Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 16 - A Message of Hope

March 31, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 16

The regular Mind of Snaps podcast is on a hiatus still, but I'm working on bringing it back. There ARE still more podcasts available on my Mind of Snaps Youtube channel, but they just haven't found their way here yet.

I have been releasing Positivity Podcasts from my Patreon here for a while now and I'd like to know if you'd like more of these to be released. I'm doing my part to put out as much positive and encouraging content as I can during these intense times we're faced with. If you'd like to make it easier for me to dedicate the time to continuing these on a daily basis after that, subscribing to my Twitch channel, tipping, dropping bits in Twitch and/or subbing via the Patreon can make a massive difference - but so can just tweeting out my content, sharing it on socials or telling a friend you think could use a boost. Every little bit counts...literally.

This is my 16th Positivity Podcast on the Patreon and I hope it brings you some renewed belief in what you're doing. In the time you're investing into yourself. It's all worth it. You're worth it.

The format for these podcasts definitely evolved over time, but I hope you enjoy listening, even though times have changed.

Listen, and let me know your thoughts.

Hang in there friends, we're all in this together.


Make sure to subscribe to the Patreon if you'd like to make it easier for me to create more free content for everyone!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Hello, my friends. Happy Tuesday. Today is Tuesday, March 31st 2020 and I'm gonna be sharing a positivity podcast from October 7th 2019. So going back and reviewing all of these positivity podcasts from the start of when I started doing them has been very eye opening. I'm seeing that there were some big gaps. I kind of remember some of these timeframes of feelings. Still a little overwhelmed at times and trying to figure out how it was gonna do everything at once. So it's it's cool for me to reflect and refresh myself on hell. Things have changed since then, and I hope that you've all been enjoying the messages in the podcasts as well. So today's podcast is called a Message of Hope. And I think this might be the the starting point for where my positivity podcasts on Patri and began to change a little bit into less affirmation, focused and more. I don't know general vibes like really checking in with yourself. So since I've been updating you all on these, you know where I stand as faras thes podcasts go, I do want to share with you that since recording this one where I'm talking about how different I feel and how much it blows me away. I feel better than I even did when I recorded that one in October 2019. And you know none of this to say I don't still have hard days. There are still things that are challenging and stressful and all of that. But I am very happy to say that I no longer suffer from any form of suicidal ideation. It just does not come up in my mind anymore. And previously that was every room I entered, you know, I thought of it Every time I got in the car, I thought of it. It was easier to see it and let it go and not let it take hold of me, not let it be a sign that, you know, there's some inner darkness in me or something. It was just something that I knew it was gonna take its time or take time to kind of run its course and stop showing up as long as I quit feeding that, quit reinforcing it and instead just saw it, acknowledged it and then released it. I knew that I could re focus and continue to feel good. I don't even have to do that anymore. I I am so in love with life, but not necessarily attached to it in a clinging kind of way. Like I I fully accept that I will die one day. And, of course, I certainly hope that it's a long time from now. I also acknowledge that anything could happen. It could be today. It could be 30 seconds from now. It could be tomorrow. Could be when I'm 110. Either way, I'm I'm so grateful for every moment of life that I've had up until this point, and I never I never thought I could feel that way. But like, no matter what happens, I'm just grateful to be here. I'm grateful for how things have gone, and I can't wait for you all to continue to go inward and learn more about yourself and learn that you have nothing to fear inside of yourself, that it's all just so beautiful. It's challenging work for sure, but please put in the work, and at the end of the podcast, I say Get out there and go change your life I'm gonna change that up right here and say, Get in there and change your life. Everything around you changes when you change What's inside of you when you start looking a little bit more at the patterns and everything going on? So you got this. I promise. You're so strong. Keep going. And I hope you enjoy this podcast from 2019. Good morning and happy today. This was supposed to be a Friday recording, but I got a phone call that someone needed some help, so I made sure to be there for them. So I'm sure you can understand. And I feel like you'll be okay with the fact that we missed out on another Friday positivity podcast, especially since I had completely dropped the ball and haven't released any positivity podcasts in a while. So I super appreciate all of you being so supportive and kind when it comes to me trying to balance out all these different things that I want to do to help out. I keep changing and shifting my schedule to do the best that I can so that I can accomplish as much as possible. And I feel like I'm getting into a really good groove again. So I think it's safe to start recording positivity podcasts with the goal of getting new ones out every Friday. Although maybe Mondays are better, let me know in the comments what you think. If you'd rather have a new positivity podcast to start your week off or two under, weaken head into the weekend fresh, nice and fresh anyway, moving on to the topic for today. I had a nice, brief text message conversation with my best friend, Taylor today, and during that conversation we were talking about basically just how wild it is that we both feel good right now. And for her. It's not that she was ever feeling necessarily super super bad, but I know she wasn't feeling her best and was not feeling her most confident. And for me, I had basically spent the majority of my life miserable. So talking to Taylor this morning and talking about how we used to feel versus how we felt, I opened up a little bit and told her something that I'm not sure if she was aware of, and it got me thinking that maybe this was a message I should share with you my lovely patri ons. Patrons. Well, so this is meant to be a message of hope If you're newer to the patri on or if you've been a part of it for a while and you find yourself feeling a little bit stressed or upset or worried that any happiness or any joy that you find in your life will dissipate quickly or that it's not possible to establish lasting happiness, that's what this message is for a message of hope. So what I told Taylor this morning and what I wanted to share with you today is that pretty much all the way up until mid last year, around the time where clicked for me that I was happy that I was actually feeling good and that I wasn't worried that I was gonna lose it pretty much right up until that point, I was still struggling with suicidal ideation. It wasn't something I took super seriously, but it was still a very common thought. And I'll I'll include screenshots of our conversation in this post so that you can see how we discussed it and how this came about. But I I wake up with such a great deal of joy every day now because I know how I used to feel and knowing that I don't feel that way anymore just blows me away. I had stopped considering suicide an option a long time ago. What? As I've said before, I wasn't really committed to living my life. I was just committed to not dying. And even that if there were an easy opportunity, I would have been grateful for it. I I really would have if there were moments in traffic where there would be near misses of accidents and I would think Damn if only and how sad the more I look back on that the idea that not only I did I feel like that for so very long. But the idea that so many people I know people who are members of our community, people who may be listening to this right now may be feeling the same way breaks my heart. So I wanted to record this quick podcast this morning to tell you Hang in there. I know that those words ring hollow when everything feels like shit. I know it, But if I can do anything for you. Please let me let me prove to you that this is attainable. That happiness is possible. That contentment is possible and that really it's not something that's so far off. Yeah, you're gonna have hard days. Yeah, you're gonna You're gonna have a tough moments ahead of you whether you achieve perfect balance or not. That is just how life is. But I truly believe so much in the things that I share in the things that I say with you. Because I see them in my own life every single day. I see them in the lives of the people who have chosen to do something similar research work put in that time and effort on themselves first. So please, if you are in a position where you're still thinking, I won't hurt myself because it would hurt my family. But I wish I weren't here. Please take some time. Listen to some of the things that we've shared. Put a good routine in place and start prioritizing your mental and physical well being. I have no idea how much so many of these little things could really impact me until I got to live through that experience and it started off gradually. It started off with me just starting to feel again. It wasn't necessarily good or bad. It was just feeling when I had been numb for so long, and then it was okay. Well, I'm feeling things, but I don't feel that great. I don't really like myself or like looking in the mirror and then gradually, with work affirmations, meditation with with friendship, with talking with journaling, with exercising, checking the diet going outside and a 1,000,000 other things that I tried to do is regularly as possible. Slowly, that feeling started to elevate. I went from not really feeling anything to feeling mostly bad to feeling a little less bad, and that was the first spark of hope for me. I didn't know that I could impact myself in the way that I did, so that first spark was so energizing. And then it's been a year and 10 months since I first started working, and now here I am. I woke up this morning and I just remember thinking Wow, another day and I feel that way almost every morning almost every morning I wake up and I smile at this world. And some mornings I cry over how grateful I am for the things in my life for the people in my life, but more than anything or the fact that I feel good and that I'm not afraid that it's gonna go away because I know that I built it. That's the hope I wanted to give you Today. I want you to know that it is possible no matter your circumstances, there is always a way to improve. There is always a way to grow, and I believe so strongly that every one of you has the ability to connect to that beautiful happiness inside of them, that contentment, that gratitude for everything in your life. I believe you all have that ability. You just have to put the work in and know that even even the most still pond will still see rain. Sometimes I have been feeling the bust I've ever felt in my entire life, especially lately. I've been meditating a lot more than I used to and really trying to check my impulses. And it's been it's been so wonderful that I feel so great pretty much all day, every day. But I do have moments. I had a moment last week, which was maybe four hours of me being frustrated and really down on myself. But then these new behaviors, these new habits I've been picking up on building into my life kicked in again and I didn't wallow. I didn't stay there like I would have in the past situations that would have set me off course for weeks or months. Even we're confined to mere hours of my day. In the past, that would have been a day I would have labeled as a loss like, Well, try again tomorrow. You had a rough day today, but this time I saw that I felt it and I let it go. After experiencing it, I worked through those feelings. I didn't try to pretend they weren't there, that they were unhealthy, acknowledged them, worked through him, and then I let them go, and I didn't let that cloud the rest of my day as well. Today was a hard day. That day was a great day. Every moment there is a chance to learn. And I loved this quote that I heard were read in this book that I'm reading right now. on bikinis, which is an interesting concept in Buddhism. This very moment is the perfect teacher. And I loved that. It really helped me a lot. So as I said at the beginning of this, this message was just intended to be a message of hope. If you don't have it yet, let me be that hope for you. I'm into my chat. Talk to me. Go watch my past broadcasts from years ago. See the difference for yourself. And know that when your brain is telling you, huh? This doesn't seem like bullshit. This is one you can actually believe, because it's not. I would not lie to you about something like this. I feel good. And you deserve to feel good too. Practice gratitude. Start working to see yourself in a different light as well as the people around you and the world around. You take care of your body, take care of your mind and watch. Just watch how everything changes. You are so, so, so fucking powerful. And if you don't really feel that yet you will. You are capable of so very much get out there and change your life.