The Cosmos Podcast

The big risk of semiconductor shortages

The Royal Institution of Australia

Global semiconductor industry sales top $400 billion; China has called chip independence a top national priority in its latest five-year plan; and U.S. President Joe Biden has vowed to build a secure American supply chain by reviving domestic manufacturing. Even the European Union is mulling measures to make its own chips.

Given our increasing dependence on semi-conductors in everything from cars and ATMS to phones and household appliances, what can Australia do to guarantee supply? Today we talk to Mike Nicholls, an entrepreneur, inventor and technologist, and a fund expert at helping start-ups generate their early customer leads, and opportunities; and Monash University’s Professor Michael Fuhrer, the director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET), and a researcher in novel two-dimensional materials, semiconductors, metals, and superconductors about Australia’s opportunities – and threats – within the industry. Today’s interviews are hosted by Cosmos journalist Ellen Phiddian.

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