Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 07 - "If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them"

She Snaps Season 420 Episode 7

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I will be releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here on a daily basis for at least the next week. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with.

This is my 7th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it inspires you to continue kicking all kinds of ass in your life, regardless of the challenges you face. You haven't tried ALL possible ways. 

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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speaker 0:   0:00
Hello, my friends. Happy today It is Sunday, March 22nd 2020 and I'm excited to be sitting here doing another quick little update to the positivity podcasts for you. As I've mentioned before, you should expect to see these coming out every single day for atleast the next two weeks. That's the plan. That's definitely the plan. So today's positivity podcasts that's that's going out is from what does that say? July, July 23rd 2018. Looks like there was a little bit of a break. A break. Oh, cause of guardian con, um even think I address that at the beginning of the podcast, which is funny because I just finished listening to it again in order to make this little update recording anyway. The important thing is, today's phrase for review is a really good one, and I feel that it's a really good one because it not only applies to what we're all dealing with right now, but I think it's really valuable for us to remember for the future as well. My focus lately has been to remind people as often as I can that we should all be doing our very best to manage our self care. I know this is hard. I know many of us are struggling, but without beating yourself up over it, that's very important part without beating yourself up over it. Please try your very best. It's so important that you keep yourself as healthy as you can in times like these, both mentally and physically. When we talk about Shane's sleep, hydration, air diet, exercise and stillness, there will always be some folks who respond with a full list of reasons why they can't take actions in many of those areas. I know we all have our own Kant's, the things their bodies aren't capable of doing easily or at all. We all have those things we struggle with. However, you all have a ton of different ways you can be helping yourselves. Let go of the focus on all of the cans and start looking for the things you can do for yourself. If all you do is argue for your own limitations, you are only hurting yourself, my friend Onley hurting yourself. So in the midst of everything happening right now, please remember, stay focused on all the ways you can do things it doesn't matter if you don't have weights at home, find something heavy to lift and do it as safely as possible. I'm sorry you can't go out and do all the things you're used to, but you can still go for a walk at a distance for mothers, and you can still keep an eye on your diet in a variety of ways. You can also make time to just sit still for a bit to see what's happening in your mind and your bodies that you can act or react appropriately. Please, not just because we're in a chaotic time, but in general, stop fighting for your limitations. Don't linger there. Refocus. What can I do right now for myself? Sometimes the answer is to just sit for a few minutes and breathe deeply. Sometimes it's to watch a funny show. Call a friend, do some push ups, whatever. You have so many more options than you may even realize if you're asking your brain the wrong questions, if you're staying focused on the things you can't do. When I started this, I mentioned, I think this particular podcast can be beneficial for the now as well as the later and there's a reason for that. In this podcast episode, I detail the ways I was able to take a very low level, part time job and turn it into a successful career. Many of us are likely to find ourselves in the position of having to start over when it comes to our careers, our relationships, our education. As someone who has played the start over game countless times in my own life, please again take some deep breaths, know that it's okay. Starting over can be so valuable. It may not feel ideal, but even opportunities that seems small in worthless can turn into something meaningful with the right attitude, effort and intention. If you find yourself if you find yourself having to start over, please lean into it. Have fun with it. Learn, grow. Think of ways to challenge yourself to first, except where you're at and stop blaming yourself for judging yourself for it, and then go a step further and make the most out of it. One of my favorite favorite things to remind myself If it's not fun, don't do it. If you must do it, make it fun. Not everything has to be so serious. You're still alive. You're still with us. You still have another chance. Keep going. Look for the things you can dio stop fighting for your limitations. Because when you do that, you get to keep them. I hope that you enjoyed today's flash from the past podcast. It comes with a bit of back story that you may not have heard yet. If you're new to my content, um, again, Please remember, be kind yourselves. Be kind to others. Check in with yourself. Frequently manifests some dope. Shit. And if you have the ability to and would like to help support me and during this time and my ability to put out more free content, consider subscribing, tipping, throwing some bits during twitch streams or subscribing through the patriot. If not, don't feel bad. I'm happy to put this out for you. Even if you can't support in those ways doing my best to help. So you help yourself be kind, much love. Enjoy the podcast. Good morning. Happy Monday. I hope you're ready for another positivity podcast. I am so sorry. I haven't gotten one of these out in a while. Things have been very hectic with all of the preparation for guardian con. But that is over now. So thank you so much for being so patient and thank you again for supporting the patriotic means so, so much to me. I really hope that you're enjoying these and getting a lot of value out of them. I recently heard a quote that I heard a long time ago, um, again. And it it kind of hit me. So I wanted to share that with you today. So that quote is if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. Like I said, I heard this again recently, and it just it finally hit me in a really way. Like holy shit, That is the damn truth. So many times people approach me asking for advice. And when I start to tell them the ways that I overcame similar obstacles, I am mutt with immediate resistance. Yeah, but I'm different. I have all these things that prevent me from doing what you did or yeah, that sounds good, but I just can't motivate myself. Everyone seems to feel like they are stuck in situations instead of viewing those situations as a challenge they can overcome. Maybe you can't do it alone, but for fuck's sake, be willing to at least start out on your own. Start learning, start working, start asking questions and ask the right questions at Guardian Kind. I gave a talk about mental health, but what I really wanted was to inspire. I wanted for people to walk away from that feeling, like if I could do it, meaning start to feel better, happier, more focused, anyone could. I'm not special. I've achieved a ton in my life already. But I got so lost in the idea that I have achieved success yet that I allowed myself to feel like I wasn't capable of anything. What a damn joke! I told a story during my talk a guardian con about my work in the corporate world. Many of you may not realize that my most recent corporate job came into my life at a time when I desperately needed it. I had no other options. It was right after my sister passed away and we had been living together at the time, so everything that I was splitting with her suddenly was all mine. I was broke in debt being evicted from my house and I was working temporary jobs and doing gigs off of Craigslist to survive. I interviewed four and managed to get a job at the headquarters of a national company in the transportation industry, my job title was a floater. I literally had a job title that reminded me of shit, which is exactly what the job was. It it definitely was a shit job. I was being paid minimally in a part time capacity when I started, but I was actually very strangely fortunate. I was being trained by the girl who was about to be fired, and I was told about it seriously. I had to go to work and take instruction from this girl who was a few years younger than me who had worked at that office for over two years knowing that she was gonna get fired. As soon as I learned how to do what she did, I felt guilty as shit initially not gonna lie. But something crazy happened for me having to work with her in this job that I believed was a shit job. I started to realize it actually wasn't a shit job. It was just a job that she was choosing to believe sucked, and as a result, she stayed in it for two years. The job was filing sex of papers daily like honestly, stacks that if I had put them on top of each other, would have been much taller than me and filling the vending machine and going to Costco to pick up supplies for the office kitchen. Once in a while, I'd get an opportunity to cover the front desk while the receptionist went to lunch and I'd sit there and daydream about having that job instead of the one I have, especially because of the lack of manual labor. I had started out feeling sorry for the girl who trained me. But within a few weeks I learned that not only did she have an easy fucking job, but she was a barely working and was still managing to get raises consistently, not major raises. But she was at least a few dollars above minimum wage when I was hired. I mean, this girl literally took naps in the basement on a set of couches that were being stored in the back room. She knew everyone's schedules, so she knew exactly how she could slack off the amount of fucking work this girl put into being able to do nothing was mind boggling. Imagine if she had just applied herself to the job instead of applying herself to avoiding it. Sure, it was boring, thankless work. But the issue is that she viewed it as boring, thankless work instead of as an opportunity. Maybe that mindset plus all the basement couch naps are the reason she wasn't gonna be hanging on to that job. After all. By the time she was fired from the company, I had stopped feeling sorry for her. I started feeling sorry that she hadn't taken advantage of all she had around her. I was determined to not make the same mistake. I looked around and I saw so many cubicles and dusk covered with papers. I overheard people from all departments talking about being behind on work. The office was seriously understaffed, or so it would seem. And I believe that was my opportunity. I was gonna make my job into something more than a fucking floater. I started working hard, hard, hard, hard. This may seem silly since my job was so very basic, but I wasn't just working on my job. I was working on getting it done in record time because I wanted to convince them that I could take on more work in my free time, I observed. I talked to people about what their jobs were. I listened to the things they complained about, and then I would brainstorm, think about ways that I could help. My supervisors were shocked when they learned that the stuff my predecessor would take two weeks to get done. I could finish in 3 to 4 fucking days of work like, you know, hard work, but still 3 to 4 days. They were actually thinking of cutting my hours even further. When I asked them for more work, I told him you guys were paying or full time four years for pretty much nothing just bumped me to full time and give me more work. I did not get full time, but I did get more work. They gave me an ongoing task that everyone hated. I mean, hated. When people at my office found out I had been given this task, they made faces like someone handed me a literal pile of dog shit. Oh, you got insurance. I'm sorry. Or old man, They stuck you with insurance, huh? They made those faces for a reason. Handling the insurance for this company meant managing the documentation of insurance policies for hundreds of companies and ensuring that adequate coverage for every vehicle the company owned. I was given this ugly ass spreadsheet and a stack of insurance documents along with some very basic instruction. Check the state check this number, affects these things to these places, and then just wait. I made it my goal to learn more about insurance since I was me looking at these fuckin policies daily. And I made it another goal to learn more about Excel. I didn't know a ton about it then, but what I saw was such a clusterfuck that I was just certain I could do it better if I just tried. I cleaned that spreadsheet up. I made so many aspects of it automated. I made it beautiful. I made it easy for people to search and find everything that they needed. I set up a cleaner file structures. They could click on everything they wanted. Second have it then with my extra free time from cleaning up the spreadsheet. I learned about insurance. I learned why I was checking the numbers I was checking and why it mattered of certain things rough. I learned so much that I managed to identify an issue that none of the people who had had the insurance task before me had noticed none of them. The company I worked for was heavily exposed on the policies of hundreds and hundreds of vehicles, and they didn't even know it. I identified over 350,000 in potential losses, and I pointed it out to my supervisor and to the insurance company that we worked with in a detailed but very brief email message. The insurance company was so thrilled by this that they took me and three of my bosses to a very nice lunch the following week to thank us. This was three months into my corporate job there. I was promoted that week. Suddenly I went from being a floater to an administrative assistant, and I felt unstoppable. This propelled me into action like you would not believe I did the same thing over and over in his many ways as I could I learned everything I could about my job in the jobs around me. I learned everything I could, and then I looked for problems I could solve. If I couldn't solve it, I'd research ways to solve it. If I couldn't eliminate tasks, I'd look for ways to streamline them. I went from filing and filling pop machines, dreaming of a receptionist position to running the sales, marketing and distribution departments. Within a few years. I worked at that company for five years and in that time managed to secure a position in their highest ranks. I had everything working against me, too. Age I was the youngest person in that office gender, one of only a handful of women, especially only a handful of women that were ever promoted into any management rules education. Every other person on my floor had a fucking college degree, and I did not. But what I did have working for me was my attitude. I can't believe I never realized just how powerful and attitude is, even though I've had so many examples of what a positive attitude and determination will get you. It took me this long to see that if we apply this attitude to ourselves. We progress through life in a way similar to how I progressed through that job. Much of what I did there was hard as fuck. I worked my ass off to get to where I was when I left the company. But I felt good doing it. I felt good about my work. I believed that when it came to work, nothing was out of my reach. If I was willing to work for it. Well, guess what? That's how your mind works, too. I've been spending so much time lately researching and learning about our minds and our bodies, and it is fucking crazy what we're truly capable of. I saw a video from Jim Quick, who was called the boy with the broken brain who went on to become one of the world's leading memory experts. I watched video after video and red book after book of people who faced some form or many forms off adversity. And instead of saying this is why I can't get ahead, they said no. Fuck that. I'm gonna make some good shit happen. And they did in whenever it is that you are facing in life If you want to accept it as a limitation, go ahead. But if you accept it as that, it's yours forever. If you start seeing these limitations as challenges, though, and start researching the fuck out of them, I think you will be blown away by how much you can accomplish. You are the only thing that is stopping you from living the life you want. You are in control, but you're not alone. Start solving some damn problems and reach out to others. If you need some help, this won't be easy. But damn, it will be fulfilling. Learn about yourself and who you want to be in life and then start working and getting there. Don't fight for your limitations. Overcome them. Go kick some ass today.