Steve Lee

Festive Football | Christmas peace in battle trenches of WWI

December 07, 2021 Steve Lee Season 4 Episode 3

I was 7 years old when John Lennon released ‘Happy Christmas, War Is Over’. Essentially a protest song about America’s involvement in Vietnam. Christmas and war seem so at odds with each other but let me tell you when they came together in the context of football match. That talismanic Brazilian icon Pele coined the phrase ‘Football the beautiful game’ well we all have an opinion on that one I suppose but football stadiums are certainly places of adoration and even worship. Probably the reason why Wembley is known as the Cathedral of English football. OK, let me take you back to Christmas 1914 on the Western Front and that famous Festive football match during the Battle of the Somme. A few weeks earlier Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary stood on the steps of Whitehall and said “The lights are going out all over Europe” Two World Wars and over a century later it can seem as if nothing much has changed.

The Western Front was the defensive line for two opposing sides throughout a conflict that unleashed havoc without precedent and death on an industrial scale. It ran 450 miles from the northern coast of France to the Swiss border. On Christmas Eve 1914, British troops standing in a front line trench heard ‘Stille Nacht’ or ‘Silent Night’ coming from the German trenches. They picked up the song in English before soldiers from both sides climbed out onto Nomansland, shook hands, exchanged cigarettes and cognac, took photographs of each other and played football. My guess is that it was a hard fought 0-0 draw with England going out to Germany on penalties, it’s happened a few times since. The festivities only lasted a couple of hours before both teams parted company, crossed the lines to their respective trenches and picked up their guns in time for Christmas Day. A strange moment now lost in history when war was overrun by peace as the guns along the Western Front fell silent, well for 90 minutes plus injury time. 

As Christmas approached the following year nothing much had changed in terms of that dreadful war but armed sentries now guarded both trenches with orders to open fire on their own men if a return match was attempted. Whatever your expectations are of the festive season this year and the pressures it may bring, most of our lives are a far cry from Christmas 1914.  Let me remind you of how the Bible describes the events of that first Christmas when an angel appeared to a group of humble shepherds and spoke these very famous words. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy for all people. Today in Bethlehem a baby has been born. He is Christ the Lord. You will find him wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.  Suddenly a great company of angels appeared singing Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.

It seems that for all their life experience out there on that remote hillside, those shepherds had yet to discover where true peace could be found. 2,000 years on and 2,000 miles away we find ourselves approaching a very different kind of Christmas but perhaps with a very similar set of challenges. God’s gift of his son and of himself into our broken and dislocated world is the singular most important gift you can ever receive. Jesus is given many titles in the Bible, one of them is ‘Emmanuel’ which literally means God with us. In the midst of fear and uncertainty you can know that God with you this Christmas and always.