The Mothered Business

Why Money Shouldn't Be Your #1 Goal in Business

Robyn Gooding

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In this episode I dive into a big pit fall many entrepreneurs find themselves trapped in - seeking money at all costs. 

Often times people decide they want to make big money - multiple six or seven figures - and they lead with that when deciding what business model or product suite they want to build out. Here's the thing - unless they have actually looked at other essential parts of building a business that is of service to THEM, they end up creating a prison for themselves. 

Tune in to understand...

  • Why it's not about money itself but what money can do for you
  • How to avoid creating a prison for yourself with the business you build
  • The truths to consider so that you're actually creating an eco system that is of service to others and YOU
  • Why CEO's often make the WRONG choices
  • Questions to reflect on so that you can create an incredibly sustainable, spacious, and streamlined business that feels clear, grounding, inspiring, and meaningful 

If you're feeling called to build a business that is deeply of service to others and you, Club Rise is now open for enrolment and I'm calling in soul-full service providers who want to design their six figure strategy, automate their systems and cultivate a structured container. You can learn more by taking a peek at the sales page here. 

With love,

Robyn xo


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Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

You can book a 30 min strategy session with me ANYTIME --> ZERO strings attached, so we can do a business audit for you and support your next steps to a profitable business!

Click here to book your call anytime! 

With love,

Robyn xo


If you loved this episode, I'd appreciate if you could leave a review or share on your socials. It truly means the world to me and helps amplify this message for other mothers desiring a supportive business for motherhood.

If you would like to learn more about The Mothered Business Mastermind, click here.

Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

Click here to book your call anytime!