Holstein and Company

Packing cubes, jail hotels, eating in Antigua, and pandemic travel with Jennifer Wayland

Steve Holstein Episode 7514

My guest: Jennifer Wayland

You're ready to travel, but where can you travel? The industry was hammered by the pandemic but Urbana's Island Travel Group used the disruption and downtime to create new procedures and improve the planning experience.

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Island Travel Group: https://www.islandtravelgroup.com


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Steve Holstein: You really are a world traveling travel agent because you know, we're talking about Antiga and New Zealand, Australia, but then also the hotel that's made from an old jail over in Indiana.

Jennifer Wayland: Yeah. I try, I, people will say, oh, she's been everywhere. I'm like, oh, I haven't even put a dent in this earth, but I'm trying, I'm working on getting everywhere.

Full transcript available here: http://holstein.co/7514-jennifer-wayland/