Crime Time FM


CrimeTimeFM Season 1 Episode 8

Anthologist, novelist, historian NICK RENNISON talks to Paul Burke about the latest anthology of short stories in the rivals to Sherlock Holmes series - AMERICAN SHERLOCKS.

15 Mysteries from the Golden Age of American Crime Fiction, originally published during the same period as Conan Doyle was writing about Sherlock Holmes (late 19th/early twentieth century). Opening with proto-detective Uncle Abner in The Doomsdorf Mystery and taking in the ubiquitous Nick Carter, and finishing with the thinking machine, Augustus SFX Van Dusan, via Madelyn Mack, Philo Gubb, Violet Strange, Jigger Masters et al.

Locked room mysteries, bumbling police officers, brilliant consulting detectives, endearing sidekicks, fist fights, fowl murder and much more. Nick's enthusiasm for his subject is catching.

Nick tells us about his favourite Sherlock, the maestro on stage, screen and novel pastiche/homage, the successful spinoffs and the ones he's not so keen on,  Edgar Allen Poe's C. August Dupin and what the theme of the next rivals anthology might be...

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Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

Crime Time FM is the official podcast of
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CrimeFest 2023
CWA Daggers 2023
& Newcastle Noir 2023
2024 Slaughterfest, National Crime Reading Month, CWA Daggers