The Unsalted Popcorn Podcast

Chewing The Popcorn 63 - Doctor Who: End of Time Pt 1 & 2

September 26, 2020 Unsalted Popcorn

Oh man is this a long one....
We've reached The End Of Time. Which is a two-parter. Neither of them are short episodes. So we decided to get the latest Directionless Commentary done in one fell swoop and say farewell to David Tennant's Doctor the only way we know how. By drinking. 
As The Doctor leans and glooms his goodbyes, we tackle a Morganless pod by talking about Gillian Anderson, John Simm as Bane, Bond films and Matt Smith's dildo. 
So, clear your schedule, get comfy, get both episodes ready, press play when we say and prepare to kiss goodbye to four hours of your life.
(we left a gap in the middle so you can go to the loo)