Crime Time FM

DOMINIC NOLAN In Person With Victoria

November 11, 2021 CrimeTimeFM

DOMINIC 'DOM' NOLAN chats with Victoria Selman about his new novel VINE STREET, 1930S Soho, obsession, history versus the past and believing in your work.

A snarling, skull-cracking misanthrope, Geats marshals the grimy rabble according to his own elastic moral code.
The narrow alleys are brimming with jazz bars, bookies, blackshirts, ponces and tarts so when a body is found above the Windmill Club, detectives are content to dismiss the case as just another young woman who topped herself early.
But Geats - a good man prepared to be a bad one if it keeps the worst of them at bay - knows the dark seams of the city.
Working with his former partner, mercenary Flying Squad sergeant Mark Cassar, Geats obsessively dedicates himself to finding a warped killer - a decision that will reverberate for a lifetime and transform both men in ways they could never expect.

VINE STREET is Dominic Nolan's third novel, following his widely acclaimed books PAST LIFE and AFTER DARK

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Music courtesy of Southgate & Leigh
Crime Time

Produced by Junkyard Dog
Crime Time

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