The Mothered Business

Part 2: Essential Business Systems for When Life Feels Hard

March 29, 2022 Robyn Gooding

This is part two of the series I'm diving into around navigating business when life feels hard. If you haven't yet tuned into part one, be sure to do that so that you feel supported in knowing how to handle the communication, external relationships, online presence and client work aspects of your business when your personal life feels heavy. 

In this episode, I offer tangible systems that are essential to implement in your business ASAP so that even if your personal life feels like it's falling apart, your business doesn't have to. These are what I call "Business Bumpers" because they protect you as CEO and your business when you need to be more present in your personal life. They will become lifelines to you when you can't be "in" your business as much as you normally would be, and they're also very helpful if you're thinking about scaling in the next one to three years. 

  • Why a Legacy Framework is a non negotiable 
  • How to build out SOP's so that you can seamlessly receive support
  • How to approach structures and automations 
  • Things to ask your lawyer to include in your legal contracts with clients
  • How I schedule my calendar to create space for life to life
  • What financial number to keep your eye on so that you never have to worry about finances if your sales or launch seasons get bumped
  • How to still bring in leads and sell offers even if you're out of office

This episode may not sound as sexy as some of the others but I promise you, one day you be grateful you listened to it and took necessary action to protect yourself and your business. If you're currently navigating a heavy season, I see you, and I'm sending you love. There will be a rainbow after your storm. 

With love,

Robyn xo


If you love this episode, I'd appreciate if you could leave a review or share on your socials. I love to see where you listen to this podcast from. 

Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

You can book a 30 min strategy session with me ANYTIME --> ZERO strings attached, so we can do a business audit for you and support your next steps to a profitable business!

Click here to book your call anytime! 

With love,

Robyn xo


If you loved this episode, I'd appreciate if you could leave a review or share on your socials. It truly means the world to me and helps amplify this message for other mothers desiring a supportive business for motherhood.

If you would like to learn more about The Mothered Business Mastermind, click here.

Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

Click here to book your call anytime!