The Mothered Business

Ground Zero in Your Business? This is Your Map to Launching Your First Offer

Robyn Gooding

In this episode I teach you how to build the most accessible business in 2022 even if you have a tiny Instagram following, no email list, and have never launched an offer in the online space before. 

This is your roadmap to go from ground zero to a sold out offer in your new online business…

  • What to do if you are at ground zero as a coach, consultant, creative, wellness practitioner…
  • Why having calls with your ideal client is gold for your business in the long run and where to find your people
  • How to create a first offer that you know will sell like hot cakes and why you do not need an established offer to generate revenue and social proof 
  • How to build trust with a group of people even if you have a tiny following online and a small or nonexistent email list 

As always I will remind you that the best is yet to come...

Robyn xo


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Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

You can book a 30 min strategy session with me ANYTIME --> ZERO strings attached, so we can do a business audit for you and support your next steps to a profitable business!

Click here to book your call anytime! 

With love,

Robyn xo


If you loved this episode, I'd appreciate if you could leave a review or share on your socials. It truly means the world to me and helps amplify this message for other mothers desiring a supportive business for motherhood.

If you would like to learn more about The Mothered Business Mastermind, click here.

Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

Click here to book your call anytime!