Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 06 - "I refuse to give up because I haven't tried all possible ways"

March 21, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 6

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next week. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with.

This is my 6th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it inspires you to continue kicking all kinds of ass in your life, regardless of the challenges you face. You haven't tried ALL possible ways. 

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.

Also subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone.


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Hello, friends. Happy today? For me, it's Saturday, 21st of March 2020. And here I am again getting ready to share an older positivity podcast from the patri on with y'all. Just another reminder we have at least another week of thes coming your way. Possibly more, depending on you know how things go. I'm I'm definitely enjoying putting out as much positivity as I can for you every day. So as I was listening to the positive positivity podcast that I'm gonna be releasing today, it's from June 25th 2018. And it's regarding the affirmation I refused to give up because I haven't tried all possible ways. What a perfect affirmation, considering everything we're all going through right now. And normally I like to include a little additional note about these, but I think you'll see that when you listen to this or I guess you'll hear I was pretty fired up. I I listen to it again this morning and I was like, You know what? I still stand by this, so I don't really have much to add. Just really be kind to yourselves. Give yourself your best shot here and know that even when you start thinking I've done it all, there's no way it will work for me. There are other options available to you that you just might not have seen yet. Please, my friends, you are loved. You really are. Please refuse to give up because you really have not tried all possible ways. Drink some water stretch, listen to the rest of this and kick some ass today, Butts. Good morning and happy Monday. I hope you're all having a great day so far. I know I am, Since I managed to actually get some sleep again. Well, who? So today I wanted to use an affirmation that I believe is so important because it encourages us to not give up even when the odds seem to be against us. Today's affirmation is, and I'll say it slowly in case you want to repeat it with me. After I refused to give up because I haven't tried all possible ways. I refuse to give up because I haven't tried all possible ways. Whatever issues you're experiencing in your own life, you must first remember that no matter what death or self harm are not the answer you must make the choice today and every day to not give up even when things air hard, death or self harm are not the answer. Remember that. Even if you believe you've tried everything, you likely heavens, this one can be difficult because it's easy to believe at times that we know exactly how things are gonna play out. And as a result, we sometimes don't even try. It's so important to remember that we could be wrong and that there are always more options. Keep researching, keep learning. Keep talking to others about what you're trying to overcome. Do everything you can think of because your life has so much value and could be exactly what you want it to be. But it's up to you to make it that way. No one else can force you to continue on. No one else can force you to give up the decision in the actions are all entirely yours. I'm sure this point at least a few of your thinking, Sure. Easy for you to say. But you don't know my story. I hear that all the time. I'm different. My problems are worse. My life is harder. That could be right. I could take this time to go into all of the different horrible shit I've experienced to try to convince you that I can relate. But I don't think that's a great use of the time I dedicate to these positivity podcasts. The fact is, all of us face adversity at times, in varying degrees, sure, but we all deal with times in our lives where it's so easy to think. Fuck it. I give up because it just seems like there's no point in even trying. Well, let me tell you again. There is a point in trying. Even if you fail 100 times, I think sometimes a simple shift in perception can help a ton. For example, If someone told you today, Hey, I can fix this problem you have. The only thing is you have to do this one action, ah, 100 times and then it will magically be corrected. I think the majority of us would say, Okay, let's go. I'll do that because there's a guarantee that it's going to work out. In the end. Instead of waiting on some magic guarantee of success, let's instead focus unbelieving in ourselves and our ability to make things happen. I said all the time You are capable of incredible things and it's the damn truth. Don't rely on someone else guaranteeing your success. Guarantee that shit for yourself. Tell yourself that you are going to keep trying until you achieve what you're trying to achieve. Believe in yourself, know that your life has so much value and could be so wonderful. But it's on you to make that happen. I consider this to be incredibly encouraging, to know that my life is in my own hands. I can look back through my life and see countless examples of me thinking that things could never get better. And then guess what? I made that shit better. I did me. Maybe I needed to ask for help for a few times. But the point is, I was the one doing it. I was the one who saw the places where I needed help and I reached out. I worked hard on myself in my mind and did everything I could to improve any and all skills that would help keep me moving forward. It's how we accomplished so much in my professional life years ago, so It shocked me when I realized how much I applied this. I can do it mindset, toe work, but not toe life. I think so many of us do this. So look back through your own life right now. Think of all the times you thought you couldn't accomplish something in your work. Life at school with friends, family, whatever I'm willing to bet. But in the majority of those instances, you buckled down and found a way to get through it. Maybe you talk to a friend, maybe research, whatever it is you made it through today is just another one of those times. If you're feeling like things are hard and can't possibly get better or if you're facing a problem and you've said to yourself, I just can't solve us, I give up. It's time for a change of attitude, my friend. You can do it. I refused to give up because I haven't tried all possible ways. I'm sure at least some of your thinking, but I have tried everything. I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there. I'm sure you have tried plenty of things, but I am certain you haven't tried everything. Have you read books and done research on whatever issue you're facing. Did you treat that shit like a damn book report and get as much information as you could? Great. Good start. What about talking to others with expertise? Maybe you've talked to one person, but keep going. Keep researching. Keep talking. Keep trying. It is okay to fail. You can learn so much from failure. Don't be deterred by 100 failed attempts. Be encouraged because that means you have even more knowledge than you had when you started. And you're probably closer than ever to finding your solution. I've struggled with my mental health and insomnia for so long. I believed I had tried everything. So I just sort of gave up. I accepted that I was probably always going to feel bad and that sleep was never going to be something I enjoyed frequently. Then one day after a long period of not trying anything, meditation was suggested to me. I fully believed that I had tried everything. Yet somehow I have never tried meditation. That was the first step on an incredible journey that has me now feeling like something close to a human again. I was so encouraged by the tiny bit of progress I made after meditation started working for me that I can't stop myself now I finally believe that no matter what I face, I can overcome it. I can encounter horrible things and still be OK. This is such a comforting feeling and it's rooted deeply in self belief and self trust. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. You can do it. Whatever you're facing, you are not alone. There are people who can and would love to help. And you have the most powerful tool ever at your disposal. Your beautiful fucking mind. We talk about this a lot too. I believe our minds are like calculators. They respond to the input and they provide output without any subject. Ih Vitti or emotion you ask it answers. Well, what if you're asking the wrong questions? If you ask your mind, why is life so hard? That motherfucker's gonna answer And probably in a way that's not helpful. Little if you ask your mind. How do I solve this problem? Guess what? Your mind is gonna work hard as fuck to figure it out, it will probably give you the first couple of stops to take a TTE the very least. So take them then when you hit the next road block instead of asking your mind, why can't I ever get ahead? Why am I stuck yet again? Ask your mind. Okay. How do we solve this new problem? Just keep going. Refused to give up. I could have never predicted my future as it is today. Not with all the knowledge available to me at the time. No matter how hard I tried. Yet here we are. I'm in a position to help, which is all I've really ever wanted in life. And I got here by not accepting failure as an option and by manifesting my motherfucking destiny. Now it's your turn. Stop allowing yourself to get lost in what ifs. Stop allowing yourself to even consider stopping as an option. When you hit a wall, Go over it. Go around it. Blow that bitch up. You are capable of anything. I refused to give up because I haven't tried all possible ways. You got this, Friends. Now go kick some ass today and start this week off right? Thanks for listening. Thanks for the support. Thanks for the love. Have a adult day. Bye.