Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 12 - "The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose GRATITUDE."

March 27, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 12

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I have been releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here for a while now and I'd like to know if you'd like more of these to be released. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts...literally.

This is my 12th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it reminds you to check in and see if you could work to change the way you're viewing the world. Swap those lenses!

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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speaker 0:   0:00
Hello, my friends. Happy Friday If it's Friday when you're listening to this, today's positivity podcast is from August 31st 2018 and I really like this one for today. One thing I think you'll find entertaining as I start out the podcast that you'll be listening to shortly is even back that I was talking about, potentially releasing the positivity podcasts to the public through the mind of snaps podcast. It's been on my mind for that long, and I finally have gotten around to doing it. We've been releasing these every day for nearly two weeks now, and I want to see how you all feel about this. So if you're enjoying these, please do me a favor and let me know if you want me to keep coming with ease for a bit, keep posting more of these. Um, maybe I can go another week or maybe longer, depending on your thoughts. Are these helping you? Are they adding any value in your day? Is there something else that you'd like to see come out on a daily basis? On the mind of snaps? Podcast hit me up on Twitter Instagram in Discord in Stream let me know your thoughts if you could, Um all of my social media is mind of snaps. So tag me Tweet me at me. Tell me what you think. Should I keep posting these? Are you good for a bit? You ready, Tow Kind of get back into some sort of a whatever kind of normal routine. You may be able to create it this time. Just looking for your feedback. Um, so today's positivity podcast we we go over a an affirmation. The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity. I really like this one. And I understand that, given the times were in right now, the word positivity may seem too much to light. I don't know, like we're looking at this very scary time. And I'm trying to tell you, like, look for the Sprinkles in the scary time. So if that doesn't resonate with you, replace the word positivity with gratitude. Because that, I think is is a more powerful way of reminding ourselves where we are at right now instead of allowing ourselves to be lost in our fears of where the future is going or in our disappointment that things aren't like they were in the past. So whenever possible, put on those lenses of gratitude, look around and be thankful for everything you do have. Rather than focusing on all the things that you cannot do that you do not have that you do not have access to. You are strong, you are powerful and you can change the way the world appears to you. But it does take some conscious effort. It does take some time. And as we've been talking about in Stream lately, when it comes to reshaping our minds and how they work and how they respond to things, how they respond to us, it takes a good amount of time and effort and energy to start shaping that, to convince it to act a certain way. And that's okay. You're essentially trying to train a toddler. That's that's sort of like the attention span that you might be dealing with in terms of your negatively biased mind that you're trying to turn a little more neutral, maybe even positive. It's hard. It's going to forget that that's what you wanted to d'oh! Just keep kindly and lovingly repointing it where you want it to go. Redirect, Refocus, You're doing great. And again, Like I said, let me know if you want me to keep releasing these. I want to do whatever I can for all of you, my lovely friends, during this time. And ah, anyone who can help support me. And you know my family as we're going through this as well. And, of course, when I talk about my family and talking about me, Alex and the dogs and cats, but still we got 82 So those of you who have signed up for the patri on those of you who are tipping and dropping bits and subscribing to these various channels and everything, it really, really means a lot. You're helping me to maintain my own sense of security during this time. And I greatly appreciate that If you want me to keep putting out more content like this, let me know tweet, share, do all the things and I will see you later for stream Be kind to yourself. You're doing great. Good morning. And welcome to another positivity podcast. Thank you so much for supporting via the patri on because that means that you are getting this pot guest well before everyone else. These will be going soon. Going live soon on the mind of snaps Podcast page. But you'll still get yours early since you've chosen to help out and I super super appreciate you. Anyway, I want to talk today about perception and challenge you to change yours up a bit. Did you know that snakes can see in the dark because they've got this dope s infrared style heats heat sensing system in place baths are able to fly around in the dark and use echolocation kind of like dolphins to find their way where they need to go. People in the world who have synesthesia may perceive letters and numbers as colors or even hear music when seeing certain colors in their daily lives. None of this is news to you, most likely, but have you ever stopped to really consider what that means? I started contemplating this a bit earlier, and it's kind of fucking crazy when you think about it. Perception has a huge impact on your life, and you probably pay little to no attention to it. The majority of the time, your experience of the world is completely different from everyone else's. And who knows what types of things you see that others don't kind of like the snakes being able to see our heat bats. Being able to kind of see sound like this. This shit is crazy. So let's let's consider this sentence. As an example, Dr Jones went to the vet to pick up the dog. Dr. Jones went to the vet to pick up the dog. Every person listening to this podcast heard the same sentence. Yet I'm certain if you all sat down to draw what you envisioned when hearing that sentence, your drawings would be so vastly different. What can a dog did you imagine? Was Dr Jones a man or a woman? What did the vet's office look like? Was it run down? Was it scary? Was it bright and cheerful? My point with this is that not just internally, but as we react with it or interacts with it. We all actually see our lives differently. We all experienced the world differently. It's important to remember this for money reasons, one reason in particular to remind yourself that it doesn't matter what others think about you and what you do with your days because they are experiencing a completely different reality than you. They don't see the picture that you see in the exact way that you d'oh. Even with lots of assistance, they may never be able to understand your reasoning or your desires the way that you do. Another reason I feel you should remember. This is because we now know that we have the ability to impact our perception of the world by taking control of our own minds. So this leads us right into the affirmation I wanted to share with you all. Today I'll read out loud and then give you a chance to say it with me a second time. The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity. The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity. Have you ever taken a test with with reading comprehension portions where you read a little paragraph and then you answer questions about it afterwards? Sometimes you could read what felt like a ton and still get to those questions and say Wait that was covered. Shit. I gotta go back and re read it. Did you ever try reading the questions first, though, and then doing the actual reading afterwards? If you did, you probably noticed the same thing I did when I was younger. It was much easier to answer the questions at the end when you knew them while doing the reading. Why? Because you trained your brain toe. Look for those answers and to notice those specific things. This same concept applies to our daily lives. We all have goals we want to accomplish. And for many of us, one of those goals is becoming a more positive person. What if you kept that idea in mind while you want around or went about your business each day? Do you think he would change the way you saw the world? Well, science tells us that practicing gratitude is good for us and does exactly that by taking time to make note of all the things you're grateful for. Each day your brain is being trained toe look, form or things to be grateful for, so you can answer the question of what am I grateful for at the end of the day in a similar way. You can shape the way your world looks overall by simply training your brain toe. Look for the good instead of a bad to look for solutions. Instead of counting all the problems you have, life can be a reald dick. Sometimes we know this, but we also know there is a ton of beauty in this world. Many of us spent far too much time focusing in obsessing over all of the bad things happening that we've effectively trained our brains toe. Look for more of that. We've told our brains exactly what is important to us negativity. So as we survey our surroundings and move through our lives, our brains are actively scanning our environment firm or evidence of that negativity. What if you took more time to be positive and grateful? What types of things do you think your mind would notice then the world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity. I remember when I first started getting into photography. I've always loved it, but there was definitely a time in my life where I was much less motivated to actually go out and create. Then I bought myself a new camera, and I feel like my whole world opened up my perception of the daily shit I was seeing and experiencing completely changed. Suddenly I was viewing life through a lens, even when I didn't actually have my camera with me. Photography is great because amazing photographs don't always contain bright, cheerful colors or rainbows or sunsets or fucking butterflies. Some of the most striking photos are gritty, dark, emotional and found in strange spots. Once I realize that everything is beautiful in its own way, everything started to be more interesting to me. Something simple that's generally viewed as unpleasant or gross or even mundane, like a bunch of Dumpsters in an alley can be made into a super interesting photo that elicits all sorts of different emotions or responses from each person that views it. So what if you started to view your life through the lens of positivity? What do you think would change about your dates? Do you think it's worth giving it a shot? The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity today as you go about your day. Imagine that you're holding up a positivity camera to your surroundings. Everything you see, look for the good in each part of it. Be curious and explore new things with this mental camera of yours. When you grab your camera bag and you see the lenses you're grabbing the one labeled positivity instead of the one labeled, Everything sucks and I'm tired. See how different your day goes? It's crazy to me, but each of us can enter the same room and see something completely different. And it's even crazier to me to know that we have the ability to shift the perception of whatever we see next by our thoughts. We truly do see what we want to see. Since I've started trying to think more positively. I know I've noticed far more beauty in my daily life, and that helps me keep motivated and uplifted. Depression and anxiety still rear their ugly heads frequently, but now I feel like I convey Inc wish them a little bit easier because I have so many memories of beautiful things going on as well. I've trained my mind toe look for the good, and it does It's almost like every time I have a rough day, I can look through my mind and find hundreds of little post it notes with positive thoughts or experiences on them. Previously, I would have gone into my mind and on Lee found little Post it notes full of negative self talk in a very discouraging view of the world. It's not exactly helpful when you're trying to break out of a slump, to just keep reviewing Maur and more negative be us today. Treat this day like your day is the reading material and the test questions at the end are what good did you see today? What made you smile and what are you grateful for? Today you've got the questions before you tackle the content. So keep those in your mind and see what types of different things you notice. Change your perception and change your life. The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity. Let's do that again one more time and then we'll wrap it up for today. The world is the reflection of my mind. I see what I want to see. I choose positivity. You are a creative and resilient person and you are capable of so much. Put some of your energy today towards choosing positivity and then let me know how your day went. Thank you again. So much for tuning in. I hope you have an amazing Friday in an even better weekend. Take care of yourselves. You deserve the best. Bye.