Disrespectfully Agree

DA: Ep. 19 - Mission Watchable: Vague Motivation

July 30, 2018 Oatman & L.J. Episode 19
Disrespectfully Agree
DA: Ep. 19 - Mission Watchable: Vague Motivation
Show Notes Transcript
Ethan Hunt may have lost a step, but he’s still the best runner in the spy business.
Speaker 1:

Welcome to disrespectfully agree with open and LJ. Lj Cross me is Mr Oatman oatmeal in the house, baby comes up, apologize in advance for Mr. Urban. He is suffering from allergies at the moment. Suffering does not even a word baby, so forgive him. This week we are going to tackle mission impossible fallout. If you've seen any of the previous mission impossibles or at least the last three. You know what you're getting here. Tom Cruise is a secret agent. He is perhaps compromise, perhaps accused of being compromised. There's intrigue, a lot of twists, and it turns out Tom Cruise isn't a bad guy by the end. Who Knew? Who Knew? Shocker. Three, really nice world alert says, yeah, well a little bit. We'll have to get into spoilers a little bit later. We'll let you know when that happens to start opening. Where are you at on the franchise?

Speaker 2:

You know, I was shocked when I saw this film because I was so naughty in the submission of possible because it just always is the same story. It's the same in not just sitting, never changes the way you get a little bit of the bang for the buck. You get some good action scenes, but it's nothing that excites me and I was surprised at how pleasure a sort of the terms in this movie, even though none of them were surprising, all of them were cliche. Uh, there was nothing special. I mean, I should hate this movie, but I, I kinda enjoy it. I went along with the ride, but I will, I will tell you now, boy, there is no twists that you will not uncover immediately. I, you immediately know, okay, that's, that's the guy. That's the one that's going to turn and this is going to happen. I mean, there is no twist here that is hidden or particularly well execute it. It's just a very well done. Actually. We were really great action sequences. I liked some of foot chases. I liked the car chases. There's a really kick ass. I'm like helicopter chasing here, which I thought was particularly well done. But short of that, there's nothing surprising here. There's nothing new, but it is executed as such a high level idea. Find some enjoyment with it. I wouldn't give it a day. I probably wouldn't even give it a b plus, but I might give it a b minus to a c plus. I'm a you. You put it best. I think Lj, you know what you're getting. It's like opening up a can of spam or something. You know, you're really hungry.

Speaker 1:

Put that on the blue ray cover.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's, you know, you know what you're getting. You know what's good to know what's bad. There's nothing new here. There are no twists and turns that will come close to surprising you.

Speaker 1:

I guess the whole episode is spoiler filled. There's no, we're not doing any non spoilers I guess for this one morning. So enjoy.

Speaker 2:

I mean I was literally sitting here, the first frame of the film, one of the first friends of the pill. I leaned over to my wife went to go see it with and I was like, that's not wolf blitzer. I mean that's just not him. But that didn't happen. There was no. Well, early in the film there is this of simulation of a catastrophe or there's this idea that a catastrophe has occurred. I did not buy into the catastrophe for one second. I knew that the catastrophe was in some way some kind of fabrication. I was like this early in the movie, this level of catastrophe, a no one of the characters in the film says it best. He says, uh, you guys are just like guys who dress up for Halloween. And I kind of felt that line and I felt like, yeah, this is just halloween. I don't believe this. And I think that is unfortunate because I think some of that dramatic irony can really heighten the tension of a film, but none of it exists in mission impossible. You never buy the twists and turns that they try to feed you. It almost seems like they don't even really try hard, but it is a well executed action film. It's good at that. Tom Cruise is great. He looks great. He moves grade historics are great. I enjoyed a lot of that.

Speaker 3:

This film in the post, Jj Abrams era of mission impossible feels the most like an episode of Gi Joe.

Speaker 2:

I get that like there are no real stakes. It's almost in a

Speaker 3:

no. It's very cartoony. Soonish world. The characters, they get tricked our trick because they are cartoonishly stupid. I agree, and here's the thing about, I learned something about Ethan Hunt, the character in this movie that I didn't know before. It turns out Ethan Hunt I think is a bad actor because he has to go undercover here and you don't buy it from every time something bad happens, he immediately looks like, oh no, this. I can't allow this. He's very upset at the band thing that happened, but his character would not be. He is. No poker face is absolutely no poker face whatsoever.

Speaker 2:

There are a couple times where he is supposed to be enticed into doing something bad. He doesn't want to do it and he just looks like the most horrify person, which is character would not be. No, it's no. He

Speaker 3:

that agent P, they set it up and the opening scene in this film is Ethan Hunt. Making the wrong choice, he saves his team or one of his team members when he should have been saving the world and instead of saving the world, he saves his team members and nobody keeps their eye on the ball. They lose the nuclear ball as it were. And Alec Baldwin says, you know what? You know why I believe in you is because you chose to save one man over millions. The stupidest. Like what? Say Again? Say again. Baldwin Baldwin says what? And idiotic and Angela Bassett comes in with the correct interpretation of the job. That's the job. So in addition in, and he has a line later on where he says, I kill women and children with small pox. And he said, I'm a man. Something to that effect anyway. And you're like, no. Is anybody buying it?

Speaker 2:

Well, not only that, and don't get me wrong, I don't need much to buy the album, man. Men trying to build a world up here, but there's no reason that has never explained why they want to be, why they want to wipe out the world. It's funny. In some ways it's a much

Speaker 3:

because the world will be better,

Speaker 2:

say it's a much more poorly executed fan, those kinda but, but at that dose he really has a reason like he, he articulated far more clearly. It's not articulated here. It makes no sense. They just want to. We want to know what order we're going to blow everything. It makes no sense and it's not really well articulated or why they want to wipe out millions and millions and millions of people and it also in the marvel film, there's this wonderful scene. I think it's one of the best scenes in the film with animals has done what he had to do and he's committed this atrocity for what he thinks is the betterment of the world and he's sitting on this rock and he's actually reflecting. He's having like a moment in which he's. He's reflecting and it's almost a. it's a burden on him. He has to do it for the good of other people, but it's a burden. He doesn't want to necessarily do it. He feels that he must know that complexity is here with. These guys are just

Speaker 3:

by contrast, the bad guy in this says, leave me here with the bomb because it's time for me to whatever I'm done. This is the. This is the end of the line for me. You're like, well, why is that? Well, I'm guessing the reason why is because this final chase scene is going to be way more complicated. If we have two villains, we really need one. It makes no sense or at least to chase scenes instead of one. No. Okay, but any case, let me say this, I enjoyed it after all that. I mean, it's fun. Christopher Mcquarrie wrote and directed the. He did the same for the last one. For me, mission possible didn't become mission possible until three. When Jj Abrams took over. Now I think that's probably the best in the series. After that, Brad Bird took over and that one's fine. Christopher Mcquarrie took over and he. He's done a decent enough job, I guess for what this is, but it's. It's impossible. Pardon the pun, to keep the stories straight anymore. Everything meshes into each other. It's also saved me.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing. There's no attempt to do anything fresh. No, we just know Tim. I mean they'll put it in space and I don't care what you do and just do something that's different, but I think it was one of those things where it's like, hey, we're just going to give you what you want and we're not going to try to make it different. We're not gonna, you know, we're going to give you great access sequences, which are. The access sequence are basic.

Speaker 3:

They're amazing. I'll give him credit for that and the practical effects and the practical stunts. I love that stuff. That's all great, but what may Ms Dot possible? Three, in my opinion, the best is the human element. There were characters, there were stakes there with people and characters we cared about and we were concerned about and there was actual drama and tension between those characters. There's none of that here.

Speaker 2:

Would they have that? See, we're fitting room sits down and talks to

Speaker 3:

fingerings is a damsel now, by the way, he really is. He's always getting kidnapped. He does. The guy held a gun to his back. He's just like, ah, oh, help me, help me, but when you're a trained agent, what the hell?

Speaker 2:

He has a scene and he's talking to her, talking about Ethan and his emotional stuff. I'm like, this is the most ridiculous. See Why is this in the film? Why are we pretending that there are characters here? Why? Why are we taking time out so you can talk to about[inaudible] heart. So it was so ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

Which brings me to Michelle Monaghan, who I think is a, is a good actress who never really got her do. She was in Michigan Hospital three. That's where she was introduced. We've seen her here and their posts then great and kiss, kiss, Bang, Bang. And ever since then she's just kind of been sidelined and she is again here. I mean she's back briefly, but wasted again. It's the only reason we care about these characters is because if we do it all is because of mission impossible three and they're just resting on those laurels.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, I mean you could almost insert any actor in this film and it really won't make a difference. So we insert pretty girl here. She brings nothing to it. I did like the agent character who was a female.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, she, she was in the previous film. She was good in that too. She was very good. I enjoyed her. She's better in that because again, there's more of a character in a film

Speaker 2:

do. But I mean it was, you know, having said all that, I think it's a terrible film. It's like a, it's a bad day kind of film. You want to go enjoy your Saturday night with some action and some bags and some thrills go for it.

Speaker 3:

But this is not a movie I will own.

Speaker 2:

Not a movie that I own it. It's not a movie I would watch again.

Speaker 3:

I don't think so either. Mission possible three is a movie I returned to now and again. And this one I won't even, uh, what was the Brad Bird film? I'll, I'll occasionally returned to, but it's just not. This is disposable as it comes. I agree. It is. Tom Cruise. Can he run still? He wrote pretty. He runs amazing. He runs better than I can, but I feel like this is the first sign of the Tom Cruise run might not be what it used to be.

Speaker 2:

You look pretty damn good at this film, but he knows so seeds where he's running across that roof. My goodness. It looks good too,

Speaker 3:

by the way. Why did we have to have that? All that running when a car would have looked. Oh, no other reason, right? I apologize. I don't think he rubs great. He looks great. He's still, he's still the best runner in the business, but I, I'm worried his, his running days are starting to look pretty good in this film. You know, he's five years older than Wilford Brimley was when he shot cocoon. Really? Can you believe that? Freely? Yeah. Push that in your noggin. Ponder that one. He's five years older. Yeah. Yep. Um, I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room on this film. I am not a huge fan of Hans Zimmer. Nope. He's. He. Is this the music? Is it the score? The composer. Oh my God. You and this composer, you need to get off my back about composer talk, Lord in Heaven. That's the L for. This is what everybody has been waiting for. I was just talking about dudes the other day. Man, Zuber is on some bullshit. I can't stand it. People love the Hans Zimmer. I'm not a huge fan. He his. His modus operandi is a lot of. May I go, go for it. May I please? As modus operandi is a lot of repeating phrases and escalating tones to more or less increased or heightened the drama. He's not that into melody or themes with some exceptions. He's done some good work. Well, the height of his kind of tone stuff is inception. Just that increasing policy, kind of just repetitive noise thing which is effective in its own right. A Sherlock Holmes is work on that actually is quite interesting. He's got some interesting themes and phrasing going on there, but as much as I'm not a fan of Han Zimmer, I despise Han Zimmer copycats. There is such a. that's who conducted the score for this film. Lauren Belfi, if I'm saying that correctly or Lauren. Ralph, he has worked under Han Zimmer on films. He's done what I think the technical term is work. Hans Zimmer didn't want to do on his own films some extra additional compositions for things like the Sherlock Holmes movies and inception and so forth. He's alone composer on this movie and it is boring. It is as Dole as could be. It is the worst kind of Hans Zimmer Copycat Sherlock and the only time anything in the score works here is when they cut to

Speaker 1:

the actual thing, the mission. When the mission impossible. Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun kicks in. That's the only part. What do you mean? Who would know that you keep? You got to stop asking the same question. Every time this comes up, it's not going to change. There are fans, there are people who pay attention to this stuff. You unfortunately, I'm one of the score nerds or people who just appreciate film and the way it is conducted and composed. Fair enough and it's there for a reason and when it's not well done, I have a problem with it. Fair enough. That's a under. So to conclude, oh, it's fun, the film is fine, it's enjoyable. Tom Cruise is good, but the mission impossible movies, this is the one that has the least character stuff in it. I agree. I think it's the most cartoonish and that's really saying something for a film that is so incredible and impossible in its scope to begin with. But this is definitely the most cartoon. Yeah, I agree with that 100 percent. I would hope for better next time around if they do another one and I imagine they would agree. Be sure to subscribe to us on apple podcasts, Google play music, wherever podcasts are sold for free. Our website disagree podcast.com. And do us all a favor and tell a friend about the show. Just one person friend, loved one family member or somebody you think might like it. Just tell him about the show. It's the only way we'll really be able to grow this thing. You hate the show a teletubby oh yeah. That mathematically works. And with that we will talk at you next week. Bye. Peace and chicken grease.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Look it up. Uh, may not at the time we want to take. Some will want to take a moment to. I'll look this up on. We can do Atlanta, bro. I mean, I could be wrong. That is my understanding of the true or lj. I'll cut that out and if I'm wrong, let's play our favorite game. Let's assume it's right. Okay. Listen, let's assume Aljs, right? That's the way I like to live. The and L J is delighted the way you're ready.