to avoid common pitfalls. We're delving into the importance of specificity when making your requests to the universe. You might desire more money or clients, but without clarity, the universe might just deliver random coins on the street or unsolicited client requests. So, let's get crystal clear on our desires and understand how to ask for exactly what we want.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome back to the podcast. It's great to have you here. So how has your week been? I have been busy, busy, busy, still packing. If you're watching the audio sorry, the visual version of this podcast you'll see that I have a very blank background and you might even see a bit of the boxes around me, so I seem to be surrounded by boxes at the moment. But the house we're actually getting some building work done, we're getting new floors, we're getting some new carpet and it's going to be so nice once it's done.

Speaker 1:

This, I think, is actually a bit of a manifestation story in and of itself, because I've spoken a little bit, I think, on this podcast before about how one of my big manifestation goals at the moment is to be moving into a different home, a larger space with a bigger garden for my daughter to play in, and something I think that we often do on the way to manifesting big goals like that is we can start to up, level and upgrade all of those things around us, and I'm seeing this piece of work that we're getting done at the moment as one of those things, Because when we've got things around us that maybe feel like they're not that great, sometimes you look at it and you just feel like, oh gosh, I wish it wasn't like that. It doesn't feel that nice especially if it's a living environment to be living in an environment like that. When we actually start to make these changes and we upgrade all of our surroundings and then we're walking around and we're feeling much more calm in the space, much more peace, much more appreciation. It's much, much easier to manifest from that place. So I think, even though the bigger manifestation hasn't come yet, I know it's on its way and what I'm seeing this as the opportunity of is up leveling my vibration even more in my existing environment, so that it's almost like I can make a level transfer, or it's not as great a leap once we actually get the opportunity to move into this new house that I know is on its way. So I don't know if that resonates, but I sure I thought I'd share a little bit of that story with you as well and of course, you know I will be sharing details of that manifestation as it unfolds all along throughout this podcast.

Speaker 1:

So today I wanted to talk to you about one of the biggest mistakes and one of the like, most simple things to correct that I see, not just with my clients, but within people who are in the manifestation community. So if you're not already part of the Facebook group, why don't you go ahead and have a look in Facebook if you want to come and join us? It's called the Manifesting More Money in Magic group with Kerry Williams, and if you go and click join, you'll be able to join that group and see that we have discussions or we have challenges and we have training in there. So one of the things I notice in that group, and also with my clients as well, is that many of us are making very, very unclear requests, unclear requests to the universe. And the thing is, money loves clarity, the universe loves clarity. The universe is almost like a loyal dog, you know. We kind of tell it to go off and find, you know, whatever it is that we want, and it's going to bring it back. But we need to tell it what we want. And what I see which is really interesting is people will say in response to the form that I have when they join the Facebook group.

Speaker 1:

So my question on that form is what is your main manifestation goal at the moment? What are you working towards? And people will say things like I want to manifest more money, I want to manifest more time, I want to manifest more joy, I want to manifest more love. I mean, doesn't that sound beautiful and actually really at the heart of it all? Isn't that what we're all looking to manifest Now? The problem is, though, that the universe always delivers, always delivers.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're out there, though, saying I need more money, I want more money. You know the thing is, you might find 10 cents on the street, or 10p if you're in the UK. The thing is, technically, the universe will be like tick done. You asked for more money, there's more money, you know, and so we need to get a little bit more specific than that. You know, I want more money is a great thing to desire, but we actually want to put a little bit more clarity around that. It's the same with more time, like I wish I had more time, and then maybe some you know message pops up oh, your friend cancels lunch this weekend, and the universe is like tick, there you go, more time when actually, in your heart of hearts, what you might be thinking of is I would like more work, life balance. I don't want to be exchanging as much time for money. You know, maybe I want to be receiving more money for the time that I do work, anything like that. Well, the universe has kind of ticked that box because you haven't been clear.

Speaker 1:

You know, maybe you say things as well like I want more clients, and you know, when you're not really really specific about that and I find actually this one has happened to me an awful lot it's really interesting. You might just get random requests, random phone calls, people picking up the phone like, oh you know, do you think you can do this for me? I see that you're really good at this, you know, could I pay you to do this for me? And so your request for more clients. If you weren't clear that I'd like more coaching clients, I'd like more design clients, I'd like more healing clients, whatever it is in your line of work, you know, then maybe you might actually get these random requests coming through. So we want to get really specific about what we're asking for, because otherwise unclear requests are going to get unclear results with your manifestation and this might leave you in a place where you're like it's not working. It's not working. I keep asking for the same thing Deep down. You might actually know that. You know, in an ideal world, maybe five K more a month would make you feel really abundant and, you know, not stressed about money or anything like that. But if you're just saying like I want more money, I want more money, you're going to probably manifest like refunds and discounts and little bits and pieces of money on the street. You know this is the type of thing that I observe happening. So let me know, actually, if you're watching along on one of the social media platforms, let me know in the comments section whether or not that resonates for you. Have you ever noticed, when you do an unclear request, that you get unclear results? We want to get really specific. Money loves clarity.

Speaker 1:

So when it comes to manifestation, it's all about going into that vibration. Visualization is a fantastic technique. I'm probably going to do a podcast, a podcast episode all about that, because there's a lot to say about visualization and if you're not a particularly visual person, I don't want you to get worried about that, because visualization does not necessarily mean that you have to have a picture in your mind. It's really just about getting into that vibration. That's all it is. So when you know exactly what it is you're after, you know how to get into the vibration, because you know what vibration it will be like. You know exactly what to put on your vision board If you like using vision boards then you're going to get lots of inspiration. That's really, really clear. You can get really clear on what inspired action you can take all of your aligned actions, because it's not really a one-way thing. We want to go out and we want to be taking action that we feel inspired to do and we know is in alignment with what it is that we're looking to manifest.

Speaker 1:

And then you also know what jobs to give to the universe as well. I love this one. People often forget about this one, and I put myself in that camp before as well, before I started manifestation. We always get the opportunity to give jobs to the universe as well. Like, I really don't know anything about bookkeeping. Universe, bring me someone or something that helps me with this. I've got to figure out tax returns, I've got to figure out social media ads, something like that. In your business, you can outsource that kind of thing to the universe. Like universe, bring me someone within budget that can help me with this, because I don't want to take it on myself. Or universe, bring me the perfect course or the perfect mentor that will be able to help me with all of this. They are the kind of jobs that you can outsource to the universe, so you can get really specific with all of this.

Speaker 1:

So do you see how different that is from the I want more money to? Actually, when you start doing goals, you start doing affirmations, and it can be a really powerful thing to do it in the present moment. So to do it in the present tense, like, maybe it's something along the lines of I'm so thankful for these five clients this week that brought in another 5K, or I'm so thankful for the 5K that I've received this week. I wish I had more time. I am so grateful to only work five hours a day, and I'm really happy I get to pick up my kids from school. I'm so grateful for this lifestyle. Do you see how much more nuance and richness that picture has in comparison to I wish I had more time? It's almost like I wish I had more time is like a request of I wish there was more than 24 hours in the day. What does that actually mean, though? Or I want more clients. I am so grateful for 10 new perfect clients 10 new perfect clients who are ready to take action, who have the money to invest, who really, really need the solution that I offer. They are action takers. They are my perfect client and I am so grateful to be working with 10 new clients. See how different that is, and do you see all the richness and the specificity that I brought into that client picture? It's not just any random person from the street that's gonna hand you some cash. It's like no, these are the quality people that will be there doing the work that are the best person, the best fit clients for you at this point in time.

Speaker 1:

So what I want to offer to you with this podcast is to consider where is it that you've been making unclear requests? Have you been making unclear requests? How can you translate these into crystal clear requests? So this is the process that I would offer to you and invite you to take. Maybe you wanna grab your journal. Maybe you wanna grab the notes app on your phone, wherever it is that you're listening, or make a note to do this later, if you're at the gym or somewhere. Write all the things that you might have been putting out there the unclear requests. I want more time. I want more money. I want more love. I want more connection. I want more friends. I want more. You know more, more more Like. Think about what do you ask for more of? How can you turn these into crystal clear requests? What would it look like if that came into your life and you were feeling, if you had more money, you were feeling abundant, you were feeling like you had freedom. You were feeling like you know there was nothing to worry about. What exactly would that look like? How does that translate in terms of a money number? You know what does it look like in your bank account, right? So make that really, really clear. So that is what I've got for you this week on this topic. This is one of the things that I teach about in the School of Manifestation course and it's one of the biggest things that I coach many of my clients on.

Speaker 1:

Now you might be feeling a little bit stuck about this, and if you are, that's totally fine. Sometimes it can take us a little while before we actually get to what we actually want. So if you find that your brain is saying, well, yeah, kerry, that sounds great, but I don't know what I want, ask yourself this question instead. But if I was to know what I want, what might that be? They are not making a committed statement there. You're not saying this is 100% what I want and I'm gonna go after it. You're just playing with the ideas.

Speaker 1:

If I did know what I want, what would that look like? Or the other way that you can flip this as well is what do I know that I don't want? Sometimes we're clear on what we don't want. Maybe you know that you don't want a nine to five job. Maybe you know that you don't want to work full time. Maybe you know you don't want clients who are like X, y and Z characteristics. Maybe you know that you don't want to be working with clients that struggle to pay your bills and that you're always chasing them right. So there might be a number of things that you really know that you don't want. So get those out on paper and then from there you might find some inspiration. Okay, if I don't want this, maybe I want the opposite. What would the opposite of that be? So this is another angle that you can use if you are not sure what your crystal clear requests would be. If you're making all these unclear requests, start playing around with those questions.

Speaker 1:

If I did know what I want, what might that be and what do I know that I don't want? And then, when you've got that list, you can flip it to the opposite. So this is a way that you can start to you know, allow your vision to come to you. And if you are struggling with this, I just want to say, just before we wrap up this podcast, that I've struggled with this before and I think, particularly sometimes, when you're in a kind of period of time when you're transitioning from one thing to another and you might actually be moving into a new phase of work whether that's a complete career change or whether it's just a little pivot and you're doing something slightly different in your business it's really normal, if you're in that space, to not know exactly what it looks like yet. And even if you are in that space, I want to encourage you to just be focusing on what you know at this stage and trust that the rest of the picture is coming.

Speaker 1:

I had a lot of trouble with this before I actually pivoted into manifestation coaching and I kind of, you know, came out of the closet, if you like, as a manifestation coach, because I'd be doing this coaching with clients privately, but I hadn't spoken about it publicly before and I got loads and loads of coaching on. You know, making a transition and making this. You know the area of work that I really work in now, and it was really, really hard for me. It took me a long time to get together what I feel was a really, really clear request, and I just had to keep on trusting the process, trusting the process that it was coming. So if you're in that space, do you know? Just use it as a way to see where you're at today. What do you know today, keep coming back to it every now and then and see what new insights come to you, because it might be that you have to go through this period of not knowing exactly where you're going in order for some of the information to fall into place and then you start to understand ah yes, this is the direction I'm going in, so just bear with it if you are in that space at the moment.

Speaker 1:

If you do need any more help with that, you know. Get in touch with me on social media. Drop me a message, drop me an email. Let me know if you want to talk about.

Speaker 1:

You know whether or not I can help you with that Cause that's one of the biggest things that I help with in the coaching that I do is to get people really crystal clear on what it is that they want, so that they can actually start manifesting the thing that they are looking to get to. Sometimes we can get really, really cloudy with all of this, and so having some coaching and having someone who has a very impartial view and can see all your blind spots can be a really good thing. So do drop me a message if you want to have a chat about how I might be able to help you with that. Okay, that's what I got for you this week on making crystal clear requests and creating a profound vision for yourself, so I hope you have a wonderful week and I will see you next week with some more on manifestation. Bye for now.

Manifestation Mistakes
Clear Vision and Finding What You Want