Horror Movies & Scary Stories


Tracie Season 1 Episode 1

A young man is haunted by the ghost of a co-worker he barely knew.

In this chilling tale we listen as Brandon begins unfolding from a haunting that is not only terrifying but unique within this genre of film. This Short screenplay has become a Feature screenplay and will premier in Season 2 titled "Otaktay." (This podcast was previously titled "Scary Stories & Screenplays")

Our actors reading the roles are:  
Sam Jules as  Brandon
Darrius Warren as Phillipe
Carolyn Gazalski as Sharon
Erin Cessna as Allie
Patrick Higgs as Carl and 
Cortina Jackson as our Detective & Lisa

And a very special thank you to Cari Haim, for helping me title this great screenplay. Credits for sound effects for ALL Episodes: Freesound-Klankbeeld, The Bose Deity, Jan Bezouska, John Levine333, inspectorJ, W. Luna, Silver Illusionist, New Age Soup, Yewbic, Yolande180138, NightWatcher98, Mini Gun Fiend, Rhapsodize, Creeper Ciller 78, MariceJK, Jordi Shaw, Boedie, James T Campbell, Anna Ponce, Other Things, Isbeorn, Sheyvan, Toklant, Fool Boy Media, Audio Dread, The OJT, Mitch Anary, P. Chester, Abouch, Anders MMG, Batman 6661, Neospica, Krucifix 444, Gowler Music, Mevafaan, RawWhiteman7, K. Myers 1316, Mary The Witch, Alec Corday, db123Infane, Soularity Sound, Tyops, Skydran, Alex 400, Xanco123, Arithi, Columbia 23, Tony Carlisle, Savvva S. Juhengof, Joe Crazy 3193, Rettalo, PFranzen, Nigelinix, Ashleyxxpiano, 

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