History: darkness and light

Episode 1: The Mole-Catcher's Tale - black magic, conspiracy and justice in medieval England

Matthew Season 1 Episode 1

History: Darkness and Light shares interesting stories from our past that tell us something about the best, and the worst, of the human condition. This episode reads and discusses the remarkable testimony given by mole catcher Robert Goodgroom in 1440, as he attempted to avoid hanging for theft by offering state's evidence against a group of men he accused of witchcraft, poisoning and treason against king Henry VI of England.  It is a personal account full of fascinating detail connecting one individual to local, national and international history of the day, with a creative dash of conspiracy. 

This podcast samples the track 'side affects' by Fog Lake from freemusic.org (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Fog_Lake/Dragonchaser/Fog_Lake_-_dragonchaser_-_08_side_effects), licensed under Attribution 4.0 International  (CC BY 4.0).

This podcast's artwork is based on a photo by Syed Hasan Mehdi from Pexels.