Crime Time FM


July 04, 2021 CrimeTimeFM

GERARD BRENNAN talks to Paul Burke about his new novel SHOT, feisty PSNI detective Shannon McNulty, the writer's lot, Northern Ireland Arts Council and music.

SHOT: You can't choose your family -aa major career obstacle for DS Shannon McNulty when she takes up a post with the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The move back to her hometown of Warrenpoint following a decade on the force in London coincides with the untimely death of her gangster uncle, Brendan. Now Shannon must balance an unofficial investigation into her uncle's shooting with her first case for the PSNI. Swift resolution to the disappearance of a politician's daughter could lead to a stellar career as a Belfast detective. But if she fumbles juggling family and job, she'll lose everything.

GERARD BRENNAN is from County Down and has a PhD in creative writing from Queen's University. His previous works include Underground, Wee Rockets, The Point and  Disorder. Gerard has written for anthologies including Belfast Noir and Down These Green Streets, and edited a collection, Requiem for the Departed. Shot is the first in the Shannon McNulty series published by Dockyard Press. Also available from Dockyard Press FIREPROOF

Music courtesy of Gerard Brennan: Walk and Wah-Wah
Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time


Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

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