In Business Talks2 Podcast


February 23, 2021 Ian & Tracey

Hello and a big warm welcome to our new show.

We are your hosts Tracey and Ian Earl, founders of In Business, a networking and business support community and ''Together we are In Business''

We are so excited to be launching our podcast In Business Talks2 and looking forward to meeting lots of interesting couples who are business partners.

We are hoping to have fun finding out about the different business dynamics within various relationships. Asking questions that shed light on peoples thoughts, insights and observations of working together.

So, please join us on a weekly basis for a light hearted and friendly conversation. We hope you have as much fun and enjoyment out of listening, as we do when recording each episode.

Also, don't miss our Bonus Episode, our FRIDAY FIX! Where we will be discussing a business related subject with a fellow business owner, who will be sharing their advice, thoughts or knowledge on a particular topic.

So, join us every Tuesday and Friday as In Business Talks2...

The views and opinions expressed by our guests on this podcast are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the podcast host, producer, or any affiliated parties. The podcast host and producer are not responsible for any claims, actions, or damages arising from the guest's participation in the podcast, including but not limited to any royalties, compensation, or financial benefits.