The Mothered Business

Coaches: How to Introduce a New Offer to Product Suite

September 14, 2022 Robyn Gooding

If you're a SERVICE BASED entrepreneur - coach, creative, consultant, practitioner etc - ready to introduce a new offer into your product suite but you're not sure about how or when to take the leap, this episode is for you! It's also for you if you think you're going to be ready for adding products to your business in the future, and want to understand how to plan and build for that future.

In this episode I teach you:

  • When it's ideal to add products to your product suite in your business
  • How to not confuse yourself or your people 
  • Identify the price points you want to introduce into your business
  • How to use the concept of a value ladder to make decisions
  • When to launch multiple products and how to do it in a way that again does not confuse your audience

Remember - you're the CEO and you get to play within this playground in whichever way feels aligned for you, including breaking all the rules. 

With love,

Robyn xo


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Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

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You can book a 30 min strategy session with me ANYTIME --> ZERO strings attached, so we can do a business audit for you and support your next steps to a profitable business!

Click here to book your call anytime! 

With love,

Robyn xo


If you loved this episode, I'd appreciate if you could leave a review or share on your socials. It truly means the world to me and helps amplify this message for other mothers desiring a supportive business for motherhood.

If you would like to learn more about The Mothered Business Mastermind, click here.

Please say hi to me on Instagram @robyn.gooding or take a peek at my website for more info

Click here to book your call anytime!