Live Your Bloom Podcast

Dr. Andrea Kanneh, helping people of all ages to live life courageously

Sharman Nittoli

My guest this week, Dr. Andrea Kanneh, aims to transform individuals, companies, schools and communities by empowering them to produce ground-breaking results through the use of quality training and coaching.  One of her key specialties focuses on emotional intelligence for teens and adults. 

Qualifications include a Doctorate in ICT, a Master of Science in Research Ethics, a Master of Business Administration, Leadership and Life Coaching Certification, and Project Management Professional Certification.

Areas of expertise and experience include 

  • Leadership and Management coaching and training
  • Personal Transformation
  • Emotional Intelligence
  •  Empowerment Coaching 
  • Project Management
  • Research Ethics
  • Information Technology.

Dr. Kanneh offers regular webinars and courses in such topics as Leadership Series that benefit not only teens but adults as well, and the Youth Leadership Series that offers such topics as Study Skills and Wellness.

I have attended many of her online sessions and always walked away with new insights, tools and skills.  

Dr. Kanneh says “Remember, you are an unrepeatable miracle”.

Offers: Emotional Intelligence Course, Study skills, Assertiveness Training, Personal Transformation


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Sharman Nittoli: 0:00

Welcome to the Live Your Bloom Podcast, where I interview people involved with their ongoing journey to blooming and fulfillment. This week's guest, Dr. Andrea Kanneh, has developed innovative, personal, and group instruction to transform the lives of her clients. And one of her key specialties focuses on emotional intelligence for teens and adults. I confess, I was not really sure what that meant, and so I'm looking forward to getting right into it. Welcome, Andrea.

Andrea Kanneh: 0:30

Thank you so much for having me.

Sharman Nittoli: 0:32

Oh, my pleasure. And I just want our listeners to know that I am in New Jersey and you are in?

Andrea Kanneh: 0:38

Trinidad and Tobago. That's in the Caribbean.

Sharman Nittoli: 0:41

And we have the same time. So that makes it quite easy for us to get together. So, I'm going to ask you about your program; the goal of your programs and the services that you offer.

Andrea Kanneh: 0:54

Okay, so my aim or intention is to empower individuals. So I work, especially with teens, but I do work with companies and adults. And in this particular instance, we are doing emotional intelligence. Because we see a lot of things happening now where people are overreacting. I want people to know that "Emotions are okay. It's natural." But it's about managing the emotions, and you're never too young or old to start learning how to manage your emotions.

Sharman Nittoli: 1:24

You know, when I was a teacher, in the kindergarten and pre-K, that was one of the first musical lessons we did was to identify all the emotions that kids would feel and let them know it was okay to feel it. And so,

Andrea Kanneh: 1:37

Oh good.

Sharman Nittoli: 1:38

I find it interesting that the same thing applies now that carries through to teens and adults.

Andrea Kanneh: 1:44

And you see, like, we research was that the IQ Is improving over the years. You have an increase in IQ, but EQ is declining.

Sharman Nittoli: 1:54

And EQ is emotional.

Andrea Kanneh: 1:56

The emotional, the emotional quotient for emotional intelligence. Yeah.

Sharman Nittoli: 2:00

And why do you think that is?

Andrea Kanneh: 2:01

Well, in terms of technology, you know, things are like doubling, triple tripling every 18 months. And people are learning faster. So my nephews and nieces are learning things that I did in university, in high school, you know. So learning is just intensified, but because of it, in terms of seeing your worth, as how much you know, little time is taken for the person, that human being, in terms of developing the person, the emotions of that person.

Sharman Nittoli: 2:31

I'm just going to deviate for a quick second, and I see our leaders of the world exhibit extreme emotions as well. Do you think that has a negative effect on the youth, the teenagers?

Andrea Kanneh: 2:44

I think it's like yes and no, in that you want people to understand that you could express yourself, but it doesn't have to hurt someone else in expressing yourself.

Sharman Nittoli: 2:56


Andrea Kanneh: 2:56

So you want assertive expression?

Sharman Nittoli: 2:58


Andrea Kanneh: 2:58

So they show us a range of expression. So that's a good thing that you see range, but not necessarily right contact.

Sharman Nittoli: 3:05

Yeah, yeah, so what are some of the areas that you have covered in your group coaching?

Andrea Kanneh: 3:10

I look at things like set in assertiveness, resilience, confidence, certain skills and anything that really is about that person going to their next level. And that's what coaching is about, really. About taking an individual towards his or her dreams and desires.

Sharman Nittoli: 3:29

I have attended, and you know, I have attended a number of your webinars, and I've always been impressed that there are a lot of teens that attend and you give them workbooks and you get them to discuss and share, and I've always been impressed with how you interact with them. Particularly one time you did one on fear. Remember that?

Andrea Kanneh: 3:49

Right. Evidence appears  real.

Sharman Nittoli: 3:50

Those questions were common, boy. They were, you know, because that's such a common topic for teens to express, but actually the adults, like I told you, I've always gotten something out of your webinars, always. So tell me something. What is the difference of coaching and therapy?

Andrea Kanneh: 4:07

So, therapy is about dealing with a disorder. Something like probably like, a trauma that you experienced. You know, counseling would help. With coaching, we don't deal with disorders; we take you to the next level. So that you encourage to do coaching along with your therapy. Coaching you might have... I have a cat. You see that, right?

Sharman Nittoli: 4:27

Yes. I'm laughing right now because I think it's so funny, but I see what, I see what's going on.

Andrea Kanneh: 4:35


Sharman Nittoli: 4:36

I know.

Andrea Kanneh: 4:36


Sharman Nittoli: 4:38

It's okay.

Andrea Kanneh: 4:40

Yeah. So, in terms of coaching, it's not about getting rid of the disorder but help you work with it to go to the next level.

Sharman Nittoli: 4:49

What do you think is an ideal number for a group coaching project?

Andrea Kanneh: 4:55

In terms of weekly group coaching sessions, probably like 10 and less, so you could have different things, but like 10 and less would be ideal for that individual in attention; being able to discuss, being able to ask questions. But I have seen people make more numbers too. So I wouldn't say that it's the only way that it could work, but that's what needs to be.

Sharman Nittoli: 5:17

And so what type of results do you expect from your participants?

Andrea Kanneh: 5:22

So I've heard people actually comment on the teens, not just the teens themselves, in terms of confidence and behaviors that they don't normally do. So someone who is very shy, willing to just go up to someone and say, "Hello." You know, the parents are amazed at the sort of results that they see. The students will tell you that they were there like that all the time. So, you know, they haven't changed, but their teachers, their parents, say that they act like leaders. So the confidence is of their assertiveness, you know, and they able to just have conversations that they can have.

Sharman Nittoli: 5:57

Yeah, you know, we, we've been in groups together before, and I have observed that some people who have issues like what you're talking about, who could be in their fifties, sixties, seventies, much older, will say, "I felt like this when I was young." "I felt like this as a teen." "I felt like this as a 10 year old." And they start going back and remembering, and boy, that's a long time to carry that around, isn't it?

Andrea Kanneh: 6:23

Yeah. Yeah.

Sharman Nittoli: 6:24

You know?

Andrea Kanneh: 6:25

Yeah, and in coaching, we might discover it. We would talk about it, but then you might encourage you to go to therapy if it's something that really has you stuck.

Sharman Nittoli: 6:35

Yeah. Really has you stuck. Yeah. Where you can't really move forward because...

Andrea Kanneh: 6:40


Sharman Nittoli: 6:40

You know, I was going to ask you something. I know that you wrote a book for children. You want to tell us about that book because I remember that.

Andrea Kanneh: 6:47

Yeah. It is about my cat. Well, she's the main character—Milky Wilkie. So it's a coaching book as well in terms of like self-development for children. It looks at the idea of learning new things, sharing time with your friends, self-care. So little stories on scenarios that could impact, let's say, from eight-years-old to adults, right?

Sharman Nittoli: 7:14

I thought that was fantastic to deal with those topics with children so young in such an appealing way. And I do remember the book was quite beautiful because of that. You love that emerald green color, and that was featured.

Andrea Kanneh: 7:28

Yeah. Yes, yes. Yeah.

Sharman Nittoli: 7:29

Yeah, so tell me, like these areas, why are these topics so important? You spoke of doing workshops and resiliency, assertiveness training. Why are they important?

Andrea Kanneh: 7:41

I read about what is happening in the world. I asked the teens at like a webinar, like, "What are other topics they want to hear about?" I speak to teachers in terms of some problems they encounter in their classroom. So the topics that I use are usually like hot topic. Things that people experiencing, things that could help them with something that they're experiencing. So they might never say, "I need emotional intelligence," but then you see fights in schools. So you know, there are ways to kind of figure out what might be the next best topic to offer.

Sharman Nittoli: 8:14

Yeah. You know, sometimes people are, that's why I said, "I'm not really sure what that means." Although, as a songwriter, I did write a song once said, let me think, "My emotional IQ is finally balanced and strong." So I used it, but I'm not sure I fully understood what it was. But that song was called "Stirred Not Shaken," which was about being older and being in a good place. And I love the title of your website. You call it "Youth Living Courageously." How did you come up with that? That's powerful.

Andrea Kanneh: 8:46

From the book actually, in terms of The Courageous Life for Milky Wilky.

Sharman Nittoli: 8:51


Andrea Kanneh: 8:52

So I had that thing, "Courage on my mind." And I thought that, like, that was my first webinar. "What is being courageous?" And from there, I named the website after that first webinar and after book, and since then we've been looking at topics on leadership around courage. Because leaders, we define leadership as creating a future that we want to see, a future that involves people that going to be impacted. And to do something like that is not going to be easy because you have to come out of your comfort zone. So, courage is a big deal when it comes to leadership.

Sharman Nittoli: 9:27

Yeah, and we surely are going to need quality leaders of good character in our future. So you know, the work that you're doing is just so valuable. What kinds of struggles did you come up with when you were working towards your dream of this type of coaching?

Andrea Kanneh: 9:44

I think I learned a lot of life lessons as an adult and as a lecturer. I was exposed to really great leadership course and in teaching the university students, you know, it always occurred to me if I could get them a little younger at a teenage level, then I might be able to help them navigate a little more. So I decided to go after teens in terms of letting them be exposed to this sort of work and not have to wait until the adults to get in contact with it.

Sharman Nittoli: 10:16

Yeah, and I know the one topic you explore, the study skills, there was a group of teachers talking the other night. I think you were there when they were talking about the kids not really knowing how to study that is the surprising thing to me, but not taking homework home. That school is trying to do some kind of alternative offers and accept the fact that they're not doing homework at home. So what can we do? But I know you do a workshop on study skills.

Andrea Kanneh: 10:43

Study skills. Yeah. Because I agree, like with what you said in that we assume that a student should know what to do, but the reality is that if you were never thought, how to reinforce what you learned, then how do you know?

Sharman Nittoli: 10:57


Andrea Kanneh: 10:58

So some people figure it out. I had my big sister who adopted studies, so I was able to follow her. But many people have no one to expose them to, you know, how to study.

Sharman Nittoli: 11:07

Yeah, have a place to study, have your area, have your pencils, take proper notes so you know exactly what to do. That's a big thing, and that's been a deteriorating thing for a long time. Since I've been teaching, I've been seeing that go down. Part of it I attribute to two parents who are working. One parent, who may be holding two jobs who doesn't have the time to reinforce the concept of the study skills and how important it is to stay up on it, you know? But, I thought that that was a very good workshop you offered.

Andrea Kanneh: 11:38

At my last workshop when I asked, like, "How many students who passed went to the class in terms of picking up that book and reading on their own? And I had like 50%.

Sharman Nittoli: 11:49


Andrea Kanneh: 11:50

So 50% think that go into classes, you know?

Sharman Nittoli: 11:53


Andrea Kanneh: 11:54

You know, hearing it said, and then 50% will say that they want to fulfill and study.

Sharman Nittoli: 11:59

So do you interact with the students after the workshop? Do you get feedback about what they found useful? If they've implemented any of your tips?

Andrea Kanneh: 12:09

I usually do a feedback form at the end of the workshops, and then they have my WhatsApp number. So from time to time, I'll get a message. As well as I have the weekly group coaching classes where I might have a few from those workshops there. So they will tell me, or their parents might tell me.

Sharman Nittoli: 12:26

And I think it's so good to include the parents in it because that is where the structure is going to come from. From the parents, and if they don't even know it. They may assume that their child really knows how to study and be very surprised that they don't, you know?

Andrea Kanneh: 12:41

So for study skills, for sure, we need parent's support at home in terms of finding a place to study and given that child or that person, you know, time to study. But it goes beyond study skills. Culture in general. For teens, especially, we need the support of parents. Because coaching doesn't just happen or at the time that we meet, they have actions to complete. And they need supportive parents to complete those actions. It's all about going after your dream, you desire, your goal, and it can't happen in our session that we meet. Action takes place after, and support is needed by people in their lives.

Sharman Nittoli: 13:20

Yeah, right. So to our bloomers out there are people who are working on their dreams and their goals, and maybe they are procrastinating or putting it off, or just they think, it's too late and it's not worth it. Got anything to say to them?

Andrea Kanneh: 13:37

I would say start from the point of knowing that you're an "Unrepeatable Miracle." No matter what age, that you're an unrepeatable miracle—a gift, you're a gift to the world. So what is that gift within you that is, you know, like that burning desire that you want to bring out into the world?  You're probably robbing somebody off it by holding it back. So at any age, if there's this burning desire, then give yourself the grace of allowing yourself to experience it. It's not always going to be like, "More, I could do this." It might mean doing like an audit of "Where I am now?" To see the type of skills or the people I might need to contact to get it done, but it's like, it's not even your right to hold it in. That's a dream planted in you for the world.

Sharman Nittoli: 14:21

For the world, yeah. And that's where we're going to leave this off. That's a perfect place to end. You are an….

Andrea Kanneh: 14:28


Sharman Nittoli: 14:28

Unrepeatable miracle. I like that. I like that. I do hope you do publish that book one day because that's a winner.

Andrea Kanneh: 14:35

Of course. Of sure. Yes.

Sharman Nittoli: 14:39

All right. For those people listening, everything you need to know, how to contact Dr. Andrea is right in the podcast page. The links a little bit more about her background, exactly what she does. Go to her website, check it out. And thank you so much. This has been interesting.

Andrea Kanneh: 14:57

Thank you so much.