Mind of Snaps Podcast

Conversations with Creators: TheMavShow | Episode 17 - Mind of Snaps Podcast

She Snaps Season 1 Episode 17

Thank you for your patience during a nice long hiatus, I'm back and energized as F!

This week we're beginning a new recurring segment called Conversations with Creators and we're starting things off with TheMavShow!

Listen to this episode to learn some interesting things about Mav's life and career.
We talk about Dream Boards, Day Scripting, and all kinds of other random nonsense.

You WILL like this episode. Mav is a blast.

Check her out at Twitch.tv/TheMavShow

Thanks again Mav for all the inspiration & friendship!


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Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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way. Welcome to the mind of saps podcast with your house. Just a few steps. Popular touch broadcaster, photography entrepreneur. And then in this in future cast expect to fall along with as she learns more about her mind in the world because you're messing here. But stick around. You might just learn something as he went through the mind of Snaps way.

spk_0:   0:38
Hey there. Welcome back to the mind of Stamps. Podcast. This is Episode 17 and I am quite excited to be back. I know it was a long hiatus, but it's only because again, I've kind of been trying to determine a direction moving forward. I wasn't entirely sure what I was gonna do once I decided to break out the A T i t. L podcast into a separate one that will be launching very soon. Now, Taylor's feeling butter after giving birth to her beautiful, beautiful babies. So we're gonna start launching those episodes soon and then moving on to recording some fresh cheese. So I rearranged my twitch schedule. I'm now streaming two o'clock central until about eight every day, Monday through Friday, which gives me my mornings back. So now, in addition to the weekends, which I like to keep it least one day to do nothing. Um, I will also have the mornings to get work done. So I'm excited. I'm ready to start making more podcasts for you because I really do enjoy this. And I had an idea after all this traveling, I did, um, earlier in the year for like, it's just last month, month before, um, I had a lot of time to hang out with some of my fellow content creators and fuck, Dude, it was so inspiring. I had so many ideas just from having casual conversations over lunch is on bus rides to places while standing around waiting for whatever comes next. So I thought it would be cool for you guys and honestly, more, more so for me just cause you know, I do what I won't hope you guys like it, but I'm pumped for these conversations. I decided to start doing an additional segment as part of the mind of snaps podcast, where we're going to do conversations with creators and I'm super pumped, or the creator who we're going to start this out with because I think that you guys will love her It's the Mav show. If you are not following the mav show on Twitch on Twitter on Instagram she's gotta pay Triana YouTube If you're not following her everywhere you confined her the mav show Go do it right now I love when I meet people and like I've known her for a while, but I still she stands out as someone who is very authentic. I love when I meet people and they're exactly who they are online. When you meet them in person, she is a riot. She was a total weirdo. Total sweetheart Very fun, Very friendly. Like I think we're gonna have a great talk today. So I'm excited for May have to be the first person who I converse with as this conversations with creators Segment jumps off, starts popping off. But enough about me and my excitement over her. Let's talk to

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her. Oh,

spk_0:   3:27
okay. So everyone everyone listening This is Mave Mave Say hi everybody! Hello I mav and oh my God! We're so good at the dio No, I am not Know how I have a podcast do like I don't know Just talk. I'm so glad of yours is like so, like, off the cuff. And just like all all well, in L. A. I'm here for this. Yeah, dude. And I've got to check yours out. I'm so excited. I have so many friends that do podcasts. And I'm like, Dude, don't have enough time in the fucking day. But if if your podcast, you know, is any form of, ah, you know, representation of you, it's gonna be dope, so I'm game for it, but yeah, we're gonna be super lax for this, so I don't know, Let's just let's just start off by having you give your synopsis of like, who you are, what you do online. I have I am a full time stream on twitch. I do so many things. I'm like the Dusty Junior who's variety in the variety streamer who plays Destiny's like I mean, that's really weird. Please just dance Do podcast. I I'm starting a new YouTube channel. And like all sorts of just crazy things going on, I don't know why I need to put more on my plate. But I just enjoy, like, being like a foot off the ground, just like floating from just flying through things so Yeah. D'oh! D'oh! For so long. I like it, though. How long have you been? Um, Full time. Oh, my God. It was so fast for me. Um, I started streaming ah, in October, and I went full time and like, January and no February. And that was like January was when I really started to focus on streaming. Before that was like, whatever. Because I was working and I had just graduated. And what year was this? Was this, like, 79 was this legs beckons, like 42 2000 and 14. So it'll be five years this fall of streaming full time. That's so you're I know that you were already, like, established when I got I am. So when Destiny launched in 2014 So the eldest was online, and I didn't know how to capture call console games. So I literally rented Destiny on the 360 at red box because I was poor. There are three people listening right now. They're like, run rented rent. No, don't worry. I'm not gonna bring up the fact that I used to rent like Nintendo games at Blockbuster, but, um yeah, like I just went all in on Elder scrolls online. We created really crazy community. It was almost kind of like the destiny community were like all the streamers knew each other. And we created, like, a huge team and and then eventually kind of decided to branch out and leave that and really just focus on the destiny community, which was incredible, like I would have never met. Snaps, like so many of my best friends are from that directory back in the name God. I'm so grateful for how, like it will never stopping entertaining to me that it was a game called Destiny that brought me here. I'm thinking like and destiny spiritual, And it's amazing because it's my destiny. And you're like Yes and little stripper. Yes, Okay, let's let's shift forever will always be remembered in that way. Instead, I was nice, but it's been so crazy because that was back in the Wild West, right? Like not really anyone knew what they were doing. We're like the new O G stream, where because we weren't the first. Yeah, like the new wave of like new streamers and and, like just everyone was brand new, and now everyone kind of knows what twitches like If you're If you're just starts dreaming you kind of have been watching him for a while. It's not really under a rock thing like I asked, Never share that I was The twist remake is like it was almost taboo. It's just it iss, but, like not as much because everything is live stream now. But yeah, back then I was like, Oh God, I can't really share that. I'm mystery Where because then, like, I just don't like you. Blame that like you're on camera. Yeah, As a woman, everyone is like, What are you wearing? Like? That is almost always been a train of thought. Like one of those game girl like Yes, actually, yes, I am. Yes, Yes. I just don't show feet for money on this website. I'm a volunteer three, and we'll get you a blurry pigs there, but oh my God, No! Legit I didn't tell anyone I was streaming. I got partnered and was streaming full time for like years. Two years, I think before I told my family. Yeah, I did. My family still doesn't really know what Ideo mom does, but she just yells at me for swearing too much. I know my mom's always like, Oh, your unicorn friends. They seem nice. Your unicorn friend zone. Yeah, my mom calls them my friends from the computer. My living like my brother thinks I roll in, like, $100 bills on, like rolling in the dough like, uh, yeah, on Lee. Well, that's like what? That's what, like, new broadcasters. And no offense, friends and some affiliates seem to think is like, Oh, my God, you're a partnered streamer. You got check marks. So, bridge, what kind of Lambeau do you drive, dude hall. Lambeau. Yeah, but instead, it's like we're basically most of us, like the vast majority. You know, obviously there's those those top tier folks, but the majority of us are working and, like, we just kind of fit into, like, middle class, like, Yeah, that's pretty. You know, some of us are barely above the poverty line, but what we do is so fucking awesome. Who cares that we're not making a lot of money? Yes, Down, Campbell. Every it's so it's so crazy. I'm like, Oh, uh, what am I gonna play? Day? Like what? Uh, yeah. On the days when I'm like, man, I don't know what to play today. Take a moment. Like, Damn, that's That's definitely something to be grateful for it like here I am getting ready for work, trying to think like off. Shucks too much to do. Oh, may I go to e eight e three the next this next week And I have to raid Ueno. Traveled l a good dad. Yeah, After the traveling earlier this year, I was like, exhausted. But I had to keep reminding myself like, Dude, what you do it's pure dream. Like, Oh, my God. Before even started streaming, I would watch the three and link just be like one day. You know, I'm gonna go to that press conference, and I'm gonna go and see everything, and I'm gonna be there and like it happened. It's so crazy. Like my God, I totally believe it. Then dream borns, because buying from years ago is completely full. Like I did everything I did. Everything okay? I've never heard of it called a dream board, by the way. And I like that so much more than a vision board vision board, Dream board manifest board like, But I called a dream board because it's a dream. Until you put it on your calendar and those dreams I put on my calendar and those dreams I checked off my calendar and now I'm like, I need to make a new one. So I'm, like, in the process right now of, like, manifesting way, way more things, more legacy, things like I'm not I'm I'm not really into like, yeah, $1,000,000 would be awesome. But, like, what if I am impacted a 1,000,000 people like Buck? Yeah, that would be pretty dope. So that this point Good. I know everyone I know, you know, chicken chills thinking about this. And I know everyone in my community is thinking like, so glad I started playing this podcast because dude, like art are like motto is manifest dope. Shit. Yeah, like that is all we're about is making shit happen. It's and I've been wanting to make a vision board. And when I say that people are like and but dream board like, that's I love the way you described it. Well, dreams, most dreams. If they're not nightmares, which obviously they're they're called something else. Dreams are like, super like you dream of like being in like a mansion and like eating a lot of lasagna and just really weird shit. But like this, it's it's endless. Every possibility can dream of it literally. Anything you can dream of, generals. That's where you're buying everything. But like, yeah, like springboard. And you're like, I'll buy your pool, someone's sending you with big leaves and you're just fucking lasagna. I'm like, super like I'm very specific on like I really want to find, like, even things I want to find. Like, I really want to find joy in Norma's big white fluffy pillows for my couch. And those are all my dream boards I love very specific, You gotta add. I wish we were. Which closes that now I would love to, like, have you come over and, like, make some vision boards or dream boards with me because I wanted to make one, and I've been wanting to do one on stream but like the angles rough. First, I was like I should just do this as a YouTube thing. Now I wish that you could be here helping me. I know I was actually thinking of talking through some of my dream board stuff that I I'm putting into the universe. Because what better way of really putting it into the universe and putting it on the Internet? Yeah. If you talk about things enough and make it real, that it will happen like it just will. Avi Junor? Aye, I do that on my bathroom mirror. Sometimes I have post it notes, snaps all over my mirror. The same Oh, my God, they're all over my house. God, they're so helpful. I also do a script journal On occasion, I I think the day for what it already gave me. And so ah, it's been pretty accurate, Like today was really freaking rad. We had over 100 people in the chat and we made, like, 50 new subs, and someone told me that they had a great time. That was a pretty awesome day. And then I went about my day, and that happened, and I totally didn't even think about it. And I went back to my think my notebook the next day. And I was like, Holy shit, that actually happened because I wanted to kind of like check it and go back and check out my stats. And, uh, things like that have been really cool. I don't know. Like I she numbers all the time. I'm a numbers person. Same. So I likes when I see 11 love. And I'm like, Where we at? We're on track. Let's go. Uh, I was just talking about that with my chat. Like, anytime I see repeating numbers of any kind, I'm like something cool is happening. I'm gonna make a wish. Don't care. Oh, my God. I see other where I see it in license plates. I see it in receipt. I see it in house numbers. I see it in like architecture. Like it's crazy. It's insane. I'm, like, still, like my jaw literally dropped. I wish we had, um, when I did a podcast last week with Swain, we did a video chat while we were doing it. And initially I was like, you know, why do we even need to do this? We're off line. Do we really need to see each other? And now I'm like, I wish that you had seen my jaw dropped as you were talking about the script journal because I have, like, the biggest mindfulness boner, right? now, Like God, I love that. I use affirmations kind of in a similar manner. Like I When I sit down in my desk, are in my desk in my chair every day before stream. I repeat a few things to myself, like I tell myself who I want to be in the type of like, um, environment I want to create. So I always say, I am confident. I am articulate. I connect people daily. I help people connect to themselves daily all in my mind and even in front over my monitor. I have reminders of like, Hey, someone's in your chart that has no idea who you are, who I like that Yeah, And that's a weird thing because you and I are like in similar levels of of, like, community size. So it's kind of weird to be in this like we're known but not known, known, but not known. So, like you get into the habit of like, if you're in my shot, you know me. Yeah, and even when I'm out and about like a conventions and stuff, at first I was like, I don't have a business car like you can follow my Twitter link was really huffy about it. But then I don't know. I had this like, ah ha moment where I was like, You know what? Like there, there's so many people in the world that like what I do, but they just don't know it yet And yeah, so I bring so many business cards and I just hand them out to random people. And when they asked me what I do, I'm like here coming out because that is like, perfect. You know, I get frustrated by some people in the way they use business cards because I don't like feeling like all of my conversations with people are like transactional. Sure, I meet someone new and we're talking and I'm, like, dealt, I just met a friend and I'm thinking of going another like a business card. Yeah, it's mainly for people who have no idea what Twitch is. And they're like, uh, how do you spell the bat The Maeve show? And I'm like a Here. Take this also. Yeah, I actually make my business cards. Half white people can write on them, so it's more lying hopeful than like he's crazy glow like logoed just dark business cards that you can use for anything other than like finding someone's Web sites. It's just very hopeful. Some of them are a little rough. Jackie Business cards make sure, but you can actually, really, I I actually trying not to talk about Streaming. I think it's kind of a turnoff. I think it's it's fine to talk shop, but when I'm out in the world, my goal is to get as much anti shop in. Yeah, I go back to the stream, yes, and that's why it frustrates me when someone like I'm having a nice conversation with them and it's someone I've never met before. And I'm thinking like This is gonna be another MAV in my life, like another bud that I check in with once in a while someone who I get to see it, these events and then the end of our conversation. They pull out a business card and they say we should collab sometime and then I want to throw up on their shoes. So I always say, like I love business cards, but I think some people don't realize that it's not like it's not working amongst your peers, is different than like having business cards for when someone asks for one or when you're talking to like a vendor. Well, I think also to remember is like, Do you want to carry a business card? What if someone just handed you a random business card? Would you want that? So it's like, really like, how would you feel about that? Most people don't care like I usually take them, but I usually like they're in my bag. My convention is still full of them. Uh, some of them I go back and, like, look through, but I just don't have time. Usually the ones that I follow up with are the ones that are, like, messaging me on social media. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, I met the person and they gave me a card, but they're like, messaging me. So that's cool. It's really more about like like just following up and just being a friend. I think that's like, the most important thing. If you can just be a good friend and not want anything in return, you're going to go really far in this. Yeah, I just saw something online. Oh, I wish I could remember what it was. I saw it on Twitter and it said, um, your networking should be done horizontally instead of vertically. I was like, Okay, Felicia so smart, because when you think about it, that's what the majority of the broadcasters who I know who have watched, like, come up. They've done it with people that they networked horizontally what they built friend groups and they just kind of grew together. They uplifted each other. It wasn't one person reaching out to someone higher up on the chain, so to speak and being like, Yo, let's go lab sometime And then suddenly they blew up. It was these groups of friends who worked hard. I'll build each other up. That blew up together. There's a science behind groups, and I think that's why um, the Dustin community was so great. And I think that's why people hold on to old destiny because people were really in before everyone got so big, really into, like grouping up together and working together and do hold stuff. And now that there's guarding Kong, which is freaking amazing, but now it's so it's so much bigger than I think it ever ever thought it would be or would Yeah, like now, creators are, like, kind of important, not really. And like it's more about, like, the big creators. And like, obviously, we want to raise more money. But I really miss, like the community sign of it because, yeah, it was like a dusting con. And it was like the game genre. And now it's bigger, which is awesome, because, like, I'm varieties so, like, now I get to hang out with more people. Yeah, but that was sort of like the idea behind, Would you kindly, Which was my team? I'm on right now. It's like, no matter how big weekend, we want people to make sure they feel like they're just going to a bar and hanging out with just a bunch of goofballs, no matter its guardian con. Yeah, No matter if we raise a ton of money, no matter if we throw a party like, no matter. If you come endorse him at any time, we want it to feel like that. So yes, like a family reunion. That's what that's what Dustin con and guardian kind of felt like to me. Yeah, it's just like so many, like you're walking around with a big down. It's so yeah, God, it's overwhelming. But it's still so cool because of how, How much the original like destiny community is the backbone of it. Yeah. So, like, last year really called regarding his brain and like running into everyone along the way like, Oh, hey. Oh, hey. Oh, hey. I'm going to this thing. Sorry. Can't. Okay, okay. Like everywhere you go, you're running into people, you know? Yeah. I still think destiny Conner is probably my most familiar meaning. Like, I know way more people. If I show up to Destiny Conner, I will see someone I know like hundreds that we'll see a ton of people that I know and you always do like some sort of family dinner. And those are my favorite part. Like be able to see everyone is awesome. But doing more intimate things is really important for me. And like my little mave are because, like, that's where the connections are made. Like even when I go to the old twitch, calm parties. Those were when I met like, gassy Mexican and like addiction and got really close with them because we like it was more intimate. We could actually just chat and chill. Yeah, and I had no idea who they were when I met them. They're like the kings of Twitch. And I was like, Okay, there we go. Get surprised to see all like, our creators fan girl or Fanboy over someone else. Oh, you know what? Um, not really. Because like, we'll watch each other and then when we finally get to meet each other and then the person still cool Shit, you're like, God damn, thank God because most of it always got away. It's not the guy that literally That's how I did your intro for this podcast like, Listen, I love the fuck out of anyone who is who they are online, like there is no pretense. You're a fucking weirdo. But you're so so fucking nice. Not even but and yourself. Fucking Isis love weirdos like it is. It is wonderful, But what shocked me was at at Borderlands, there was a friend of mine. We were We were all standing around in a group. It was after we had snacked on some stuff and one of the content creators that was standing there just was like Oh, who are you? Who are you? I'm gonna just follow you and kind of, like, followed around the table. After a few minutes of conversation, that person walks away. Another one of our friends. I'm not gonna out. This person is just dumbfounded. I can't believe they followed me. I can't believe that. Like, why? What would they? What do they even want with me? Like, dude, you realize that their numbers don't change that. They're a fucking person who just had a nice conversation way. Like, talked about this for like, the rest of the day. This person was legit. Shocked that someone with such high numbers would follow someone with numbers similar to our Ah, and that was like, What's Come on, you're doing this. You have your own fan base. At this point, you should see the connection. Like Mike got a person like it's It's weird because, like like I said, we've all started it at that point where, like, streaming was streaming and what it was, what it was like there wasn't a huge business opportunities back in the day. There weren't add promotions at all. Not really like I didn't even start doing ad work. It's been on Li, like a year, a year, maybe two of doing stuff with, like, hash. I God like Oh, yeah, obviously, Yeah, because Spahn started way different. Yeah, they were way different. You didn't have to disclose it a bunch of things. But now cos are smarter on streamers. But it's just so funny because you because the actual the bigger streamers are way more in tune with, like being more chill at events and stuff like they're not the ones that are like, Yo, do the guy's a 1,000,000 views this one day blah, blah, blah. But they're usually the ones that are like, Yeah, I play games. Yeah, because I think I think once you grow in this community, it comes with its own, like baseline of humility. Some people do ignore it, not gonna lie. Some people let that shit go to their heads. But it's like once you kind of see that there is a method to the madness. It stops making you feel like you're the shit and more like you have done a good job representing yourself with you had, you know, like everyone has someone who's gonna like him. you know, that's it's just a matter of how you get yourself out there and how well you portray yourself the best of the best or just really fucking good at business and online shit and being themselves, it doesn't mean that they're like looking, you know, kissed by gods or something like me. Like you eggs Never let your dream board comes true. Yeah, like when I went to the first, um, just to kind of circle back, I went to the first destiny con. It was like I don't even know what it was called back then. I had meant bro. Man, I was like, standing next to him, and I had no idea who he was. And I was like, Oh, yeah, and they're like, Oh, no, that's Professor Roman. And I was like Who, uh, had no idea. I had only like I think I knew. I think I had watched you and I didn't even know shifty like I matched 55 on Twitter because she was like going to the event. And I was like, Hey, I meet you. I love your hair because it was pink and she's like, Yeah, because my hair is purple other at We saw each other at the bar behind Meet up, and, um, I crashed it. I I was I had no idea. I literally lived down the street, and I was like, Oh, my God, I just saw you on Twitter. And she's like, I saw you on Twitter and then, huh? And then Lauren, I think, Yeah, Lauren was there, and that was my first tequila shot ever. Oh, gosh. Uh, Lauren is misty m'kay kay. For those of you who are, like, eh gay and I certain shifty, we bring you a rebel in, like, just. And then I met Sam, which is wife Italian, who was like, my best friend right now. God, I would have been just incredible. She's been so great. Like we are, like, just kindled flames. And and just like, our lives are just imperil. Oh, just everything is just very similar. And like, the timelines are very similar. And we have a very similar past, which is a very rare pass. Just cause, like, you know, we're like in pregnancies and like, we have two kids and we were like our excess stock, and I I mean that I can relate to. Can I jump in on that party? Yeah. Oh, my God. Um, but yeah, like we have a bunch of kids and dogs and it's chaos, and but we'll make it work and we're just goof files and just just meeting so many people from that, like, Lauren has been one of my best friends for so long and 50 and just like crazy to see everyone's direction and where everyone's going. But it really is. God, I really do miss seeing everyone in the same directory like every day. I know I miss Everyone was so special, dude. But like I was, I was kind of blown away because I I basically found out about Twitch and then got on twitch like there was no, like, I watched for a while and then decided to do I had a different account. I actually used to place so much Warcraft, but I did like I did like role play PVP worlds, raid groups and stuff like that. And, um, we would crash zones, but I would like live stream it so people knew where we weren't stuff and boldly smokes. It was so Laghi had no idea what I was doing. My first ever like stream stream on Twitch as Mave was for Elder scrolls online role play. And we, like, did an extra life 24 hour stream. And then I was, like hooked because I was like, Oh, my God, there's people actually in the chat room. They're talking like they don't need money like my life has changed. Like this is my future. This is it, Like, this is over me. Like I need Thio be on this. I need Thio. Ah, start doing the things and do my own thing because I had graduated with, um with my bachelors of science in computer animation. I always like, perfect. I can act like an idiot. I can play my video games and I can create my own animations and just showcase it in blah, blah. And so yeah, So you immediately connected with it Thio when you started streaming Oh, yeah, I literally like I I don't understand why people get so upset with a smaller view count. Because, like, I'm excited to talk to people when yeah, when I'm like, obviously you want to grow progression, a form of happiness, like it just is, um, bites when, like, enjoy those milestones you're gonna grow It's impossible not to grow on twitch like it's 11 11. Duda. Uh, it's impossible, though, to not grow like even if it takes you 10 years, you're not gonna have one follower or one viewer for your entire streaming career unless you really don't and by anyone to your stream and a couple of thing, unless you don't put certain amounts of working like for sure if you're helping, it's treating for 30 minutes at random times forever with no one brought letting anyone knows just like yeah, but let me media. I literally just started screaming and had a few people in my chat. They were making fun of me, but like, I really just talk to myself well and just laughed at myself. And I really wish that odd shot didn't get rid of clips and just archived it because I have so many old ones where I had, like no one in my chat like before clips or even this them before they're even made. There were a bunch of different programs that tried to clip that. We're okay, Um, but like I talk to myself. I talked to myself. I've been hate Rated. I've been like you. When you're in the lower viewer, count, you get like, groups of trolls that go around and I'd like to tear you down. And I had that and that. You just have to roll with it. You have to. You don't have a There's no there should not be an option. You should be like. Okay, well, if this happens No, do not give yourself that safety net. Do not give yourself a plan B. Earls that Plan B is your plan a playing guys or nothing? Have you heard the like? It's like a parable I think of, like, burn your ships. Yeah, because that's exactly that. Like, you've got to go into it if you like. For me. I had the same kind of like, damn, I connect to this when I started streaming. And I think that's one of the things some people, when they start, they don't feel and they push it any way they think they're thinking about it too much. Like though I'm doing no great for me because of these reasons. Yeah. Yeah, and not like Oh, fuck this is me like, Holy shit, I can connect to this. I can really, like, sink my teeth into it. And that was me, Like, I felt good when I screamed when I had one viewer, none viewers. I was like, This is something I think I could do. Like, I really dig this and that, like Bill Spencer aggression like personal power and like, the fact that it's your thing. But then when you later on, you realise like, yeah, it's your thing. Like, fail or or not, it's your thing. So that's been really crazy. Toe learn is like, You know what? Like, I hope I fell a lot. I've been crashing and burning so much and there sometimes more times than not this last year that I was like, Man, I dropped the ball so much and I was okay because like, this, next year is gonna be pretty dope like it's okay projected to be pretty dope. And I can't wait, dude, Same same. And that's man, it's It's so great because I just listened to a podcast that, um I think it was Louis House and he was interviewing solo Athletic. He's hilarious. I'll just saying because I don't know why I feel the need to just troll him. But he responds to everything, and it just makes me so happy on. I like Dion him, um, the other day, and I was like, Hey, like your you're all right. But like every time you post something and I'm like, Oh, God, can I get, like, a can I, like, snort this This, like vibe? Like, can I like you have the meth of, Like what you're saying You just love it, huh? Do you follow Tom Bill? You too. I don't know. If I do, he d does impact theory on YouTube. I fucking love his videos. So inspiring does something very similar to what Louis House does. Um, but I had a moment like where I was watching his stuff, and I'll admit, like, I was tripping balls at the time. So it was like towards the end of my trip, and I'm, like, in the super like, I don't know, excited, like I can't wait to get shit done. So I'm gonna watch something that inspires me kind of mode. I watched one of his impact theory videos in, like, you know, their faces are melting a little bit, but the message was like really hitting me. And I sent Tom Bill you a message on Twitter, and I probably should not have, but I d m them to let him know how much I loved all of his videos. And then I rewrite it again the next day. And I was like, Why am I like this? Yeah, like it was it wasn't too bad or anything, but it was clear that, like, I was very happy at the time, because I was just like, I just feel so good. What? What? Your videos. But anyway, anyway, so going back to the idea of, like, personal responsibility, I was listening toe Louis Howe. I'm pretty sure it was His podcast was interviewing solo athletes, and they were talking about how one of the things they love about not doing team sports is it is all on them. In the challenge of that is so nd using like if I win, it's me. If I fail, it's me. But at least like there's nothing that's out of your hands, right. Uh, I fucked up on this. I learned from it. I move forward Yeah, it's dope. I love doing this. I mean, I just I think for me to work at a company or work with other people or have a boss, um, they would really have to step it up because my work ethic is pretty, pretty intense. And if I'm working on something, I wanted to be awesome. And there's like, No, there's no like 80% or 99%. Like I'm 100 and 10% kind of girl when I go into anything and even if I like slip, unlike podcast or slip on like a stream game or whatever, like there's always like 100 10% like I'm always thinking of 50 different reasons or why, or like everything like so they would have to be pretty intense for me to even feel like they're, like, ready to show up like I really I really would need people who are very intuitive and go getters and just inspiring and just ready to take on whatever you take on like Yeah, I considered, um, I'm still going to be working on, like, animation stuff that way, you know, when I'm older, I can be like a Let's work and work at, like, a studio or something. Um, but, dude, we should actually tag team some stuff there. Like we'll talk off like I just It's just like I really want to work. I eventually don't want to be my own boss. Like the goal is Thio try so many different things. And I've been doing this for so long, and I went like I tried different platforms. Like I I I tried shooting on Facebook castration. Go mix there. A really pissed off twitch, but I I don't regret any of it. And, um, okay, just trying different things is like where I met. And I'm always that I'm the girl in the stars. Like my head is in space. Like usually, people are like, Oh, I'm in the clouds. You're in the clouds again, like No, no, no. I'm like, in another galaxy. Uh, I had a good ideas. Are I'm, uh I'm in What? What do they call it? And, um, an old drug creative. Where I if I'm left to my own devices, I'm just start creating, Like if I can't have my days when I don't schedule anything, my days off are literally my busiest days because that's when my brain is like going on a triathlon like that 100 K. Brain run is like my day off. So when people really do you have a date? I don't have a PhD, but they people always joke that I'm unmedicated a d D. Um uh, well, my understanding is that a D. D. Was like the former diagnosis. Now it's like all a PhD because it's it's not necessarily like your body is hyperactive, but your mind don't know because it's like it's fascinating because, like, I totally relate to that. I get super, super creative and that from what I've been learning, that's everyone. If we ever give ourselves some time for you data, we get super creative. But my problem is, is my 80 HD brain is like Start this. Now start this Master this'll now. Sure, so I have to work way hard to stay on track, even just cleaning my house I'm cleaning. Five rooms are like, you know me. I'm a very, uh, kind of. I'm a little more precise than that because I did try that and it was too much. And I was like, Nope, this is not gonna work. What's the plan here? Um oh, I would kill that focus honestly, with cleaning the house, for example, I only do one room at a time, and I make that room awesome. And that's it. That's all I do for the day. And then the next day I'm like, All right, what Romney's really needs to be touched up like then that's the room we work on, cause otherwise Mommy would minutes like, I'll start and I'll be like, Okay, today, his bathroom day. I'm gonna go clean my bathroom and I'll go into the bathroom and I'll be like, OK, I've got, you know, stuff in the toilet. That's like soaking. I have to go grab something from the other room. So I leave the light on. I leave everything in there, and I'm like today is toilet day. I make it into the kitchen to grab like paper or wiping that encounter exactly that I'm like. Well, while I'm here like the stuff is soaking, so I'll just wipe real quick. And then I get halfway through the kitchen, realized I need something in the other room and I'm like, Okay, so I'll leave that I'll go do this and then I make it into the living room. And next thing I know, I have all the lights on in the house, cleaning products in every room. Every thing is like half done. And I'm like, Oh, my God, stop it. So I have to make lists like I were No, no, by hard at maintaining my way have white boards in the house of tour lists and stuff. And, like basically bounties in the house and quest, maybe you get reward. Oh, my Come gamer Mom Li like I am, I am such a gamer stamps that when I'm like the bathroom needs be done, I'm like, Okay, let's go, We're going in. Go. I literally have, like, a house cleaner like tray of just everything in one spot, and I just grabbed that my going there and I turn on music and I just bang it out and then it's done. And then I I leveled up. I wanna one that level and then we'll go back because then I'll just be thinking if, like I put it on my list, I'll just be thinking about all day. But if I know that I did something I'm won't. So that's like freeing for my brain. Is that Do you use that kind of like mentality with your kids to To get them to do so like they don't get Thio slink away and do a crappy job like they do a good job? Or else do you keep doing it until it's a good job? You have to put out your best work. And if it's not, you just keep trying until it is until you're happy with the results. You know, if you don't have any content out there about like gamer mom shit, please get on that Because someday I'm gonna pop up and I'm gonna be going through all of your shit like, Okay, this is how she did it. Oh, oh, but there's like it was like the thing that I teach the most that's the most important is just be a good person and do a good job. That's it. My us. I don't care if you don't do your homework. You have to read like reading is 100% like not negotiable. Um, are you gaining knowledge and more one way or another or not, That's not necessarily just repeating this and and teaching them about things that they should be learning in school like specks ed and like, how do you do CPR and like, they're gonna be doing self defense class soon and like, there's just so many things that they are unaware of, like how to cook food, how to boil water link there at that age, where they're learning all of that. And, like, if if anything were to happen, like what happens if the power goes out? What happens if someone comes in the house like they're already trained to know what to do? So that way, they don't break out. You go over it every time we leave the house and they're just chilling or from like running the grocery store really quick. And they're just like, hanging out. They know what to do. You have a son and a daughter. I like won the lottery. You did. You did. That is nice person to be a little too young when I was like, super poor and like, very like, able to bounce back from like being tired, huh? That's the thing that makes me the most nervous lately I most energy I've ever held new parents like it might ever gonna sleep again. And I'm like, No, but like, you're gonna be like on a drunk cloud nine for a while, So that's cool. What kind of self defense are you gonna get them into? Just has, like, protect themselves against from people because, like, human trafficking is a really big issue in this country, and no one talks about it. And it's something that I worked on in my school and advocated for. And it's my biggest fears for people to get taken. Liam Neeson style, and it happens every day happens all the time. Now there's more proof because everyone has a camera on their front lawn, so it's really hard. Take people and not know where they're going because you can literally track a car. They literally tracked a car from a from state to state by seeing it on camera view. So it's awesome, but terrifying. Um, it is. Someone tried to kidnap my birth mother when she was young. From my mom, they tried to, like take her out of a bathroom and my mom like end of freak out and yell at them. Oh, that probably sounds really weird if you didn't know my adopted by my biological grandmother. So my my mom is my birth mom's mom. Yeah. So, like when she was younger, someone took her like, my mom is waiting outside for her daughter to come out, and some strange lady comes out holding her hand and tried to, like, fight with my mom and claimed that it was her daughter tried to, like get security involved in everything. Obviously, they found a finding out the truth. That was some serious. It's terrifying, and it's like it's riel and it happens every day. And, um, that's something that I really fight against and make sure that they're good, Like Mace. Like we don't carry Mace because they could use it on you, that sort of thing. Um, weapons, all that kind of stuff. Spirits like not great you like. If you If you're not gonna be bigger than the person like, can I make a recommendation then, for, like, a type of self defense that is super awesome. You don't just say they're gonna be doing you did. Thank God, my that because all of them, especially for your daughter are are tiny. They're small. They're on the small side. Yeah, and so they need to be able to do if we can get fucking crazy and do justice. The only way, Yes, that's what they're feeling. Oh, my God. I loved you just so much. I can't wait to go back. I've taught so many my siblings, like little moves. And like Gracie, Jiu jitsu especially, has a really great like ST aspect to it. They want to make sure there's a lot of self defense in there. It's not just like tournament, but like I could choke someone out with their hoody in a second. Anyone who tries to, like, jokingly come up behind me and, like, put their arm around my neck like they're on the ground in a moment without me even realizing what I'm doing at this point. And I I am not great at it yet, like I've still been training on and off for like, 10 years or so. I just I remember going into those classes and being like the only woman in there for the majority of the time, like over the years, there've been handfuls that, you know, coming out of the class. But for women, especially, are most vulnerable. Position is like on our back legs over right in ju jitsu. That is a position of strength. Like if someone happens to actually take me down to the ground and they are trying to get there, I'm gonna choke them out so fucking fast. Yeah, I mean, it's important you got cool. God, especially with, like, social media and, like live streaming in length. Just you haven't viral streaming like Russia is scary. Okay, that really is. That's a no for me dog. I warn people before any con like listen, some of it is like not even bullshitting. Some of it is like automatic, like I drilled this stuff for years. So certain behaviors exhibited by another person will result in me doing certain things. So I warn him like, Don't come running up to me and try and pick me up because people think that's appropriate. Don't come running up to me and hug me without, like, making eye contact and getting a clear like, hey, snaps. My name is this and then wait for the recognition, and then my arms will open on give you a hug. I've had strangers walk up behind me and put their hands over my eyes on they like, Hey, snaps. Guess who? Because they expect me to know their voice for Mon lion. I've had people try to grab my ass because we joke around about but touches and I warn everyone now before events. Listen, here's the deal. Make sure you get a very clear okay before going in for a hug, because I swear I do not mean to be rude about this, but I will hurt you, like do not touch me unless you know for a fact that we have made eye contact that this hug is okay with me and that's it. Like no doing the whole, like she should know me. We've met a few times. Therefore, I can, like, do this like I will probably hurt you. Yeah, yeah. No, it's, um it's pretty crazy because, uh, the whole like viewer in streamer thing, there was a huge incident. I don't know if it was this twitch coming or last one, but like, people are just not aware. And they feel like you have to give them the time of day and Ah, give them special treatment because you know them And you've been watching them for so long. And so you better give me a hug or you better, you know, sign my my boob, or you better like you better acknowledge me in person too. Or else, like I know I know who you are. And I know what I could do to you. And it's like, uh what the fight. That's a no sleepy news there. And there are some people who, like, really abused that familiarity in, like, kind of mundane but irritating ways. Like if I've got, like, a line of people waiting to say hi a guardian con and you are showing him your mod higher notebook full of all of your artwork from the last year and 1/2 like No, please. There was someone who literally did that, Not last year. The year before. I think they brought out like a whole portfolio and wanted me to look over all their art. And I kept saying like, Hey, I love it. I'd love to see more, But like in motioning to the group like I need to talk to these people. Yeah, I got one more, one more and then they just kept going. I had to be really blunt with that person. Like, like, closed their book for them. Like, Hey, thank you. Really great to see you. I have to talk to these people. Do you get a lot of people who are new to streaming just because, Like, yeah, I mean, I think streaming is gonna be like instagram or Facebook. Everyone's gonna have a strobe. Um, yeah, my sister wanted to get into it, and I was like, don't share personal information like change a name. That's my biggest fear is like my family and friends getting on and not understanding just how diligent some people are, where you can tell us a story about that someone in your family was like, This is where we live. Yup. Thio, sit down. It's happened so many times so many times. People like just kind of walking that line and like the amount of people who have sent mediums telling me that they know, like private things about me. It's so weird. Like there are a lot of people who think that they know my last name because they see me tagged and stuff with my siblings. But, like, we have different last names, so I'll have them, like, send me search results of searching like Jessica Sandoval will be like, Absolutely not. But why are you fucking Are you kidding? The most requested surged on my Google is like, What's her real name? How old is she? Where does she live? Oh, my God. Dude, that was okay. I'm this is us acknowledging that we Googled ourselves, obviously, but that's literally one minor. I think that's because we're not, like, so young that people just assume that we're, like, you know, like, college age or whatever. So they're like, how old are they? And then it's it's she snaps age. She snaps riel name and I forget what one of the other ones waas. Oh, I don't remember. It's so dumb. Uh, and then it's like even if I shared that, no one like one cares like it's not that deep. Then people are like, Oh, no. Okay, we'll be playing now like it's not that serious. So I'd rather like I personally like my gamer tag in my gaming world, right? Like that's it would be so weird if someone walked up and was like, Hey, name like No Mom, Huh? My mom called me by my name. So it's like, No, that's a no. Unless you're like a handful of people. The oh, you have to tell me if you're all right. Yeah, there's there's a handful of people who call me by my first name, and I don't mind it when it's like from friends. But it can sometimes be weird because, like some people use it as a way of trying to make us seem like butter friends and And that, like the I heard something nice. You for me like, Yes, I don't I haven't used my name and forever like legal documents. Um, what is the medical situation? E r. A trip. That's pretty much it. My insurance is under the map show. Oh, yeah, Yeah, it's a little weird. I had I had one of my vendors reach out to me, one of my sponsors telling me that someone had reached out to them about getting I think getting a sponsorship are working with them or something. And they name dropped me like first name said we were super good friends. All this stuff and they reached out to me and asked me who it was and the name they had given. I was like, I have no fucking clue. I had to go in search and then I figured out who it was, and I was like, That's weird to me. That's weird. They're telling people that we're like best friends. And yet, like I consider myself friends with my whole community. But there's a big distinction, I think, between like friends and best fucking there's, I mean, even my best friends. They don't call me by my name. So it's like, um, stop it, Stop it, call me. But I want what I want to be called, which is kind of like the whole, um, Pride Month thing, right? Like everyone, everyone. Oh yeah, figuring out what their sexuality is or they know or that I don't know. And it's just interesting what people want to be called by, and I'm I'm still learning about mine, and it's just so fascinating because people pay more attention now for that, then ever before, which has been super cool like bully crab water time. I I really agree. You know, it was nice because my boyfriend. His first language was Spanish. So, like his English obviously is like It's great. But there are some times where he says things that you're like OK, so in our in English that that sounds a little strange, like he has a habit of replacing in and out with off, huh? So if he's driving over downtown, he'll say, Someone got on the car and someone got off low. And I keep telling him like, Well, when you say someone got off like this is what it sounds like It sounds a little inappropriate. So, like, we're kind of constantly like working on the language stuff. But we had a conversation about pronouns recently, and because of the Spanish and English combo that he speaks, he was like having a harder time initially, wrappings mind around how to do non gendered pronouns, cause like it just the sentence structure didn't work. So we had, like, a 15 minute talk of like, Here's what you would replace. In this sense, here's what you do like it. They them it's really not that hard. It's just a little confusing at first because you're not used to this. Sundin stronger but at the end of it, he was like, Oh, great. Okay, I get it, I get it, I'll stick today. Them got it, like that's That's the default. Now what people tell you, Yeah, Bay, just, um, it's super cool. It's super cool, and I think it's awesome. And especially things like different types of sexuality is like Demi, sexual and lank, a sexual and learning so much like arrow sexual like there are so many different ones that I'm learning. Still, what if there had one where it's not a sexual, but it's like, though they don't love the way? Um, that is, like normal or like, just like Okay, like, uh, straight kind of love. They love people like they love like a child or a family member. They don't like love. Okay, Passionately orderly, romantic, romantic. Let's from trying to say romantic. They don't love romantically, but they love like the family love like theirs. House would be like that kind of love relationship, which is so interesting I couldn't believe it. I didn't even know about that, was it? Dummy sexual with ones were like in an emotional connection. Before you ever feel a sexual connection And that's totally me. That makes them a lot of or sure, Um, but yeah, like that's been really cool. And, uh, it's cool that our platform is such like a loud voice for it. Um, and it has been a along like, Yeah, it's cool. I'm really glad for that, too, because, you know, before I started on twitch, I'm bi, but like I, I wouldn't I couldn't even acknowledge my some because, like especially growing up in a conservative she area, there's, like, this idea that women are only by because they are experimenting or they're only doing it for, like, the attention of murder. I think I'm gonna go make out old likes and turn on my boyfriend. Exactly, and because I have basically only had, like, long term, like man female relationship kind of stuff, I just I was like, I don't know, maybe I'm not really by, even though I've been attracted to women and men since that was very young, it didn't really click with me like, and my one of my exes was like a big proponent of that whole, like Oh, it's just it's just a thing that women do. It doesn't mean anything like gay is gross, and this morning around it's totally normal. Yeah, so like after leaving that relationship after getting on twitch it, like, really helped opened my eyes to so many things that I was wrong about, like about my own sexuality, about my own like, kind of internalized misogyny. I was one of the people who thought that, like girls, didn't respect themselves if they used their bodies to, like, make money or whatever. And I'm so grateful for Twitch for showing me how ignorant Waas and like it's still growing. I had no idea that there was so many different doing like you're talking about, like dummy, sexual and all of this. I'm so excited to learn new ways to understand my alibi. No idea that people focus so hard on that because I grew up in the complete opposite I grew up in, like I don't see gender, race or color. My, my literally grandparents are very dark. They're 100% Hawaiian, so they literally have an Afro like, um, they're very dark. My mom is a brown version of me, and I'm very Italian and like love is so fluid because my mom is is like such a hippie. So she's like, love what you want love. He's in love like it's fun and like do what you want to do, be free living life and like That's my mom on I'm so thankful, Awesome. But when I was alike growing and learning about that and learning how link I don't have to I don't have to love just a guy. I can love whoever I want and I'm attracted to women. But I've never had that emotional connection to a woman the way that I have. But I also haven't had a lot of chances. Like, you know, I've had a relationship with the woman, and it was It was when I was really young, but it was really and I still love her to this day. And so it's very it's very interesting to learn now that that was like super normal, because for me it was like when I really I lived in, like California, where everything is just like rain bone seventies and just stays in this like this time war of like old times, so so interesting, cause like like I I live in the suburbs of Chicago right. So I was born in on the south side, lived there for a very short amount of time before my birth Mom took off. But like when my sister was sick and getting transplants and stuff like we spent a lot of time downtown because we're only, like, an hour outside of the city. So, like, my area outside of the city, so fucking conservative. Like I went to the bars last year with a girlfriend of mine in this area, which I almost never do anymore. And I was just like, Oh, the way that people talked and reacted like it is so unlike the way that I feel when I'm downtown. So it was It was always weird growing up to be able to go downtown and feel like so free and then to come back to the suburbs and be like, Okay, only certain colors are okay here. Only certain body types are okay. Only certain beliefs are okay here. Like my friend and I went to this big bar that had a random, like, kind of actually awesome country band like a cover thing going on. And we're standing at the bar like, minutes after walking in and some, like petite woman, turns around in her seat and says, Okay, it is so nice to see other women that take care of themselves here. And I was just like what? And she motions around the room and says, It's just like, you know, it's It's such a shame to see so many people like this that just don't care about their bodies. And she starts pointing to these heavyset women. And my friend was just like that. So and I was just like, Are you fucking kidding me? That is a very unkind thing to say and she's like, Well, I'm not I'm not being mean. Like, No, that's very unkind. Do you not see that? And she was just kind of was, like all phone no, and then just turned around and see. I'm like, fucking kidding me. Then, like later that night, some dude is trying to hit on my friend, and his way of bragging was to show us his instagram with all these pictures of his truck, and one of the pictures had a Confederate flag T o. And he was so none of that I was like, I want to throw up right now. I want to throw it on all of you. I I I'm so lucky. I have not had to be. I mean, I also didn't live in a huge city like Chicago, You know where It's just, like, very reactive. Like what I've done is I've visited Chicago, and it was awesome, but there were definitely a lot of moments where I was like, Oh, God, am I gonna be okay? Like, um, I is this. Give me good. We always everyone Gucci young cool. Okay, cool. It's crazy because Chicago is like one of the friendliest cities forgiven, like given the size of especially, there are obviously some areas that, like gang activity, wanna be smart in the whole city itself. I can't say like every. Like if you're on the north side or wherever you're gonna be safe, there's there's crime everywhere, right? But it's if you kind of don't act like a fucking, it's fine. For the most part, you're safe. And this is not discounting the people who have been, you know, assaulted or hurt when they were doing their bus to be alert. But like I've been traveling to the city by myself since I was a kid. I, like, spent years down there when my sister was in the hospital, and I haven't had any issues. Like, if you stay relatively aware of your surroundings, you take some precautions. You're probably kind of a great luck. It's gonna probably be off somebody really friendly. Yeah, Like I've met so many people, just like on street corners waiting to cross the street. Start talking. I love your shirt. I love your shoes. Oh, you smell like we Do you want to go smoke? Yeah, totally. Yeah. Like it's crazy. Crazy. Just be cool. You're gonna come to a meet up, right? I want to go to one of those meet ups so badly, more than any other. Meet up. I think I've ever heard off like the Chicago Meetup is No, Joe. You guys like they go hard? Yes. Yeah. If it weren't for the fact that the next one is like right in the middle of fucking December, I would be harassing the shit out of you to come to that one. But if you don't come to the winter one, then whenever they plan another like decent weather when you've gotta get out because we do a whole weekend thing with my community to make it worth it for people who come in from out of town. So we'll do like a party the night before or the night after, and we usually try to do brunch. And after the actual party, we generally try to go out and find a place to have drinks. This last one was in Skokie, so that was a little harder. But when it's downtown, we just wander. So it's It's a fucking hell. I was awesome. Yes, yes. Amazing. Okay, I need to start wrapping this up, but I'm so glad, so glad you joined me. I'm really excited to do these, like, conversations with creators and to start it off. Yes. Let's start it off. Well, thank you so much for having me. I always love talking to you. It's been so awesome to be able to, like, hang on with you more this year. More than the past couple of years, so I've really got to Glad I got to know you more and glad we got a chance. So described him to this podcast right now. Well, now's the part where you get to promote the fuck out of yourself. Tell everyone where to find you. Oh, I have the map show. Literally everywhere. We've got a lot of crazy things going on. Ice cream. A lot of early evening, afternoon and some late night streams. Weekends are on the evening. So if you're around, then just kill himself. Amazing. And if there's any piece of advice that you could give to anyone who was looking to be a creator of any kind, what would that advice be? Um, you If you're a creator of any kind, you will always just fall into it. And don't just give up. It takes a long time to get good at it. Art takes a while, and if you're consistent with it and you do it at least once a day, you'll get really good at it. Yeah, and math. I fucking love you. Thanks for an awesome podcast. I love you. D'oh! All right, dude, have an awesome day. Thank you all for tuning in for this week's podcast. That was so fun. I just love math so much he's so inspiring. I hope that you will all go and follow her subscribe to her channel comments on Oliver stuff. Ask her more questions because she is so insightful. Such a sweetheart. Um and, yeah, I'm really looking forward to doing more of these. So if you enjoy this one next, relieve some comments I always appreciate when you you guys can like and subscribe and and review and rate and do all the things that helped things like this grow. So you're super super appreciated. And don't forget the mind of snaps. YouTube is now alive like that. That shit is really happening. I'm a blogger now. Apparently, I don't know. I'm not great at it yet, but I'm excited to do more. So check out the mind of snaps YouTube. Make sure that you check out my twitter in my instagram if you haven't already those air, both mind of snaps and I have another option available to you. It is the patri on which I'm excited to start putting more content on. I just have to probably restructure a few things. But right now you can get coaching and conversation through patri on which is us setting up sessions where we kind of talk through some of your goals and some ways that you might be able to start working towards achieving them. And I also offer my photography through patri on. So if you want Cem signed snapped prints for your walls patriot dot com slash shoe snaps again. Y'all are fucking awesome. Manifest dope. Shit.

spk_1:   1:7:28
Bye. No way.