Crime Time FM

NEIL HUMPHREYS In Person With Paul

NEIL HUMPHREYS chats to Paul Burke about his new novel LOST WOMEN, living in Singapore, working class roots, serendipity, Inspector Stanley Low and fridging.

LOST WOMEN ‘This impressive police procedural presents an unflattering but authentic picture of the multiracial megacity‘ Times Crime Club.
Humphrey's latest thriller is prescient, dark and challenges some of the world's worst fears.
Alan Edwards had expected to see more blood. His initial reaction had surprised him. He’d never seen a murder victim before, let alone one with its throat sliced open. And yet, Edwards remained unexpectedly calm. He shone his torch through the windscreen. The flies were already hovering outside the lorry. The maggots would soon follow.

NEIL HUMPHREYS grew up in Dagenham and went to University in Manchester. He now lives in Singapore, where he writes for various publications and broadcasts on TV and radio. He has published many award-winning children’s books, travelogues and several novels.

Paul Theroux Saint Jack
Sonny Liew The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Music courtesy of Southgate and Leigh
Crime Time

Paul Burke writes for Crime Time, Crime Fiction Lover and the European Literature Network. He is also a CWA Historical Dagger Judge 2022 .

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

Crime Time FM is the official podcast of
Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival 2023
CrimeFest 2023
CWA Daggers 2023
& Newcastle Noir 2023
2024 Slaughterfest, National Crime Reading Month, CWA Daggers