Generative Spirits: Conversations with Catholic Sisters

Season 2, Ep. 2: The Power of Intergenerational Relationships

Season 2 Episode 2

Our April episode highlights the Ministry Leadership Program, or MLP, an opportunity for emerging leaders (ages 22-35) at mission-driven schools, colleges, and non-profit organizations. Intergenerational relationships is the element that makes MLP unique, and our guests are examples of that relationship in action. Sister Carol Brandt, a sister of Notre Dame, and Anita Hooley Yoder, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Notre Dame College in Cleveland, Ohio join us as two past participants of MLP. We explore the power and surprise that comes with Intergenerational Relationships and the wisdom that can be gleaned from them.

To learn more about the Ministry Leadership Program, visit or email Rachel Drotar, Program Coordinator, at Applications are due for those interested on April 30th, 2021 and the program begins in August 2021. 


1. To learn more about the Ministry Leadership Program, visit or email Rachel at

2. ERAA stands for Education, Reflection, Accountability, and Action and is an anti-racism group for White people of faith through Generative Spirit.