The Cosmos Podcast

What’s your genetic risk mean?

The Royal Institution of Australia

What do your genes say about your risk of disease? We want to know what types of diseases we, and our children, are susceptible to so we can to our best to mitigate them. When we hear about our own risk of genetic disease, it can be frightening, but it may not mean what it seems.

In reality, genetic disease is highly complex, especially when multiple genes could contribute to any given trait. So, how do we collect this information and what does it mean?

Today, Cosmos journalist Dr Deborah Devis talk to two experts. First up you will hear Professor Michael Inouye. He is Director of the Cambridge Baker Systems Genomics Initiative, Director of Research in the Dept Public Health & Primary Care at the University of Cambridge, Munz Chair of Cardiovascular Prediction & Prevention at the Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, and a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. Following the chat with Michael, Deborah talks to Dr Fayeza Khan, a Human Molecular Geneticist.

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