Opportunity Knocks by EmpowHer Purpose

E69: Breathwork: 20 Years of Therapy in One Podcast with Kurtis Lee Thomas

Michelle Valenzuela Wolf Season 3 Episode 69

Ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a treat! I could not be more excited to bring you this week's episode of the Opportunity Knocks podcast featuring someone I now consider my friend, Kurtis Lee Thomas. And the start of adding more male entrepreneurs to the podcast who have had major influences on my life. Kurtis has definitely done that!

I was blessed to meet Kurtis via his Breathwork Detox program and I use the word blessed intentionally because he and his program have changed my life. So when he agreed to chat with me for the podcast and give me the opportunity to share him with all of you, I knew the stars were aligning in a big way.

Kurtis is a renowned keynote speaker and one of the world’s leading Corporate Mindfulness Trainers. He’s spoken at the largest consciousness expositions in the world and has shared the stage with speakers such as Deepak Chopra and top Tony Robbins trainers.

Kurtis has worked with Ivy League colleges and top fortune 500 companies such as Nike, as well as the world’s most prestigious casinos including Foxwoods Resort and MGM Grand Casino.

Kurtis has dedicated his career to awakening the best in people by quantifiably enhancing creativity, productivity, and connection within the workplace. And he's a well-studied and practiced expert boasting titles that include:

🔹Certified Life Coach
🔹Certified Master Breathwork Teacher
🔹Certified in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner
🔹Certified Hypnotherapist
🔹Certified Energy Healer / Reiki Master
🔹Certified International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) fitness professional

So if you want to learn more about...

🤒 why 60-90% of all doctors visits are stress related
⏩ the dangers of living in a microwave society 
😳 ayahuasca
🌬️ how he discovered breathwork and why it's so impactful 
🤔 and why breathwork vs. meditation
📆 his 30-day breathwork challenge

...don't miss this episode! Kurtis likes to describe the Breathwork Detox as 20 years of therapy in one session, and this episode will be a small taste of that, without a doubt! Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and follow Kurtis 👉 @manfromthestars (he's most active on Instagram).