Mind of Snaps Podcast

Mind of Snaps - Positivity Podcast | Ep. 35 - "What Do You Believe?"

December 10, 2020 She Snaps Season 420 Episode 35

Welcome to "What Do You Believe?" - the 35th Episode of the Mind of Snaps Positivity Podcast!

This is a special podcast series that is separate from the regular Mind of Snaps Podcast, with a new release (typically) posted every Thursday for Patreon supporters!

It is my goal to create as much positive & encouraging content as I can during these intense, uncertain times we're faced with. 2020 has been so much more than anyone expected it to be, and nobody should have to take it on alone. The only way I can continue to do so, is with your help. Become a patron, subscribe to me on Twitch, you can send a tip which I'll turn into an investment... or you can simply share my content on social media. Every little bit helps me be able to continue to create the podcasts and other mindfulness & positivity based content in the future.

The format of these podcasts are forever evolving to reflect current events from personal to global, so I hope you are enjoying them. Please reach out to me if you have any suggestions!

Hang in there, friends... we're all in this together.


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You can find new Positivity Podcasts on Patreon every Monday, and as of September 2020 - every Thursday on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, & Stitcher!


Jessy (Mind Of Snaps / SheSnaps)


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Unknown Speaker :

Hello, my beautiful friend. I'm so happy that you decided to tune in to this podcast today. I definitely must start things out by thanking you for supporting the Patreon it genuinely means so much to have folks like you, making it clear that you're willing to invest in the content that I'm creating. Seriously, my friend it is a damn honor. I hope you can see that my goal in all of this, not just in times of crisis, but you know at all times. I hope you can see that my goal is to help in any way that I can. I'm open to feedback and thoughts. My DMS are open everywhere. If you have some ideas on some other ways I can help serve this beautiful beautiful community bars. Please hit me up like it will not it will not bother me. I won't be offended. Let me know your thoughts. One of the newer things we're doing lately is these live video chats. And the first one, it was so great. So thank you to everyone who was a part of the initial chat it was seriously It was so special. I really, really liked it. The next one has been scheduled for April 11 at 1pm. central time, Saturday, the format is going to change up a bit. I think I'm anticipating a few more people joining us. And yeah, I'm still I'm still open to feedback on that. We have the Patreon supporters channel in Discord. If you don't have access to that, let me know tag me somewhere and I'll make sure that you have the role added. But you know, we're still discussing how it'll all go. But you're all invited to be a part of these video chats and we're doing them right now. I think we're gonna try to do bi weekly. We're, we're gonna try that out. And, you know, try to make sure that we all get a bit more FaceTime in our lives, you know? So join us for that. Sign up. Let us know What you think what you want to talk about? anyway? Anyway, I hope that you're all taking good care of yourselves like really to the best of your ability right now. I know that things appear to be becoming increasingly unpredictable, but we can continue to work hard to cultivate peace within ourselves, no matter the external circumstances. We really owe it to ourselves to take that time to ensure that we feel good. Please remember to keep an eye on your self care, check in with shades, sleep, hydration, air, you know, go for those physically distanced walks, diet, exercise and stillness. It is okay to just sit still and exist sometimes. In fact, I highly recommend doing it as often as you can stop and just breathe but notice exists

Unknown Speaker :

This week, I wanted to talk to you about belief systems, I think it's a pretty good time to check in with ourselves and determine what our own personal belief systems are, rather than just letting our bodies and minds drag us through this current crisis on fearful autopilot. We've talked about paying closer attention to what we say and do. And we've talked about changing our language so that it's more empowering, or at the very least neutral in nature. We're all about that awareness life, and I'm grateful as fuck for it. Now is the time to kind of step it up a little bit. We're in a situation now that I believe requires total surrender. But I recognize that the idea is a really hard one for some. So when I say surrender, I don't mean just give up. Stop working, stop fighting, stop doing your best, but rather, I'm trying to say stop trying to control and predict everything. Stop being almost exclusively stuck in the past and future. Release. The fear exists in the now be here where you're still safe and still living to fight another day. I understand that this is something many of us are trying to do. But it isn't easy to let go. I get that. Talking to so many people lately though I've I've come to realize that those who are still feeling peaceful in this time are ones who have created strong practices for themselves to support their beliefs. Some are leaning into spirituality, some are leaning into self belief. Some are somewhere right in the middle of both. I think that's kind of where I'm at. This podcast is hopefully going to help appeal to folks regardless of which belief system fits best or closest to best. So whatever you believe in it Time to really, really reinforce that belief to do as much as you can to lean into it, to reaffirm it, to walk the walk of it, we can't deny that things are intense right now. And we know that things could get much, much worse. Now is the time to solidify our own beliefs. So we have something strong to hold on to, as these waves of challenge come at us. So let's let's start with the folks who don't necessarily believe in a higher power of any kind, but have come to see the light in the sense that they've begun to recognize the crazy untapped potential of every human being. These are the folks who I'd say are leaning into self belief. And like people like this, they're the ones that read the self help books, the ones that do their best to have good and healthy routines. The ones that Learn how to communicate better, or at least try to because they know that it serves them and others Well, they're the ones that in a lot of cases have been through some shit. And now see that they have even more potential than they would have ever believed. They are aware that not everyone is 100% 100% of the time and they do their best to give themselves a break. Lately, even friends we have that seemed to fit into this category are struggling. They felt that they had been doing pretty great with what they had. And now suddenly they have to start all over. Everything has changed. No more going to the gym can't necessarily buy the books anymore because money is tight. Not being able to practice these new social habits can be tough, and they're suddenly feeling like they've failed some big tests that was just sprung on them. My friends, if this sounds like you take a few deep breaths. Seriously, right now, take some nice deep breaths, nice slow ones.

Unknown Speaker :

Now remind yourself of what you believed in in the first place. At the core of all those behavior changes, like you hitting the gym more, reading more all of that, at the core of all of that was you beginning to believe in the immense power of the human mind and body and you chose to start working on yours. Amazing, amazing fucking choice. Good job. Now, you're presented with an opportunity to continue to work on that belief to reinforce the mindset. Read some of the books you've already read. Read them again, who cares? Maybe there's something you missed. Keep journaling, keep meditating. Remember that there are plenty of exercises you can do at home. Listen to some free podcasts, watch YouTube videos like Impact Theory. I really love that one. Sit and brainstorm ideas for yourself on how you can keep learning And growing even in this time, you got this. The external circumstances have changed drastically. So remind yourself how fucking adaptable you are. remind yourself of all the crazy shit you've made it through in the past, you will make it through this to prepare yourself to the best of your ability, but refrain from stressing non stop by reminding yourself of this foundational belief system you have. You are powerful. Stressing over things outside of your control reduces your ability to handle that power. Suddenly, all that dope energy of yours is going towards things that at best, do nothing for you. and at worst, drag you down and make things harder on you. Remind yourself that you believe in your own potential. Hold Steady with that belief. Maintain your own peace through that belief. So my friends out there who are spiritual or religious, let's talk about you know, if you have a belief in some form of a higher power, if you have some form of a belief in an afterlife any kind lean into it across all major religions, so many of the same ideas are being shared, eternal life being one with your creators being one with each other and with our world. If you intend to trust in God, then now is definitely the time to really be communicating as often as you can with God, which in my belief system is also the same as communicating with yourself. surrender to the situation, allow everything to be learned to love every bit of it because it is coming from God and God is love. If your mind is trying to convince you to fear everything around you, it's trying to convince you that you are selling But from that we are everything. We are everything in nature, even the things that you may perceive as bad. It's still coming from the same universe that we came from that we are, you know, same stuff different recipe. If you have similar beliefs if you believe in God or non duality, now is the time to really shine through and help others. Rest easy on that belief and act accordingly. Pray, meditate, talk out loud to yourself to God. read those books on your faith and sit a little longer with the messages. Remember that your happiness is a service to all. Even if you can't be physically near someone right now. The peace emanating from you can still reach them. Extend your love outward to all those souls feeling disconnected, widen that circle of compassion to To all of God's creatures, including the ones you're frustrated by right now, all of them. There's this great quote from Albert Einstein that I'd like to share with you here. A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, apart limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion, to embrace all living creature. And the whole of nature in its beauty.

Unknown Speaker :

That last line especially, our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion, to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The whole of nature. That's everything, all of it, the births, the deaths, the joy, the suffering, we must embrace all of it, and recognize the beauty behind it all. All of it is us. We are everything. I've had a lot of kind of humans reach out to me personally, to make sure that I'm doing well and taking care of myself during this hard time. And I'm very grateful to be feeling very affirmed in my own faith. I genuinely feel very peaceful right now. And it's because of both of those scenarios that I laid out previously. I believe immensely in my own human potential and the potential of all humans. I also believe in God though, admittedly not the way I once did when I attended church. I feel that death isn't the end of anything other than the timeline for this particular human suit. My soul will continue on from here and that notion brings me great peace almost entirely on its own. I still feel energized and ready to serve, and I hope to be able to continue to serve for a long time. If I don't, that's okay too. Every day thus far has been a beautiful blessing and I've got no regrets seriously. There is a final quote I'd like to share with y'all before I end this podcast for today.

Unknown Speaker :

This one is really been resonating with me lately.

Unknown Speaker :

Mahatma Gandhi He once said, God demands nothing less than complete self surrender as the price for the only real freedom worth having. And when we lose ourselves, we immediately find ourselves in the service of all that lips, it becomes our joy and recreation. We are a new person, never weary of spending ourselves in the service of God's creation. If I could wish anything for you, it would be that for you to feel that peace that comes with surrender for you to lose yourself, and be able to enjoy the insanely beautiful sensation of serving others serving God's creations. Regardless of what your belief system is, now is the time to reinforce it my friend, get back to those books, do those Bible studies online, pray, meditate exercise, whatever it is. Strengthen yourself and build up that strong foundation you deserve.

Unknown Speaker :

And drink some damn water buddy. It's about that time.

Unknown Speaker :

Much love to you, my friend. Make it a great week in manifest dope shit.