Talking 'Bout (re) Generation
A fun, engaging, sometimes provocative look at the field of stem cell, gene therapy and regenerative medicine research. Who is doing it right, who is doing it wrong, and how you can tell the difference. Why does that matter? Because we are helping change the face of medicine, saving lives and changing lives. There's a lot to talk about. So join us.
Talking 'Bout (re) Generation
Alysson Muotri unlocks the secrets of the brain
Dr. Alysson Muotri is one of the most creative minds in science today. That's appropriate because the focus of his research is the brain. He's working to uncover how it works, and along the way try and find ways to help children with autism. He's also messing around with Neanderthal brains and sending mini-brains into orbit. This is a conversation you definitely don't want to miss.