Crime Time FM



OLIVIA KIERNAN chats with Paul Burke about her new novel THE MURDER BOX, Frankie Sheehan, Ireland, police procedurals and finding out what kind of person you are during covid period.

THE MURDER BOX: At first, Detective Chief Superintendent Frankie Sheehan believes the murder mystery game sent to her office is a birthday gift from one of her colleagues. But when Frankie studies the game's contents, she notices a striking resemblance between the 'murder victim' and missing twenty-two-year-old Lydia Callin.
As Frankie and her team investigate, a series of grisly crimes connected to the game are discovered across Dublin city and Lydia's involvement with a shadowy network of murder mystery players becomes clear.
On the hunt for Lydia's murderer, Frankie is drawn more deeply into the game. Every successful move brings her closer to the killer. But the real question is not what happens should she lose -- but what happens if she wins.

OLIVIA KIERNAN is an Irish writer. In a previous life, she completed a diploma in anatomy and physiology then a BSc in Chiropractic before she succumbed to the creative itch and embarked on an MA in Creative writing. In 2015, she began writing PLAY DEAD FOR ME (formerly titled Too Close to Breathe), a crime thriller that was published in 2018 and features Dublin detective, Frankie Sheehan. THE KILLER IN ME and IF LOOKS COULD KILL followed soon after. The fourth in the series THE MURDER BOX publishes on July 22nd 2021

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Music courtesy of Southgate and Leigh Don't Wait
Crime Time

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

Crime Time FM is the official podcast of
Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival 2023
CrimeFest 2023
CWA Daggers 2023
& Newcastle Noir 2023
2024 Slaughterfest, National Crime Reading Month, CWA Daggers