Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life

Show Me Who You're Running With

Matthew A Bennett Season 1 Episode 43

The Ideas and Concepts Mastermind (Facebook Group)
Don’t get locked into the limited thinking that you just don’t know the right people. It’s easy to find a local group of people who are into personal development start meeting them and choose that handful of people that you want to get to know. If you introduce yourself and someone takes no interest in getting to know you, you’re in luck! There are more people to keep talking to and it takes effort, but you can find your success network.

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SM043 Monday July 5, 2021 Show Me Who You’re Running With


Welcome to the Second Mix Podcast where we reflect, revise, and remix our lives. My name is Matthew Bennett. At the end of this episode there’s going to be a call to action - a call to take a little step to remix your life – please join the Facebook group Ideas and Concepts so we can continue the discussion. The link is in the description.


In Joe Herbert’s book Get Rich in 5 Hours, he lays out for us the six life assets – Mindset, People, Time, Knowledge, Money, and Health. 


A concept that I find intriguing is that people really are one of your assets. And we are not talking about the people you know, or the people you hang around with. Because you can tap in anywhere – if you say you just don’t know the right people, or if the crowd you are hanging around with doesn’t seem to be going anywhere with their lives, then you can go out and meet new people. There’s never a shortage of positive people. 


In our limited scope of the social sphere that we are in, it only seems like we just don’t know anyone else and we’re stuck with the people we are around. Don’t be fooled by that. The right people are around – you just have to find them, and introduce yourself. We become the average of the five people we hang out with the most. This is a really good way to phrase it – I do like the saying, “Tell me who you’re running with and I’ll tell you where you’re running to.”


But don’t get locked into the limited thinking that you just don’t know the right people. It’s easy to find a local group of people who are into personal development start meeting them, and choose that handful of people that you want to get to know. If you introduce yourself and someone takes no interest in getting to know you, you’re in luck! There’s more people to keep talking to and it takes effort, but you can find your success network.


Part of this is working on your own mindset and your own education – do thing to become attractive, and  you will attract the right people. Joe Herbert quotes Oprah Winfrey in his book, “Surround yourself with those who only life you higher.” Jim Rohn said, “Get into a group of people who challenge you. Go where the expectations are high. Don’t join an easy crowd.”


You are not stuck where you are. And as the book says, if you feel stuck, and you’re not happy with your life, you don’t need to look any further than the people you spend the most time with. 


In Get Rich in 5 Hours, the author divides your group of people using a sports metaphor. 

Your coach, your team members, your cheerleaders, neutral people, critics, and toxic blockers. 


You can find your coaches and mentors online, for free, on YouTube, and in books – email me for a massive list of positive, inspiring people to choose from. I recommend this as a great start, until you can find a live person to be your mentor. I do want to say that I found the person I wanted as a mentor about a year and a half into my journey, and he is the author of the book we’re talking about today. 


I asked him out to coffee, we chatted a bit, and then I said, “I don’t know how to ask this exactly, but will you mentor me?” and he said, “You ask just like you did. Yes.” 


My journey continues. 


This week, today, make two lists. Your first list is the five people you spend the most time with INCLUDING family members. The second list is the five people you spend the most time with excluding family members – so the people outside of your family that you choose to spend the most time with.  This second list is the one you need to focus on , and put some work into. Do those people need to be replaced? Not to be too harsh – you don’t need to ditch most of them, but you do need to choose to spend maybe a little less time with them in favor of a new crowd, a new group that is going to challenge you. When you do this, I can promise you that changing your second group will improve the relationships in your first group. If you get any flashes of insight let us know about it in the mastermind on the Ideas and Concepts Facebook group – the link is in the description. 


Thanks for listening to the Second Mix Podcast, once again, I am Matthew Bennett. You can grab this transcript on the blog at If you have any questions send me an email at, I would love to hear from you! Please give me 5 stars whenever and wherever you can , subscribe to get notified about the latest episodes – and if you haven’t yet, please leave me a really nice review.  Once If you know anyone who might find this information helpful, please tell them about this show – I do this to help people.  I’m gonna be here every Monday and Thursday until my unicorn farm is well stocked. 


Take steps that will make your week incredible.  I’ll be back on Thursday –  this week continue reflecting, revising and remixing your life. I’ll see you soon!