Living With Madeley

The 12 Days of Madeley - Listener Feedback

Liam and Andrew Season 6 Episode 13

Pull up a chair and join us for a rollicking ride as we go through your comments on the 12 Days Of Madeley series.

We'll again tackle the mystery of the 'millions of Jeffries' with the same gusto we used to belt out the Lurpack advert and finally sort out the cast of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

We debate who could take on Bono's iconic Band Aid line with today's flair, while also owning up to some delightful Freudian slips. To cap things off, we'll mull over more of Hulk Hogan's curious claims and tease our upcoming episodes. 

Speaker 1:

Living with Maidalee. Living with Maidalee. Living with Maidalee. Living with Maidalee.

Speaker 3:

Hello and welcome to the podcast Living with Maidalee. This is a TV nostalgia based podcast, but this is a summary episode of the 12 days of Maidalee. I'm one of the hosts and Liam. The other one is Andrew and he's on the line with me. Live and lewd.

Speaker 1:

A lot lewd. Yeah, very lewd, very lewd. House things Superb Pretty good. Yeah. A lot of women have been saying we're both a bit tired. I went swimming the first time in three months, fucking wank, and I forgot I didn't tell you this bit, I forgot my pants. So what are?

Speaker 3:

we doing? Running about with no pants on.

Speaker 1:

No, I had my trunks on. So what I do is put my trunks on, take some pants, like, and then I'll change into my pants after swimming. But in the bag forgot my pants. So I had to walk home balls not balls out. I'm a trackie trackie bottoms on but, honestly, because it's pretty cold and I'm normally do where pants all the time, I walk in home and I genuinely kept walking down so I thought my fucking manhood might be a house swinging around. So, on that, on that, by the way, I'm going to bring in time.

Speaker 3:

So you're going to make a confession here.

Speaker 1:

No, this is obviously. This is a feedback episode for the male, but just today, as we're recording, today you've got a comment saying put your tackle away. I don't fully tag tag me in. This tag goes in a comment, which one you did. But have you seen? Lawrence Fox is claiming that he's got a Mike Graham dick pic and he's released it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've seen something about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely so. Mike Graham got into a massive argument with Tommy Robinson and yeah, and basically like they had a big round Twitter and then Lawrence Fox bought it and basically said that it's so childish, you know, so childish, like he goes. I don't know why you sending dick pics to people. Be ashamed if I leaked it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so big news of the two mics. Just on, follow it. By the way, it's not one of the comments for this. Did you see which one did we post, where he said maybe looks a bit like Liam there and I've been so proud.

Speaker 1:

I think it was the snowman one, I think was it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah it might be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So thanks to everyone who listened for our Christmas. Obviously a massive ordeal. It's been 12 episodes. Obviously, if you like, doing every day, which donating organs or in a food bank. No, not quite as bad as that, but it was pretty tough. I was going to use clips and stuff. We can't just get on the mic and hit it, can I and the first one? We did, so we go for your, your course now.

Speaker 3:

The office was the first one and I had a Ross just before, because we're going to go through these, maybe a pace, I'm not sure, but for anyone who just sent us in like a, because we had a few sort of festive messages just saying thanks and stuff like that, we're not just reading out the sort of generic ones, but we do appreciate them and we've read them all. So thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, genuinely yeah. Great to see your feedback. I will come on. So the first one were off is an idle Ross. We were talking about the outtake from. I weren't sure if it was the Christmas special about Bishop Muzza War, Muzza War. And anyway, that is the clips. I want to play it here.

Speaker 2:

So Tim Canterbury. So we should be faithful to the Bishop of Canterbury, tim Canterbury, archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop Muzza Rewa. Bishop Muzza Rewa, he said, which is a name I have not heard since about 1980. And it really made me laugh. Bishop Muzza Rewa, like that. Bishop Muzza War.

Speaker 1:

This is this the bit where the on the outtakes.

Speaker 3:

Tim couldn't kind of get through it because it's ridiculous, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, because that will never not be funny, yeah. Just by the way, it's something on a bit of a tangent there, but it is relevant to that episode. What I realized over Christmas I don't know if I've ever heard. Do you know the song um Hark? Now Hear the Angels Sing. Who does that? Who does that?

Speaker 1:

version. It comes up later in one of these comments.

Speaker 3:

Actually, I think I've only ever heard people singing versions of it because I genuinely thought it was um and he will live forever more because of Chrissy Massey, what Ridiculously like over sort of I don't know, is it Jamaican or I don't know what's thinking. So when it came on radio and they just say because of Christmas day, I thought I'm sure it was because of the Korea. Samasadir.

Speaker 1:

Have you been listening to?

Speaker 3:

I think I've just heard probably you singing it or something, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, we'll come on to that later on, but you've got some comments that you from the Eman episode. We split these a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, also. By the way, I think we should. We don't want to make this too long, but I think. Just a brief comment on what do you think of the office episode. Do you think I enjoyed it?

Speaker 1:

Billing Blade did well. Obviously we're not going to go through all the comments. Billing Blade did say one of our best episodes. I enjoyed doing it. It's all going forward. We're on about like these sort of long ones and stuff where we're doing TV shows and we're saying that this happened and that happened. They're pretty hard to do and they're pretty boring, but I don't know. I'm quite happy with this one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I thought it was decent and that takes into he-man, which I have to say before he comments. I think that was one of our probably our weakest festive episode.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll look at the views for the episodes earlier today. We don't have loads of this, but this was by far, I think, the lowest one. We're only out of 12 and right this year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we tried to do something different. We thought, like a lot of it seems a bit obvious People have done it before. We thought, ah, we don't, nobody's done Christmas He-Man. But there's probably a reason for that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Nav said to us he didn't like it when He-Man was into your episodes. It was like he's trying to steal his sister's spotlight. Yeah. I mean, this was a He-Man episode though, weren't it?

Speaker 1:

So she was like no, it was He-Man and She-Ra this one oh collaboration, a collab yeah a collab, yeah, like double.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and Cappy said, left out loud when Panciero mispronounced He-Man and She-Ra and then followed it with Bastards of the Universe.

Speaker 1:

Bastards of the Universe. Yeah, he-man and She-Ra, I still say it. I just said it. Then I don't do it as a joke. She-ra, she-ra just doesn't sound right. I think what it is. Obviously it's a short name and when I'm saying she, I'm just like you to saying She-Ra, that one, if it's a Ra, it just feels like I'm saying She-Ra, really posh, I'm sure. I'm sure I can't imagine Patrick McFadden calling him that. I'm sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's it. We didn't get loads of comments we rightly say. Yeah, if you made it all the way through that one, thank you very much. Episode number three was Adverse. This was one of my favourites, I think.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I'll laugh at this whenever we're doing that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so a few comments on this KM 1984. Great episode, I said to the two of you. Struggle to find the term department store and resorted to Google. Tickle me an unreasonable amount.

Speaker 1:

That's what you say, you say what they call, what they call, and I say what's sitcom Marks and Spencer's call?

Speaker 3:

The sitcom. You call one of them shops. It's like what do I say? What do you call it? We're not going to do it again anyway, but I can't remember the thing. Bladespod. So Ben just reached the trombone trumpet part, incredible podcasting. The segue from the actual clip into Liam just letting Roy have the floor with his completely different rendition you did do that on purpose, didn't you?

Speaker 3:

That wasn't like sort of I laughed, my head off in the edit, because obviously sometimes we send each other a clip and we listen to it and that's when we're doing a bit more editing and it's a bit more clip heavy. But when we're trying to do these sort of quick fire ones we do almost the radio show we don't edit. So you didn't hear the clip at the time, no, and you came in thinking it was the.

Speaker 1:

Because on the original lower pack I'm pretty sure it's that in it.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I know we sort of claim that as your escape route, but I'm not sure.

Speaker 1:

Unless we try to rush these. Normally you'll send me saying I know it's this one, but and this one, yeah. And every time I hear a saxophone or trombone solo or whatever it is, now I do think of that. I listen to the Blues Brothers fully enough I don't listen to, and I get more constant later. Jive, don't I? No, yeah, now that's what I call good music or something. Don't ask who I will listen to, not really sure, but it starts with a blues.

Speaker 1:

I really, really don't know. Actually, I had it on the playlist and I listened to it and it starts off with everybody needs somebody, and it's got that.

Speaker 3:

That's what we did on karaoke and we had two other stupid masks, weren't it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we didn't ask to. Actually. We went up to sing Ferritill and New York and they said you can only do Ferritill and New York if you do Blues Brothers first, Because they had some shit to ask.

Speaker 3:

But you know, we didn't know it, we didn't do it well, but we smashed Ferritill and New York out on a similar note.

Speaker 1:

By the way, just the Blues Brothers trumpet in that way over it is. It's exactly the same as round our way, by a way says it. I mean I want to have a check that out.

Speaker 3:

All right, interesting, and just on the same note, really, Bobby B the Lerpik had me howling for your information. Left middle trumpet, saxophone, right trombone. I don't get that. You've copied these for me to read. I think the original he was playing was Flight of the Bumblebee.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is that? That's right, that's terrible.

Speaker 3:

Just finished this one. It goes down as a classic. Alexa, what is living with Maitley? Miss Quokes, miss Remembering, forget what you're talking about. Fucking brilliant boys Howling at Baloo and the Lads football four and millions of Jeffries Howl at millions of. Jeffries, Sorry as I read out Alexa in the corner just piped up. Shut up Alexa.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, she's gone again. I don't even know. It's underneath like a cupboard.

Speaker 1:

I swear, Baloo is something Baloo.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Baloo's out of Jungle Book.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, what do I say? Bugaloo, right, Bugaloo, Bugaloo, bugaloo, bugaloo. It's a fast answer for Afro American origin. Apparently, bugaloo.

Speaker 3:

Well, I've watched. There's a cartoon that used to be an ITV If I should have mentioned this when we'd done cartoons, but I've come to it later in life for the kids. But they did Grew some Tales, grizzly Tales, for Grew some kids.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, remember that.

Speaker 3:

But one of them's called Bugaloo Bear, so I don't know if that's where you got it from, not sure.

Speaker 1:

Apparently, bugaloo in German Dictionary is another term for sex used by the red hot chili peppers. I don't know if, like just they use it, I reckon he'd use it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we'll come into the episode in a bit. Anyway, Thinga Helip. Would, you like Bugaloo?

Speaker 1:

Bugaloo. Do you like your hot chili peppers? They're quite big. When we both worked at St Chris, weren't they? They were on radio all time. Fly away on my zephyr.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that californication was one of the albums that I kind of Showed, that age where I think you did it earlier than me, but that age where you kind of almost sort of getting to music like and that was one, still roses was one, the verb was one. But yeah, californication was definitely one of them albums that I listened to.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm not a big fan of californication, not a big financial, because it's one of those albums that pretty much that's a 90% of your friends at that age.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean like yeah, it was a safe bet, weren't it like if you met a new group like how'd you like that, a real californication? Yeah, it was safe.

Speaker 1:

Safe option, yeah, but was a good album right that morning. Glory, natural mothers and fucking athlete. Now not athlete, remember, athlete happened to them anyway.

Speaker 3:

I like to embrace they were of that sort of yeah, darkness a lot of people, they're all yeah there's. No, it sounds like something like happened with me in the darkness I don't want to talk about.

Speaker 1:

It's not just just can't move on is YouTube channels fantastic, just in all things, but anyway right, so I think I think you've got more comments on the same episode on yeah yeah, so it says the, the year that. But why double G DRA? The year drew, the year drew and he said just glad the millions of Jeffries don't include Jeffrey Dalman.

Speaker 3:

We would be an interesting one very modest, but why did you leave the first part? Amazing, as always, is the first thing.

Speaker 1:

I don't he grew up because you just you know these both very boastful in it, if you. If you saw, I've left out a lot of people saying things are amazing because I don't, you know, we don't like to blow his own. And Jay says in a world without the internet, the lunch, the toys are old, the look for the toys of us are. We bug him every year, says the adolescent James, thank you for solving the mystery of the millions are for Jeffrey. I was surprised by this because I thought I didn't know if it were just me who thought what the millions of Jeffries, but obviously loads of other people's well, I've like what you're touching. Said no, no, I think it's a thing in it. We on earth.

Speaker 3:

I mean we did that Andrew and Liam investigate and this was almost like conspiracy theory within an advert.

Speaker 1:

When we solve it and we discussed it there's millions of Jeffries all under one roof before he actually eggy. We never listen to the episode when we went because we were talking about it a common when this came out with a rematch after and we're talking about it that much.

Speaker 1:

But the game you went to see must have been anyway and he got all they just like put his arms a lot of what was shantan when there's millions of Jeffries, craig said he used to be what they said in the Jeffry part of the song he said he used to think it sounded like there's millions of dead break up under one roof probably right after the closed, six doors closed or 60 stores closed when it's 26 schools, six or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, make the Yuletide grey. And he still called that's an exchange name, said he has to wonder if toys are us in WH meta teaming up. Will there be millions of lenders all under one roof? Obviously, referring to the Nicholas Linders WH may have said that where he played every single part brilliant adverts then obviously, because we do this on my YouTube recommendations now, just fucking shit loads of old adverts still now.

Speaker 3:

Linders could be like a, because we for anyone who didn't listen to it was new to the party. We did have good night, sweetheart. How did it end? That was that could have ended up below to Linders. Well now, because it was just in different times at once, weren't it?

Speaker 1:

there's, there's, millions of Linhurst couple days before Christmas and he was on a Sunday and I was looking for the channels and I started watching it because it was wrong. What's it called that's TV? Is it called that's great TV or whatever? And it Rob pretty good, actually quite funny, yeah yeah so much the Scouse guys.

Speaker 1:

Oh god what it? He's basically Rodney, but like oh no, oh, come on. And Nick said your funniest episode yet, easily top of the laughing out loud and dog walk shorts, says full of nostalgia. Interesting facts about the host. This fraction island, who knew a musical into will interludes the fuck off ending is always very welcome to. I can remember why did we say that fuck off? I remember but Dean said I'm an Irish rose popping up six times. I didn't mean stitches, not Irish row Irish Rover.

Speaker 3:

Learn it yeah, probably correct, or time Irish rose my that you're an Irish rose.

Speaker 1:

And the great man himself, the major, said who can forget who's line is it anyway? Ryan styles, greg proof, josie Darby and Colin Montgomery, because that's you butchered that. So about when?

Speaker 3:

you were trying to remember the year you are couldn't get Tony slurry.

Speaker 1:

That's the one I couldn't get. I think we got Josie Darby instead of Josie Lawrence and then he said Colin. Montgomery, who's obviously a golfer all right.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, I thought I got, thought I was on the money with him. So Josie Darby was a TV presenter kids TV.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure she did blue be a possibly yeah, and who was calling?

Speaker 3:

what was it then, colin?

Speaker 1:

Colin, obviously not.

Speaker 3:

Montgomery. Anyway, yeah, we don't need to know the correct answer do it.

Speaker 1:

Colin mockery, yeah, mockery, mockery, yeah, but yeah. So I mean I would like to see Josie Darby and Colin Montgomery to who's line is it anyway? And episode 4, another watch along, another one that didn't get much feed back, and right this out. It was another one that wasn't that great. I don't think big break, as you enjoyed out on them.

Speaker 3:

I like watching old episode. I don't think we did it just as a thing. Yeah, the problem with a watch along is we're just talking about what's happening and we kind of found what is better if we kind of go on a tangent, but then there's no point in being a watch along. We do want to kind of keep you in the loop of what's going on, but then we're just saying, all right, virgo's got his waist care difficult to do out of the ball.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think watch alongs will be few and far between going forward in the bin, sean Fatman scoop.

Speaker 1:

I want to bring this up. Actually, when my dad were in hospital and he was waiting for his heart surgery, fatman scoop, message bane, said he were part of the sort of team who were gonna be doing the surgery or did the surgery or whatever, and I remember that.

Speaker 3:

If he dies, he dies anyway it's dole's laundry if he dies, he dies is it still fucking?

Speaker 1:

here we go again. Film, film masters. Yeah, it's one of the few films I've seen rockin it if he dies yeah, if he dies, he dies, aren't I?

Speaker 1:

anyway, I got to my dad remember that were really really ill, like really ill, because I was talking to a guy on Twitter and I think he's gonna be doing your thing yeah, it's called Fatman scoop. So I did like probably did put his mind at right, but yeah, cheers for that anyway. And anyway he said listen to the latest part. And he said, speaking to Steve Davis, when he were in Delverie September, he was shocked to see that he's a DJ touring the South Coast playing bangers. I've said before I don't know if I said it on it that I have seen him live and he is genuinely really good actually.

Speaker 3:

I've heard that not just from you. I've heard from a few people have seen him.

Speaker 1:

He's brilliant because I've been a documentary about him and we weren't really documentary, one of those things. It was new, if you know, they have 20 minutes on someone and someone like say you were ridiculous all the players, they were known as boring Steve Davis because he was never as being the boring person. It's like a genuine.

Speaker 3:

He's a funny guy, you know yeah, but he said he was kind of an Henry sort of copy. I've watched a few of Henry's YouTube channel Q tips. It might be cool. But yeah, they said he kind of made a very deliberate attempt to stay away from everyone and be very professional and he kind of sees why he got that name. But actually he's not. He's an entertaining guy all around.

Speaker 1:

Let's say anyway, I'm Julian yeah, so we've got to.

Speaker 3:

Let's Dennis a way about a skip to. Dennis. So the less Dennis episode, which was the less Dennis laugh the file laugh the show laugh. The file would have been better laugh the file funny.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah, berlin Blade, it's an awful open mic stand-up, weak observations, poorly done. It's just not funny and obviously. Then he finished talking about our podcast and went on to Les and said I do love him obviously since extras. But I do love him obviously since extras, but it's shit. It's not the best thing he's been in. I'd have to say extras, family fortunes and Amanda Holden, in that order yeah, it's just Berlin Blade for a tongue-in-cheek guy yeah, beautiful, brilliant stuff, and congratulations to him.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I saw the it takes a hot foreign girl, but I think that's what he said himself I might be in a hot French girl. And then if he says he's still got it because she got back into, and yeah, I don't know if he's done the DJ, but we'll all be wishing him well, thumbs up.

Speaker 3:

Good luck to be be on that one yeah, you again yeah, yeah, me again, yeah. And and message to say trust me, even at the time, this show is pretty dire. Unless you were a fan of Mavis from Coronation Street, I'd never seen it, so didn't know she was, so that there's nothing else there for you really was there.

Speaker 1:

That was the problem now, but that's what you could. What I could have said, though, is what you think of Mavis from Coronation Street, and she could have said well I don't really know, but you did paradox in it, because you can't do that without knowing the universe and, as I've said, I don't think she were renowned for that catchphrase less than he's did that catchphrase for her, but yeah and he's done that, by the way, like just behind the curtain.

Speaker 3:

We we tried because we really like Liz Dennis and obviously he's a bit active on social media. So we thought off, if we do a Liz Dennis laughter show and you know, hopefully really like it and sort of really compliment him, he might, he might like or share or comment, we just couldn't get on with. It could be a spy.

Speaker 1:

No, really well yeah, I can't remember the boy. I might have been Tyrone. I can't remember, so I tagged him in it and he didn't respond to fucking yeah, but we didn't.

Speaker 3:

We have to be honest, don't we? That's the way we play. That's the way we played again.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we've got to be honest. These then, as the next another watch along, probably our best watch along, I felt I see.

Speaker 3:

So it must be fair, just because I've enjoyed about this is we've both got quite drawn into it and we're in the return, so we were we're trying to talk, but we both went quiet watching what we're going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the girl at work, or Chloe, will listen to this one and she was very invested in it, like in the natural story as well, navdeev said. Jake Ward on a brief role in the 1989 only falls in office was Christmas special. He's carried it all, rodney. All the computer data returned upon his screen. It is also well connected in the boxing industry and talk sport of asking if we can get boxes on their station.

Speaker 3:

But, yeah, I think he's, I think he's makes you spend forever or there's some connection. I think they did a podcast together. But yeah, yeah, as we said, another, another decent guy, but he's not like to share it either.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunate, unfortunate anyway, liam, on to you with.

Speaker 3:

You just selected that one nav comment, or did we not get? I expected East Enders to get a few comments.

Speaker 1:

Was I like good episode and stuff which again we appreciate take on board. You know We'll take the couple, take the compliments, but just try to pick out the ones that we could have sort of a bit of a discussion about.

Speaker 3:

Right next we went on to top of the pops, our favorite Christmas top of the pops. A Few people sent us comments. Actually, maybe we weren't clear enough, maybe they weren't listening, maybe a bit of both, but I think we made it clear that they had to appear live on top of the pops. That was the issue. So there were loads and loads of songs we would have liked to have, but we tried to show me.

Speaker 1:

The pot father said he would miss the trick by not having the Christmas song by Arasia. They might have played that, but I've never heard it, to be honest.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, to be fair, I don't know if that was on the list or not, I'm not sure, but I would love to play that. You know I love a bit of Arasia. So yeah, if that was there, I missed. I certainly missed that one. Katie said the Bono line reckon Dave Grock, because we were talking about who would do the modern version of the. Yeah, but again, I think what? What we were sort of saying is that I think he would do a very good version of it in a very similar style, but I think it would. I think to make it your own, you'd have to do it differently. So I think yeah.

Speaker 1:

Morrissey we discussed it. He's a. He's actually had a go at any band aid. He said it's one thing. What did he say? He said something is like there's one thing you know people in Africa being on great, but it's another thing inflicting this on him.

Speaker 3:

This Joel sent us something in to say I reckon Kelly Jones would do the Bono part Well. Am I right thinking stereophonics? Yeah, that's right yeah probably not current enough, but I think you'd be able to deliver it. John Cooper Clark would be excellent. No, I don't. I was gonna ask you that evidently chicken town.

Speaker 1:

He's on one I think he's one of my last episode of sopranos might win Full, full repeat what's called full Tardale. That's it about when he gets killed and he's like a poet basically. But people put music to his, to his poems. Evidently chicken town. The fucking bank shot, the fucking things shut. You know me. So yeah, it's an art fucking. Thank God it's them. He said a fucking you know, yeah, you see Liam Gallagher Away, says mania.

Speaker 1:

Twitter just put out from a couple years ago he has no garlic alive with gorillas and Damon Albert and they got like. He just replied what's that come?

Speaker 3:

Yes, he's done it. It's there I.

Speaker 1:

It's dare. Yeah, they covered it's dare. Well, he's not covered, it's gorilla song.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure this is one of the things that everybody knows. Like Frank Skinner's got a name for this common what it is. Yeah, yeah but that it was written. It's there, but he couldn't say it. Could I say it's there. It's there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's another one with that. I think you've. You've done this before. When I thought it was no one knew that Prince row, nothing compares to you. You were like no, everybody knows that did.

Speaker 1:

I yeah yeah, fair enough. Yeah, max on the top of the pop. So the jive bunny chap made him smile. So one of them. Not sure if it's jive or, but I can still be seen driving around Swinton in a nice big motor with jive B number plates, royalties. And Sean the pop father again said that you know one of them, one of one of the one of the guys that was Swinton, not swindon. Oh, swinton. Sorry, you're right, swinton. Yes, swinton In the office to it. Swinton, swinton, swinton. Where's Swinton then? Swinton now.

Speaker 3:

Slower. Now I don't know. That's where it is. Does he say Swinton at some point?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, because Swinton's in northern at in swiss, when we're where, swinton, swinton, south Yorkshire, yes, in Rotherham, yeah, yeah. And webding said predictable last choice from the Irish one, that's you, yeah. And he also said did pancero change the brassing pockets lyrics? They're gonna make you, not me, gonna make you make you love me. Did you do that? I didn't mean to if I did, and but yeah, but he's quite Freudian slip.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's right, it was. It was a very obvious last choice, but I think we had to have it. I think yeah it's the best one. Yeah, you can't know. I mean you can try and sort of be a bit different. Well, what's the point that? That probably is the best Christmas song, so we did have to put in there.

Speaker 1:

Obviously I get the, I got the, I get the clips. So most of the times I've got the clips for this. I might not like playing like not in a long term, stuff like that. When that came on I was like, oh fucking Alex, brilliant, see. I like say I sort of avoid Christmas songs.

Speaker 3:

Um, Summer evening, drunk to hell, I said they're nearly lifeless great stuff, it's a diff.

Speaker 1:

That's not. That song, though, is it.

Speaker 3:

No, it's not.

Speaker 1:

Sorry enough, it was that, martin, something we just talked about. He said you thought we might have picked Belly in his marriage, marriage boy child. And because of a cruise a musty they were. That was on my list, to be fair, but again because they're all overplayed. But I think that what? Obviously it's not that overplayed, because you didn't fucking even know how it went. You must have just turned it off every single time he started. But it just reminds me football chance. And that's not their fault.

Speaker 3:

That's war. We will fight forever more because of all club signal.

Speaker 1:

But surely all.

Speaker 3:

Of that history, can I?

Speaker 1:

know it doesn't make sense anyway, none of it makes sense. That song, because of boxing day Wednesday, sing it and I was saying give it you one for now. Why would you fight when you've already won?

Speaker 3:

When's he said you think you're fine, I've a boxing idea.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said. You think you're not a fan should, like she's an outfans, to try and claim it and reclaim it, or do it as their own and sing it like that.

Speaker 3:

Now, amazing, so we moved on to episode a and it was a League of Gentlemen. Swannay, you've written arse thick swanee blade, isn't it? But yeah, fuming that inside number nine hasn't made the X-mas cup on the joking, because actually he Suggested inside number nine. I think you either said or message that we were gonna do it, and then we didn't. We let him down, didn't we?

Speaker 1:

but lay down because you want to do a particular episode later on. And the thing is with the Christmas that I think the best League of Gentlemen Christmas special is pretty hard to talk about, but the twist is fucking unbelievable. I don't want to give it away in case people know yeah, in the inside number nine, one of their Christmas ones, yeah, I think it'd be an odd episode to do as well and make it interesting, because it's the twist that makes it so interesting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it said League of Gentlemen extra special is a banger and a worthy substitute. Plenty, plenty in there to discuss a regular on my X-mas watch list. Well, it wasn't on mine or yours, but it certainly will be on mine going forward. I thought it was. It's one of my favorite things I watched like yeah. I surprised me a bit because it wasn't that Christmasy. It wasn't at all what I expected. But yeah, I watched it twice and Sort of thought this is brilliant, why have I not watched it before?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm so. I really, really, really liked it. And, ben, actually his next comment you, I think you're gonna read it oh, is a, even the one who suggested one of the two or three who suggested it, actually yeah, well, as I said at time, I only remember that third bit.

Speaker 3:

I wonder whether I've just been sent clips of that mad vet riding around his bike or something. But yeah, ben said I read a choir because I queried Matthew's got a wound on his neck and the choir laughing Her lip gets annoyed. We weren't quite sure why Ben figured that we're supposed to believe at the time they're tittering about a love bite, and then later we realised exactly what it is. So yeah, I'm still not sure that I get it, because why would they be laughing at a love bite? Because they are vampires. So they know it is a real bite, don't they?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and.

Speaker 3:

I think Are they laughing that he thinks the shame is it's a love bite.

Speaker 1:

Ah yeah, I think that's what it is and I think yeah, I get it. It's a little tragedy for Her Lip where I feel really sorry for everything. You know what I mean. He's like sort of a really you think he's gonna be really, really evil.

Speaker 3:

Like all the way through it I didn't see the twist coming real and yeah oh, andrew, come on, stay with Her Lip if you feel sorry for him.

Speaker 1:

Because of Christmas Day. Next up was the disaster of the piece, the villain of the piece, so episode nine. They were Christmas films. How do you feel about this in hindsight, Liam?

Speaker 3:

I enjoyed it. It was a complete mess. I came into it a bit smug, thinking well, I know Loaves more than you about films, so we'll be all right. And it was just a car crash, weren't it? It was just a I think I made more of a fool of myself than you because you yourself, proclaimed, don't know anything about films, but it turned out I didn't know anything about films either.

Speaker 1:

I yeah, I mean, I did write. I was just gonna say there were a lot, a lot of comments on this. The most, by far the most, are all the other episodes. So if you haven't read yours out, I just didn't want to yeah, completely concentrate on this one episode. The major said eight episodes in and we don't even know what it's called yet. You can hear respect to that immensely, so I think we were still calling it, I think, 12 days a May. The other 12 May was a Christmas.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we said, like we kind of proudly announced it at the start by the time you start listening. Well, I decided, and we still didn't really all the way through- but now I still don't know what it was called.

Speaker 1:

Neil said just been catching up with these great efforts. He goes. However, when he was listening to the film review episode, he could hear the loud rumbling noise of what he thinks of Barry Norman spinning a great yeah. What thing brilliant. This actually says how comes Leroy, mr Nongol, with the Home Alone Paris link? That's yeah, you should have mentioned that. Another great way that you take your Paris tripping.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so webding thinks that I often mentioned in Paris. Yeah, he's right, I could have. I could have took that opportunity. I've not been to that particular park in my extensive trails around Paris, so that's why I didn't mention that particular bit. But yeah, obviously I know Paris well. I know Paris in the spring time.

Speaker 1:

JP said you were laughing at you saying so my last choice is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and I said yeah, definitely. Then you said have you seen it? And I said no.

Speaker 3:

No yeah definitely no.

Speaker 1:

But what I meant is I heard it was good, I have heard that is good. So, yeah, definitely. Have you seen it? No, Still haven't seen it. Jake said your summer, a butchering of love actually must be infuriating to more people than just me. The amount of incorrect detail was outstanding. Please do a Christmas watch along next year.

Speaker 3:

Good idea.

Speaker 1:

That's the best year, yeah, I think film watch along, maybe for love. Actually, I have seen that. I have definitely seen that only once and I don't think I watched it at Christmas and I got. Is he in Richard Curtis, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's quite carefully on that. One Didn't want to discuss it too much Because I think we both realized we were both confused by it, because we sort of said, oh yeah, love, actually we could have that one. And then we sort of, as we were talking, we were both sort of not sure we were on about the right film and we sort of said, now save it, save it for the podcast.

Speaker 1:

And I genuinely did call him Ian Curtis, like that's not, I wasn't trying to be funny. Like I said to him, ian Curtis.

Speaker 3:

And then people like I don't think he's.

Speaker 1:

Curtis and I was thinking where have I got that from? And he's fucking enjoyed it. He must have enjoyed it. He must have enjoyed it, and I'm like he's so depressing I end of it just killing himself. Four suicides in a murder. It'd be good, though, when he's holding the car as well. Like lyrics to atmosphere, walk in silence. One of your favorites, that isn't it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom. That's not quite right tune.

Speaker 1:

Well, paul Jones, we don't listen to this much, but I told him to listen to this one Because I thought he'd like it. I don't think he'll listen to it at all. He said I'm glad I haven't drunk and drove, because this is the car crash I need tonight, which doesn't make sense. So that's a line.

Speaker 3:

Well, it suggests, like normally we drink and drive he's going. On this occasion he didn't.

Speaker 1:

It suggests. Honestly, it makes it sound like normally at Christmas. He just drinks and drives and crashes, but he doesn't need to tonight.

Speaker 3:

We gave him the crash that he normally needs, he needs a car crash.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, cheers for us. Paul, I don't know what you're talking about and Matt said more like Barry from EastEnders in relation to Barry Lohman, so had never seen or heard of Diod, he man screwed. It's a wonderful life, a great. On Channel 4 today, saturday 23rd, arthur Christmas is fantastic. No mention of Will Ferrell and Elf. My mum loves Elf and Christmas Day. Talking to her about this, about doing this, and I said I don't know right, she goes oh, you must have had Elf. Said no, she didn't have Elf. I goes no, no, no, no, didn't have Elf. Oh, you must have had Elf, didn't have Elf.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if I've seen Elf. I have a love-hate relationship with Will Ferrell. I think he's brilliant in some stuff and really, really poor in others, and I get the feeling Elf's one of those that he'll annoy me in. I've not seen it. Maybe I should. Maybe we'll do that next year.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to live for the same episode, but low so.

Speaker 3:

All right, he's carrying on. Yeah, you've prepped yourself. Not a chance, David. A comment from David. He's Roy Michael Owen, so we'll ask now are you Michael Owen?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm doing impression. Are you doing impression of Michael Owen?

Speaker 3:

When he did that Michael Owen soccer skills and he kept like saying to kids it's good to be small because I'm small, it's great to be small because I'm small.

Speaker 1:

This is the thing with him, though he's not a proper scouts, or is it? And here he is a scout Like behind. Yeah, he's like around the edges, isn't he? He can't go full scouts like, but he's like. No, it's really, it's no way. Is he gonna be able to Do you reckon he knows where fucking LG Phone Clinic is?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, michael, probably not. No, I think he. No, he's not one of those, he's not a proper scouts, or is he? He wants this man to be no more? I should have had that, my 2023 review of the year.

Speaker 1:

That was one of my favorite moments. Just got genuinely ridiculous. If anyone know and are wondering about LG Phone Clinic, just type it in and I'm sure it'll come up as a YouTube video. But I walked past it. We were walking to our hotel, just staying in Liverpool for a weekend, Like there's all fucking up. Like there's all fucking up there. It was like do you know that one?

Speaker 3:

I wanted you to say mere reconstruction, but you didn't do it, did you?

Speaker 1:

I bottled it, we tried look, it was really in the middle of summer, it was really busy and I did a video saying I can't remember what line I said from it, but everyone were looking at me and stuff I think they did.

Speaker 3:

this is a broadcast for a warning.

Speaker 1:

Broadcast. This is for a warning, but everyone were looking at me and I bottled it. To be honest, I was wearing a weekend offender T-shirt for some reason, so I thought it's a complete like hooligan. But anyway, I'm not Michael Owen, basically.

Speaker 3:

Okay, sam said it was an absolutely shocking episode and I'm all for it. So thanks, sam. People like it when it all goes wrong. Seemingly Nick as a saddo film geek. That was quite some episode to listen to. It's as if someone with a rudimentary knowledge of films was forced to describe films to a newly arrived alien.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking this I'm really into music and I was thinking if I listened to a podcast where people just kept getting stuff wrong about stuff I know about, would I be mad? Would I find it funny? I don't know. I don't know, might have genuinely angered people after this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, it was certainly we didn't want to do it badly, but we kind of we just embraced the way that it went. Certainly that wasn't our intention at the start to do it badly, no, but it would probably be only 10 minutes in the best, worst episode ever Belushi Brothers Mix Up. Sorry, the best worst episode ever, the Belushi Brothers Mix Up Diwali. What was that? I thought it was. Hanukkah was a festival of light, I think, wasn't it?

Speaker 1:

Bar right yeah, diwali and.

Speaker 3:

Thanksgiving Mixed Up and Andrew never seen it. Count off the scale If you meant to do it. It's comic genius.

Speaker 1:

Then that's the tragedy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're just going to wade in with Bruce Willis categorically says in the Die Hard movie. We're just going to wade in with Bruce Willis categorically says Die Hard, not an X-mas movie. Oh right, okay, I didn't know Bruce Willis had said that.

Speaker 1:

Oh right interesting.

Speaker 3:

Then you go to Escape to Victory and Masters of the Universe. At that point I fucking gave up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's fair enough yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you can debate whether Die Hard is a Christmas film. Masters of the Universe is on another level, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely like outrageous. But I was struggling and I thought, you know, got to fulfil my contract, aren't I?

Speaker 3:

So yeah, karl said, still trying to come to terms with how someone with such comprehensive knowledge in 90 TV didn't watch a single film in this entire time. Yeah, I get what you're saying. Yeah, I mean, why do you just don't watch films, do you?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I have watched a hundred films because I've written down. I don't know, if you have, I've watched a hundred films. I have watched a hundred films, probably about a hundred as well, which sounds a lot, but it's not really. No, it's not.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you have anyway. Bill Inblay joke of a pod, two blind men doing a colouring book. I love the idea of a conversation Andy must have had with himself and the mental gymnastics involved when he settled on He-Man as a Christmas film. I love that. When you brought it up I thought how have you come to this, like see if you'd have done like an episode or something, and said like I ain't got a film To settle on? Masters of the Universe blew my mind, to be honest.

Speaker 1:

I was going to have a scissorhounds, but I don't know if I've seen it.

Speaker 3:

He said that few seconds when he floats it and Liam's reaction were unbelievable. Yeah, because you did take. Obviously I know now in hindsight why you didn't want to let me know what your choices were, because I probably would have said you can't have eyes ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think you'd have put a stop to that. It's put a man with a ADHD book man with ADHD that reads books but can't watch a film. I'm surprised he can even hold the book with his crippling dyspraxia, which I'm surprised Billy Blay knows about that, because that's like a hidden secret you keep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know what's going on about my dyspraxia and obviously it's good, though in the course of these pods I've also got the diagnosis of ADHD as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, billy Blay's picked up on that. Jp only out done by Leroy's reactions. Panciera, speculative ADHD self-diagnosis Yep, yep, fair enough. Yeah, I think you decided you'd got it and I couldn't. I've had so many chats for you where you tell me you've got various different diseases and illnesses, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just yeah, yeah, okay, yep. So that's what you've got. No problem, Dead Bar people waiting 18 to 24 months even for initial assessment. Some are paying thousands of pounds to go private. They should have gone to Dr Liam. I think my son-of-daughter has ADHD. Yeah, yeah, fair enough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, you know that'll be it, sue. Waiting list of massive. So yeah, yeah, fair enough. Yep, sounds like it to me.

Speaker 3:

Last one on that is from. I think we've said Gimli, but it's Gilmi. New record, for Roy mentioned his dyspraxia, so you must have mentioned it more than usual in that particular episode.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mentioned it very early in this one and in the next episode. I mentioned it very early and genuinely both. I mentioned it all the time, but since we've been doing this part, there's only one. I've noticed that I say it all the time. I do use it many a times in excuse, as you know yourself, to get out of doing things, but it does come up quite a lot Like. There's a lot of things where I think or I've noticed that when I can say it all the time, I'll say I can't do that because my dyspraxia or well you know, my dyspraxia it's you know what else for?

Speaker 1:

dyspraxia Dazza's brother I think. I don't know if he listens to this, to be honest, but sure he said his brother had it.

Speaker 3:

I do know other people with dyspraxia, but do you know why? I don't know Because they don't tell me all the time. So-.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's dyspraxia awareness, isn't it? I'm gonna start it. Actually, fuck it dyspraxia awareness. If I don't know, we should do a charity and it all goes to dyspraxia awareness. That's what we should do. We should do like a 24 hour pod and all the money goes to dyspraxia awareness.

Speaker 3:

Right then when you pass them, like hand over the money, they just drop it.

Speaker 1:

Drop it down a drain. Do you remember when I fell down a manhole? And I can remember that?

Speaker 3:

I like to think I would remember that now when oh, you must.

Speaker 1:

I were off work for three weeks. A different manhole, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think it nearly killed him. He sure you fell down actual manhole.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is ages ago now. Well, you will have known about this at the time. Um, I'll just have a sprax here. But when it's, I say, because balance is one of the things with it, I'm crap with balance anywhere. Um, but I'm really shit when it's, I say, always fall over and I slipped and I tried to lie. So I don't like you just grabbed it nearest thing and I grabbed onto the, what you call it, that's around another scaffolding, the Signs, you know, like the keep away sounds what they around manholes, and I grabbed onto one of them. I'm flying. What do you mean?

Speaker 3:

a manhole is like a, an opening with a, with a metal disc over it. They don't just left open. What would you mean? What's?

Speaker 1:

the word when they're digging and stuff Hole. A hole was not a manhole.

Speaker 3:

No, my manhole is like a round hole, like a passage down into sort of the sewers or down into Services, or you just fell in a hole, are you telling me?

Speaker 1:

I fell in a hole. I'm looking at my hole. Yeah, I didn't know that. I didn't know the difference. Yeah, you're digging on straight basic like and I slept and fell into a hole and Smash my back a rock whip three weeks, smash my phone as well. Um, so it's not all fun and games.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, my dad was once on a site carrying like two blokes carrying something, and he was the guy.

Speaker 1:

Before you're gonna say you were carrying to blow.

Speaker 3:

Why? No, I think he was walking backwards over there, were carrying and the Manhole cover wasn't on and just went down. It I think in like Some. I weren't really badly hurt, like just dropped about three meters down but it didn't sort of hit anything and landed alright somehow. But yeah, you just fell in a holes. A very different thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I've fallen a hole and I'm Come on, I'll go into it. This brats, yeah, anyway, episode 10 was the snowman real Bobby's a great episode, but you reckon we missed the whole point that it was a dream. He said the snowman goes to bed, makes it makes. No man goes to bed. We're things happen, wakes up and the snowman's gone, which does make sense, and then everything is possible.

Speaker 3:

obviously the Because I didn't. In the original book Quite possibly is right, but because in the one that they made for TV the added the bit in where he meets Santa. He does wake up with a scarf that Santa gave him.

Speaker 1:

Ah shit, yes, of course. Yeah, so you're thinking Briggs's first book, raymond Briggs's book.

Speaker 3:

I think possibly the original was yeah, just some somebody dreamt to stuff. Well, I mean, I think it's up to you, you know it's interpretation, but I think as soon as he has evidence the next morning. Then he asked it has to be real. But I think it was it real. Bobby B was, I think, real. Bobby did say something like you. Don't trust him, though, to be the sneaky type to have opened the present early. So, yeah, who knows? But I took it as that because I came to it First with the. There is the scarf in his pocket. I took it as they did happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, play when things said he always gets gums. But it genuinely always gets goosebumps when the music kicks in for the flying bit, and he even did for the clip of this episode. It's a powerful stuff, praise for living a made life. So do you always thought the snowman sees his homeland on the birds eye box? She was talking about the fish fingers box. Yeah, why he sees that. Then he goes. He said he gets home sick and if fuck it, often it's little twice coming to.

Speaker 3:

It's coming to yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's kind of what we thought.

Speaker 3:

It's weird how it's only at that point. So yeah, maybe it just so happens that birds eye took a picture of where he's from. I don't know, let's not go into the technique. I was.

Speaker 1:

I really enjoyed doing this now my episode, by the way, one of our lower episodes as well. So I don't know. I don't know if that people just got bored by the 10th episode fuck, I'm not listening to these idiots anymore but or if it's not as well known as we maybe think, or maybe our age group I don't know didn't get.

Speaker 3:

That was the one that's sort of genuinely Hit me with the nostalgia like that. That was the one of all the ones we did. That's the one that took me back to sort of being I don't know seven, eight, whatever. And yeah, I've really really enjoyed it and, you know, not not just for the sake of Bigging it up for the episode I know, yeah, genuinely sort of really moving that one for me.

Speaker 1:

I thought I'm gonna put us on the map. We got about 500 views. I don't know where it got, but yeah, and then we're laughing at you saying that sometimes you're not in bed by 12. I love that bit. You like you will have to win you when you listen back.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know it's in the edit, but sit some like Christmas hard case. Yeah you.

Speaker 1:

What you say is because you've been listening about the editing. You said, uh, he was like I'm not always in bed by 12, I'm so cocky, said it's so, I'm always in bed by 12. And then, and then fucking, I just were like all right, calm down, shame a gala. And you know, I'm not saying I'm some sort of Christmas hard man, christmas hard man, what is that? I just think it's a Christmas hard man.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, but yeah, I stand by it 3 am Last night I went to sleep.

Speaker 1:

I was just a little podcast. Actually we're two and a half hour one. I thought I was doing our work. I got really into it.

Speaker 3:

I can. I can beat that because I stayed up to watch.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, this is biturbia.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, I was up to about quarter past five, 20 plus five.

Speaker 1:

Imagine fucking snowman with. I'd be like the Ben not. But what was name? Not them, what were the kids name?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

James, james, that have been them. What you doing, mate. He'd have looked innovative, that you know, to make the snowman. The review in 1997, to be honest, the last two, we were rushed a lot because we recorded them both as they went out base.

Speaker 3:

Ideas for these last two. Didn't we this? We just think. Enough time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm sent is in Fadi croc, fadi credit, fadi cradix thing. And we got another couple as well. We were gonna do Jules Holland, we're gonna do mrs Browns boys, right what?

Speaker 3:

the actual loads on the radar and then just just the kind of actual Different family events going on at different days and we struggled to actually kind of get get the time to get recorded. So yeah, we, we did rush them a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this was a review in 97 and have deep said it was Mike Dickin who announced on sort radio that Diana had died. He didn't say that his health wasn't in question, because obviously Mike Parry claims to me that he broke the news. So did he tell Mike Dickin?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'd say so yeah.

Speaker 1:

Ho-Ha said he absolutely loved us trying to remember when Indian Indian independence happened in this episode. Because what absolutely I'll rate? I mean, it's one of those sort of things. We said this since when we do these watch long because it's all, it's not live, but you know what I mean and we're talking about shit that we don't know about. As you obviously can tell, it's really different. We think it's really difficult, like a radio presenter trying to comment on things. I know how ridiculous that sounds. Indian Indian independence in 1997 now. But you just try to piece together little bits of shit that you know. Aren't you good to try and get something? Just to?

Speaker 3:

Something we've tried to do more recently is get away from lots of editing and turn it into like like this one tonight. There's no idea. It's almost like a radio show. So you're hearing as we're speaking. But yeah, when something comes up and you don't know, obviously in general conversation, if we were talking about yourself, I mean I'll have a look and we just, would you know, we'd be quiet for 30 seconds while somebody has a look. But yeah, that would be terrible on a podcast. So you kind of just keep talking even though you don't know what you're talking about. That's, that's our excuse.

Speaker 1:

I weren't that far off. Really, to be honest, it would be about 100 years 40 years out, 47 it was. But yeah, really want you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the last episode of the 12 days of mainly the Maly days of Christmas, to whatever it was called, we did our review of the year. A Bit of a last-minute thrown together thing. Yeah, again, we had so many ideas and we thought you know what we've done? We've watched that seven review. Let's just do our review. And what did you think? Any good?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, shit. Now, all right, I think if we'd have had more time and I put more effort into it we had like three days, I think it were to to try and get it together. So we basically just looking at Wikipedia. There's a lot of things that I've since like thought of and thought, oh, I should have mentioned that. I should have mentioned that, but you can't.

Speaker 3:

I mean, what would be great, I think, for that one, if we had enough time, was to sort of put it out there to the listeners to send us their comments for the year. Yeah, yeah, we didn't we just relied on Wikipedia, didn't we? Yeah, it's on Wikipedia the major sent in thank you for another wonderful Baby boy byfield shout out in the last late step. So even more pertin mentioned alongside a 26 year anniversary of Indian independence and Kevin oh Sullivan's five-minute one. Four, seven at the crucible.

Speaker 1:

You must have said Kevin oh Sullivan.

Speaker 3:

I'm amazed if I did, because he's a. He's the guy does it with Mike Graham in a Mike Graham does plank of the week.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if he's seen his penis.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, probably If I did say that, apologies, I didn't notice that day. Oh, it might just be a joke from the major, but I don't know. It's perfectly plausible that one of us did say that. Yeah, capy about Allison Hammond Loving Panchiro's anger energy in the final. If we made a podcast of the year, he turned on it. Didn't you right the end of the year?

Speaker 1:

So no, I said no. No, she might be amazing, she might be a lovely, lovely woman. I just think when people that sort of happy and nice on TV I think we've got this, this feeling there soon as camera goes off, a bit like I Don't know, like you know, on father said, when that guy has a drink is like oh yeah, I mean like I was mad, I might be wrong. I'm actually really really cynical, but some about it, some about yeah, I mean.

Speaker 3:

Gary said, another great pod lads. Redoubbing Hugh Edwards like they used to Jerry Adams was a laugh out loud moment for me. Happy new year.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Whether they could still use the Hugh Edwards clips after what's going on and how they would use them. We speculated they could dub them like the old Jerry Adams stuff, didn't we Chad great 12 days of Christmas pods. You guys killed it. I really enjoyed all them, a laughter bunch.

Speaker 1:

Well, thanks, just mention actually. Yeah, it's, this was really funny. We've got a like a group chat with people who do chefing out a content and stuff, and Chas is on this and he will listen to the top.

Speaker 3:

Our charges is yeah, yeah, okay in charge. You know, I don't know how I was Chad. I didn't realize it was. It was the big man himself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's from the US of a charity people didn't know and then it could not get his head around. Cliff Richard, could I Just didn't use the cliff Richard guy like it did not, because it's game really needs your help.

Speaker 3:

It's weird we've kind of just accepted him like yeah, but oh.

Speaker 1:

How do you explain Cliff Richard to someone who doesn't know he is? Oh, locked it. I said because he said it when we Reannounced that team think of a villa game. And we look like we're gonna get hammered and he goes go and get the Cliff Richard clip. Listen, guys, I really need your help.

Speaker 3:

Super Last comment we've got on. That one was Tyrone, who, yeah, I think Tyrone probably sent more than this one clip. I don't know whether he's put other stuff that we've not read out, but yeah he's always like you know, he always shares it stuff brilliant. Yeah yeah, top man Really enjoyed these lights. Great work. Also, let's form a pub quiz pancero for the music questions. Lee Roy can answer TV questions and answer the film ones will shit him.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean that was skewed towards football and a certain March, if you're not it. But yeah, I think if, if we do a general knowledge quiz, let's get Tyrone on board and we're as he says, we'll shit them. Yeah, we'll shit them over bits and pieces.

Speaker 1:

Idle Ross asked if we were gonna be covering a family affair, because it's quite literally living with Maitley. Do you know the liver? The Chloe Maitley documentary.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think the major might have mentioned this as well previously. We need to do it, but I don't know why we're gonna do it.

Speaker 1:

I think it's like 12 episodes. I think I've seen about six of them, and he's not any older often, so remember, maybe we could just do it and focus in on the bit season. I don't know. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I said to you like it'd be good if Sort of one of us watched it and cut some clips from it, because I'm sure there's some good stuff in there.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it's on the radar at some point we might have a look at that. I don't want to finish in terms of what I've got here with this. Ian Andrew Dice-Clay shared this clip of Hulk Hogan talking about the song Hulk's in Heaven, which we've covered in a previous episode.

Speaker 2:

Just listen to this mystery to try to make good films that you can bring your family to. And what happened was my manager, jimmy Hart, is out there somewhere that I love to death. I was yeah, I was in my chiropractors office trying to go through this therapy and I read People magazine, which we have, this real popular magazine in the United States and I read about this kid James and I couldn't comprehend children killing children. I mean, it was something that I understand, a lot of things in life, but that's something I didn't understand.

Speaker 2:

So since I played music in my past life, 15 years ago, and since Jimmy Hart was in the Gentries and he had a hit song here in the early 70s called dance, dance, dance, I said, man, let's write a song for all these kids, for all this crazy stuff that's happening in the world, and it's kind of like Eric Clapton song, A tear from heaven. It's called another Hulkamaniac in heaven, and we had a few other original songs Like I want to be a Hulkamaniac. I want to have fun with my family and friends, which is a public surface mess it's don't do drugs, don't talk to strangers.

Speaker 3:

Will you? Will you bring all these guys on the show and sing this?

Speaker 1:

But this is absolutely fucking amazing and so many. It's so good this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'd. It blew my mind a little bit of this because obviously I knew that he'd. I don't know about a breakdown or whatever, but he seemingly it's mad like what he's kind of claimed that this the hookster in heaven song is about why it seems like there's there's no end that he won't go to. To sort of get a plug in for this particular track, I mean, yeah, didn't you send me. It was written after James Bulger's death. Is that right, right?

Speaker 1:

So right, first off, the initial story was you wrote it about someone who he met before I think I've got this right someone who he met before, before his Wembley show in 92 or something. And then it this guy later. It was one of those a helper child things. I can't remember what you call, it is after now, but you know he died kid and he met Hulk and then hold this track, that's. It has to be balls, because Hulk never went to London or Wembley at that time. Then I think he changed it to it was just about a kid who used to write to him and then all of a sudden he goes on pebble mill. That clip was taken from pebble mill in 1993 and he says he were about James Bulger. I mean, he's so. She's sick Really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but like we said, is he, you know, is he that gone, that he actually thinks that might be true? Like I don't know, it's a really weird one.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know James Bulger.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Three, three. I have my doubt.

Speaker 3:

You know for obviously horrific, the James Bulger story.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Even worse.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're not making like that and if you don't know about it, I probably don't even. It's horrific, basically like a young kid was killed and Hulk Hogan then claimed that, even though the song was written after written, before he died, that yeah right before he died and James Bulger was three.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if there's many three year old Hulkamaniacs out there. I don't know about you. I don't know, I'll be interested. My favorite.

Speaker 1:

Thing the whole. The whole thing, though, is when he said he compares it to an Eric Clapton song, which is mad. And he was what's he called? He's called another Hulkamaniac living. I will laugh at me, though, thinking about Eric Clapton, I don't know writing a song like going. The world's just lost another Clapton maniac. It's like you can't say that. What are you saying? Hulkster One, live the Hulkster. I say absolutely phenomenal.

Speaker 3:

He certainly entertained him and, yeah, he can't imagine he's sort of deliberately done that to try and tell records. I just think he but he didn't do very well he was used into what it was actually about trying to give him the benefit of that out there.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to know, because he's lies about everything, obviously. I'd love to know if he just wanted. You know the sort of people who are lying on the spot. They don't plan it, they just like think, oh Fucking hell, you must have come up. You're obviously in the news about what happened to James Bulger and he thought shit, I could pretend that's about that, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Brilliant, anyway that's it, liam thanks a long one now.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, we had to get through all the comments though, but yeah, thank you, and we're gonna be back. We're gonna have a couple of specials before we're gonna do the series, because we like to go outside the box, and then we're gonna like, I think. I think what we're gonna plan is we're gonna let the public decide what we're doing next.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've got a few ideas for the next series. Whether it's the series is themed around one thing, whether it's yeah, we'll put it for a vote anyway. But yeah, I think we're probably gonna do two, maybe three specials before that.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, but the first one is yeah, because we're going back to our detective roots and we're gonna do another Andrew and Liam investigates. Because I mean like, because people seem to like that one, I think, yeah, I quite enjoyed it as well.

Speaker 3:

We called the news about outstanding cases, didn't we? So if you don't, heard that one and you want to understand the truth behind the Loch Ness monster, the Eileen Moore Lighthouse mystery. Yeah, we solved all sorts, so yeah, we're gonna solve some more mysteries, if you know of any mysteries that you want.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, if you've got any mysteries, send them in, and I mean, I think I've got a couple already, but I'm happy to push them aside, push the drummer out of the way and put these on. But yeah, for now. Thank you for that, liam, and I'll see you with our monocles and Pipes for the next one.

Speaker 3:

Don't worry for me, brother. If anyone wants to get in touch with those senders, anything by us on Twitter at livingwithmade1, or you can send us an email at livingwithmadelyatoutlookcom.