Green Business Podcast

E waste champion: Achitra Borgohain from Binbag Recycling

bharti krishnan Season 1 Episode 12

Achitra Borgohain is founder of  Binbag Recycling, which is solving the problem of e-waste, through its-market place Cycloza.  Achitra learnt the harsh ground realities of the recycling business by being a recycler himself - while India generates 3 mn tones of e-waste, less than 10% is formally processed because recyclers don’t find it profitable.

 Based on his on-the-field insights, Achitra built-up Cycloza as an e-waste market place and ERP solution for recyclers to facilitate their businesses and improve profitability. 

Achitra narrates his journey of being a e-waste recycler and of building an e-waste market place,