The Clean Body Podcast

The Problem With Most Plant-Based Dairy Alternatives + More

June 16, 2021 Lauren Kelly Season 1 Episode 12

In today's episode of "The Clean Body Podcast", host Lauren Kelly talks to the founder of Goodmylk co, a game-changing, industry-disrupting, plant-based milk alternative about the healthful benefits – and impacts – of dairy alternatives available in stores today: 

You'll learn: 

  • Ingredients currently found in dairy alternatives that cause inflammation & immune system disorders
  • What dipotassium phosphate is and why its problematic
  • The health impacts of fillers, emulsifiers, preservatives, carrageenan, artificial and natural flavors, glyphosates, and canola oil
  • The importance of sprouts nuts and seeds prior to consumption
  • The health benefits of alkaline water, ancient mineral sea salt, mushrooms and adaptogens
  • Why organic is crucial in dairy alternative beverages
  • Myths and misconceptions about dairy alternatives
  • Sustainability of plant-based milks
  • The problem with oat milk
  • The difference between raw and pasteurized milk
  • What pesticides are and how they impact the human body

About Brooke Harris:
Brooke is the founder of Goodmylk co. While living in L.A., the supposed “health food capital” of the U.S., Brooke's health deteriorated for a period of time. Brooke decided to turn to an alternative, plant-based diet as a form of healing medicine. But to her surprise, she found her effort to ‘eat healthier’ was actually making her more sick. Through research, Brooke found that many of the binders, thickeners, emulsifiers and preservatives in otherwise “healthy” food were unnecessary and unhealthy. It was then that Brooke realized that she would have to create that ‘something better’. And so she went on to create Goodmylk co., a game-changing, industry disrupting plant-based milk product for the masses.

About Goodmylk co.
Goodmylk co. is a game-changing, industry-disrupting, plant-based milk alternative. We believe in the power of real (good) food, and that everyone deserves access to it. You won’t find strange gums, artificial flavoring, or names of things you can’t pronounce in our products. Only pure, organic ingredients that taste delicious and are meant to do your body good. We are women-owned, delivered to your door, sustainable, and delicious.

For more on Goodmylk co., visit

For more on Lauren Kelly and The Clean Body Project:

So any of these opiates on the market that are not organic or glyphosate free are then there's a highly poisonous pesticide drink and it just not talked about enough and it's really dangerous. And beyond it being dangerous for us to consume, we have to think bigger picture, think about the farmers, farming, the fields and their families. Think about the community that lives around the, the fields and the contamination to their air, their water, or their land. Then you have to look at that and talk about it from an environmental level. And we talk about the sustainability of plant-based milk. Like I said, there's a lot of gray areas because if it's a non-organic crop, especially that gets irrigated and all that water is washing back into the ocean or back into other water sources. It's incredibly dangerous. The clean body podcast, I'm Lauren Kelly, a certified nutrition therapist, and soon to be specialized holistic cancer coach with a certification in cancer biology from UC Berkeley. I am so grateful that you're here. This podcast introduces you to the souls and brains behind some of the cleanest food beverage and lifestyle products on the market, because what you put on in and around your body matters from cookies, bread, and mushroom superfoods to adaptogenic lozenges, clean medicines, organic mattresses, and fluoride free toothpaste. We'll explore how the brands came to be how scientific studies drove decisions about ingredients and materials. And most importantly, how the products support all the physical and mental microscopic miracles that occur in your body every minute of every day. Thank you for being here. Let's get this started. Hello, everyone. Welcome to episode 11 of the clean body podcast. I'm your host, Lauren Kelly. And I know I say this every week, but I am so excited for you guys to hear this episode. I honestly, it's one of my favorites and if you drink plant-based milk, you need to be listening to it because the fact is there's a lot of crap in plant-based milk. There's added sugars. There are natural flavors which can be made from hundreds of different compounds. There are often glyphosates used on oat milk, um, to grow and treat the oats which we dig into. Why that's bad during the episode. They're just chemicals, canola oils that cause inflammation, fillers that you don't need. So today I'm talking to the founder of a company called good melt co Brooke Harris. Brooke actually had a firsthand experience of digestive and health issues, which ended up being rooted in eating preservative, filled foods, including dairy alternatives. She was always a fan of the vegan movement and she really didn't start questioning what she was putting into her body until her body was responding in negative ways. I think it's a really enlightening episode and just really important for everyone because even going to coffee shops, most coffee shops use really processed and milks. And every once in a while, sure, it's not that bad, but if you're going to get coffee every single day with oat milk, that's going to build up and it's going to create inflammation in your body that you don't want. So this episode is just packed full with information. If you like it, please review rate, subscribe. You can learn more about good That is milk M Y L K. And that's all the time I'm going to take with this intro. So let's jump into it, Brooke. Welcome to the clean body podcast. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah. I'm so excited to have you here. Good milk is doing a really cool thing, really cool things and multiple things and disrupting the milk industry in a way that nobody else is doing, which I think is so cool and unique. And I'm really excited to get to it because a lot of my followers probably aren't familiar with the brand yet. So it's kind of this big, like have Ross surprise meet a really cool brand, but before we start talking about, um, good milk co and everything you currently have and have coming up, I would love to just kind of hear your health journey. I know you've had kind of this personal experience getting into the health and wellness world. Yeah, absolutely. And you know, my, my journey is constantly evolving and I think that that's how it should be, you know, as we evolve and learn more, we can adjust. Um, but it started when I first moved to LA and I was working in the film and TV industry and, um, you know, it's just this super hectic chaotic industry. Like, like most of the industries in LA are. Um, and it was just growing constantly, constantly driving awake, moving, um, you know, running errands for my boss. Um, and I was plant-based, I, I came to LA as a vegan, so I became a vegetarian when I was a kid at the age of 12. Um, I actually grew up on a dairy farm. My grandparents had a dairy farm and so I fell in love with animals. Um, and so that's what kind of triggered my, my plant-based movement at a young age when no one else in mind, you know, even in the, in the county was, was, was doing that. Um, but I was living this super hectic, fast paced lifestyle. Plant-based um, thought that that meant I was healthy and doing the right things and, um, started to have some really major digestive issues to to like pull over on the 4 0 5, um, because I'd have such bad cramps that I couldn't even like hold my body up while I was driving. Um, and we'd start missing days of work. And it was like, no matter what I ate, if it was, you know, I could eat like a big meal or a small meal, or I can have a smoothie or I could have something that's harder to digest, no matter what it was, it made me sick. And so spent a year like kind of trying to figure it out on my own kind of trying ignore it. Then another year of going to all these doctors, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I was like, okay, this is, this is serious. This is really impacting my life. Um, at the end of it, no one had any answers can walked away with a BS diagnosis of, um, IBS, which, you know, means something. It means nothing. And there's no medicine, there's no nothing comes along with that. It's just like, okay, you have to live with this. And that was a real bummer and really unempowering and, um, you know, it just, it just made me feel really small and really out of control. I didn't have control over my own life. So a few days later I was hiking and I know you lived in LA, so, you know, Runyon canyon, um, very like LA hiking spot like this. I don't hike it this way, but a lot of people had get like dolled up, um, because he sees the labs. Um, so in an, in another LA moment, hiking Runyon and, um, talking with a girlfriend about she was going to do a class. And so we were just talking, giving each other advice and a woman who was in front of us turned around and was like, Hey, I just want to stop you girls and let you know, you're giving each other really great advice. Like I usually hear some crazy things when it comes to cleansing, turned out she was a holistic nutritionist. Um, I didn't even know what holistic nutritionist were at the time. She was the first one I had heard of her mat. And so I booked an appointment with her, sat down with her for 45 minutes and she was like, cool, here's what's going on. You have candida overgrowth, which now a lot of people know what that is. And it was triggered by processed foods and you need to cut out all the processed foods you're eating. And I was like, no, no, no. I think you missed the part where I said, I'm, I'm, plant-based, um, you know, I'm eating, I'm healthy and she's like, go home, take a look at the packages of food that you're consuming. And then tell me, tell me how you feel about that statement. And so I did, and, you know, no surprise that like the burgers and chicken patties and all those fake things, um, had a bunch of weird ingredients in them, but I was really surprised about my almonds milk. Um, you know, I was surprised when it's marketed as healthy and good for you and certainly better for you than dairy. Um, the marketing on the front of the package didn't match what I was seeing on the back of the package. I'm on the nutrition label, the ingredients that I didn't recognize, really any of them, other than like the first, you know, almonds obviously were in there, but as a vegan, I knew that almonds and nuts, I would eat them a lot because they had a lot of protein and healthy fats. And when I looked at the nutrition panel, like there was one gram of protein in a whole serving of almond milk made no sense to me. And then the fact that it was a liquid and could sit in my cupboard for two years at a time, like, okay, this should, all of these things should have been a red flag, but because of the marketing just didn't even think to look, I just assumed like many people do. Plant-based just meant better meant that it was healthier for you. And so I cut out all the processed foods. I Googled how to make homemade almonds milk, started making it for myself. And literally within three days felt like a new person, um, from cutting out processed plant-based foods. And, um, the almond milk, like beyond the nutrition, um, piece, once I tasted homemade almond milk, I don't know. Have you ever had like a homemade plant-based milk before? No, I haven't. I mean, I've like researched it and it doesn't seem like it's really all that hard to do, but it takes time. It takes commitment in order to do it. That's. The problem. It's, it's not hard, but it takes time and it's messy. Um, and then it's golf. Like you make it, don't always work to make it. And then it's like gotten really quickly. Cause it's so delicious. Um, but once I tasted it, I was like, oh my God, the stuff that I was buying before this store, that's, that's not food, obviously that's chemicals. Like the taste is so different. Um, and so kind of coming to the conclusion that you came to, where I was like, this is amazing. However, imagine having a kid or two that you're trying to feed this to, and the time that it takes the mess that it makes it is actually expensive to source the ingredients, get a, you know, you need like a really good quality, um, blender for it, the cheese cloth, like there's no way a busy mom is, is doing this. Um, so it's like maybe if I'm having this problem, there's some people in the community that want it. And that's when I started selling at the local farmer's market selling fresh bottles of homemade plant-based milk. Well, so that is like the, just the beginning of your story, really. Um, I think it's incredible. And you're so right. You said so many things that kind of put a light bulb in my brain for me. First of all, saying, when you tried your own fresh almond milk, it tasted so different than when you were getting at the grocery store. I think that is just a parent like across all categories. And sometimes it, the all natural or cleanest version actually doesn't brain is, is used to other chemicals that are being put in the food to tell you it tastes good. Um, but I think that's such a great point. And especially, you know, about people not having the time necessarily to be um, that's why I love what good milk is doing and what a lot of the companies I'm interviewing on this podcast are doing is they're making health more accessible, which health should be accessible for everybody, but you started selling at the farmer's market. And I know then you wanted to scale, and this is kind of where your story takes an interesting turn, um, because you're no longer selling like cold milk in a bottle you're selling this frozen. I don't know I'm going to let you explain it because I don't want to explain it incorrectly, but tell me about that next journey and wanting to scale, good milk co and the products that you have and the adventure you had to go on to figure out how to do it. It's, it's still an adventure. Every day. Um, but you're exactly right. We were selling at the farmer's market and selling the fresh product. I, you know, once you start selling, you can't make it at home. So I luckily had a friend who had a commercial kitchen that would let me rent rent from. And so I was making it in the commercial kitchen, bringing it to the market, selling out every single week. Um, but it was a product that had a five day shelf life. And so that's not scalable at all. Um, but we had started to gain some traction, one just in our direct customers, but also we had started to work with coffee shops. And so we had, we were making a barista blend for blue bottle, all of their locations in LA, um, LA Calum, um, by a handful of other really cool local coffee shops. And, um, got to a point where it was like, okay, this is not just like, I've kind of proven my point that there's people in the community that want this product, it's working, her coffee shop partners love it. And they would take it, you know, blue bottle has cafes in San Francisco, New York, Boston. Um, a lot of our partners had cafes other places, but we couldn't get the product to them because of the short shelf life. And so that's, and I was like, okay, this is the moment where you either, you know, I'm either hustling at the farmer's market every single weekend. And like, you know, just making enough money to scrape by. And that's like, as big as we go or we take the next step and figure out how to, how to scale this thing. And, you know, my ambitions, like once I started seeing how the community reacted, it was almost like this, like, you know, just pouring fuel on the fire of my passion of wanting to help people and empower them. Um, you know, because of my journey. And it was like, okay, if I can see this reaction on my customers, my local community, which by the way, LA probably isn't the most in need community have a product like this, right. There's places that just don't have, like, there's two shops in LA where you can go buy fresh milk if you wanted to. Um, it was a great place to start, but there's communities that need a product like this way more than, than the LA community. And so that's where I kind of got the itch to be like, man, if I could serve as a much bigger community and solve these problems for way more people in my family, that's, you know, in the middle of nowhere in New York state, if they could walk into their grocery store and buy this off the shelves, like, and have this as an option, um, how amazing would that be? And so, okay. Love it. So I didn't want to compromise the liquid. So if you look at, or if you go to the store and buy any of the milks in the store, they are 99% of them have additives, preservatives, you know, binders and fillers, chemicals to one, make them shelf stable and make them a cheaper product. Um, make them kind of what you touched on earlier tastes certain way on people's pallets. Um, but a lot of it comes down to needing to extend the shelf life. And I knew there was no way I was going to go that route. I wasn't gonna put out a product that I wouldn't consume myself and I wasn't touching that stuff. Um, so I was like, okay, what are the options to extend the shelf life and not compromise the liquid? Um, I started to look into freezing and I was like, okay, that's potentially possible. And then that led me down the rabbit hole of, um, last freezing or flash freezing. And that's something, they do a lot with ice cream or baked goods, um, never done with them with alternative milk before. But, um, well, as I started to read about it, I was like, okay, cool. It like literally freezes in it's incredibly low temperature. So it freezes really quickly, um, which means it doesn't impact the nutritional value. And it doesn't add any ice crystals because what we to be diluted or taste different at the end. And freezing is, you know, nature's oldest preservative. Um, it's been around long before chemical preservatives were. Um, so it made sense in my head. Um, I was really lucky that I had a girlfriend at the time who owned an ice cream, uh, coconut ice cream shop in Venice. And she had a tiny little blast freezer that she would let me come in after hours when they weren't using it and test. And so I'd like take coconut bottles, drink the coconut water bottles, drink the coconut water and then put milk in and test them and then pass them out to my friends to have them thought and taste it. And tell me if it takes. I feel like this needs to be a movie. Like I'm just seeing you like sneak into this ice cream shop in the middle of the night and like flash freeze, this like experiment science lab thing going. Like lucky for me, I was able to test the idea before, because blast freezers start at like$20,000. So it's not like I could be like, cool, let me buy some equipment and see if this idea works and then launch it. Like, I, it was all kind of a guest and we didn't know the packaging. I knew that I didn't want to do. Um, so Tetra Paks is what, like all the, like the boxes that milk comes in, um, most of them, um, and I knew that I didn't want to do those cause they're, you know, they, they make a lot of claims, but they're not really recyclable here in the U S um, they have to be recycled in a really special way. Some facilities take them, but then China buys them from them and then they get shipped across the overseas to China. And then a lot of times they don't buy them and they just end up going into the landfill. I was like, that's not really in line. And so I didn't even know that the packaging we were, we were going to use, I just knew this freezing thing works. Um, in theory, and in kind of in testing, I talked to some of the coffee shops and had them test it too and had them steam it and, you know, play with it and the behind the bar and see how it worked. And they were like, yeah, this seems to work. And that's when I was like, okay, this is what I'm putting my money on. And we, I went out and raised funds for the first time from investors on this idea, would this packaging that I had in mind, but had no idea that it was going to work. Cause you have to order 10,000 units from China in order to test it. Um, so it was like looking back in the moment, it all made sense. And I had no doubt that it was going to work, but looking back, I'm kind of like, holy. Like I actually, um, had no reason to believe this was fully gonna work. I had no proof. Um, it was all just kind of these ideas. And we, we raised and were able to buy the blast freezer. We're able to buy the packaging, um, and launched our first frozen products in June of 2018. Now, when you're saying we I'm just imagining a party of one, so who is this week that you keep saying. It's something founders say to make themselves feel better? A lot of time. Um, I do have a team in some of my original team members from that time are still with me. So, um, you know, my husband's very much involved in the company now. And even then he had to be to like help pick up the slack a little bit. So we, you know, and I w I will be honest when I took this idea to my team, they thought I was crazy. They were like, there has to be another way besides frozen almond milk. Um, and I was just really adamant about it. It was one of those moments in life where I just like, you know, call it intuition or whatever it is. I just knew that it was going to work. And I remember when the packets finally came in, you know, I, we call the team meeting and I remember sitting there in front of them. And I'm not really an emotional person as far as like, like I'd never cried in front of any of them for any reason. And I just like cried telling them like this teacher, and they're all looking at me like I'm a psychopath and they still think I'm crazy for sure. But, um, they're, they're good with this idea. So let's rewind a little bit and go back to just what options were currently on the shelves. So there was of course full dairy milk, which there's a lot of controversy around dairy. I know some holistic nutritionist don't believe that humans should drink it at all. Um, cow's milk was not made for humans. It was made for baby cows. Um, and some people believe that dairy, if you don't have an intolerance to it is okay, as long as you're getting it from healthy cows and sustainably sourced. And I always say, every body is different. Um, so the way, you know, my body interacts with dairy is going to be different than your body interacts with dairy. So it's kind of your own personalized journey, but during your journey, um, to figuring out your own health and wellness, what were some things that you learned about both dairy milk and the alternative milk products that really shocked you? Well, for me, growing up on a dairy farm, we would, my, my grandparents would bring up buckets of milk from the farm, like came out of the cow and it came up to the house and my grandma would scrape the cream off and like make something, you know, something for breakfast with it. And we just had fresh milk. I personally never liked the taste of milk. We were also where we grew up. And I don't know if this is a thing of the nineties or if this was the area, but you had to have a glass of milk with dinner. Like our, my parents forced us to have milk with dinner, and I just never liked the way it tasted. And so I'd always wait until the end of dinner to drink wine, which was, I don't know why I never learned the lesson because then it would be like lukewarm milk. Oh, no, chugged down the glass. And that's the only way I get be let down from the table. Um, so I never loved dairy milk. I did love ice cream. I did love cheese. Like, you know, I have a human palette, like who doesn't, but when I became, when I went to college, actually I went to school in San Francisco and my freshman year. And that I'd already been, I was already pretty far down the vegetarian path and started to learn about being vegan. Um, and thought it was just the coolest thing ever. And at this time, vegan was like, there were not vegan restaurants. There were not like, you know, it was, if you were vegan, you were making your own food or eating like lettuce. Um, and I've wrote a paper, a 20 page paper for one of my classes about, um, so, so I met was the big thing. So I Malkin verse dairy milk and why soy milk was so much better. My mother was like, don't you ever that's true. But through that, I learned about the processing of milk, which I just wasn't exposed to as a kid. Cause we, you know, of course we shouldn't, my family shipped milk off to the Bayer companies, but we didn't have processed milk. Um, learned about the processing of it learned about sick cows that are overfed grains, that leads to all kinds of inflammation, all kinds of inflammation and infection in their bodies. And they're pumped with antibiotics, pumped with hormones to produce milk longer. Um, it's a pretty, you know, in factory farmed, dairy milk is a pretty, um, gross industry. And that's why they had to pasteurize it because it's this milk coming from sick cows that obviously would make people sick. And so they pasteurize it, kill everything. You know, there's been a raw milk movement, at least we've seen in California. And I think that, I think there's something to be said for that. I don't know where I stand on. Like milk is not for humans. I personally don't consume, consume milk. If I have cheese it's raw cheese and try and keep it to a minimum. Um, it is he's for, I gave up all dairy for years. And the first time I had a piece of raw cheese, I was like, oh my God ever. Um, but I, I think my personal philosophy on food is eat as much unprocessed food as you want. If you're going to eat something that's processed or not good for you, like as long as you understand that, and you're like consciously making the choice. Great. You know, if you have a tree, I had a, my husband and I walked to the bakery this morning and I had a croissant, obviously there's, you know, sugar and processed things in there. Um, it's a treat. And if I was feeling guilt over that or stress about it, I probably would feel terrible, but he didn't, it's a treat what's a once, you know, once in a while thing and I feel totally fine. So I think there's, we try and make these hard and fast rules with food and we need to be a little bit gentler on ourselves. Um, but there's a huge difference between processed dairy and raw dairy. I think. So if you're on the side of wanting to consume dairy, I would really look into the different options. And then in plant-based milks, um, you know, personally, it's something I'm incredibly passionate about and a little bit like aggressive about, because I think that these plant-based milk much in marketing and just by being plant-based and standing on kind of that platform and also the platform of sustainability, um, which is also a major gray area. Um, but when you peel back one layer of what's in these plant-based milks, you realize they're full of chemicals that are not only not healthy for you, but incredibly harmful causing inflammation, causing digestive issues, causing skin issues. Most of them on the market, aren't organic, which for some reason, it's something that isn't really talked about that much. So not only are you getting the gums, the binders, the preservatives that are in there, you're getting a heavy dose of chemicals. And one of the things that's really crazy with oat milk becoming so popular, the oats, especially, um, so glyphosates are used in, in it's a pesticide that's used on most crops, but with oats it's used in growing the crop and then it's used right before they harvest it. They spray another thick layer of glyphosate on the dry them out faster to kill them, dry them faster so that they can take them to harvest faster. So literally days before you're getting oats that are going to be made into a concentrated oat milk they're covered in glyphosates. So any of these Oatlands on the market that are not organic or glyphosate free are then there's a highly poisonous pesticide drink, and it's just not talked about enough and it's really dangerous. And beyond it being dangerous for us to consume, we have to think bigger picture, think about the farmers, farming, the fields and their families think about the community that lives around the fields and the contamination to their air or their water or their land. And so when you talk about, then you have to look at that and talk about it from an environmental level. And we talk about the, of plant-based milk. Like I said, there's a lot of gray areas because if it's, non-organic, you're doing, you know, and it's a crop that gets irrigated a non-organic crop, especially that gets irrigated and all that water is washing back into the ocean or back into, to other water sources. Like it's incredibly dangerous. So I'm, I'm so grateful that there's been this huge movement to plant-based dairy, but I think that, um, we need to be smarter. It's a category that we really need to be educated on and understand the facts because it's not like it's a soda, like a healthier soda or healthier snack that you're having once in a while. It's a staple in most people's homes, especially if you have kids who are bringing cereal or smoothies, or you're having a coffee every morning with it. Um, you know, it's something you're consuming daily for me in a plant-based household. You know, we go through a court every two days. Like that's, that's a lot of product and for something that could be contaminated with, you know, carcinogens and inflammatory, um, ingredients, like that's actually very dangerous to your health. Yeah. Do you want to just pause there for a second and talk about those pesticides a little bit? Um, because people can buy organic produce, um, fruits and vegetables and think that they're not really getting pesticides in their diet, but like you said, like growing oats it's used in actually growing the oats and processing them and getting them ready faster to be put up on a shelf. And I think it's important to point out why pesticides. I've gotten a lot of questions from friends and from clients like is organic really that much better. So the flip side of that question is, are pesticides really that bad. And I think it's important to highlight even just for a moment that pesticides, what they do when you consume them. They cause a hormonal imbalance. So pesticides can actually mimic certain hormones and bind to your receptors so that your normal hormone function can't be happening. And that happens primarily with thyroid, um, a drink, which is, you know, directly correlated with energy levels and weight loss or weight gain, even your cognitive function, your adrenal glands, which is extremely important, hormone production for managing your mood, um, your energy levels, um, the way you can deal and handle stress. Something I haven't been good at this week. And, um, three, your reproductive hormones, you know, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, um, pesticides have been shown to decrease the, the count and the quality of sperm in men. Um, and progesterone is incredibly important for, um, anti-inflammatory compounds and it, the estrogen protects the actual structure of the brain. And so it's been shown that like estrogen deficiency has an impact on all timers later in life. And so when you're your body, you know, on knowingly to you with pesticides on a daily basis, your body can excrete, you know, some chemical compounds here and there when you have a treat, but if you're doing it every day, time and time again at every single meal, all of that is going to build up and it's going to cause a lot of hormonal imbalance in your body. Absolutely. And I love it when people are like, are they really that bad? And it's like, if you could avoid something that could potentially cause cancer or cause illness too, why wouldn't you just avoid, um, okay, this is safe in small doses, but in larger doses it would cause cancer like, cool. I'll just stay away from that altogether. And the other sad thing is that even if you are eating a hundred percent organic, because there's so much non-organic food produce out there, there's still a chance, like if you got tested for glyphosate or pesticides, there's still a chance you'd have some in your system because of cross-contamination. So, um, I think eating organic is absolutely worth it, the really unfortunate part. And, you know, I don't fully know how, how long it will take to change this. But the unfortunate part is it's far more expensive. Our organic almonds cost three times the amount that non-organic almonds cost. You know, when we look at how do we get pricing down so we can pass that along to the customer, the easy answer would be by non organic almonds, you can get them for $2 a pound. And it's like, I just can't can't do that. Um, especially knowing that we're putting a concentrated amount in our, our milks and it's like drink it. Exactly. Um, so I think the topic of organic is, is incredibly important. I know it's like it kind of had its its light a few years ago and then it's, it's been a little bit less of a conversation lately, but, um, if you, and a lot of reasons that people are doing plant-based is because they care about the environment. Um, so if you don't care about how it's impacting your health, you don't care about how it's impacting the farmer's health. Like non-organic foods have a massive detrimental impact on the environment. Yeah, absolutely. And kind of like you were saying too, like, we need to become educated about these brands that are coming out and they're trying to market themselves as healthy because we have to know that any time a health trend is going to start people who want money are going to jump on that opportunity and create something to make money. And so, you know, I ha I was with a friend a couple of weeks ago and she mentioned her favorite dairy alternative brand. And I was like, so do you want me to ruin it for you? Or do you not want me to ruin it? Yeah. I always like, okay, hate me after this conversation. Yeah. And it's even hard going to coffee shops, you know, and you're trying to pick a milk and I'm like, well, what kind of oat milk to what's the brand? Can I see the box? And my husband's like, oh dear God, just get black. Just get black coffee. Yeah. No I'm, I mean, I'm that way too. And now luckily we have enough coffee shops. Do you think good milk that I, I don't ever have to go to one that isn't and we have our powdered product too, that you can carry in your purse, but, um, yeah, always asking and the answer is never good enough. So I always walk away with like nothing a tea or. And I love that your product is so, um, good for on the go. Like you said, you can have the product, like the package right. In your purse because I'm always taking these little containers of like milk with me everywhere. If I think I'm going to get a drink somewhere strange. To do it is in my world. It's normal. Yeah. Well, um, so let's talk a little bit then, um, about the process of making good milk. So just to drive at home because people listening, I can't show like an image. This is like a flash dried product. So it's kind of like a powder. So it, right. It looks kind of like a powder in. I'm going to see if I, what I have on my little desk. Um, we have two versions, we have a powder and then we have a frozen liquid. So I'll show you a product that isn't out yet, but this is not what this is, this size I'm going to show you is what our cafes get. It's not what customers get. They get a smaller size, but so the frozen comes in these cool little packets, um, cafe size, it's bigger. Um, it comes literally like a frozen brick of concentrated almond milk, liquid cafes. Or if you're at home, you can, um, you thought and put it in a container, add water, give it a story. You don't need to blend it or anything like that. And you have a bottle of fresh, homemade plant-based milk. Um, so that was the first concept. The frozen concept we launched that, that worked. And I was like, man, similar to you. If I'm on the go or traveling. Probably not going to carry a froth around with me. No, can't. Have my products. It's frozen or liquid. Like I want to, you know, when I'm on vacation, I want to be able to have this product. And so we looked at the market and said, wow, there's no clean ingredient. Plant-based milk powders out there or creamers, which is how we, we launched just the market, um, and went to work, uh, spending a lot of money in time on R and D and creating the first plant clean ingredient, plant-based milk creamers. So we started with, um, our almonds and it turns out it's really hard to turn, um, Milky high protein high-fat product into a powder without adding maltodextrin or some other weird things. But we figured it out after a lot of work and some proprietary information around it. And we launched our almond creamer. And just a few months ago, you and I were talking about this via email. We had a breakthrough and we're launching two new products. So we basically now can turn any of our milk into a powder. And so we're turning our super oat milk into a powder. Um, and, um, our almonds we're, we're launching two new products. And I think by the time this comes out, they'll have officially launched. Um, but our activated creamers. And so they're powdered creamers that mix in steam foam tastes really great or creamy, but we've added, um, a few adaptogens and mushrooms to them. So with every scoop you get, not only the creamy, delicious milkiness, but you get this extra boost of, you know, we're kind of the vibes we're going for like youth longevity and vibrancy to kind of kick off your day. So you are not the first brand that's, I've talked to you about adaptogens because the doctrines are just getting so hot right now. And I think for very valid reasons, but I'm curious to what adaptogens and mushrooms you're specifically focusing on so that you can create those vibes. You just. Huge fan of adaptogens. I've been using them before they were cool. Like I always loved the maximizing, the nutrient density of everything you were consuming. And so when Rebecca Monday, like trying to explain chaga to people, and now it's like, my mom knows what chaga is, which is so we using, um, Toko Trinos, which is really great for skin I'm high in vitamin K we're using, um, lion's mane really great for, for mental cognition memory, my favorites, um, adaptogens astragalus, which is great for youth longevity. Um, I think they even call it like the youth or the anti-aging herbs, um, an adaptogen, and then, um, a mushroom called reishi. Real quick break here. If you want to learn more about adaptogens. As I mentioned, we have done a number of episodes where we did quite deep into the science and powers of adaptogens. So you can get more information by listening to episode three, with Dr. Sandra Carter from own mushrooms, episode four, with Alisa [inaudible] the founder of kind drew and adaptogenic lozenge brand, or episode eight, where we talked to the founders of droplet and adaptogenic functional drink. Here's a little sneak peek from episode four that explains to you what adaptogens are now, just in case you weren't sure. Adaptive is just this really amazing class of herbs that are non-specific to your body, and there's essentially helping you fight, or they support your system and able to sort of bring down the levels of stress, which I think stress in this whole adrenal fatigue is what kind of influences so much of the diseases. And so much of the unwellness that we're seeing. Let's get back to the interview with Brooke. So you're all about sourcing. So I'm curious how you, I, I'm just amazed at like how, um, nutrient packed, you're trying to make this product and also trying to keep the price down so that people can actually access it. How do you do your sourcing for these mushrooms in these adaptogens? This was, this is really important. And thank you for asking, because a lot of people don't realize that there there's a huge different in mushroom sources, especially, um, we, we found a really great company and so we source the, what they call the fruiting body. So kind of what would be above the above ground part of the mushroom. And that's supposed to be, um, one of the most pure, but it's also the most functional, um, a lot of washroom sources. So a lot of times mushrooms have to grow on like, oh, or wheat or some kind of other plant. And a lot of times they'll just take that whole plant along with the mushroom and grind it into the ratio powder or the lion's mane powder. So you're actually with every spoonful you're actually getting just as much like oats or whatever the corn or whatever the plant is that you are the mushroom powder, it's essentially dilutes it. You ever see a mushroom powder. That's like, like a ratio, for example, should be like almost dirt color, like really, really dark. If you ever see a ratio, that's not that dark. That means they're like grinding the, uh, the oat straw or whatever else in with it, and it's going to be less effective. And then if you think you're getting ratio and you had like a grain allergy or an oat sensitivity, wouldn't, you wouldn't know that this is might actually be causing you a little bit of harm because it has O in it. So that was really important for us to find a great course, um, and with finding great source, it's also a very expensive source. Um, but luckily it's so powerful that you don't need a ton. Um, so we found a great source for all of our adoptions that were really, really excited and the mushrooms that we're really excited about. Um, so every scoop will be, we designed it, you know, I personally like to micro, like, kinda microdose with my adaptogens, um, and have them in a few different parts of my day and, um, like kind of just let it build up over time. And so we designed it so you could have one scoop and that's like a great microdose, and you'll still feel the benefits, or you're going to have three scopes. And that's kinda like your, your full dose for the day. So as I'm thinking about it, just like we say, scoops, you know, powder is in flash frozen, and it's kind of like making this reminiscent texture in my mouth of protein powders. So for people that are listening, what is the texture of the product? Is there a right or wrong way of like mixing it or, um, and then what is that like actual end result texture? I think we put it in a format that's really easy. You know, people have been using powder creamers for a long time. They understand we launched them as creamers. The idea is you just scoop it into your coffee. You can stir it, you can froth it, you can put it in a blender, you can add it to your smoothie instead of milk and then use the powder and water, but really easy to use. There's no right or wrong way. There's no like overdosing on the mushrooms and adaptogens there's. So under dosing, you know, you'll still feel good from a little bit. Um, and it's, these are powdered milk creamers, so they're, they're creamy. Um, they're not, they don't have a, chalkiness like, um, protein powder does cause we don't add any, you know, pea protein or any other weird stuff. Um, there it's literally our milks just dried into a powder. I don't know if you can do this, but I'm going to throw a tough question at you. If you had to give a ratio of like the nutrient profile of good milk co versus a, like, I hope they don't see me, but like Nutpods what would you say is the difference between the nutrient profile of your product versus other conventional popular products at the grocery store? Yeah, so I would say there's a layer that's really confusing and food. Um, and that's the processing layer and there's no label that tells you how it was processed. So similar to what we were talking about with dairy, um, plant based milks, get one, the fact that they use very few nutrient like real food ingredients. So we use six times the real food ingredients, um, which is an easy way to kind of tell the difference. If you look at any other brand of almond milk, you'll see there's one gram of protein where ours has six grams of protein. So. You have to imagine they're not using that many omens. Three, three almonds per cup. Wow. Um, yes. So that one alone, like it is, is very different. But then as we talked about with dairy, the processing, any of the actual nutrients in there kills them and a lot of these milks are fortifying, but there's a whole rabbit hole we could go down with with fortified vitamins and how your body responds to them. Um, so I would say if you like not pods because it's creamy and you like the taste great. If you like something like not pods, because you think you're getting a bunch of nutrients and you're doing something healthy for yourself. That's, that's not the case. Um, you know, and that's where the processing of what we do became really important to me because I wanted the end product to actually be something that could have a positive impact on your health. So with something like good milk co could be considered processed, it's like minimally processed. I I'm always curious about this. Like last night I did a grocery store hall and it would look like I have so much packaged, processed food in my cabinet right now. But if you look at the ingredient label, it's all like whole foods there's no. So I've been thinking like, all right, well then is this considered processed or on a scale of one to 10, 10 being like the most processed thing you can find where we at. Great question when we did, um, I think we did a blog article. We definitely post on social media recently, but there's a couple of different levels. So there's like raw, raw, which are you go and you grab the apple, that's obviously a raw, completely unprocessed food. It was picturing the tree, then you're grabbing it and eating it as it is. Um, the next level is like lightly processed. I think, I think it's called. And that is, um, something that's re there's not really much processing done to it, but it's like maybe frozen for, um, extended shelf life. I'm trying to think of what else, like pureed, um, you know, something that is like not it's in its original state, but also doesn't have any like chemical processing or done. It's just like one step past its original state. And other one I've been seeing a lot of is like strawberry essence instead of, um, strawberry flavor. Yeah. It's actually really interesting. They like heat it up and they, I don't know if I'm going to say this right. But they heat it up and they like essentially take the steam, which has like the compounds and the flavor. And so it's like, it's a natural way of infusing flavor from the real food into the product and not using artificial or natural flavors. Well, we just, so let me finish the processing and then we can go onto artificial. Um, so, you know, lightly or, or barely processes kind of where, where our products fit in. Um, then there's processed foods, which, you know, is there's like some kind of chemical in there. Some kind of some, some it broken down in some kind of chemical way or something that like you wouldn't be able to do at your house, you know, with your, your own equipment. And then there's ultra processed foods, which are the most dangerous. And actually what most plant based milks fall into they're high, high, highly processed fats, highly processed, added sugars. The base itself is highly processed, um, and then have a bunch of chemicals in them. Um, so there's a few different levels. And just because it comes in a package doesn't mean it's necessarily a processed food, but it does, it would be altered from its original state in some way. But you know, you can use common sense if it's frozen, if it's frozen berries. Okay, cool. You, you can make sense of how it got to that state versus some other things like a liquid sitting on a shelf, not being refrigerated. You probably have no idea why or how that works. Yeah. And actually those flash frozen, organic berries are usually better for you than the fresh berries because they get transported. And, um, they heat up, they cool down, it changes the actual nutritional profile of the Berry. Well, and the frozen ones, they can pick them right. When they're ripe versus pre picking them and then letting them ripen off. So they get more nutrients from the tree or the vine, um, and then are frozen right away. So, yeah, you're absolutely right. So what is the, what is the label then for good milk co. We, I mean, that's a good question. So out in the world, I guess it would be lightly processed. It would be that first step because we are eating nuts into a milk and freezing it. Um, but we're the process we're doing is exactly the same We just do it on a much, you know, to make homemade milk. Um, you know, we use the word homemade a lot, cause I think that's the easiest translation. Like, Hey, if you've made homemade milk, watched a video on it, that's what we do. We just have much, much bigger equipment and then we freeze it real quick so that we can get it to you in that state. That's great. And I mean, yeah, I would absolutely drink almond milk that I make by myself at my house because I trust what's going into it. And so I can trust that product as well because it's following those same practices and probably doing it a lot better than I could do it. Yes. It's, you know, as easy as it is, we, we hear a lot of stories. Like I just couldn't get it right. Or couldn't do it. Um, and so we're happy to be a simple solution to that. You mentioned your blog and I did check out your blog and you guys had some great articles. Um, too, that really caught my mind were of course around the natural flavors are natural flavors actually good for you. I don't think that was the actual title, but you know, around there. And then there was one on depo. Tassian phosphate. You had an article about that. So I wonder if you could just give us like a high level, your you've got just such a breadth of wisdom and knowledge about all of this and the ingredients that are found in those conventional dairy milks and alternative milk. So I'm curious what your thoughts are around natural flavors and the dip depo dip potassium fi. I like it. So yeah, natural flavors. It's, uh, it's very confusing, right? Because it has the word natural in front of it. Um, and what that really means is it has to originate from like a plant or animal. It has to be the original source. What that doesn't tell you is that they can then change it into a chemical compound and in order to get to that, that flavoring, that natural flavoring. So, um, I joked on my personal page. Um, we didn't share it on, on the good milk that my favorite natural flavor comes from the anal glands of beavers. Um, because that is the one. I tell all of my friends about. I'm like, do you know what raspberry natural flavoring is? Um, when you trace them back, they're just very weird things. And then they are, you know, there's the same chemical, like the same chemicals that are in, um, artificial flavors. The most popular ones are used in natural flavors. So at the end of the day, when it comes to nutrition, there is not a huge difference. And they've just made it very confusing for, for people. Even my mom, like recently, it was like, well, how can it say natural if it's not good for you? I'm like, okay, mom, let me break this down for you. Because it's coming from being at Beaver's anal gland. That's something that you really want to, I. Think if you have the real details, you would not want that, but natural flavors are much cheaper than real food ingredients. Um, and so that's why they get used so much. And they're in most of the alt milks on the market. It's, you know, one of the, one of the last ingredients, but it's in there. Um, and you, and they don't have to disclose like what natural flavor it is to the, you know, there's hundreds of compounds that it can be. And you just have no idea what it is. I was just imagining like tasting just natural flavor by itself. And like, would I do that? And the answer's no. So why would I want it in any of my foods? Yeah. And then dive potassium. Phosphate is used, um, it's an acidity regulator. So it's used in a lot of barista blends, um, that they want to go into coffee and, um, be able to mix in, in well, acidic coffee. Um, and it's one that's like kind of easy to glaze over on the ingredient label. Cause you're like, what the heck is that word? Don't know don't, don't not going to look into it. Um, but it's another chemical compound. And when you look it up, it's like, it's fine in small doses. But when you go back to that, it's like what, it's fine in small doses, but is that something I still really want to be consuming and what what's a small dose, if I'm having an oat milk latte, you know, Grundy, oat milk latte every single morning from Starbucks and it has died, potassium phosphate in it, like where do, where do I hit the dose where it's not okay anymore? I don't think they could even give you an answer because everyone's detoxification abilities are different. Like some people can not handle fillers and emulsifiers and any of that and their food. It's an allergy that they have. And they say that may, you know, contribute to the increased cases of ADHD and just conditions we see in children these days is these fillers and emulsifiers and they, your immune system doesn't know what they are. And so your immune system overreacts. Um, and so some people, you know, can't have dip potassium, phosphate at all, and others, their detoxification system is a champion can get rid of it, but it's just going to be different across the board. Well, and there's no one really to fund the research on the other side. Right? So food companies want to fund research to say these things are okay, they're fine for you. Like they're maybe even good for you. Um, but there is no one really on the other side to fund research saying, Hey, actually we did a study and after 20 lattes, this no longer becomes good for you. There just isn't the money out there for those studies. So that's why when you Google it, there's not a ton of information. And it's, I think it goes back to kind of our number one mission is like, let us give you the information. So, you know, and then you can make the choice for yourself versus feeling, you know, unempowered and just grabbing what's in front of you and maybe suffering the consequences later down the road. Yeah. I mean, you and I could probably have another hour podcast talking about the food lies that big food companies feed us. Um, that's actually a book I've read feeding us lies. Um, and you're right. You know, you and I are the type of people that would, would want that study of like how much of this is actually bad for you. And neither of us can fund that. And that's why those big food corporations, they can fund it to back up the ingredients that they're putting in their drinks. And they can pay a lot of people off to get the result they want. Yeah. And the thing that's hard to reconcile that as like, as now a food maker, myself feeding strangers products, it's like, how do you not feel a sense of responsibility? Um, you know, one, it, maybe it would be different if you were super up front giving people the information and then they're still making that decision. Cool. That's on them. But when you're purposely manipulating data and, you know, making the front of the package say things or in ads, I had gone through a phase where I hadn't watched TV for like a few years. Like I hadn't watched like TV with commercials and I was on a flight, um, like two years ago, flying home from seeing my family. And it was like Delta or something and they had regular TV. And so I was just like zoning out, watching it while I was on my flight. And there were commercials and I just, hadn't where I really had a moment where I was like, whoa, I'm so out of touch on this food stuff, because I haven't been watching these commercials, but of course people think these like yogurts or snacks or different things that they're marketing are healthy for their cans, because that's what these commercials are telling them. So they see they get to the store, they have their kids with them, or they're in a hurry. No one wants to spend a ton of time in the grocery store. They're not flipping over the package to look at it or taking the time to think it's like, cool. I saw in that commercial that this has vitamin C in it. So it's good for my kids. Let me stock up on it. And it's like, it's so confusing to be a consumer. And when you're that person in the food company and making those decisions, it's just like, and you know, you, you know, when you're making these foods, you, you know what they do, what they are. Um, I can't imagine making consciously making a decision to put a product out there that could harm people's health. And then w you know, we can have a whole other conversation about how they target poor neighborhoods and poor communities. Um, with these like highly, highly processed, dangerous foods to sell more, um, it's, the food system is incredibly broken and it's going to be a long, long haul before it's fixed, but the fix is going to come from consumers, educating themselves, and then demanding better. And, you know, hopefully we can be a tiny little piece of helping to nudge people in that direction and make it easier for them, make them understand like, whoa, real food can taste really good. It can actually improve my life. And, you know, there's something to this. Yeah. And I think it's important to, you mentioned vitamin C and I think a lot of people, if they do flip over the label or they see that, you know, like vitamin D vitamin E vitamin C, they're like, oh, it's healthy. It's got all the vitamins in it. Great. My kid will go get his or her phyto vitamins, really, but it's not a food source, vitamin it's like ascorbic acid. And so those types of, um, what's the word I'm looking for, um, fortified vitamins in your food, they react differently in your body than actual vitamins that you're receiving from a whole food source, like an orange, the vitamin C in an orange is going to be different than ascorbic acid in a cereal. Well, and most of those foods to the first or second ingredient is like cane sugar. Hmm. Um, it was just like ruins. It just, it's already terrible. Just throw it out exactly. Um, before we get to the quick hit questions and kind of wrap this up about how people can get their hands on good milk co and all the products you have coming out. I did also just want to hit on sprouted, nuts and seeds, because I saw on your website that you do spatted and that is so crucially important for a lot of people that understand why are easier for your body to digest and just a better practice. So why is that important for your business? Yeah. Thank you for asking. That's such an underrated topic. Um, like I can't wait to the day where it is a bit more on the forefront, but for us, it was really important. One for me, coming from having diet digestive issues, I wanted products that were really easy to digest. We actually hear people say all the time, like, oh, I'm allergic to almonds. And then they have our own milk. And they're like, oh, actually, like I'm not having an allergic reaction to this. Um, and it's because they're soaked and sprouted. Um, but you know, imagine the way that I like to describe it is imagine taking, uh, a nut or seed when you soak and sprout. It, you're literally like releasing the, the energy that for it to start growing into a tree. So imagine taking an alt tiny little almonds and you're soaking sprouting it, and you get a little tail that would be the start of a fricking tree and almond tree. So you're, it's a whole different one nutrient profile, but the energy of that food is incredibly different because that all means preparing itself to grow into a massive, super strong almond producing tree, which I think is like the coolest and simplest way to look at it. You can say like, it's more nutrient dense, it's better for digestion, but like you're literally eating something that is, is prepping to grow into a massive, strong, beautiful tree. And that's way better than, uh, you know, um, pasteurize or roasted almond that's essentially done. Well, roasted almonds. Also, it drives me freaking nuts when I'm looking for trail mix, because if you turn it around, they're just like covered in refined vegetable oils. And you're like. Okay, so you want to know the other hard thing about trail mix or buying nuts out of the store is there are no rules around labeling the word raw. So, um, you actually, so we source all of our almonds from Italy because you can not buy California, California almonds. Um, the California board of almonds has banned farmers from selling raw almonds. So if you go to any store, but specifically one that you know, trader Joe's sells those bags of raw almonds, not raw. How can. They put that on the label? How is that? There's no rules. Around it. I had somebody from the health department tell me that to my face years ago. Um, they, when we were selling the, um, the fresh product, they were talking to us about pasteurizing it. And I was like, no, they wanted us. We were sorry. We were sourcing almonds from a local farmer, um, who was giving us raw because we were buying direct from him. And we were so stoked to be buying local, California almonds. And, um, the health department came, they were like, you can't be using raw California almonds. And we're like, what do you mean? They're the ones who like, kind of told us about the rule. And I was like, wow, that's such a bummer. Like, we're a huge account for this farmer. You know, this is gonna hurt him, trying to make a living for himself. And the woman looked me like right in the face and was like, oh, we'll just have him pasteurize them. And I was like, no, no, no. Like we, we sell, it's like raw sprouted milk. That's kind of what we do. And she's like, well, you can still call it raw. There's no rules around that. Okay, cool. Where are you where you stand? Yeah. You're like, great. You and I are going to be best friends dinner tomorrow night. We definitely align on our value. Yeah. Yeah. And that's when we started sourcing, um, from Italy because Italy, Italian, and Spanish, and even Australian almonds, um, you can, you can get raw. Crazy, man. We could go down so many rabbit holes for so much longer, but we do need to start wrapping this up. So I know that the oat milk is coming out and you have the, um, variations with the mushroom and adaptogens coming out. What else is in store for? Gosh, we have a whole fun roadmap of products that my team like kind of holds me back on because I get really excited about, um, but the, the, our newest products that are launching the activated creamers, I'm really excited about. It's just an easy way for people to one incorporate good milk into their morning and kind of like upgrade whatever their routine is, but also to get introduced to these adoptions and mushrooms in a really easy, accessible way, and like start to feel a difference from them without like having to taste them or like having a, be some, some weird thing. Um, so the, that product, those two products, the super out activated creamer and the almond activated creamer, I'm really excited about. I am too. I'm going to order a ton of good milk as soon as we get off this call. Um, but I do have some quick hit questions for you. So the first one is what does having a clean body mean to you? Yeah. I think being, being conscious about what you're putting in and on your body and being comfortable with and being comfortable in those decision that's not so clean and knowing that everything else you're doing is supporting that decision. What are some other health and wellness, uh, habits you have either in your diet or lifestyle that you just couldn't live without? Uh, green juice is a big one for me, especially in the summer of green juice every day. Um, and then a pretty, um, gnarly like bedtime skin routine, like sleep, like, but like, it sets me up for the skin, but also like to get into the zone. So like have a good night of sleep. Oh, sleep is so important. I love sleep so much. Good sleep probably right now. Uh, and last quick question for you. What other brands are you loving? Yes. Um, there's, I mean, it's such a fun time to be a founder in food too. There's so many cool brands, um, up and coming and I'm like a big one for not wanting to compromise like the taste and experience. Um, there's a brand, an ice cream brand that I really love called dream pops that makes super clean coconut based ice creams. Um, I have a girlfriend that's doing a really cool line of adaptogens and superfoods called the pop, the Carey. Um, there's gosh, there's so many good ones. I, my best friend makes, um, clean ingredient candles there. It's called the Puffin, um, LA and she makes soy wax candles with essential oils. And like, I don't go a day without waiting one of her candles. Um, it's a really fun time to be an entrepreneur. And I have friends that are making cool things. It is, it's so insane. I have so much fun going to the grocery store. I'm always there for like two hours, just like reading the label. I'm like, oh, gotta try this. Gotta try that. Like just come home with so many thing. Things in your cart, then you have to put back on the shelf. Cause they're not approved. Yeah, exactly. I'm like, oh, shoot, got to go back to the produce. And I've been here for awhile, but thank you so much. How can everyone get their hands on good milk co and engage with you and with the brand? Yeah. Thank you for asking. Um, website is the best place we shipped nationally, um, to your door. You can get the frozen or powder very easily. Um, if you want to, you know, we educate a lot and put a lot of information on our good milk code, G O O D M Y L K C O. Website is good Awesome. I will put all those links in the show notes to the website, the products, the social media, pretty much everything we've talked about in this episode, but I so appreciate you and you are such a pioneer and a bad-ass woman. So thank you for doing what you're doing. And I can't wait to see good milk explode. I just think 10 years from now, everyone's going to be using these six times healthier powdered milk alternatives. And I'm very excited for. It. Thank you. I really appreciate that. And we can't succeed without people like you are helping us share our message and helping to educate consumers on the need for products like these. So really appreciate it. Again. I hope you enjoyed that interview. As a reminder, this podcast is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional care from a doctor, otherwise qualified health professional. This podcast is provided on the understanding that medical or other health related services. If you're looking for help in your journey, seek out we'll see you next.