The Trust Tipping Point Marketing Podcast

How To Quickly Generate More 5-Star Reviews & Customer Activity

Javier Lozano, Jr. - Anchor Wave

During this Business Reviews Masterclass we will teach Home Services companies 3 secrets on how to quickly generate more 5-star reviews & customer activity... without wasting time and money doing it yourself.

Secret #1 - Recent Google updates reveal how business reviews increase your SEO & lead generating activity.

Secret #2 - The #1 way to make negative reviews work in your favor.

Secret #3 - The 3 major reasons why your customers won't review your business.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Alright guys, so again, welcome to joining us for this amazing workshop in lunch and learn on how to quickly generate more five star reviews and customer activity without wasting time and money doing it yourself. And that's a lot of stuff to kind of fill in there. But we really do believe by kind of going through the system that we are going to show you, you'll be able to actually stop spinning your wheels and start seeing some great results out of your review efforts. And so, you know, today, what I want to focus is and make sure you guys understand them learn is that, you know how our team was able to generate 232 class reviews, and I'm sorry, 232 of our clients were able to get 16,291 reviews. And and basically a pretty quick timeframe, in my opinion, which is roughly about 60 or so reviews per person. And this is us celebrating with with our team on us helping get this number in. So you might be wondering, like, you know, is this, you know, touting about how amazing anchor wave is, and it's the complete opposite what it is, is us celebrating on making our customers, the hero making our customers become the Community Hero in their community for their service or products that they have to offer. And we were just able to kind of guide and help them in that product process to achieve that. So this is a big milestone for us, because a we never done this before. But B, this is, you know, showing how well, you know, our clients are actually benefiting from this, this, you know, the system that you're gonna be seeing here. And so what I want to do is I want you guys to kind of imagine a little bit about, you know, kind of getting that slice of that five star reviews of that 16,291 Getting a slice of that pie. Okay, you know, what would 16,291 reviews do if you were able to just to get a slice of that maybe it was 20? Maybe it was 50? You know, what would that mean for you? What would that mean for your business? Could it change things? You know, and maybe it's hard to imagine this? Because, you know, the thing is, is that some people think, well, you know, reviews aren't really worked for me, or it's not, you know, really made for my business. And in reality, it is actually made for almost any business to be quite honest. The other part is that some people might think of this as an ego boost, well, no, this is this is more of a credibility check, okay, when you're getting great reviews in your community for your services that you offer, that basically is showing credibility, trust in your community, that that you're you're almost validated in the sense that people actually love you. And so something else to kind of think about is, is that sometimes some people think reviews only belong for restaurants. And that's kind of not true, they belong in all aspects, everything from a local mom and pop shop, to a, you know, a b2b type company, they all really belong in a lot of areas. And so we're going to show you today, you know, that reviews mean way more than just the stars next to their names. Now. Now, you might become hung up on this whole thing about how overwhelming it is to creating a reviews program. And you know what, maybe you're right. But you know, maybe you've also tried something like this in the past where you've done like, say, a sticker. And it's, you know, review us on Google, I know, I've done this, I used to own a brick and mortar business. And I remember putting that sticker when I when I got in the mail, put it on the door on the window, the front be like sweet, I'm gonna start getting some reviews, and it didn't work. And I was like, What's going on, you know, or some people have done this, and I've done this before to until I realize that I probably shouldn't. But when you make a coupon, and you say, hey, review us, and we'll give you a discount for x. And just kind of an FYI, if that is something that you're like, you know, we should try that or, or, you know, we've done that before Google doesn't really like that they don't really want you to be. So like almost trading reviews for business. And so they want reviews to be true and organic, and be real and authentic. And so just to kind of little, you know, put that out there that this is probably not the best thing to do, even though some businesses have actually done it. And so once you know that you're not alone, lots of businesses have done these small efforts to get more reviews here and there. And quite frankly, they didn't really you know, produce the results that they're expecting, you know, they came in there with high expectations, you might have come in there with high expectations for these reviews. And it just failed and honestly it's okay because these strategies don't really produce the results. They don't work and they're not effective. Now, I want to ask you something and ask yourself this actually, let's see if it's going through there we go. Ask yourself this really quick and see how true these statements our number one is going to be. You know reviews are mostly for restaurants already brought this up. But I was you know in that boat where you know, well reviews are only for restaurants if I'm going to go you know Go eat somewhere, I'm going to go look at you know, the reviews, I want to be sure I'm getting a good meal, that sort of stuff. You know, here's another one, where you're probably accustomed to seen is, you know, word of mouth is our number one source of business. I hear this all the time, okay, and not saying word of mouth is bad, I think word of mouth is amazing. But word of mouth is very difficult to also kind of predict, okay, and, you know, after last year in the pandemic, word of mouth didn't really help a lot of businesses because they just needed activity. Another part is, is internal staff can handle feedback just fine. And, you know, maybe they can, but what about, you know, the, the really tough ones, can they really handle it, or their systems around, you know, if they get some sort of feedback, that's not really positive, how to go through that. And then the last one is marketing should focus only on SEO and ads, such as Google or Facebook, and I was in this boat at the time where that that was, what marketing was, is just running ads, doing SEO and that sort of stuff. And in reality, that's not true. What you want to kind of think about is, is that, you know, reviews actually play in that whole role? Yeah,

Lilly Darling:

I think it's important that we kind of take that that poll. So thanks for guiding guiding us through those questions. Because I do think that what we're sharing today is different than what you might imagine. So I put this quote in our training, because if you think about, you know, Henry Ford, this is a pretty famous quote of his but back in the day, if you had asked people what they wanted, and in aligning this with, if we asked businesses what they wanted, it is more word of mouth or it is more organic, SEO word is Legion. However, what he had the vision to be able to say is that there's a different solution, there's a different vehicle, as it were, that's going to be able to take us where we want to go. And it's not the thing that seems the most obvious or what we would imagine that faster horses, we're really going to be showing you that there's a different vehicle that is available to you to actually get you to where you want to go and grow your businesses. So it's really, it's it's not just that it's reputation and reviews, it's really SEO, it really is Legion. So that's why we wanted to talk about this training, around reviews and reputation. It's not yet widespread knowledge as an SEO strategy, or as a lead conversion tool. So I'm really glad that you're here with us today. Because what other folks are looking at is kind of a little bit outdated. And it's not necessarily true. And so you're gonna be able to see that inside perspective as to why this is such a big deal. Why it's more than what it appears on the surface and how it's going to get you to where to where you want to go. So today, you know, like we said, our goal is really to reveal to you those broken ways it's been done before the outdated thinking so that you can walk away with this incredible shortcut we want you guys to walk away with from this training, knowing that you've got actionable things in your pocket, knowing that you've got the inside information, knowing what's going to be the most effective and give you clarity in that. So we've kind of put that put that together in this overall three section training that we're going to be doing. So the key word here, whenever you read this title as quickly, generate more five star reviews of customer activity without all that time and all that money and doing it yourself. So let's let's break down the three categories of what we're going to go over. So our team, always watching what's the what's the big guy up to what's the search engine Google up to these days, because that is plays such a significant role in business growth. So we're going to talk and share what Google has been doing with their new algorithm and with updates, so that you can understand how that impacts SEO and lead generating activity. We're also going to flip the script on this one today. So you think negative reviews are all bad, we're going to talk about ways they can work in your favor and how you can take back control there. And then lastly, we're going to talk about the obstacles and what those major things are that have been preventing success in this area, preventing even your happy, happy, happy customers from doing what you would like them to do and providing those reviews for business. So these are all action packed things that we're going to jump into and share a whole lot about. But first, I did want to just make sure that you've got an introduction on us. Got an introduction on Inca wave, who are we? We did start back in 2003. That's Mike our founder. And we began just mostly doing websites. So websites are magical back in the day, right? Oh, code is, you know, really, you know, wizards have were the programmers back then. And now there's a lot of more technology that can help things happen a little bit smoother and speedily. But in 2008, we expanded because it's not enough. Just have a website, right? We need to shine the light on it. We need to get traffic to that website. And so our digital marketing department blossomed were able to add all kinds of really effective tools and tactics. And so we've grown, we've added, we're up to 20, rock stars. They're all specializing in their own unique areas of genius. And we have leveraged those programs and those rock stars to facilitate those over 1300 sites launched and hundreds of digital marketing programs that we have been able to facilitate for local clients. This is me on the laptop, my name is Lily darling, I'm the CEO of anchor wave. And I kind of cut my teeth on graphic design and making business cards is a young kid out of college here in Tucson at the University of Arizona back in the day, when people they actually use paper, it was a thing that people use for marketing, but even then, it really was empowering to kind of put that tool together, put that into their hands for business owners, help them build their brand and empower them to do you know, awesome things out in the community and, and work in their areas of genius. Nowadays, the tools are highly digital, and we have all those analytics and technical functions. And it's even more exciting because we get data and ROI. But it's, it's the same thing. I just really, I do love helping businesses when and giving information or putting those tactical tools in their hands. So that's, that's what I love. And then we've got Javier, who's joining me as my co host. I'm sure he's glad to share, you know, how he came to be a part of anchor wave. And what this last year has brought, has brought for him.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Yeah, so I'm Javier and I'm actually out in Castle Rock, Colorado. So, you know, as difficult as this pandemic has been, for everybody, this has probably been one of what I calls a blessing in disguise, because I don't believe anchor wave would have looked outside of the Tucson area for a CMO, which is the role that I play here. And you know, fortunately, we, you know, I saw what they were doing, and I got really interested in and this is kind of where I basically am able to share my knowledge from running a business for over 10 years and in doing a bunch of marketing and sales processes and systems, doing some great successful stuff in applying this for anchor wave, and then also hosting these types of workshops by teaching the things that are working for not just us, but also for our customers and what we've done in the past. And so this is just a fun opportunity to do these workshops, I actually thrive off of teaching because this is something that is a second neck for me. Yeah,

Lilly Darling:

well, and it's part of our culture, too. So here's another shot of some folks on our team. And really, we have had that long history and local marketing and digital tools as well as web development. But we've kind of expanded that too. And one of our models really is to you know, do these things, test them out, prove that they work and then be able to teach. And so that's actually propelled our owners are the ones that started the company back in the day to develop another side of of our, of our business, which is called agency coach. And so they actually teach agencies across the country, how to do the things that incorrect has been doing and how to deliver the results to the clients. And so what's really cool about this is that you're getting all of you, you know, here especially on this training, the benefit of not only us working locally, with folks for the last 1819 years, but you're getting the benefit of all those agencies and all those businesses around the country who are looking to get results in their, in their firms as well. And so this is not just like one or two tests that have been done, or one or two sample size. To say that we get results, this is hundreds of companies, this is 1000s upon 1000s of dollars tested. And so we have taken away the things that are really proven to work and you're getting the benefit of that. So that's them speaking on stage and, and had they've been in books and all kinds of cool stuff, but really, really want you to kind of take away from this is that you're getting the benefit of of that growth. And we love to teach. So why is it important that you were here for us, we'll talk about and teach you about this stuff today. So we're going to show you why this is so impactful. We're gonna jump right into our first secret, which is all about our friend Google. So take it away, Javier. And let's let's talk about what Google has to say these days.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

So you know, as Lily probably has probably said in the past, she refers to Google as mama Google. And so we always pay attention to mama Google. So when Google is making some significant changes to their platform, we take note of this, and then we take notices because it affects not just you as the searcher, but as a business. And so we're going to show you how these recent updates are connected to your business reviews, how to impacts not only your SEO, but also your lead generation activities, which at the end of the day, this all leads to future business and increase bottom line and it's See, there we go. And so here's how most people think SEO kind of works. And this is not wrong if you think this, but I just kind of want, you know, one want to kind of paint this first is that, in a nutshell, SEO is, is simply getting a website or a page to show up on the first page of the search engine, it doesn't be the first page to be the second page, whatever. But my point is, is the goal is to get your your page or your website to the first page of say, Google. And in honestly, like, there's a lot of stuff that's involved with this. I mean, you know, one of the things is you got to continuously, you know, do a lot of blogging, you know, or posting a lot of content. And that's a lot of work. I mean, creating blogs once a week or once every few days, posting it onto your site. And then you know, hoping that Google indexes and all stuff that is a lot of actual labor. Okay, another one is writing this like weird complex code on your website. That's called like metadata and then structuring your site a certain way so that it shows up correctly on the search engines and all that stuff. So that stuff actually takes a lot of high level skill. Or the other part is like, going after keywords. We've all heard this, like, you know, what keywords do you want to go after what keywords are important to you. And then when you can start saying that you realize that you know what, everyone else is going after those same stinking keywords. And I'm like, five years behind the, you know, behind the ball on this, and it's an uphill battle. And so in reality, like those keywords, like mostly, they're not important to your business, but it's difficult. And then the other part is, is like, you have to analyze all this data for your SEO strategy, you got to, you know, use Google. And unfortunately, this is one of the things that's really challenging is that they have this thing called Google Analytics. And this dashboard is not really easy to understand. And there's a lot more to the whole SEO strategy. This is kind of like, you know, high level of what it is in a nutshell. But you know, I want you to take a look at this really quick. This right here is a business in Texas. And I believe the search that we were doing was like Dallas landscaping, okay. And so they're in the top of Google, they're in the first page, they're above what we call an aggregator, okay, which, which has a lot of sites go into their their page. Anyways, you get, you know, some people kind of look at this, like, well, you know, the first page can't be that hard. Well, some people don't really understand the concept of this part, as well, too, is that to get to the first page of Google, like what we're seeing right here, is, it's it's more of a long game play. And what I mean by long game, is that what I just mentioned earlier, but what's kind of like, you know, involved in, in SEO, it's, it's a long play, where you're doing this for several months, until you start seeing results, like what you're seeing here for key landscaping. The other part is time intensive. I mean, this is a lot of resources that you have to dump into this. I'm not saying that this is not good, because we love SEO, it's a great tool, it works. But some people don't have the the actual time, some people don't have the patience to do that. And then the other part too, is there's no guarantees. There's no guarantees that you'll be able to get to the top of the search engine. And it's that's why it's it's such a, you know, a challenge for some businesses to kind of understand that. So check out this quote right here. So this stat right here is hub spots, research showed that 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. I mean, this is Cystic is not just surprising, but it kind of gives you like an inside look of like, wow, like I guess like what I do is I just kind of scroll if I don't see on the first page, I type something else in and if I do see what I need, then I just click and then move on. And we all do that. And so anything that's like past the first page, it's kind of in a coffin, like we're no one, you know, is gonna find it. And so you know, you might be asking yourself, or you're kind of thinking like, Well, Google wants to give the best and highest quality results to searchers, which is you and I like that's what Google wants to do. But you know, how does Google understand which businesses are high quality? Like, how did they determine you know, which one of the good one was the show and which are the bad ones and, and all that stuff. So did a little bit you know, more research and check this out? This is really cool. So as somebody went to Google, and then I typed in anchor wave in the search box, right? Pretty simple, nothing crazy here. And then in their search box on the right of the page, so is up our Google My Business Profile. Alright, nothing out of the ordinary here, we've got our reviews that shows up at the top, we've got our contact information or location, business hours. I mean, again, things that are just normal, start looking down towards the bottom here, right there, where it says reviews from the Web, check that out, Facebook reviews showing up really, this is crazy. And so this is what's interesting is that Google is beginning to aggregate reviews. So you might see this, not just on your free Google My Business Profile, but you might see this on competitors or other people where it's showing like Facebook, or showing Yelp or home advisor or other review sites. Basically what Google is saying is that we're watching all the reviews from all the sites It's not just ours. And that's something that's really important to understand here. And so the next part is, is this whole star rating in the actual maps. This is really cool because when you start hovering over these pins, when you hover over them, what you'll notice here is that they're showing the star rating. My landscaper, Dallas has a 5.0 star rating with eight reviews. Okay, if I hover over another one, it's going to give me another one. Now, this one doesn't show up in the map, but it shows up, you know, on the side of the bar, where it's called Roundtree landscaping, their review is 3.7 star rating. Okay, that's not really good. And so let me explain something here. If you live to live close to landscaper, Dallas, and you saw that they had, you know, great reviews, and you're like, you know, I'm gonna contact them because they're close. But let's say you live close to Roundtree landscaping, and they have 3.7 star rating, only three reviews, you're gonna be thinking twice about calling them in maybe going somewhere else, that 3.7 star rating is costing them a lot of money and a lot of opportunity. Now, let's take this a little bit further. Whenever you go into the search results, you type in, say Dallas landscaping, like we've been doing resilient. The actual ratings are also showing up next to the big business name. And so these three businesses show up in what we call the local three pack, which is like a prime real estate spots on Google. Okay, and so of these three, ask yourself this, which one of these three businesses will you contact, and if you want to put it into the into the chat box, I'd love to kind of hear what you guys have to say. But, you know, are you gonna call landscaper, Dallas, which has a 5.0 rating, but eight reviews, or you're gonna call girl landscaping, which has just slightly less stars, four and a half stars, but 61 reviews, so then a lot of business, or you can call Roundtree landscaping, which just has three reviews for a 3.7 star rating, you're probably going to call Guerrero landscaping. And I'm not going to tell you that's a bad idea. Because I think it's a brilliant idea, I would probably do the same thing too. But something to kind of look into a little bit deeper is look, look at this grow landscaping and round tree landscaping, they both have been in business for three and a half for just over three years. Okay? And Guerrero has just an amount of reviews that are given them the authority, given them credit, ability and trust things that Roundtree landscaping doesn't have right now.

Lilly Darling:

And the other thing I'll do just to jump in is like this is stuff that Google didn't use to show before like those stars next to the map listing, those Facebook reviews, these that we're seeing here on the screen, that that was not part of what Google included in their information that they were showing to searchers. So this is really why reputation and reviews has become so important in the eyes of Google, Google's paying attention to it, ranking businesses based on this. And they are presenting this information in a way that has customers evaluating it in a whole new way. So that's that's just why that SEO piece is so integrated now with how Google's displaying information.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Exactly. And in the beauty about this is, as I mentioned that when one site that was at the top of the search engine, I mean, that's a lot of effort. And it's a lot of stuff going on there by the fact that girl landscaping focused on reviews, all of a sudden, under the cricket favorite. And so it just it just changes stuff. And so, you know, how many opportunities do you think round trees missing? Alright, so remember, the keyword that we're typing in was Dallas landscaping. And so essentially, Google takes all this data, okay, and they, you know, kind of massage it, aggregate it and they say, okay, hey, the average amount of searches per month for the key phrase Dallas landscaping, what would you guys probably say? I mean, you can type in a number in the in the chat box, if you want to, could it be 50? Could it be 1000? Could it be 200? The actual number, it's actually just 200. And you might be thinking, Well, isn't that much, actually that's a lot. And when you look at it like this, that's 200 opportunities. 200 eyeballs per month.

Lilly Darling:

That's 400 eyeballs.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Yeah. Or sorry? 400. Eyeballs.

Lilly Darling:

Exactly. In most cases, you never know

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

exactly, exactly. So as 400 Eyeballs 200 people per month that are actually you know, seeing this opportunity, but Guerrero is losing out on this because they have a 3.7 star rating. Okay. And I'm sorry Guerrero, but Roundtree is losing out because they have a 3.7 star rating. But then you flip to you know, Guerrero where they have, you know, four and a half stars, 61 reviews of those 200 searches per month. I'm pretty sure they're getting the lion's share. They're showing that authority, they're showing that trust not just by saying hey, people trust us, but the community is trusting them by sharing the reviews. Now take this a little bit, you know, to the next step, if you will, you know, 97% of people search for search for for businesses online. So that's basically everybody. Okay, everyone. is looking for a business online, right? And so here's something else is that 93%? Right, we read online reviews. And studies also show that they're reading more than two plus reviews. So they're not just reading, you know, from Google, they're reading a review from Google and Yelp or Google and HomeAdvisor. And Google, do you see I'm saying, so it's not just one that you only can focus on, you have to diversify. Think of this as like your stock portfolio, you don't just put money into one thing, you're diversifying your your actual investments, okay. Now, this next piece is pretty crazy. 85% of people trust reviews as much as a personal recommendation. That basically is like nine out of 10 people trust review as though it came from their mom, even though it's a stranger that they've never met in their life. I mean, think about that, like 10 to 15 years ago, this was never the case, you know, you never took a review, or recommendation from someone you never really met new. And now we're literally making our entire purchasing decision from strangers, because of reviews. And the last part is 77% of customers think that reviews older than three months aren't relevant. And I'm guilty of this, I'll review something on Amazon, I'll filter on the most recent because I want to see who are the crazy people that are most recent, or who are the smart people that are most recent to see if it wasn't just kind of like, you know, a crazy month, they were probably pushing for reviews or something. So what I'm getting to is that people are looking at this. And so the kind of summon up is your customers are telling you what matters, they search, they read two more reviews on review sites, they trust their reviews from these people they've never met before. And they want in, they value fresh reviews, like all this stuff is important. Now this is something else, that's that's kind of cool. There was a study done by this, this business, and according to this study, it basically show that an increase in your bottom line, you can increase your bottom line by five to 9%. In new revenue, if you simply increase your online ratings by one star, so like think of it like this, if your your business was generating say a million dollars in annual revenue, okay. And you had to say like a three star rating. Alright, by simply increasing your star rating to four stars, you could add an additional$90,000 to your bottom line, that could be a new employee, that can be an increased marketing budget, that can be a lot of stuff for a lot of businesses. So those are some of the things that reviews really can actually do. And it kind of like came with this in and take it home, if you will. This is one of our customers that we have coming up here. Right there. Sorry, this is one of our customers coming up. This is Gary Franks from altitude homeloans. He's part of our network, a networking group in Tucson is called T AE. And our chief of strategy is also part of this group as well to this is how I learned about this, but Gary made it a point in one of their weekly meetings to share and confirm with the groups that reviews for his business has been helping them get more online presence, and actually close some of these loans as well, too. But look at the stat right here, when they start when they first kind of you know, started looking at adding reviews to their business, they had 21 reviews in 2018. Is that mean that that's bad? I mean, no, it's good. That 21 reviews, that's that's solid, right? I don't know how long it took them to get that but just kind of think about this. In the past three years, there are now over 100 reviews today. Okay, that's now just increasing their credibility. But it's also increasing their presence, as you know, Gary stated, and they have a 5.0 rating on Google. I mean, that just shows to you how, essentially, like by focusing on reviews, your business is going to leverage the SEO that you know is time consuming, and the long game, okay, and your business is going to leverage the new revenue opportunity because people are going to see you as the leader that's trusted the authority that you want to go do business with, because you okay, you want to work with them.

Lilly Darling:

Absolutely. Thank you for sharing that about about Gary. I mean, it really does kind of prove that like putting some focus on this generates that revenue that he was really looking for. So we're going to transition into the next kind of big category of what we want to share with you today. And, you know, like I mentioned before, I really I love empowering local businesses to win. And this section is really about an empowerment that you might have thought that that was taken away from you. And so we're gonna help you understand how you can make negative reviews work in your favor and take back control. So this stuff is is just really awesome. So let's, let's look at the truth of what you might be thinking in your head because sometimes even just like the category of business or thinking about reviews is like kind of a drag. Meaning that it just is like this world of like negativity and it kind of makes you cringe a little bit or just get feisty and and you just want to avoid it right who doesn't want to avoid conflict and yucky stuff? So if you feel that way, this is a deep you know, maybe helpful If it's totally natural, you've got some resistance to it, it's totally normal. Because you think, you know, spending time on reviews means you're going to deal with more grumpy trolls to come on patrols, or people have nothing better to do with their time. And it kind of feels like, it might be an uneven playing field, right? Like they, they're holding all the cards. And so if you were to spend more time on that, it means that you're going to get more with grumpy, grumpy trolls in your life, which of course, nobody wants. But what we really want to show you is, is there's a way to flip this around and actually have this situation work in your favor. So this is a another client story about Easy, easy. So they're in the business of providing the traffic school service to folks who get tickets I have maybe have maybe, I'm not going to go on record to say, I've maybe gotten a traffic ticket. So you go to you go to school, right, and then you can get your penalty reduced or whatnot. So most of their reviews, I mean, being in this business, and being in this industry, you had some people who wanted to contest the fact that they of course, they were only going, you know 29 and a 30. Or they were just upset with how it was handled. And so a lot of the reviews that they were getting, were negative, and it was really around their frustration from the traffic ticket, nothing to do with the quality of education or their experience. And they're really pretty fun classes. And so they were able to implement this system and go from a 3.2 to a 4.1. In just one month. I mean, that's really a fast, a fast turnaround. And then once they implemented the system fully, they now have over 200 reviews on Google up to a 4.7. So that's where they're at today. And really, they did not get more of the same, they did not get more of the negativity, they, they really did think that that was what was going to transpire because that's what they had experienced in the past. But it's not true. So the other thing that often comes into play as we think, Oh, I just don't know how to how to handle these negative moments or how to respond to negative reviews. And what's kind of was shocking to me, when I first learned this is that there's actually a different perspective, 80% of people actually look for those negative reviews, because they kind of want to see that real life, you know, they want to know how the business is going to respond. Because oftentimes, if, if there's something that's too good to be true, you know, it usually is, so you kind of want to look for that real life, what situation happened, how did the business handle it, and that actually speaks volumes about your company and about how you, you run your business. So really, as long as you are not going to the extreme end, this is an example to screenshot of a thread I'm not going to go line by line, but it was someone just saying something about an appetizer. And the owner of this, the owner of this business came back was with all kinds of, you know, personal jabs a real drama got real, you know, really kind of scathing, and came off sounding really immature and, and obviously not with the customer's best intention. You know, humor is always great. But as long as you're not doing this, it's not as long as you're not slamming people in you're not throwing water on a grease fire, you're doing pretty good show some professionalism, humor, goodwill, here's some tips that you know, we often you know, Coach, if you have those negative reviews come through just be helpful, have that voice, that's what customers are looking for. Don't let it sit, you know, don't put it off or avoid it. It is better to be proactive, you can actually this is the last one I really like, use the opportunity whenever you're responding to put your keywords in your response to talk about one aspect that you have for reconciliation to to actually flip it on its head and actually talk about something that's positive, so you can strengthen your own brand and your own voice by responding to those reviews. So I just want to take away the fear. If there are negative reviews that happen it can actually benefit you. The real power, however, is providing your customers the channel to express dissatisfaction. So yes, online reviews, portals and all these different platforms we've been talking about are a channel. But what if there was another way to handle this because you also want to manage your reputation, right? You want to be able to protect that you've built up a lot of really good things. And so you don't want that to be taken down by just one or two, one or two voices that that rise to the top. So what what if you could take this conversation offline, if there was a way that you could redirect folks, give them an outlet, still giving them a place to be heard? So that you can level that playing field right for your good reviews and for the True quality of customer service that you're offering, because that that deserves its fair share of attention as well. So we're going to get into that in just a moment. But we want to cover these other obstacles first. And I'll let Javier cover a few of these pieces, so that we can kind of show you what that pathway looks like.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Awesome. So there are three major reasons why your customers won't review your business. Okay, and, and here's the first thing is that I get how frustrating it is. When a customer, you know raves about your business, they love everything you do, they tell you this in person, but not online, like they come in, they have a great experience, they say that they're telling all their friends, hopefully they are okay, but they won't leave a review, you know about your business, but the you know, you know, what their experience on Google or any other review site. And sometimes like, I would pull my hair on this whenever I was running my business in the past as well, too. But let me kind of like say something for them in their defense is, is basically that there are dozens and dozens of third party review sites, okay, it's not just your Google or Yelp, right, it's not just going to be like Angie's List or HomeAdvisor or Facebook. I mean, there's like specific review sites such as CarGurus, or Zagat, or like a dentist review sites, which I didn't even know existed, okay, so there's all these sites out there that it's like, wow, that's a lot of stuff to choose from. And the other part too, is that it takes a lot of efforts to ask and manage your your business reviews. And so it's not one of those things that can, you know, easily be done, you know, overnight. But the next part is that you might have a team member in charge of reviews. So you might have hired someone to be your front desk person. And then you also said, Hey, you're going to be in charge of reviews as well, too. But like, maybe that's sporadic, maybe one day, they're asking for reviews and talking to the customers and sure enough stuff, but then the next day, maybe forget, or maybe the next day, there's like new priority and things shift and so that you know, no longer takes precedence. And so that's kind of, you know, a little scary in my opinion. And so the other part is that sometimes key employees are in charge of this, they leave. So then you have to go back to the drawing board, you have to then you know, train someone else to understand how to handle reviews and implement the entire system. And so, you know, I want you guys to understand something that it's not your fault. It's, it's, it's, it's a challenge running a business, okay, I've, I've experienced exactly what you guys are doing. It's not easy. And then trying to create a system, especially around business reviews, is a whole new level of challenge. I remember in 2015 I read this book called Built to Sell one of my favorite books completely transformed me on how I you know, kind of designed my entire business. I was had no intention of ever selling my business at the time, but I was like, Well, I gotta read this. I've heard some great stuff about it. Well, anyways, the author was talking about how a lot of entrepreneurs whenever they quit, and you know, quit their their well paying job, all they really did was they just bought themselves a job by being a boss. And then they're working, you know, twice the hours. The reason they said that is because they're not creating duplicatable systems. And so getting online reviews for your business is kind of like that, you need to have systems that your happy customers can easily follow. Whoops, go back one. And so here's what's in the in a way for your customers for for reviewing your business. Okay, the first one is going to be time. I mean, this is probably an obvious one when you start thinking about it. But you know, your clients are busy, they have kids, they have families, they have jobs, they have errands, so on top of mine, I mean, I can tell you for myself, I have two kids, I have a wife, our kids are in sports and activities. Okay, that takes up a lot of time. And then for some reason my wife and I signed up for for Friday night softball, okay, like, we love it, it's great, but man, it's like literally on the go. So it's just I have no time. And so the challenge is, is really finding time for when it's convenient for your customers to review your business. Number two, they forget okay, like this is this is something that's really common customers are like you and I, we all forget, even though they have every intention to to review in your business, it's just not top of mind. I mean, trust me when I say this, they want others to experience what they've been going through by using your business your services that sort of they want others experience that they just forget again, it's not top of mind and and so you know asking them is it's like almost like talking to a broken record almost in a sense where you're asking them to like Yes, I'll do it and then they'll leave the office and then they just, you know, they space it and it's just stuffing against you or anything like that but it's just you know, it is what it is it's life. And then the last one is this is that sometimes they're not too tech savvy. Okay, kind of like Homer right here. So you know, they don't know how to get to the right spots, which review site to go to and Sometimes it can be confusing and scary. I mean, you guys saw that list of all those review sites. I mean, if it's one, they're not really accustomed to going to them and be like, I don't even know how to log into that, like, what is it. And then the last one to like, that's that I would probably jump into jumping into this last one is that I've seen this happen numerous times where person reviews the business, and they go tell the owner or the front desk, or whatever, and they look for it. And it's not there, only to find out that that customer reviewed the wrong business, like one of their competitors. And so that's not only is that embarrassing, but it's like, wow, all that work, and it went to somebody else that didn't deserve it. And so, you know, how do you solve this problem? You know, like, what is it that you need to do, and so really, you need to have some sort of repeatable system. So here's the truth, it's inconvenient for customers to leave business reviews, but Joseph to understand that you have to create a way for them, to find those slices of free time, you have to make it impossible for them to not forget, okay. And then you also have to make it homework proof. So it's got to be something simple, where they don't have to be looking for the any key, okay? And so, you know, you need to make sure that you have a reputation system that is working for you, 24/7 365, we have that reputation management system that's working, working for you for that, you know, 24/7 365, it's then moving your clients to take action, it's getting your five star reviews, it's basically doing things just in a, you know, a clockwork turnkey kind of way. And so a system that anyone on your team can actually execute and follow. Alright, so this is what's awesome about I love this picture here is that, you know, Ford, they built the first model T, right, they weren't just known for building the first, you know, us vehicle in the United States, to install and get to consumers, they're also known for their turnkey systems in assembling these cars. So just common workers white with no skills really could come in with little to no knowledge on assembling any kind of cars. And then they were just placed into the system. And then they're just they're successful, it worked. And so you know, for instance, like think about this, like, if you had an employee, let's call her Sharon, let's say she quits today. And then you have to hire some, somebody else, let's call him Johnny or something, right? And then he has to come in and take over all the reviews, you're gonna want him to be able to do that without skipping a beat, you're gonna want Johnny to be able to come in and be like, Alright, I got this and understand it. The other part is that you want your established employees to not have to, you know, deviate from what they're doing. They want to know that the systems that are designed to do and get you your business, more reviews are working, so they don't have to come off the task. So they're focused on. And then the last part is you need to put your attention in growing and scaling your business, you shouldn't be the one out there asking in monitoring for your business reviews.

Lilly Darling:

That's awesome. And just to give you an example of how that works in real life, because once you have this system in place, it can really just transform everything. This is Kate from type Well, and, you know, they had a lot of happy customers. But in 2019, they had zero reviews, you know, imagine being in business, you have zero, you know, have a flashback to those Google results that we were looking at earlier. Ouch. You know, that really, that really hurts even though they were super successful, and then they put this system into place have nearly 50 reviews and under 24 months, and they've gone from that zero to five star reviews. And guess how much time you know Kate spends on getting those 50 reviews, like none, she spends no time. This is a systemized piece that allows her to focus on her area of genius running her business. And she doesn't have to reinvent the wheel. I know we've used a lot of vehicle and a lot of Ford we're not getting sponsored by them. But but honestly that turnkey system solution is so is so key. So if you could take back control of those positive and your negative feedback, you could build that SEO credit, you could convert more of those seekers into being paying customers would you want to learn how to get all of that solved in one fell swoop. I mean, we've talked about a lot of different aspects. So if if you want to learn how to how that actually all happens, I am just really excited to kind of turn this page here and talk about the system that we've named review lead. So it's really important in terms of in terms of the name to think about it as reviews, but also thinking about it as that word lead. It really makes it that powerful important. And not just a side program. It's really central to you being able to fill those leaky gaps in your in your word of mouth system and fill those leaky gaps in terms of all the other searches and things you're doing. You want to capture all that hard earned traffic. So, review lead really does enhance your reputation, but it also improves your SEO. It grows your qualified leads. So that's all can within the system, so I want to simplify and also give you some visuals, here's where we're talking about, you know, trying to put this into, into a visual that helps you understand really what's going on here, you are going to be able to take the asset that you've worked so hard to build your customer list, and we're going to activate that it's an asset that we're going to leverage in multiple ways for positive growth in the future into new customer activity. So you wouldn't be able to achieve that otherwise, taking this asset that you have already. Why would you know, why would you not want to use that to your advantage and have it grow your company and your organization and get that new customer activity? So that's, that's really what you know, as one takeaway, just to remember that our system of review, lead takes those customers and creates more customer. So how do we do that? Let's jump in, there's the first phase. And that activation, which is the invitation today is we have to ask and get customers invited. So we've created a lot of different options that get those invitations to your customer. This first one is our email drip campaign. So it's not just one, it's a series and a sequence of custom written emails that go out to your list that are scripted in a way that get them to respond. And it's not just a one off thing. As you can see here, there's there's a couple we call a drip campaign because it does span over a period of time. And that really gets in front of customers so that that problem of forgetting is is solved. And that's not the only way that we offer that invitation we've got texting, that's available, if you are a business that has that avenue as really a great way. I mean, we're on our phones all the time, right, and to be able to utilize texting as a way to get invitations out there. That's been really huge for our clients. We also have a portal, this is really big. If you're out in the field, or if you've got technicians, we have a lot of folks who leverage this option. All of these are available in the review LEED program as a way to overcome that obstacle of inviting people to review

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

it, we've got to really add to this to what I love about this is that it's it's one place. So instead of saying, Hey, you can review us here, here, here, the customer just needs to push one button. Yeah, that makes it really simple for them to just be like, oh, cool, I just click this button. And so that's something to kind of think about is that it's going to make it easy for your customers don't even have to think twice about where to go.

Lilly Darling:

For sure it's not go out there and find it's just like one simple action. And that's really yeah, really key to have one simple action in front of your customers at all times. So these are some other ways that we're just staying omnipresent. You know, icing on the cake, we've got a button on your website that's always available for folks to review. From there. We provide you with email signatures that allow all your team and staff to really become advocates for asking for those reviews to come in through email. So this is near the signature. And then we've got, we do have some paper products, we have sheets and the QR code. Everybody knows, knows how to use the QR codes these days because of because of this past year. So those are additional ways that this system has so many invitations and so many tendrils out there to get that ask done, not let people forget and strike during those slices of time when we do have a little bit of freedom. And we're able to actually get in front of people whenever they have a minute to be able to do that one simple action. This is the backbone. This is a genius. I love sharing this part of the system, because it's so cool. So this is showing on the screen right here your own landing page to branded for you. And what it's showing here is the option for what happens when they make that one singular click, they they've been invited, they come here. And the only two things that they need to focus on is did they have a good experience? Or did they have a bad experience. And when they click that thumbs up button, there is then these platforms available for them to go ahead and leave the reviews so they get the choice of here's the easy, you know, here's the easy options of where you'd like to leave your reviews. Now, you can choose to only have one here, you could choose to have to wherever you want to diversify your reputation, let's say you want to shore it up on you know the garage platform which allows you to talk about your your customer your repair, you know, for your vehicle, you might want to shore up your reputation on City Search. So you as the business owner can decide how do you want to promote your business and on what platform. You can see these little these little icons down here next to like underneath this yellow pages. It means that you can log into that site using using Facebook or if you're already logged in, it's going to make it that much easier to get to the eggs that spot where you can leave that customer feedback. So in this example, we clicked on Google. And right then in there, you don't have to click eight different times, you don't have to go to the review section, you don't have to do anything you are right, taken right away to that window, where you just type in your response. And you click on which star, you want to give that four or five star review. And it just removes all of those hurdles, all of those Homer moments are now entirely taken away. We have all kinds of customers, I saw someone asked him that in the chat and in the in the q&a. You know, for folks that don't have a ton of experience with technology, or, and I don't want to say it's just an age thing, you know, by any means. I've got, you know, brothers and sisters, but I also have parents who are in all these different phases of being tech savvy, and making it easy for them to get to the exact spot is your job, you know, you need to make it easy for them. And so this system takes away all those obstacles, and you're not clicking on random things and getting lost and getting frustrated and quitting, right, because that's what happens. So this process from that one click to get to the spot where you need to leave that positive review has just been proven over and over again, to just vastly change the game. It really, it really has. So now instead of there being those questions and confusions and hurdles, we've taken all of those out. And it's just a smooth path to be able to get those happy customers to the spot where they leave that happy response. So the genius of this system, though, is we talked a little bit I shared with you about the negative experiences and taking back control, those customers do want to have a voice, they want to be heard. And so now, if you have a tool that allows that pathway to happen offline, that can be just really amazing. So remember that traffic school scenario where, you know, they were getting a lot of negative reviews, they, that feedback can actually be really positive. In terms of giving you information about how how to turn that around that landing page that we were showing, if you had a bad experience, this review lead system allows users to click on that thumbs down and give their feedback right then in there. And so this is taking that feedback, giving a channel for it giving a voice to the customer. But allowing you as the business owner to be the one to facilitate that resolution, you can reconcile, you can take that information and make a change in your business, you could offer a make good, let us try again, all sorts of really amazing things can happen when you give that channel, a way to go that's offline and out of the public, out of the public use of this gets sent to you as an email. And then you can take on that reconciliation path. And it doesn't have to go to Google, it doesn't have to go to Facebook and sit there and not achieve anything. So this genius of the review lead system means that you can give that feedback a channel, you can handle it offline. And now, anything that was kind of that, you know, negative grumpy trolls, you know, or if they genuinely did have an issue, you're able to take that and then flip it around, and have that positive feedback now, get the light that it deserves and have those positive reviews, you know, be more and more in balance. So love that. And really, you know, that's what I was called the genius because it's really amazing. There are awesome bells and whistles to this review lead system as well. This screen is showing how your review stream which has all those positive reviews anything four or five star and above dynamic like it's fed into your website. So this is let's just imagine that this is your site. And you're now able to use all those great things that were said about your organization, as a way to show trust and to build a positive reputation on your website as well. And so there is nothing that you would need to do this is dynamically come through as soon as someone leaves that review on google it gets fed into into your site into the stream. I love these, you know little Google logos or Facebook logos, if it came from a different platform, it really adds that authenticity when it's fed into your website. Another feature that a lot of clients just love because it means it takes something off of their to do list, those positive reviews automatically get added out to your social media platforms. So you don't have to craft a post. You don't have to say anything amazing about yourself. Other people are doing it for you. And it's now going out to your social platforms and networks and saying all these incredible things about your business so you know that powerful feedback is now creating even more and more positive impact. So aside from the bells and whistles and tools and technology, this is not simply a software, the, this team that you see in front of you is advocating for your reputation and bringing all kinds of value. In addition to those cool tools that we showed you, they can coach you, they answer questions, they're on your team, they monitor the internet for you, you may not even know that something has been posted about you on insider pages or on, you know, on any of the platforms. And so they're there to make sure that you are aware of those reviews happening, they will coach on the responses that you should have. So I just want to point out, it's really not a simple software, you're not logging in and setting it all up yourself, there is a team that's here for you to help make sure that that all happens. The other really advantageous thing that Javier was talking about is customers really value fresh reviews. And so you don't want to do a one time effort that dumps a bunch of positive reviews, or you get, you know, your numbers up there. But if they're not recent, you are missing the mark, and you will miss out on business because of that. So our team is making sure that that trickle happens that things are recent, and you have that pace that make sure that you get the most out of it. And then you're also getting review reports. And so you're tracking that progress. I love to see, you know, hard data, it's proving to you the numbers don't lie. And you get to see all of those different platforms that are performing really well. And making sure that you are in in the know on that. So can you guys see how this might, you know, take away some of those headaches that you've had in the past? If you think that there's some value in this, I'd love to hear from you in the chat and just kind of talk about, is there something here that could benefit your business or an angle, you know, that you've picked up? As we've kind of been kind of in showing, showing you this, it's it's clear that the benefits are really rising to the top of paying attention to your views into that system. So I want to share what it looks like to get started in a system like this, that that manages all of this for you. And just to recap quickly, this this list of what I just covered, you get that email drip sequence and all of those invitation tools, you have that branded landing page, you've got that direct pathway to all those different types of platforms, not just one, the dashboard to see where your performance is happening. And how many reviews are getting. All that reporting is included the email signature with a thumbs up thumbs down, you're choosing which path for platform is best, you can put Google the top, you could put Facebook up there, whatever one was the most meaningful to you, you've got that secret tool to help stop and reroute those negative reviews, you can take back control, and that dedicated team that's helping you kickstart and all along the way getting that fast result and that shortcut. Now, if you are going to, you know, build each of these on your own and, and you're going to craft those emails and set up your email account and work with the database and send them out, you know, on time and make sure that they got in front of folks, at least $900, if not more in time and tools to do that. If you're going to build a branded landing page, you'd have to, you know, custom create and code all of that. So there's a lot that would be involved in your team's time, if you hired somebody, if you were going to pull together multiple tech systems, you know, that we just wanted to tell you, what would that what would that take, and we don't want that obstacle to be in the way of you getting these results. So we really wanted to take all that work and that investment out of the way so that more people could benefit from this really powerful thing that that we've is a system that can be put into place to help you get all of those awesome results. So that's why we're removing those barriers, we are not doing this in a big annual contract, that's kind of the the old way that you know, you might think would be the structure for the payment, we're doing $99 to get kicked off today. And then it's just a low monthly rate to keep the system going to get those fresh reviews to be working for you to get more business and to grow. And so if you want to go to anchor lead, that's where you're gonna find this easy get started. page that will help you get into this system at this low never been really never been done before. We did this training this week. And we're, we're offering it this this week, but this has never been done before. So it's really it's really the simplest, you know, kind of lowest price kind of thing that you could do to get more activity in your business. So I like to ask this this question because, you know, obviously, would you pay to keep your lights on and the answer is of course. And would you pay them to keep your valuable lead converting reputation on to and that I think is something that you know, we look today, review lead is less than that average electric, you know, Bill, it's really and no brainer to keep that lead converting reputation on as well. So anchor wave comm slash review lead is where you're going to find the information on signing up to lock in that, that $99 deal today. But we want to recognize you do have you do have choices, you you can take action, or you can, you know, decide that you don't want to take action, and maybe you you, you don't want to do anything today, a lot of folks think maybe I can do it myself, I mean, I'm your go getter, I'm a go getter. And I can put that exact Review Management program to work, maybe without the tools that that we've talked about an interview lead, and maybe you could, but just keeping in mind, it's going to take you that time, several hours per week, to even get remotely close to what we've created. And it's likely going to be a burst for a while, and then it's going to putter out. And it's not going to be that system that we talked about supporting you for the long run. And I wanted to just kind of share this testimonial from from Allianz pools, you know, they had 9029 reviews, and in 2019, now they've got nearly 300, we had those big numbers at the beginning of this presentation. That's how that's how they we got to the huge numbers, this can be explosive, really quickly and get you to those to those big results. And guess how much you know, time ambience putting into this. None. They set this system up that one of the first steps they took was the step that you're taking. Now they got the information, they recognize how important reviews were. And now they have over 470 Total reviews, that star rating is 4.8 There are dominating that SEO and that lead generating tool. So putting this system into place today is going to be the first step for, for that growth for you. So if you think about your lead flow, you know, we had that number of 200. For the landscaping, just imagining that 200 more calls, like if you were then the number one choice there, and then throw in your conversion rate, I don't know what each of your programs or products might be. But you've got a conversion rate for that. Just thinking and imagining what kind of result and what kind of increased business could be happening for for you. You know, if you put this system in place, one of the things we're, we're fond of saying is, you know, what's the best time to plant a tree? Right, it would have been 10 years ago, but the second best time is, is today. And so really building that system into your business today is going to be the piece that pays for itself in and gets you to where you want to go. We have been asked by some folks, you know, I don't have those 470 mass quantities of customers, you know, is it still going to be valuable. And so I wanted to share the story of, of Andy and so has a smaller customer base in terms of just the sheer volume of, of quantity that's going through the business, you know, sometimes we have business models that all they need to really thrive is a handful of five or six customers per year, you know, just based on, you know, big contracts and that kinds of thing. And so what I want to say is that Teletraan X garnered 15 new reviews, they did have an average rating of five stars, but that's not those giant numbers, but still comparatively to the competition was able to put them on top and be able to dominate even with a small volume of reviews. So just to break these out with the with the value that you would be kind of putting that together, if you wanted to do that on your own, and how we really want to take that obstacle away. And in addition, because we there's just some some pairing things that just make the most sense. And because you guys decided to spend your time with us today, we wanted to add a couple really cool bonuses to this. When we were looking before obvious showed a screenshot of the Google My Business page, that is an area that works really well with reviews, and also has a ton of changes that Google has done lately. And so we put together a step by step, we actually, you know, show you what the back end of that Google My Business Platform looks like, Go and teach you how to maximize that because that's another area mama Google has expanded in the last year. And so we're going to show you how to do that yourself. So that's valued at $450. And then, you know, 2022 is around the corner. Our playbook and consults that we will put together that has specific data for you. Your specific business is going to go through all the aspects beyond just reviews, you're going to be able to look at the stats for traffic, what those how many searches are happening, you know, for your business, not just Dallas landscaping, you're going to get the answers to that kind of information inside this playbook. So that one's huge. I love talking about that one at length. I'm going to I'm going to keep it short. These two bonuses are going to come with your signup today. So that $99 is going to get you all the stuff that we talked about for the review lead system. And it's also going to come with those two bonuses, which are super powerful. And so going over to anchor lead, just make sure that you've got that. Either you can go there, you know, right now, I think heavier, you can drop that in the chat just to make sure people have a quick link over there. That's the just really easy process of starting this, less than your electric bill. Really cool program, there is I just wanna make sure everyone knows that we have that 90 day risk free guarantee. Even though we've talked about how this is no brainer, and and we want you just to feel so great about the results that you're going to get. We want to ensure our promise and what we've shared with you with this with this guarantee. And you know, that solution that review lead lends itself to automating and streamlining your business reviews for your company, you don't have to nag anymore, spend your time, you'll really be able to start generating those five star business reviews, and creating trust as soon as you onboard. That's the reason why we love this so much. It really is a shortcut. So why you know why not start right away, and start generating generating those results as soon as you onboard. So I want to open it up. This is not a public offer. And it does not it's not available, like on our website or anything along those lines is really is something that's going to be specific to you all on this training, and especially these free bonuses. So I would just encourage you, it's not going to be something that you can come back to where you can find on our website. And so really getting kind of activated on this and and started right now want to make sure we answer any questions that you all have. I do have the page up here anchorage comm slash review lead, if you pop over there, this is what you're gonna see. And so just clicking on this button right here will take you to the signup form. And if you have any questions or you know, as you're going through this page, we kind of recap some of the stuff we shared with you today. In the event that you need to be reminded about that, but anchor lead is where you're going to want to go. So let's kind of open it up. I sure appreciate you all spending your time with us today. And I want to make sure that we answer any questions that you have. I see some have been dropped in that, that question and answer box in some in the chat. What can we answer for you about this program? Or about, you know, industries that you've that you're working that you're working in? I see. Let's see. So Chris, you asked the question around an audience that you focus in on with with customers who are primarily 65 to 75. Plus, and how do you encourage them to be able to, to generate those those reviews because it sounds like they're, they're happy folks, and they want to go but they don't really understand how to do that. So. So have your your answers are going to show you in a bit just to kind of reiterate that those invitations, you know, really with that single click, so we our ultimate goal is to make it as simple as possible, right? Every single interaction that we want to present to truck to customers, leaves them with only one you know, they don't have to be confused about multiple choices, it's one choice that they need to make it's one click that they need to, to accomplish. And so as we looked at that, that text message or that email, it's the one click, it goes to that one thumbs up thumbs down page. And then once they do that, it's taking them right to that review spot where they fill that in. And so we've intentionally made those pages really simple. There's not a lot of other buttons, there's no distraction, there's no navigation. It's really a very simple big thumbs up button. And I know that sounds like you know, over simplified, but that's really key for the human brain that's super busy and thinking about a lot of other stuff. Or if you've got tech savvy factors, you know, in place, that big button, that's the thumbs up that big button that says Google, those are actually proven interaction, you know, when you're talking about web design, or UI, or UX, having those big buttons really take up the space and having nothing around it are sounds oversimplified, but those are strategically done in a way that allows those those customers to, you know, click exactly where they need to click and only have to do at once. So there's we've taken that confusion out of the way. That's a really great question, because each of those buttons and the way that those pages are designed and the way that those invitations are are put together, is to create that simplicity. So that's a great, that's a great question. Any other questions you've got over there, Javier coming into the chat. or in the q&a.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

I know that last week one of the questions came up about somebody had a travel agency and how that would work. And in really, it's the same concept. It's a service based type business. So replaced travel agency with like landscaping. So you just follow the same thing that we have here that really kind of laid out how it's all looking, where you would just essentially have your customers getting emails from, from our system to where it's gonna start inviting people to start reviewing your business, or they can get a text message. And

Lilly Darling:

it doesn't have to have a map. I think that was also one of the things you know that even though we showed the that local profile, and we showed how reviews show up in that map, you can have a service based business, you can be a national, you know, business and still be able to shore up your reviews in a number of ways. So yeah, that's, that's a good point. I'm here, like, the ways in which we invite people are absolutely still effective. And how it shows up, you know, although you might not be a pin on a map, there's all those other platforms and all those other search results that are still gonna work in your favor.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Oh, nice. Looks like Mark said he just signed up.

Lilly Darling:

Sweet Welcome to this family, you're gonna start getting all kinds of awesome stuff right away. Yay. That's, that's really great. I'm, I'm excited for you. Yeah.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

You have a blast. And you'll get a lot of value behind not just what when we haven't Hearing Review lead, but that playbook that you'll be getting out of it? I mean, no more of this, like, what do we do for marketing next week? Or what do we do for marketing next year, done, you know, so it's, it's awesome.

Lilly Darling:

Well, Mark, I'd be excited to hear about the space that you have your area of genius, you'll be able to focus on that even more, while this system is, is leveraging all that good work and putting it out to the community. So that's super exciting. For anybody who does Sign up today, you will be getting your invitation to do your onboarding, right away, and also getting scheduled for that console. So this isn't something that we're you know, saying, oh, we'll start in a month or two, you're going to have that outreach happen and get in get put on the calendar to get this started right away. So super excited for you. And if there's any other questions you can feel free to reach out to, to either of us. And you've likely gotten emails from us, because that's how you jumped on the call. But feel free to shoot us an email, and we'd be happy to, you know, continue to answer this. Or if you've got other other colleagues and friends in different industries, or you know, someone in within your own company that has a question

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

came in from dawn, she said that if customer review, customers review multiple times, how much time should we should be between reviews? Yeah, that's,

Lilly Darling:

uh, you know, one of the things that I would say around that is, you know, even though you can have someone review on the same platform, what you might want to do is draw attention to a different platform. So, you know, I think one of the most powerful slides that Javier showed in terms of Google paying attention to what Facebook's doing. One of the things that you're able to do within this system is whenever you are giving people that thumbs up button, and they click it on that screen, you could choose to have Facebook as your only big button there if you wanted to. Or you could have Angie's List as your only big button there. And so, Don, you know, your question around, if you have somebody reviewing multiple times, let's ask them to review on different platforms. And let's see if we can diversify that positive feedback, because then it's working, not only to shore up your reputation on that platform, but since we saw Google's paying attention to those other places as well, that's going to feed into the strength of your overall reputation. In terms of in terms of time, and we've talked about, it's really important to have things be recent and be fresh. I think one of the things, especially in 2020 taught us a lot of businesses went out of business. And so whenever you see recent activity, you know, whether that's on your Google My Business, or whether it's in a review stream, it says, Oh, these folks arrived, they're still doing business, they're still doing good work. And so I that timeframe actually got a little bit more recent and more fresh, I would say within three to four weeks is probably the max that I would go. You know, we love to have our own reviews dripping out every every week. So that, you know, that's really that recency in that freshness. It's going to depend on your business model. You know, I mentioned that it works for folks that don't have, you know, hundreds of customers coming through, you know, if you're a business that has five or seven because you're doing big construction contracts, you know that that reasons, you might feel a little bit more like once a quarter. So it really kind of depends on the business model. Obviously, you know, the sooner the better but diversifying would be something I would encourage you to do.

Javier Lozano, Jr.:

Lily, we have another one from Michelle. She just said, Does review lead include all the verbiage or do we have to write it? And also, what about responding to reviews? Great questions.

Lilly Darling:

Yeah, absolutely. So we do write everything for you, we have, like I mentioned, we've tested this lots of times, and we know what gets the best results. However, we we do want to have you lean into maybe some language or some specific types of factors around your your business, that might be important to call out and those emails so they can be customized. That's something that you'll work with our team on, you know, informing us of, if you're just like, hey, do what works, and whatever generates, you know, the best reviews, gonna give us, you know, carte blanche to go ahead and run with what works, we can do that. If there's something that you really want to highlight, or a tone of voice that you want to emulate, we can factor that in, as well. But those are already pre scripted, you don't have to do any of that work, you are not responsible for any of that copy. And so that's something that you don't have to worry about another piece that were taken off of taken off of your plate. And then in terms of crafting those responses, how we handle that right now, although there's some things in the works to be able to help out even more how we handle that right now is, if you want us to help write a response for you, we've got a bunch of really cool scripts that we can give you. And if that's includes positive feedback, and negative feedback, so we're going to coach you are going to give you ideas, we're going to help you so that you don't feel like you have to do that on your own. When it comes to logging in, as you are on let's say, your Google platform or your Facebook, there's a couple more access points that our team would need to be able to do that. So we really empower you to be able to make those responses happen on a timely basis, you know, when that review comes in, we will tell you that, but you have to be the one that's got that access point. And so we're available to coach that and be able to make sure that we help you write those responses. But since you're logged into that, let's say Facebook platform, then you're able to post that as you as the business owner, which which makes sense, it's the best place to get a response. So, so kind of both, but with that second response, there's just a different way to log in there. So that's a great question, Michelle. I love that. Awesome, great questions. Everybody has such good questions. If you have any more, feel free to drop them in or shoot us an email. But this is also stuff that our team during that kickoff can handle. So I I would just encourage you to lock in that $99 deal. This is something like I mentioned it is new. We think it's going to work we really want to help the most amount of businesses get into this because we've seen it impact so many people, but I don't know that we're going to keep it at the at this low monthly rate. I think that you know, there's an opportunity we might go back to annual I'm not, I'm not sure which way we're gonna go with it. So I I'm just really excited that we've been able to, you know, to bring this to the most amount of people get getting started for 99 bucks, you know, it's, it is that no brainer. We're excited to get results happening real quick. So any other questions, drop them to us in an email you guys have asked, asked awesome things. And I just want to say I'm really grateful that you spent this hour with us your lunch or not lunch. And I hope that you've been able to take away some really powerful information and learn some things and we're here for you if you've got anything else. So have a great rest of your afternoon. I'm going to go ahead and close down our training, head over to encode comm slash review lead, get started and we'll we're going to be excited to see the this continue to make a great impact on your business. So they