Truth in Politics

Ep. 055: The Sexualization of Young Children

Andrew Bernstein & Bosch Fawstin Season 1 Episode 55

Whether via elementary school classes, books, or Disney films, the Left insists on introducing young children to sexual content. What is the effect of teaching kids about sex long before they have reached puberty? Why insist on teaching young children about homosexuality? Is sex education the proper province of the schools--or should it be left to the parents? Would the children be better off if the schools taught them reading, writing math, and history, rather than sex ed? These and other questions will be discussed by Andrew Bernstein and Bosch Fawstin on "Truth in Culture and Politics."

it's freedom of speech land welcome back to another episode of truth in culture and politics with your hosts andrew bernstein that would be me and bosh fosten that would be you how you doing tonight bosh excellent as always glad to be here how are you andrew yeah i'm good i am good thank you and i'm glad you're here let's get let's get uh my phone all all good to go so people could chime in with with comments and and everything definitely i'll get the chat you know this this is a tough uh subject you know we're not experts on this but i think anyone moral can comment on this and have something some decent things to say if you're immoral you've got nothing to say i mean that's just a fact you know he's got a lot to say it's just all bad yeah exactly right because when it comes to the sexualization of children that is something that's not supposed to happen at all at all and the left is doing it they're they're doing it and lying about it and hiding behind every other reason that why they're doing it and that's what they always do and uh that's what i mentioned something about you know the history of disney employees where dozens of them have been caught you know violating children in a sexual way dozens that are arrested uh with you know with with the you know people say well those are sting operations yeah that's fine that's a legitimate way to catch these criminals that's fine i got i got a problem with that that's a real problem and even you know the uh loathsome cnn reported about it uh and christopher has been writing a number of things about it in 2004 this is from the national pulse raheem kasam 2004 report from cnn had highlighted the company's pedophile problem noting that at least 35 disney world employees have been arrested in the eight year period since 2006 over alleged child sex offenses so far 32 people have been convicted with the remaining cases pending explain uh what's called the scene at the time a publication i don't see that channel producing anything new now you know they're just basically they're all in on this oh that's just an anti-gay bill no it's a it's a bill that is unfortunately it has to be made to protect children from predators whether it's in the uh classroom whether it's in you know online and any any any capacity and i don't know if you heard these uh these let me say one thing guys it sounds like disney the disney company is becoming like the catholic church sounds like it's filling up with pedophiles absolutely right and you know what though there was a movie called what was it called uh it was about about a boston hello bex about boston uh the the catholic church the spotlight well done michael keaton but i'll tell you one thing hollywood if they had any truth in them any balls they would talk about the hollywood pedophilia have some independent you know director whatever talk about the pedophile is happening hollywood because it is it is it is something that is often discussed but some people i think some powerful individuals will be indicted will be you know found guilty of it so therefore people shut their mouths but if i see that from hollywood i'm like okay i'll give a little cheer to hollywood until that happens to hell with you guys because they can go off all they want on the catholic church and they should i think everyone should yeah but don't tell me you're going to do that and then and then leave how long did they cover up harvey weinstein's uh and also you know wasn't merrimack a part a wing of disney for a while you know disneyland i don't know they were they actually owned i think miramax for a number of years so it was disney slash hard weinstein and now they act like like they didn't they would never bet with them they weren't there with it for years maybe decades yeah and i and i doubt his uh sexual proclivities was secret is probably every time every beautiful actress in hollywood probably knew what i mean if there are any gossip wars in the world they're in hollywood and you know these actresses you know talked you know and they talked about them themselves and no one had the balls to say anything about it until i think the metoo movement came and they said hey we can cash in on this me too movement and get one of our known bad guys and throw them throw them to the wolves and say hey we're good right they only did that to pet themselves on the back because you had meryl streep and others you had oprah winfrey kissing uh harvey weinstein years before so friendly so involved with him he's a great guy he had ben affleck and matt matt damon they were the best friends with him right always hugging him and kissing and stuff and then all of a sudden i i had no idea they you know yeah what was it when weinstein came on to gwyneth paltrow and she said no thanks yes he was dating uh brad pitt kick his ass yes that's good that's what he had a long time ago wasn't it years ago maybe 10 15 years i would imagine because i think shakespeare in love i think that movie if i'm not mistaken but these are bad guys and uh disney's the bad guys in hollywood in general but just bad guys i mean look look what they did this past you know oscars don't tell me that that doesn't reflect on them what what will smith did they're they're about sex and violence and cheating and lying and corrupting america and corrupting children and yeah there are good people out there as there are in any industry but the i think the majority and the people in in charge are just bad guys and bad guys who require to be seen as good by idiots you know that's why they go out there and they they talk about their bravery how great you couldn't even get up and kick this thug out of your award show you couldn't do that you have no moral stance you have no moral you have no morals no i hear you but before we get to the schools just want to point out we have uh say hi we got bex cummings we got jose monte monticello that's jose geinza right uh david lombardo carrie moore so welcome to the to the show guys glad to have you here greg gregoire now i want to discuss it's the schools right with with the schools uh they're grooming these kids they are sections and grooming is a term for when adults are setting uh setting children up for child for child predation right you prep them up by words by little but they introduce them to ideas that that they should not be aware of at all they're children children and children yeah absolutely and the the first and worst thing i want to mention then we can come back to it because i think it's the worst of all what they're indoctrinating these kids with is the beliefs that there are many genders you know many more than two and you could be any gender you want to be confusing their children yeah yeah that to me is the worst desirable things that they you know they're indoctrinating the kids with but that's the worst because there is a direct challenge to kids grasp of obvious facts of biological reality i mean nothing could be more obvious in reality that there are two genders and that there are some uh there's a very few a number of people who are born you know with characteristics of both certainly there are people who are born one gender and want to be the other but that doesn't mean that they're not the gender that they that they were born right uh there's two genders and reality is not subject to our desires it doesn't accede to our wishes or whims this is a terrible lie that they're pushing on on these kids all it could do is confuse them uh make it you know you're talking about obvious without with denying obvious biological facts is coming from your teachers your five six seven years old people who you you should be able to to respect what it does is it undermines the kids ability to cognize reality and that is the most disgusting the most evil thing about about all of this as we go along in the show boss you want to figure out what the end game is 100 of this what what the goal is you know in in in absolutely disorienting the kids and undermining their ability to grasp reality and one thing the left you know what one thing that they don't do is there they don't ever admit that there are evil scumbags we have to survive we have to put it all together and tell them what they are because they will claim that they're the best of the best and they're evil scumbags the vast majority of them some of them are confused who knows you know but the vast majority of them are evil scumbags out to destroy uh the minds of children out to destroy the country up to destroy our culture our civilization this is not an exaggeration that's a fact and you know what uh what do you call it um tick tock right people trash it you know what we should thank tick tock you know why we wouldn't know the the mad men and mad women were teaching students in america what they're teaching how sick and twisted these people are by going on these tick tock things and crying about how they can't i i want to tell my children my children those are your students i want to tell my children about you know me my boyfriend it's a guy talking how you know how our weekend was when they asked me hey how's your husband doing i want to be able to tell it's like first of all you know you shouldn't introduce that to these children yeah we're talking very young we're talking like seven-year-old kids right that's why this thing is from kindergarten to third and fourth grade i believe this law where again these laws they have to be made because of the left the left is so evil yeah i agree we have to put it on record now that you can't discuss these sexual topics with children it's unbelievable that there needs to be such a law right exactly but this is what the left does they force you to do evil things like put a bill out there and and what does left do they say they don't say okay you got us of course because arrests they say uh that's an anti-gay bill and you're you're homophobes and it's a don't say gay bill that's a complete utter lie everyone knows that but the left is still clinging on to the fact that some idiots will not know that and they'll believe the news and the media and social media and therefore everything's gonna be good this well there's tens of millions of leftists in the country a lot many who've come through the universities they're indoctrinated brainwashed leftists so they have tens of millions of supporters but carrick's making a good point when i said we gotta we have to expose what the end game here is carrick ward says to separate kids from parents you're right gary and we're gonna we're gonna get to that there's no doubt about it these are communists on top i mean you know whatever else oh yeah they are communists that's the that's the ultimate political goal are some other you know ideas that i have that yeah are this is a again a very sensitive issue it's um it's something that i think most people don't take on because of the nature of the situation such a it's such a strange thing to be discussing but the left is now and again you know this katanji brown jackson nominee who can't define what a woman is but besides that she has on record besides that she belongs to the supreme court right over and over and over again on record she has given light sentences to pedophiles jesus life sentences and who have of course gone back after after they got their life sentence they went back and did the same thing and they have been hiding it from republicans uh as much as possible could this this dick turban a piece of crap democrat he actually has been hiding things that they know are bad uh from the republicans but now i think some people have done some their homework and they found out that seven out of seven cases were the uh i think prosecutors and someone else said look we want this much time for this she has always gone under you know under if it's 30 months three months wow pedophiles yeah that's that's horrible i mean she said well you know it's easy now you know computers and you know your picture is it no no it doesn't matter these people are and and again they've been caught with these kind of not just pictures but acts of horrific violence against even babies against babies and this is an immoral scumbag and you know what there are some people like[Music] his name is steve bannon he i think is a real problem with race because he will say look she's highly qualified highly qualified i'm not i'm not i'm not saying nothing about it but it's like she first of all she's not she's not highly qualified she's not highly qualified to be on the supreme court if she's going to allow pedophile at the pedophile to go so to go easy on she's not she's i don't give a damn issue with her but i don't give a damn where she went she's not highly qualified but i think his whole idea is damn she's black so therefore i have to give her some credit and then talk about this to hell with the fact that she's black the hell with that she's elected it's irrelevant yeah it's really relevant she uh probably the pedophiles were black white i don't give a damn what they were men women and human beings right human children that's it and that's the point and she has allowed these individuals to go to basically fulfill their limited punishment and get right back to because the recidivism rate on pedophiles is incredible why nah nah i know but by the way budge gregg quagmire pointed out people are afraid of being called a racist well that's true but it's not true of of of of you we've been called racist so many times please get on i think i want to point something out here when that woke mentality comes after you calls you a racist or fascist or whatever the thing to do you never apologize first never when they hit you hit them back fine harder because the left are the most egregious racists in the country they hit them harder you know the mass murderer in uh in california and what's called the second amendment in sacramento yeah as soon as it was revealed that one of the shooters of the black guy that story disappeared faster than than biden's credibility it has nice nice comparison but but it's true it disappeared why because those are reporting it and uh and i mean this the white and black reporters and media they're white supremacists even even black people why i get you i get your point yeah and it's true because they're like oh it's a black guy therefore you know what whatever he does doesn't matter and if a white guy does this tiniest infraction whatever it is that is the scum of the earth and that's what we have to go after this is evil but that's just one thing i want to mention in terms of certain things and why they don't yeah just moving on so i just want to you know summarize the the main objection i have is you know regards what iran called the primacy of existence primacy of consciousness distinction you know that existence is i think the law of gravity is it doesn't you know it doesn't deviate based on our desires and biological reality is where we're we're born a certain gender it doesn't matter that you know i look down i see oops i have a penis doesn't matter if i believe i'm female then i'm female if society believes i'm a female then then i'm female it's this is pure i mean this is so confused and we're not so wrong philosophically and again they're confusing the hell out of the kids they're undermining the ability of the kids to understand and cognize basic facts of reality and again these people have their own personal problems and mental problems and they do and they do the left yeah for sure but their idea about this men or women type thing they want us to submit to that say okay okay no no it's not okay i'm not going to submit to that i'm not and they're trying to punish them there are people on uh twitter now i think the babylon b charlie kirk others who have been banned or suspended until they delete their thing and i think both of them are saying no we're not going to we're not going to that's and they have millions of followers millions yes light cycle right these guys you know millions of followers and they're saying no we're not going to submit to this is that men should not be competing in women's sports i mean and also then you got these details right uh when that when that guy what's his name uh lie thomas lye thomas right that's nice in the beginning they said that okay look he'll have his own separate little area to change and then that changed completely and he's out there flinging his schlong around in the locker room and when these women are looking away they're uncomfortable where we are imposing this on women because of the cowardice of these institutions of these schools and women should be protected from that they should protect from a guy who wants to go out there and claim his woman you know what at least have the decency to have his own little locker his own little section where he's you know he's uh whatever away from the rest but he's not supposedly he's out there you know you're right bosh but he shouldn't be he should be competing against men in the first place but you know but they did say okay at least you know to make the early concessions okay look this three years ago when i think when he made the transition quote unquote they said okay look he'll have his own little area and they lied that they lied to me i'm shocked left flight ah all right moving on here because we got a lot to rip these guys for uh a second point i want to make about the school's bosch and everybody is that even if you know we're dealing with very young children four five six seven eight nine whatever before puberty even if they were teaching about the birds and the bees you know and heterosexual romantic love and how how babies are you know are created and born and already even if that were the case at that age i would say one the you know the the kids are too young too i at any age i think sex education should should be left to the parents shouldn't be taught in the schools and three above all the goddamn school should be teaching the kids how to read write you know do mathematics learn history science and so on not sex education i've ripped the whole educational establishment in my book why johnny still can't which is coming out you know in in june i ripped them over this not about you know sexualizing the children but about refusing to teach academic subjects above all reading which is by far the most important skill for anybody so we're going to be telling the kids that there's a hundred different genders you could be any gender you want instead of teaching them how to read that is disgusting it's absolutely completely immoral it makes me want to choke some you know something which i won't do by the way but it's infuriating it's impurity and i just you know again this disney thing and they're on their high horse right they come out there hey this is wrong we're gonna fight it you scumbags have hired sexual predators over and over and over again and it has to be brought up and people like well that's not that's not what they didn't know they were it doesn't matter they keep doing it repeatedly dozens and dozens and dozens that's a real problem that means they have a problem that they haven't addressed that they haven't dealt with and they have been honest with if they were to come out publicly look we admit it has to be found in some hardcore research by some decent journalists to find this out because dizzy's never going to admit it then they're going to say you know what because we did this we're gonna shut our mouth about these issues we have no more right to do that of course they won't do that you know they always presume that they have the right to say anything about about anyone in particular about their you know ideological uh opponents but yeah this uh this yeah sex education should be left to the parents it has no place in the city and the parents will know the purpose would be to teach the kids how to think and piece of academic content parents what a concept teach the kids to read right that's science literature history what a concept right yeah and there are some kids a little more mature now there's the parents will make that decision okay i think it's ready for to speak to my child about this and this at this point fine that's it and it's a it's a touchy thing you don't want to pre prematurely put that in the kid's head and confuse them and and then like what's going on what what's this about and maybe have a real problem with when it comes to finding out the actual truth about these things because they already have a preconceived notion about it maybe from their teachers from from oh i gotta i got a story i got a story for you everybody yeah when my daughter was i know she was right around 11. you know and she's just about to go through puberty and the kids were talking about this at school and so you know she asked me where babies come from so you know i told her you know she asked she was about to go through puberty i told her including you know what body what body parts go where and she looks at me with this absolute disgust on her face and she says dad that's disgusting you know yeah i said to her well you know you're still 10 years old to understand you know that you might find it disgusting in a few years after you've gone through puberty your feelings about this might change and she said to me with the certainty of a 10 year old she said i don't think so well you know that's 19. now she's 19 as a boyfriend so i think uh i think her feelings on this have changed but you know this has got to be left to the parents this isn't this isn't for the schools the parents teach their kids uh about sex you know what i mean again as we discuss it's not about the homosexual thing it's not about us you know these are deviants no it's a point about any kind of sexuality people said okay well they're there there are like uh mommies and dads in the pixar first of all they're only mommies at pixar movies i mean there's almost only mommy's but but whatever besides the incredibles but they don't get into anything like that it's a family entertainment it's fun it's lights they don't uh talk about they don't have sex on there you know there's nothing about sex in there we assume these things right that they have sex and they haven't children but of course there's no mention but it's not about that it's about again i think it brought me an example there was a couple who were who were kissing in a restaurant i was like you know no there were some i think gay okay two gay guys kissing i said what the hell and the guy was like you know what are you a homophobe i said i didn't give a damn if it was a man or woman i said that's that's also awful people are having dinner here and they're making out everything's something that should be done in private hell yeah do something like that so it's not a point about anything else besides these kids are not prepared to deal with these very difficult issues at that point they're just not they're not ready for it and these these these people who want to introduce that they are groomers there's no way around it they want to prepare these children prematurely before they're ready to consider these things that they shouldn't consider whether for their own sick pleasure or for the societies you know to try to destroy our society because that there's nothing less than that they want to destroy our society and if you could destroy the child's mind you know they i think they also have anonymous because they've done this because i think they have realized wait a minute these adults are not liking what we're doing so let's get let's move it up a little more you know our our corruption plan i mean then they go after the kids in a way that is so obvious that everyone knows that's happening but they don't care you're right yeah you're right yeah i don't remember the woman's name on our feet who said it just before but the ultimate goal here part of the ultimate goal co-op the kids minds and so the minds now belong to the schools and the state rather than the kids belong to the schools on the state right and these parents want to also tell these children like i will shelter this secret that i pulled out of you not that you share with me and i won't tell your parents don't worry about that you know who the hell are you to keep things like this privately disgusting they're evil they're criminals they should be fired off their ass i don't give a damn what the what kind of rules they have fire their asses and then do the council you know you know bosh long time ago i had a girlfriend who was um a real leftist you know her uncle had been a member of cp usa you know the communist party yeah they were hardcore leftists but i'd call her nancy that wasn't that wasn't her name i mean she must be hot i mean i'm just saying she must be hot right she was a very attractive man but uh she's a leftist but look at her anyway yeah well after like three or four years of our relationship i had managed to get her to read ayn rand and she was starting to understand how brilliant iran was and then we broke up unfortunately but but um my point was despite being a leftist she really cared about children she really did uh she you know and she was a psychologist and she used to tell me you know what we still talk about you know people uh who are predators on children she would say to me those people ought to be shot and i i don't think there was hyperbole i think if she had the i think she would have shot them and i i wouldn't i don't think surprises she did the same you know want to do the same to these teachers fired for sure but i think nancy probably would shoot them you know i've heard that from people there's a kind of conviction and passion about that it's like don't [ __ ] with our kids don't you dare do that and it turns them into very militant people where they wouldn't be otherwise but that's why the left really i think they [ __ ] up here because for the last two years in the teaching and what the parents have learned about what they're teaching and now they're even going further because i don't think they were doing this nothing even long ago but again that's why i think their plan is like damn it guys we gotta get to the kids now we gotta hurry up here and really you know because because the adults are on to us a lot of them are basically leading us a lot of them are willing to cr even our own are willing to criticize now from bill maher and others you know jimmy dore and uh these guys who have always been on the fence joe rogan you know he's like i'm a bernie guy no you're not joe no you're not don't pretend you are bs but you got all these individuals on the left who are slightly criticizing their their fellow leftists right in a way this is so this is so evil hopefully it motivates more and more parents to pull their kids out of the out of the public schools i hope so because it is again they've crossed the line uh they're going yeah they've cost about about 10 of them america and the parents like into hell with this and even democrats or some of them are even for openly are for the bill in florida say yeah yeah that makes sense our children should not be exposed to this they should not be and that tells you something about the rationality of these uh you got the hardcore left and you got the liberals there are still some around yeah the best people in the democratic party i'm guessing tulsi gabbard joe manson kirsten cinema you know the rational people left in the democratic party they're idiots for being associated with them still but they're not going to go where the left goes they just won't yeah they're not they're not grabbing a lot of ways from yeah they're not they're not that evil by the way so let me look we can circle back to all of these issues but the third objection i have here you know to to this first one be in primacy of existence over privacy or consciousness the second one being sex ed should be done by the parents not by the schools the schools should be devoted all their energy to teaching cognitive subjects but the third one is the leftist claim that you know the bills like this in florida that it marginalizes the lgbtq community now first of all marginalizes what does that mean that's a vague woozy mushy leftist term that's probably undefinable i'm not sure i'm not sure what that with that module with what that means in this context but i know this i know the left has no genuine humanitarian values because yeah if they did if they actually cared about gays or lgbtq or you know or women or or blacks or whomever they would embrace the principle of individual rights because that's the only protection any of us have especially individual members of a you know an oppressed uh social group or minority they would be reading ein rand carefully they'd be they'd be studying atlas shrug they would be standing up for individual rights that's the way to protect to protect keep people from being marginalized individual rights of every every individual whatever their sexual orientation never crosses their mind it never comes out of their mouth never not even absolutely because we know like right like patrice cullors and alicia gaza two of the founders of blm the black lives matter movement said publicly we are trained marxists and that's absolutely right there's this the left is well by definition the the uh the leftists they're socialists they're you know they're anti-capitalists the influence you know they're collectivists they don't care about bad individuals and but i gotta get it says i'm a philosopher i gotta make the philosophical point you know marx and post-modernism that's the philosophic influence here on on these teachers and these schools you know uh so you know concisely marx of course claimed that society is divided into you know warring classes right the the oppressor and the oppressed and he defined the press or an oppressed simply as the wealthy versus the poor the only class versus the working class well the post-modernists influenced by him people like michelle foucault and jacques de rada and richard rorty uh you know they broadened marx's definition no it's not just the rich that oppressed the poor it's you know men who oppress women and whites oppressed non-whites and straight suppressed gays and you have just you're like marx or you know the essence of society uh and you know is this kind of blistering class warfare that's going to end up in bloody revolution and that's what the postmodernists pushed there's an endless there's this endless social strife there's you know there's this this deceiving class war race war gender war sexual orientation you're also at war with themselves though these rats that's why it comes out to them wanting the world to be the way they are you know i mean in a lot of ways we want the world to be the way we are you know if we're good if we're honest want the world to be that way these people are twisted marx is a twisted rat i mean with himself with reality with with a lot of things and that's why i think he wanted to see it out there into the world he wanted to see himself out there and this is part of also the representation right i want representation in the world i want chaos the way i have it internally i want it out externally in the world i want chaos and that's part of it also it's again the representation i want to see myself represented in the world chaos no you're right you know on on the hero show the other day which will be aired uh tomorrow night uh well tomorrow robert begley and i did hypatia you know the great greek mathematician who was murdered by okay by christian zealots in the in the fifth century and by the way the the film agora with rachel vees was was about her and uh mm-hmm yeah yeah agora yeah powerful film and in the movie rachel v says hypatia is brilliant you know greek mathematician philosophy i don't know i don't know if she said in real life she is but but even if she didn't with these words this is what she stood for because she was a pagan but she was very open to teaching she taught pagans christians jews non-believers and anything she was very you know uh believing in religious freedom anyway she said in the in the movie there's more that unites us than divides us you know about deceiving political religious strife in alexandria in in her lifetime in the in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d and there's more that unites us than divides us that's profound we're human beings either gender no that's what i'm getting any race tribe nationality it's a factory and therefore that's why the left completely opposes that even that simple idea right and and they've embraced feminists have embraced hypatia in in the modern world ironically because she was a you know she was a very successful woman in a world you know in an intellectual world dominated by men and ultimately was killed that's that's why they embrace it right right right but but that's the exact opposite of what post-modernism stands for post-modernism said no you know males by their very nature oppressed females and and whites by their very nature oppressed non-whites that's critical race theory you know and the you know and that's critical race theory and the straits oppress the gays it's like hard white internet so that there's this inevitable you know the rich of their nature press the point that's how they get rich according to marx so there's this built into the social you know the nature of human society is deceiving you know pressure group warfare or the struggle between different different groups of people uh so so their view is that is much more that divides us that unites us 100 percent and they're not at peace if you see the left they're not a pizza they're always on the move they're always on the march they're all they're they're rabid in getting their their agenda passed in any form and every single way they are a collectivist but they're not a piece they're not at peace with their ideas or else they wouldn't be so defensive about when when women questioned their ideas it would be so defensive as they are yeah but uh sorry i'm getting something yeah no no no go ahead well mark stood for class war and his postmodernist follower was just broadened that race war gender war sexual orientation war we're at war with with these other accidents vaccinated war ukraine russia war which one you which side you're on everything has to be conflict everything has to be conflict or else then there is peace and therefore they have no they have no you know they have they have no no place when there's peace or when there's reason or when there's rationality they have no they have nothing to do with that meaning if if our race issues that they have tried to make worse then than you are if they were more or less settled if a lot a lot a lot of things in this country were more settled they'd have no nothing to work with they need conflict yeah absolutely absolutely right conflict yeah absolutely right and this leads us to part of their endgame i think uh that may be the cleanest part the the least evil part and that is if the weak oppressed i'm sorry if the strong oppressed the poor you know or the stronger press the weak the richer press the poor whatever then you're the postmodernist mentality and all these teachers all these leftists today have gone through the universities this is what they've studied you know this is this is what they're indoctrinated with that then the morally right thing to do is to side with the victims against the victimizers once we indoctrinate people with that especially you know the young then they're softened up for socialism you know now now we redistributing calm you know the the wealthy are so guilty about being wealthy or the middle class are so guilty about being relatively wealthy that they're willing to you know go along with comrade bernie go along bernie sanders you know uh you know uh give give a large part of their money to to the marginalized communities to the people who've been victimized to the people who've been oppressed this is i i think this is the more innocent part of their evil i think it gets even worse than that but i think uh it's it's it's evil nevertheless this is this enables them to destroy capitalism to impose socialism to share the wealth you know do it by force you know uh what was it thomas piketty said recently the the marxist economist that what was his words americans are willing to you know now to share their wealth or they're willing to yeah something like that i saw it because now they're right for uh yeah they're supplied i remember anybody out there remember what picati's words was just recently or something about you that's not true because the fact is again uh they've awakened americans in a way that they haven't been awakened to what they want i'm not willing to share whatever wealth i have with that i've worked for that people with people who haven't worked for it and i think there's millions of americans i think him saying that is him trying to counter the fact that that's not the case because why because he's left us he's uh he's lying he's a marxist economist so by him saying that he's like well that's not true but if i if i can say it into existence maybe that'll happen you know but also there's something here that i'm going to discuss which again um it's a sensitive thing but i think there's something to it the nature of these people it's not about the homosexuality because look at the way homosexuals the the lgbtp that there all that community treat non-leftist homosexuals like oh yeah like crap they either don't exist or they're enemies of them that's right yeah there are prostates of hostages exactly they have to be ideologically in sync or they're not gay anymore they're not really gay you know they're not really it's like blacks are not really black if they devote for for forbidden so i think there's also this the grooming thing the aspect of it from these from the homosexuals is i think they want to be more of a majority than they are because they are truly a minority they truly are uh transgender homosexuals they are they're they're smart yeah they're tiny the tiny men are they are and they want to change them hence they need the principle of individual rights but you know eastern if not more than the rest of us many of them dismiss it but i i think because they're a small minority they want to become a larger group and how do they do that they want to manufacture somehow and how do they do that putting these things in the heads of children hey you don't know if you're a boy or girl do you you don't know if you like boys or girls do you by putting those things in the heads of these children they can make i guess maneuver them to be something that maybe they wouldn't have been otherwise or maybe open to something that they would have been open to otherwise but by their natural the nature of who they are you know of their sexuality we always hear homosexuals say that they knew ever since they ever since they were kids but kids are still confused and i think these people want to introduce these ideas again to try to maneuver to angle them in a way that they want them to to create more of them than there would be otherwise it's like a villain in a movie like the like lizard you know he wants to make everyone in spite of it in spite of me so a lot of these evil leftist homosexuals i think want to create homosexuals where there were none at that point and i think that's part of it also i really believe that because again why the hell would you want to talk about these these uh issues with children who have no idea what the hell their sexuality is they don't know what what sex is they don't know what it is like a girl or boy i mean you know when you're young like oh you know if a girl comes close to you know that that whole thing about and girls also ill those icky boys and whatnot you know it's funny but that's the that's the innocence of children uh i gotta say though for myself i i i thought it was in love when i was like six seven years old this one good for you bosh active libido i really thought it was love of course i couldn't be but when i thought about her i felt this you know wow this intensity that i think it's strange for you gary said cookies you know yes cody's right yeah i hear you people have told me that i never had that experience at that age but i started making up for when i got to be like 11 or 12. i went through puberty and i noticed girls in a very different way than i had you know before going through puberty and it's you know it's an amazing thing and to try to get in the way of that to try to pull it out prematurely is evil it's goddamn evil because it's only on the agenda of these political rats who do that let them come to their own conclusions let them naturally discover that don't shut this down and throw it for your own needs your own evil needs whether it's whether it's again to be validated by these children who what kind of adult what kind of a rational adult needs to be validated by children in any way for anything i mean give me a break you know and i think i think carrie moore i think that was you earlier right who said the goal here is to separate the children from the parents and the uh the the children would not belong to this i think it was i think it was you carry but uh but yeah and again let me make a philosophic point because this go this this vision i don't call it a dream this nightmare vision goes all the way back to plato you know and and the idea that amongst the upper classes amongst the ruling class the the children be taken from the biological mother you know in infancy and raised to belong to the state the you know they they live for the state they serve the state their lives belong to the state and this is you know plato is the great granddaddy of of communism and and fashion of a collectivist totalitarian state yeah this has been the nightmare vision for almost 2500 years now the kids don't belong to the parents they belong to the state terry mcauliffe had a version of this right bosh we we excoriated him for it and what was he what was he said parents shouldn't be telling the the schools for it from his crowd the rest of america looked at it and say what the hell is going on here and he was knocked out and republicans should be embracing that these idiots but they won't they will they're weak they have no backbone absolutely it is they don't realize wait a minute that was a big that was a big thing that happened there but there it is so yeah but but there but yeah there it is if the kids if the kids minds are uh are so corrupted and the kids believe what they hear from from their teachers then yeah they're much more likely to you know uh go along with what's being taught in the government schools and you're you're you're preparing these kids to be little servants of you know the colonialistic state that's how they see it and they got to be fought and they are being fought and it's and it's happening and again the left is only like they're supposed to be cowards and weak they're not supposed to fight us here that's how that's how they are and that's why i think they're coming out and saying things prematurely where they wouldn't have expected to going after kids in a such an obvious way that you know that's exactly what they're doing it's like wait a minute you're waking up a lot of these people who maybe have not been you know political now they're all of a sudden being conscious of what you're doing and that's good that's a good thing to see the left prematurely say things that they wouldn't say otherwise and get you know pushback because again they're on their heels and what what's a response what's the what's the response to the left when some conservatives are criticizing this katanji brown jackson hack who wants to be on the supreme court because she's black what is the response racism you know everything besides the truth and anyone who is in support of this nominee being fast tracked on the supreme court is a bad guy anyone because they they they if they have children or not they say wait a minute this woman gave a is soft on pedophiles that's not good that's not good for everyone but they won't because that's their girl hey man we got to stick with it no matter what these are evil people behind her from from the scumbag who picked her from biden you know and on and the culture at large and the scumbags in the media who were condemning ted cruz they were for trying to say wait a minute here this is some serious stuff here you have been soft on these evil individuals and the left is completely sporting her the left is completely supporting this the sacrificial the secularization of children and the grooming of children they're outing themselves in a way that they were a little smarter before this time they were a little more crafty before it wasn't bold they're much bolder in your face they control the intellectual culture and carry makes a good point yeah he didn't get away with it they think they can get away yeah yeah and and and they may be right we'll see but carrick carry more saying that the kids can't read right ad not sure if they're boys or girls you know they they need they need the paternalistic state to take take care of them yeah that's a that's a good point and let's uh you know a couple of points here on this bush um first of all i think i think this is true the left recognizes you and i aren't religious but tens of millions of americans are you know and and and so and so those parents you know will teach teach their kids religious values they'll teach them at an appropriate age about heterosexual you know romantic love and and so they may they may be opposed to gays although i think i think today more and more and more and more american christians are just you know live and let live on on on this on this issue but um yeah so but they they have to in order to uh i want to call socializing governmentalize the kids they have to break the influence of the parents here you know that's what has to be repeated because it's absolutely true it has to be repeated you know the the destruction of the nuclear family was on the website of blm and the idea that's right that's a marxist that's a marxist principle and they were explicit about it and as was as was marx and engels and then they removed it after they said you know what damn it we've got too far right we've gone too far and that's what's happening right now the left is doing things that they wouldn't have done otherwise even even months ago even a year ago and that tells you that they're not doing too well in their indoctrination they're not doing too well in their infiltration of the culture they're actually getting some pushback they're not used to that the right has been flat out excuse me[ __ ] for decades and now they're like wait a minute you got these decent you know good arguments against right now and the masses are coming on the side of them it's not working for them it's not working well for them this grooming is it's a flash point it's a flash point and they still believe they're on the right side no they're not and they're being pushed back on in a way that they haven't been in a long time and that's that's a good sign no i no i know look at the state of the schools more broadly you know we know they don't teach they teach very they very often don't use phonics or the kids struggle to read they don't teach history they you know they know very little they know very little about academics they know gender right they know but they know very little about academic subjects and more fundamentally they have no thinking skills they have not been taught to read write and you know and do basic arithmetic calculation effectively furthermore they they teach very little american history very little of the full truth about american history to teach about slavery and everything that that and that and that should be taught it's part of american history but they don't teach the principle of individual rights is what led to an abolitionist movement they don't teach their slavery in every communist country because there's no principle of individual rights in this movement slavery that's it yeah that case no very little uh you know of the full american history and very often when they do teach american history they use howard zinn's book you know he was who was a communist people's history uh you know of the united states so they they have little you know carrie moore's right they have little academic skills so it's hard for them to be able to support themselves they need the government to take care of them and on top of that they've been taught that america and capitalism and white people are evil and so we need to destroy capitalism in in favor of of socialism you see the end game here is obvious is the push towards not even socialism anyway the push towards communism the left is pushing us towards communism to me the to me the smoking gun box is what you've said over and over again is cancer culture and the the fervent desire to suppress any intellectual descent to leftist orthodoxy that's that's the smoking gun shows us it's communism here a totalitarian state we have to say here it's impressive go ahead jose met something here and you know jose sometimes is a little off uh he has some comments here he says something here to to be a bit fair a home home or school that emphasize makismo is also not healthy who's saying that jose i mean we're not we're not saying that you know at all uh if you're because if that's if that's conversation here if that's your comment i'm assuming it's you yeah well that's true that's true jose but but that doesn't that that's irrelevant to the point that the schools should not be teaching sex education that's only for the parents yes the schools would be teaching academic subjects what a concept you know yes you know and parents who want to show their children also you know heroes i know i know as they always like putting things out there sometimes a little weird i gotta say to be honest but we love you jose we know you're a good man first off i gotta say it's damn weird anyway besides that um anyway that's that that's the only thing i mean what let me okay let me be blunt he said something like gosh maybe it's time to take to take a vacation it's like maybe you need to take a vacation from the show maybe we walk jose here we we take a vacation what does that even mean i mean what what a presumptuous thing to say to someone but anyway so that's my little thing with jose he's a little off all right thank you thanks for sharing the show if you do i imagine you do but the machismo thing that's completely i mean off subject you're bringing that here uh we're we're sure not even though i gotta say i think children should be shown heroism whether it's female heroes male heroes when they're young and these heroic characters absolutely i would love you know it's like even though zoro movies from a number of years ago with uh antonio banderas and uh yeah it was with catherine catherine and cedar jones it's great stuff it's fun it's light it's heroic that's good stuff and you know you like to instill that in children as well anyway that's that's my thing jose i just want to mention because uh yeah well well part of part of the mac that my key small was always pronounced machismo and i'm not sure i think machismo i think mentality is that women are second-class citizens and men you know and men men can brutalize them you know you you just you disagree with me you're my wife a girlfriend damn i can i can spec now that's that's you know that's a uh a sign of some man who's psychologically insecure and who feels he has to beat up yeah he's up women that's not heroes heroes don't let me think about this we got masculinity right which is rarely discussed we just talked we just hear about my keys no we hear about uh uh uh what's it called toxic masculinity so what's what's between there you know i mean meaning toxic masculinity that's that's only thing they say they don't talk about masculinity as as a being any kind of masculinity they call toxic masculinity that's a problem yeah it is it is you know let me just say something about this toxic masculinity is an anti-concept absolutely it has it has has no legitimate reference in reality because there's no such thing as too much masculinity you know if there was too much vascular if there was such a thing as as too much masculinity or too much testosterone you know if our fathers didn't have enough of those things our mothers would not have conceived and we wouldn't be here it's like say there's too much femininity there's no there isn't what there is in many cases is there's too few moral principles absolutely right you know they say so we want all the masculinity we can have in men and all the femininity we have in women we want we want all of them as human beings to embrace rational life-enhancing moral principles and the protein principle of individual rights move forward the lack of femininity the lack of masculinity in men and women in a lot of ways they're afraid to express those aspects about themselves because society says now hey hey hey hey those things are passed say man okay you know men got to be a little more sensitive women got to be a little more aggressive and it's like i mean and also this idea where they have to dictate to us how we're going to move forward as as a species it's like who the hell are you leftists you're the last person last people anyone should take any advice from at all i mean look what you've done in every country that you've taken over you've destroyed the presumption on these rats is disgusting and also for them to presume themselves to be better than our founding fathers you know any leftist rat you know is beneath them i don't give a damn about the issue that they try to catch them on you know the slavery every country every culture today 2022 they're still slavery muslims having blacks as slaves muslims as slaves in sudan and mauritania that's correct you know it's ironic bush these freaking communists these guys are marxists and they keep the last of the united states for slavery which one they americans abolished in 1865 but these marxists support communist states where slavery exists today in north korea or china enslaved it's not ra it's not by race it's not by sex not by anything it's everywhere there's a way to totalitarian side everybody's enslaved but there's literal slaves in the gulags and the slave labor camps or political prisoners who didn't commit any objective crime maybe they disagreed with the state that's it that's what and they're enslaved and these american marxists support communism where where slavery exists to this day and point number two even worse america at its best stood for the principle of individual rights which is necessary to have an abolitionist movement whereas the marxists have no conception of individual rights and so at no potential eliminating exclusive slavery shut up about slavery you're freaking you've decided but they want you exclusive slavery they don't want the slavery for blacks or for you they want inclusive right they're because they're inclusive right inclusive slavery right that's what i want well in the communist state correct and you and i i'll give you the first guys to go to the gulags but the irony is a lot of their supporters are going to end up in the gulags too as useful because the left eats its own it always does always does and we see in cancer culture critical but you know yeah bill maher is going to a gulag to say the thing look i mean he's going and you know what dave chappelle guys like that i gotta say bill moore went a step further than just criticizing the left he went on bench bureau's show oh that's right and sanctioned the evil bench bureau meaning he sees him as a human being who we can you know debate with and discuss that's right the sin that that's the crime yeah for cancer culture saying he'll get to the right but he is embarrassed by the left and i think i think that was the one thing for him because he's such a sleazy low-life bill maher he really is he's a low-life sleazebag he's such a leftist [ __ ] but he was like i think he's like these guys are embarrassing me i can't be associated with them ugh they make me sick they're like ugh i think that's what sparked his slight move away from left more than anything else more than principle i think he was just like damn i can't be so shy with these guys they make me look bad yeah i think without do anyone the end result whatever it is good yeah he recognizes that the where the left has gone now is especially the censorship of cancer late 60s 70s i think he's like i can't be party to that i just can't this is this is not the you know liberalism greg said about bill gilmour he's only sleazy he's not full slimy that's funny look he's been excellent on islam good on religion no doubt about it religious religious was a great film i mean he is the one leftist out there who you know said you know what damn all religion and including islam which is uh rare islam in that in his movie in religious if you guys haven't seen bill maher's film religious i strongly recommend it it's it's very powerful an indictment of faith-based beliefs and it's funny it's hilariously funny all rolled up into one he has grown clearly and you know the last i mean cancer culture in some ways or like four or five years ago this this wokeness really came up exploded on the show when it was uh ben affleck the dummy he should shut his mouth and do you know he he's a pretty good actor at times good director shut your mouth idea you don't know anything but anyway he went on bill maher started talking about islam he has nothing to say about islam except it's great right and sam harris the uh another idiot who's uh i guess the most beloved intellectual by the left today anyway he's another guy who's good on islam right and he says basically he said islam is the motherload of bad ideas and he got rocked for that to the point where he has since softened his his position about islam he calls it islam you know like objectives more or less islamic terrorism islamism radical islam all that all that bs i call moderate publicly but my my point is that mar was sitting there and pushing back against this hollywood icon i guess and and he stuck to his guns with uh harris even harris had something that was yeah well sam harris's book the end of faith was very good but since then he's you're saying he softened his yes he goes no it's about nuance i said you know what you used to say islam and now you don't you you call that nuance i call it selling out that's it you know and this is when i was still on on twitter before they banned me even though uh elon musk called me they'll say hey i'm gonna put you back on but uh he does i hope he does that could be a big step forward if elon musk has some positions of influence oh those who've been banned send a letter and tell me your situation and i and i'll consider it because he has more pull now than most of those because he looks like nine percent of twitter stuck because i think the biggest and uh that's good i'd like to see him with 51 of twitter exactly he's going to flex his muscles here he will and we'll see we'll see because he's been he's been teasing a little remember a few weeks ago he says hey guys you know free speech you know of course you use democracy which is you know whatever it's a pillar of democracy it's not a democracy but whatever uh about any free country of a republic of a constitutional public and he said what do you think about and i think 70 percent said yeah they're no damn good when it comes on the issue of free speech i think twitter and then goes and buys a big fat chunk of it to make some to do some moves and there are people who say uh nothing's gonna happen oh yeah everything's gonna happen i don't know how about yeah we don't know we don't know we know elon musk himself is a mixed case but he's the best he's the best we got amongst you know the billionaire businessman he's willing to call out the left he's willing to mock them he's going to mock those who mock capitalism he's one of them you know this is and he's willing to put a little uh a meme out there about shooting communists which which is funny you know it's like okay okay no no communists would do that ever ever get an interview with the babylon bee right yes there's hope there that that elon musk might might might do some good in standing up for females i assumed he was going to uh create a competitor i assumed but i guess he chose a different type he says no i'm going to make this this was a good place once so let me try to get back who knows we'll see we'll see you know to be to be determined to see i want to go back to the masculinity femininity issue again because i think it's really important you know and and and i would just say look moral principles are the most important thing in human life you know we strive you know to be to be honest upright hard-working productive persons we strongly support the principle of individual rights so that you know and everybody every innocent human being who's not a criminal has a right to his or her own life and and to live his or her own life as they will and then within that context of moral principles i want to see men to be completely masculine i want them to be like clint eastwood was you know and i want to see women within that context of moral principle be utterly feminine uh who's the most feminine actress you could think of i mean hedy lamarr comes to my mind some of those actresses maria gracia cochinota maria grazia cochanote italian actress from the postman to 1990s absolutely stunningly beautiful the poster you know it was a time okay and she doesn't have to be a woman does not have to be beautiful to be feminine right um who really take care of themselves and they bring out yeah was it adele recently who said publicly i love being a woman absolutely yeah course business i mean she was you know she lost a lot of weight it looks the best she can look good for her man that's awesome yeah and she's on these beauty magazines and people like oh man i i loved her when before you loved her when she was fat and when she wasn't wasn't caring about her uh i mean now you don't like her because she's in shape come on guys i got a story for you bosh i won't mention the kid's name but you know i used to teach at american renaissance school which was a prep school you know in in in west chester we had a kid came beautiful girl 17 uh you know she wasn't much of a student when she came but she did a post graduate she did two years with us and when she graduated you know we had at 19 we had a teacher meeting and how's uh you know caller rachel how's rachel doing because i taught literature at the school i told philosophy i said well you know when rachel came to us two years ago she read vogue and cosmopolitan today she still reads vogue and cosmopolitan but she also reads sophocles shakespeare dostoyevsky hugo hyde red and you know so you know develop your mind you know hold and act on moral principles and within that context you know style your hair take care of your nails if that's what you know you know that love love being a woman you know love being female and feminine you know more i'm all in in favor of it and there and they're trashed when when when women who weren't that attractive start take care of themselves they lose support well be able to shoot care yes yes be able to shoot there's no reason why a woman can't can't uh you know there's all kinds of there's all kinds of handguns that you know gun companies make specifically designed for a woman's smaller hand she could certainly learn how to shoot and be able to defend her certainly for home against against something that still breaks into her into her home but yeah i just uh i don't know this uh as always the conversation goes you know everywhere which is which is it's always this theme though and and again we want to defend and support values we always do right we want to support more rational culture reason logic we want but there is an enemy who's coming for us and we have to discuss it and a lot of people aren't even willing to do that and if you can't be more to discuss you sure as hell can't fight it so that's why i really appreciate the fact that we can you know you know we can discuss these things and also keep our target on the left because right now they're the most dangerous and that's and that's why even we had on you know last week it changed his website from jihad watch and the left column this is in a big move for him after 20 years of having john watch he understands you know we got a we bet you this on the show over and over again bush i still get it you know i you know the objectivists and other people who love liberty or claim to love lib uh individual rights and liberty how they can equate the conservatives you know with the leftists as a danger that thinking the conservatives are as bad or worse just on the issue of cancer culture alone worse i don't see i don't see trump and his supporters you know trying to suppress intellectual dissent i mean maybe i miss it maybe i miss it but i don't i don't see it but usually they bring it on i mean these concerns right they they say hey come on my show let's debate this the left will never have you know how many leftists have shows who they would never ever get anyone who opposes them i logically wouldn't yeah you know bosh i'd like to see the viewer invite donald trump and you got joyless behar and you know wookie goldberg you have these disgusting creatures just lying their ass off every single day it's well you know maybe not trump but since this the show is uh meant mostly for a female audience right the view oh yeah i don't think for any audience but i think i guess i guess the idea is it's for women or sorry for females not for women it's for females and even use the term females anymore but but i see the view as being like the like that's the by the administration that's the mentality of the body administration how irrational how stupid how unserious they are about about everything uh except shoving their agenda i mean that's you know they're deadly serious about that outside that when it comes to them actually taking on the issues of the day i mean it is impossible to hear uh you know julius behar the things that come out of her mouth are grotesque no i know but it was just your fault in front of the audience it was i gotta say i admit i did get a kick out of it anyway let me ask you something is there is there a leftist we could get on our show you know to discuss these kinds of issues you know who's rational i'm not going to name calling and yelling and screaming and everything had a couple of leftists who after i won the contest you know mohammed cartoon contest came to me hey man i like what you're doing i haven't heard from them in years uh i haven't heard from years so i don't know i think think about it have to be great greg horvath say they had glenn beck on the view when when was that greg recently or was that a long time ago and glenn beck honestly i don't know where the hell he's come from sometimes he really goes off he i don't know where he's coming from sometimes i think he's i think he's off intellectually i really do as a conservative he will be completely anti-trump and then for trump and he'll and he'll say islam i can he goes i read the quran i can unequivocally say that that it there is it is a religion of peace that's a lie that's a lie if you read it and you can unequivocally say it's religion that's a lie and then he has a book years later it is islam it is islam it's like which one is it glenn and then he does an interview on the book about it being islam uh come on not all muslims who said all muslims blind so not you know he's not he's not the brightest of the of the right he's not no no i i understand i think i'd like to find some leftist who still you know reasons you know who's not going to just if if he or she's going to come on just call us names i mean don't know i mean i i don't have somebody to come on just discuss these issues debate these issues my mind well think about it we'll think about it's got to be or some objectivist who leans who leans left you know and there's a there's a number of them now you know yes there are and you know what that's just it's unseemly to me uh the idea that objectives can can lean left but but they sure as hell do and i see it with my own two eyes and i can't stand it and uh they can't stand me which is good good honestly maybe we could get maybe we could get some left leaning objectivist who thinks biden is less bad than trump and the democrats are less bad than the republicans and the leftists are less bad than the conservatives russell brand uh greg brings up russell brand he is uh pretty good actually the russell brand is pretty good and there are some other leftists like this jimmy dore jimmy dore he used to be in the young turks now he's made a turn and he's criticizing left i think he's still stupid on some issues as a leftist naturally would be but i think he's gotten better um yeah well i'll well you and i put uh our heads together we'll see first of all we have to come up with somebody and then secondly they have to agree to come on the show so and also you know to be willing to be challenged it's like bring it on uh i understand my position you understand yours i got no you know insecurity about it i know where i stand i have no you know i have no fear of expressing it some people do yeah i i don't want to mention names publicly but i have invited several objectivists who lean left on this show and they respectfully declined so we have to have to keep oh i don't mention names but we'll keep we'll keep looking and by the way by the way bush we're talking about hollywood stars who uh who are very feminine or project femininity i'm a friend edmund bonzik you know on uh who's on on my following on our facebook feed points out that uh uh j lo j lo in a number hub movies jennifer lopez is able to exude you know a very very attractive feminist administrator he's stunningly beautiful but then her choices are so bad when she makes her stupid songs and she thinks she can she thinks you're singing she's not it's like nah i know i'm just saying that i'm very feminine she comes very feminine in in some of her movies again you know some dude doesn't have to be built like a truck to exude masculinity nor does a woman have to be as beautiful as jennifer lopez to exude that but you know they're just just in terms of her i think she undercuts herself with these stupid romantic comedies which i saw a trailer for it recently one of them looks really bad she's a singer right about to get married and then she then the guy did this her so she married someone in the audience okay i'll marry you it's like but let me let me tell you a a funny story here which involves jason statham who's an actor i like yes i like i like jason there's a guy he's not a big guy he's not single like clint eastwood yeah right bald needed everything but he's very manly kind of guy and he projects action heroes very very effectively it wasn't a movie i don't know years ago with jennifer lopez was it parker was that the name of it where was it with the character uh parker the uh the thief i don't i i i don't remember what i remember is is you know he says he's his usual action hero tough guy and everybody's trying to kill him and he gets caught up with j.lo who's the sweet girl next door which she she plays very well in the movie right you know she's really a sweetheart i just want to take her in your arms and kiss her you know she's she's just so she's such a good-hearted you know female human being and everybody's trying to kill jason statham character and she says to him how do you sleep at night and he says no coffee after seven that's great i mean it's just hilarious but that but but but jennifer lopez does project femininity very very effectively no and there are pictures of her where she looks absolutely stunningly beautiful like a goddess and then she plays these light cheap stupid comedies i'm like she undercuts herself she could play why does she try to play this you know a strong hell of a strong character like in a movie that's something that's that i think that she can do because she projects that you know the physicality she can do it but she doesn't maybe she can't i don't know well she looks like a goddess and then she plays these cheap candy stupid comedies where she marries a complete stranger because she's a pop star it's like no no it doesn't work it just doesn't work no i i know i i'm not a i'm not a huge fan of i'm not movies but she is smart and again i want to stress you don't have to a woman doesn't have to look like jennifer lopez in order to project femininity she has no heart such as the truly love being or being a female truly loved being a woman and embraced and and embrace you know and again like um like uh i i forget i forget her name on on on the feed here uh who's been who's been who's been chiming in but uh you carry more yeah uh yeah carry more thank you you know set you know you you you have you have strong moral principles you stand up for for you know for moral rectitude and goodness you support individual rights uh carrie said you know how to shoot so so you could defend yourself right i didn't it within that context be a girly girl you know with the hair and the nails and the makeup and the you know and the and the sexy look you know like a tough guy it's like you know you know i mean you can retain your femininity it's like catherine hepburn to me you know from her look to her attitude to her to her acting to the way she carried herself in those movies to me it's just i understand why rand saw dagny as catherine hepburn i understand that that was her vision for her and i i i understand why she's she's feminine and strong and powerful and beautiful you know and it made sense no no no you're right and uh greg horvath pointed out michelle pfeiffer yeah michelle pfeiffer there's somebody who projects femininity i could see her you know and the fabulous baker boy slinking around on top of the piano you know singing uh make a whoopee yeah yeah well that she's the one actress who i think could downplay her makeup but still be gorgeous yeah again i want to keep stressing you don't have to be as beautiful as michelle pfeiffer to be very very feminine and i've known a lot of women who are reasonably attractive but they're much more attractive because they just naturally embrace their femininity you know absolutely where they dress the way they move us they don't gotta be physically stunning or beautiful they it can come through by their attitude by their dress by the way they handle themselves with yeah i want to get to jose gaines's point about nico sotirokopoulos in in just a minute but but but stay we're staying with with with this uh uh now now and now i forget what i would was going to say about femininity but uh i got i'll it'll it'll come to me but yeah nicos you go you know nico soteracopoulos uh uh on the air uh yeah the arc uk yeah yeah phd in sociology he used to be a stalinist and then now he's now he's an objectivist but does he lean left i don't know i don't i know the ghost but i haven't spoken to him in a couple of years but i could contact him and you know why not he wants to you know we we and if we need to we could do the show at a different day or time because he's in the uk so he's five he's five or six hours he's five or six hours ahead he really wants to be on here you know just don't sleep you know do with it do it at four in the morning you know that that's right now that now it annoys me on one so i'll see i'll see if nico's on the show now now it annoys me it was there was something popped into my head about about femininity but i was you know i was multitasking thinking about it this show goes everywhere it really does and then it comes back to the usual place which is awesome but yeah this uh if we if we want to have any final thoughts maybe on on the grooming and what the left's doing and how it's really they've they've exposed themselves in a way that i don't think they intended to i don't think so i think they thought they there's there's always this shocker from the left like they think they've already destroyed us they think they've already perverted the culture to the point where they'll be accepted everything they say and do that's why they're so they don't understand what the situation is and that's why they're they're not self-aware they have to be told and you just said something that crossed the line and then like oh oh well i guess i did because they don't there again there's there's no line they have no morality so there's no you know moral limit like that on we can go this far and and not that far you know i mean that's why people i guess surprised when they were there was no you know election fraud it's like oh really so the left in their full breadth right when they have gulags and kill people they won't do election fraud we're innocents they will enslave people they will punish people for free speech but they won't cross the line and go into election fraud it's just stupid it's just it's definitely especially since democrats have done it for decades even centuries before before they got taken over by by the left and and became so evil that pushing us towards communism they're notorious for stealing elections you know they control the corrupt big story plus kennedy it's almost everyone knows it now it's like the given now that the 19 i guess the 60 election in 1960 but kennedy everyone understands that was stolen that that was stolen in chicago it was stolen very very possible exactly very possible yeah you know the criminal daily and vote often absolutely bad guys and everyone accepts that and even iron was willing to go on record and damn nixon for not fighting the possibility that that it was stolen and unlike some objectives today you say oh there was no electric fraud which is really it makes me sick to hear that because it's just not true we know this has been election fraud and then they say well not enough we know that iran is on record being pissed off at nixon for not fighting for the possibility that he won that's yeah i understand i understand let me i got it let me say it yeah let me say we can come and we come back to these uh you know to these group the grooming of children but about femininity in the in france evidently there's a a a you know and and the french women are known for their presentation you know for people to be able to highlight their looks and evidently there's a saying that if if a woman doesn't know how to make herself beautiful by the age of 20 she's [ __ ] that's a french thing yeah that's what i've heard that's right i've been to france a number of times and i got to say i don't think that you know the french women typically are as beautiful as in italy or spain where women tend to be just in eastern europe where you might not realize it but i spent time you know that year in bulgaria i know eastern european women are gorgeous but the french women are masters of presentation they really are they know how to maximize their looks the how to style the hair i like that the makeup that's right for her the the clothes right the fact that you don't gotta be beautiful you just gotta be a woman you gotta be feminine and you can be as attractive as you can be just be as it's like the one actress in uh uh pizza something pizza oh wow that woman the main actress i mean there's nothing she can do though and she could look okay if she really decked herself out something but there's something about her that it's it she's not the she's not the prettiest actress no she's not but even she can possibly get it together yeah well you know yeah she can't because she's got a good figure you know she's not she's not too skinny she's not too fast she could she's got a good figure and she could style yeah yeah she could style her hair a little bit of makeup clothes that are right for her face up may put on a mask you know what is your guys take on tomboys well i got the perfect person to to discuss that with you jose i just don't know if i want to mention her name on on the air uh well maybe i will because it's very it's very complimentary uh you guys know the jazz group manhattan transfer i know the name yeah i know that yeah yeah they're you know they were they were back in the 70s and 80s i think i think the group is still around in different iterations manhattan transfer you could google it anyhow one of their lead singers lived you know grew up down the block from me in brooklyn her name was janice siegel and uh she's a terrific singer she's excellent she was a real tomboy and she used to play you know uh football with us stickball and basketball you know and everything she's a good little athlete and then she got to be she got you know to be like 13 or so and she realized that you know there were better things she could do with boys than play stickball that's right with us and she became a very very attractive woman and a very very good singer uh so you know what yeah i know some some uh i guess the girl tom boys and jeans and t-shirts but then they can deck themselves out and look you know so it's a nice little mix sometimes you get these women who are not full town boys they they can mix it up and it's nice you know they can wear again not as feminine clothed clothing t-shirts and jeans and sneakers and shoes but then they could just put on a dress or you leave an expression for that right you clean up nice exactly right right so yeah i mean if i mean then there are butch women who not necessarily you know the uh the homosexual ones but women who are a little too who who aren't gay that's a little problem i think you know themselves as well to to to attract men and men who like that you got a question they're sexual and i'm joking anyway no no i'm not thinking of a number of top women athletes who are very attractive women now i remember following the u.s women's soccer team when they won the world cup a few years ago now i'm not a big megan rapino fan you know she's a leftist idiot yeah but a number of the uh american women you know uh julie julie johnston i can't remember all of their man very very very attractive very attractive very very and there's something about the athleticism also they're they're athletes they're world athletes world-class athletes there's something about that also they look very healthy you know um they got the redness in their cheeks they have their you know their fit as can be it's awesome it's it's a good look uh yes yes yeah no abs absolutely right uh they're they're in great shape they they they can't be you know too skinny they can't be too fat they're in great shape and that's a good start for a man or a woman to to build your attractiveness they look the best they they can look you know and that's uh that's a plus it really is yeah yeah definitely definitely well uh i guess we should we we should we should wrap things up uh you know and i think we've we've hit the main the main problems with the with the the schools the the the teachers grooming young children and sexualizing them again i want i want to hammer the main point here is the this belief that one there are any number of genders you know and two you could be any gender you want to be is a direct denial of basic facts of reality and the only result of indoctrinating i would say teaching because teaching implies that you're you're you're giving them real knowledge uh the only result of indoctrinating kids with that irrationality is to confuse the hell out of them and undermine their ability to think undermine their trust in their own minds and since that's the only result that's got to be the intent they keep keep going they keep going on with it's obvious that that's the only result in this it's got to be their intent and it's evil and it's it's it's what schools have taken to a new level their anti-mind anti-cognition anti-academic program they've taken it to a new level now to really not just don't teach the kids to think and not just don't give them any academic content but undermine their ability to understand reality and undermine their confidence in their own mind they've gone to a new new low a new law of anti-intellectuality in the in the school and pushback is coming hard and unexpected to the left again the left has always expected to run roughshod over the right because right a lot a lot of ways have been led by [ __ ] there it's not it's not they're they're starting to strengthen themselves here they're starting to push back families mothers and dads are starting to push back the cultures aren't pushed back and large there are now platforms out there with millions and millions of followers who are not leftists you know the student crowder show you got millions followers on on the talk radio that are aren't taken anymore and by the way there's also another aspect in terms of the grooming children you know islam child brought quote unquote child brides they're raping young children and boys and boys men raping boys there's a practice called ashnas in afghanistan where they have their women and then they have their boys on the side and it's open everyone knows about it but then they kill homosexuals as well so it's like a you know it's it's twisted it's irrational but is also going on islam and by the way uh i think uh jose says uh something here about okay come on man pictures they're not men jose they're not men let's just industry men who is correct men don't wear pink they wear seven color okay went back to the they're not men all right all right well you know you guys know how to trigger bosch foster that's what that's for sure so i had to run yeah i mean i mean one one problem with many or on pink and i'm like and i'm sorry i left but i made jokes about it and then some people actually unfriended me over it big look i said look i said um i said i wasn't even insulting you i said i'm saying men don't wear pink you were they clearly they had friended you they're clearly pinko splash exactly i said no no i said i'm not insulting you i'm just insulting those who wear you know pictures i'm not i'm not because men don't watch insurance you know okay right right yeah this is a very subtle very subtle distinction there but one problem with many with islam of course is that one mohammed was a was a war lord you know a killer and a molester and two you know islamic belief says anything the prophet did is is sacrificed by that alone and we should do it it's sanctified by the religion exactly so once he does it anyone can do it by law yeah nine-year-old weddings you know yeah well is nine when mohammed consummated their marriage right so she told me that she was nine when he ripped her you know right it's right it's right exactly and this and this is also an aspect here where there's that's another thing that left you know is is keep in mind the catholic church and the and they do this 100 it's not sanctioned by them they're not going out there publicly trying to groom and trying to cover no the left is and muslims are both of them well there's the islamic leftist alliance that we discussed with robert spencer last week and that david horowitz wrote about was an unholy alliance many years ago so rick says i can be friends you know one night on the moral rectitude of men and there was a pink shirts in in the middle uh area and a store i moved them over to the female section all right there you go all right stand up for your princess josh all right all right everybody well uh it's been it's been uh you know you're you're right baja this this the one one of the fun things about this show is that's freewheeling we hit that issue and then we're like then we're like no and again we do hit it hard and then we and then we go naturally and by the way thanks everyone for chiming in i truly appreciate it yeah right hey uh carrie yeah thank you david thanks a lot guys and jose thank you ed edmund bonczyk thank you you know i'm gonna try and come up with an objectivist who leans left to come on because because i wanna you know i take seriously a lot of the things that iran taught us one of which is check your premises so i checked my premises often am i missing something here yes yeah the conservatives are abortion they're horrible but i can see you know the left is horrible on a whole range of issues especially freedom of speech am i missing something about the conservatives so you know i'm constantly checking my premises and having some having some objectivists who leans left who's really smart knowledgeable and and who thinks the conservatives are worse than the leftists on the show to discuss these issues would be great so let me see if i can find somebody it would be great and but i think to be blunt i think some of them aren't willing to i think seven are not willing to defend it and also some of them think that they have to well at least two of them at least two of them didn't didn't want to defend it on our show you know they they turned me down it's like you know i think the attitude is like i'm not gonna explain myself well i think you should especially if you're an intellectual out there uh having influence defend your position and if you don't defend it i think you're telling me in some way it's indefensible that's what i think that's my conclusion and because look i'm always willing to defend myself and my positions always always it's important and challenge me go for it i want that i want you to hit me and make a question you know what that's a good damn good point i did not consider that good it doesn't often happen i i gotta say but i like what it does because it does make me rethink certain things like okay okay i know that now there are some leftists out there who still see themselves left who are acting more honestly that's uh that's a rare thing man that's a rare thing but it's it's a fact that we already have to acknowledge some of them are really uh telling the truth in a way that they haven't before that's worth noting and it tells me that they're getting away from the leftism even though they won't admit that they won't concede that point they are criticizing the left when they do come out and be honest they are yeah but but they want to cling i'm still leftist uh no you are now persona non grata compared to your you know to the left they because they condemn them as apostates as you said anyway yeah thanks one great show as always i appreciate the interaction even even with you jose even with you okay i appreciate you jose and thanks thanks everybody for you know for participating in the show greg and carrie and jose and and a bunch of other people david lombardo and we will be back next week uh same time same station with more truth in culture and politics so have a great night everybody or