Crime Time FM

GORDON KERR In Person With Paul

GORDON KERR author of BRITISH TRAITORS: Betrayal & Treachery in the Twentieth Century chats to Paul Burke about soy hysteria pre-WWI, the men and women who betrayed their country for money and ideology, The Cambridge spies, Lord Haw Haw and George Blake, not to mention his novel A Partisan Heart.

BRITISH TRAITORS Capital punishment for murder was suspended in Great Britain in 1965, an Act finally made permanent in 1969, but remained as the punishment for treason until as recently as 1998, demonstrating how seriously we take the crime of betraying your country. But even with the threat of the noose hanging over them, many still chose the path of treachery during the cataclysmic events of last century.
British Traitors examines the lives and motivations of a number of the perpetrators of this most heinous of crimes, following the footsteps of Fascist traitors such as William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) and John Amery to the gallows, investigating what drove men such as Wilfred Macartney and John Herbert King to betray their country during the war to end all wars and delving into the mysterious web of espionage and subterfuge surrounding the Cambridge Spy Ring that spied for the Soviet Union from the nineteen-thirties until the early Nineteen-Fifties.
People commit treason for many reasons - some seek adventure, some seek reward, some are motivated by political philosophy, while others are sucked into it by their own foolishness. British Traitors provides a fascinating look at the lives and impulses of those who chose to betray their country.

Gordon Kerr worked in bookselling and publishing before becoming a full-time writer. He is the author of several titles including A Short History of Europe, A Short History of Africa, A Short History of China, A Short History of Brazil, A Short History of the First World War, A Short History of the Vietnam War, A Short History of the Middle East, A Short History of Religion and The War That Never Ended. He divides his time between Dorset and Southwest France.


Ben McIntyre Agent ZigZag & A Spy Among Friends
A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance Claudio Pavone

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Music courtesy of Southgate and Leigh
Crime Time

Paul Burke writes for Crime Time, Crime Fiction Lover and the European Literature Network.  CWA Historical Dagger Judge 2023.

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

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