Beyond the Scope

Sylvia Asa, MD, PhD | University Hospitals Cleveland

Digital Pathology Association Season 1 Episode 16

Sylvia Asa is an endocrine pathologist leading University Hospitals in Cleveland, OH into the era of digital pathology. Previously, Dr. Asa was the Head of Pathology at Canada's largest hospital network, where she successfully built a digital pathology workflow. She joins Beyond The Scope to discuss the moment of realizing the power of digitizing a slide to achieving a fully integrated digital pathology workflow in Canada's largest medical network. As a Chair of the upcoming DPA Visions Conference (October 17-19 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas), she previews the program and highlights some of the upcoming talks. Finally, Dr. Asa gives her thoughts on what the field of pathology may look like in 10-20 years.

A forum to engage with the hosts and other listeners has been launched on the DPA website DPA members may login to the DPA Collaborate hub (under the Resources tab) and join the Beyond The Scope community. All listeners are encouraged to use this forum to suggest future topics and guests, submit questions and corrections, and provide general feedback.