The Mothered Business

Self Betrayal, Abandonment, Censorship and Self Trust

February 26, 2022 Robyn Gooding

The world has been A LOT lately. Heavy, intense, chaotic. And I have witnessed clients struggling with self trust in this experience because everything around them is SO LOUD that their voice within feels really quiet. Whether it is how you express yourself online or in your business with your clients, in other relationships, or everyday moments where you feel that "ickiness" in your gut afterwards, we can all pin point moments where we chose someone else's comfort over our own truth, needs and values. That's why in this episode I address:

  • The distinctions between Self Betrayal, Self Abandonment and Self Censorship
  • I give examples of Self Betrayal and how this shows up in our business (regularly, in my experience working with hundreds of entrepreneurs)
  • I give examples of Self Abandonment and how this shows up in our business (again, regularly, in my experience)
  • I dive into Self Censorship and how to navigate expressing our truth with the wisdom of what to share and what to keep private. I talk about why we cancel ourselves before someone else can cancel us and the price we pay for this 
  • How I define Self Trust and why I believe it is the gateway to everything we want in our lives 
  • A step by step process you can use to deepen your self trust, dial up that voice within and dial down the voices around you - no matter how chaotic the world feels 

I wholeheartedly believe that Self Trust is *ESSENTIAL* to your success and that too many of us consistently betrayal, abandon and censor ourselves and the price we pay for this is really, really high. This is an important episode and although there is so much more to these topics I can't wait to explore, I think it's a foundational starting point to reconnecting with your whole self and cultivating a deep sense of personal belonging. And that my friend, will change everything. 

With so much love and respect,

Robyn xx


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Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

You can book a 30 min strategy session with me ANYTIME --> ZERO strings attached, so we can do a business audit for you and support your next steps to a profitable business!

Click here to book your call anytime! 

With love,

Robyn xo


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If you would like to learn more about The Mothered Business Mastermind, click here.

Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

Click here to book your call anytime!